The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 50

(Chapter song ‘Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin, ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath, ‘Nothing Ever Ends' by Trent Reznor, ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine' by Guns ‘N Roses)



Her screams were like fucking daggers in my ears. When she disappeared from my sight, I fucking lost it.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I pulled my triggers so fast and the balcony became a tornado of glass and splinters as I riddled the entire thing with bullets.

Through my rage, I watch Nash turn, jump the railing and shift. I throw my guns to the floor, race to the railing, clear it and shift in the air. My wolf explodes out of my clothes and he lands on his paws in the grass.

Nash’s white wolf looks back at me then tries to take off.

Yeah…fuck that.

My wolf runs then jumps with jaws open. He lands on Nash’s back and bites at everything with fucking Satan’s rage. Nash spins and bites back and our growls shake the property.

Fur and dirt fly from our paws as we fight for the upper hand. My wolf tears at him. His head shakes him with red hot fury when his jaws clamp on Nash's wolfs fur.

Nash kicks me off and tries to run, but I grab his rear leg and throw him across the lawn. He recovers quickly and leaps at me. He grabs my scruff and pulls me over his body. I yelp when I feel my skin tear. He lands on me and shakes his head, making it tear more. My wolf rears up then slams him into the ground hard enough to crack a rib. Nash kicks and screams in pain.

On hind legs, we clash. Fiercely biting at each other's heads. Teeth, drool and growls are thrown out viciously. Both of us have murder on the brain. Mine’s amplified when I hear Gavin over the mind link.

‘She's not breathing!’

‘Get the medics here now!’ Bobby orders.

‘She better be breathing, you mother fucker!’ I growl in my head.

I grab his neck and throw him into the dirt. Again, he won't stay down. He rises to his feet and jumps from the spot. His paws drive me into the ground. I feel the sickening crack of a rib and it has me stutter a bit. I try to fight the pain and get to my feet as Nash prowls up behind me, growling and snarling.

Just before he strikes, he's hit by a black and white wolf. My wolf is breathing through the pain as he raises his head.

Just in front of me, the black and white wolf stalks Nash in a circle. The two wolves growl with fur up on end.

‘Don’t worry, Alpha. I got this asshole.'


I try to stand as Evan jumps at Nash. His wolf bites at Nash's head and neck. Nash moves the wrong way and Evan grabs his shoulder. He pulls and tears it. Nash scream out and his white fur turns red with blood.

Evan stalks around him. His wolf is growling, snapping his teeth and licking his lips. His fur stands more as he digs his claws into the dirt.

Nash gets to his feet. I can see he’s hurting and tiring, but the fucker just won’t give up. Evan's wolf snaps and barks at Nash daring him to make a move. His wolf is good.

Nash's wolf digs his claws in and breaks into a run. Evan jumps over him, landing behind him, and clamps his jaw on Nash's rear leg. The white wolf howls in pain. He whips his head around to his rear end, biting at Evan's head.

Evan lets go of his leg and grabs Nash by the tail. He spins him around and throws him across the yard. Nash rolls across the grass, pauses then gets up and shakes.

Evan stands with his head down, growling. Daring Nash to come at him again.

I finally get to my feet as Nash makes a move on Evan. He jumps into the air and my wolf growls and lowers himself. As Evan lowers himself to prepare for impact, I spring from my spot and fly over Evan. I hit Nash like truck and grab his throat in my jaws. I feel his jugular crush in my teeth as I apply deadly pressure.

Nash lets out desperate yelps until I slam a paw on his head. His legs kick wildly and his wolf’s screams turn to garbles as his throat fills with blood. I press down harder as I tear his throat out. Blood spills out from his neck like a grisly fountain. His heart pumps out its last beats.

I spit out Nash's throat and let out a massive howl to signal the Alpha’s dead and the rest of my pack follow suit.

‘Luke!’ Bobby yells through the link.

My wolf looks to Bobby and sees Alexi's body on the pavement.

Her screams instantly enter my mind, causing me to shift as I run to her.


She’s laid out on her back. Blood is pooled under her head and she’s completely beat up. I drop to my knees as the medics arrive.

The medics set up the defibrillator when they don’t find a heart beat.

I lean to her forehead. “Baby? Wake up. Please wake up.” I whine on her skin.

"Clear!" The medic yells. I back off as Alexi's chest arches up. The electric volts enter her heart and the medic checks for a beat.

"Oxygen!" He yells.

Another medic puts a bag on her mouth and starts to pump.

"Alexi!" I yell, putting my forehead on hers and squeezing my eyes shut. "Don't you fucking dare! Don't you dare! You wake up!"

"Clear!" We move as Alexi's body arches with another electrifying jolt to the heart.

"No pulse." The other medic says.

"Alexi! Please!!" I scream out to her.

I cry as I kiss her forehead. "Don't leave me. Please."

"Clear!" The medic hits her again. "Come on." He grinds as he checks her chest.

"Get this off!" I suck back my breath when I see the collar. "She can't heal with this on!"

The medics cut the collar off and continue saving her life.

"Hit her again!" I point to the defibrillator.

He charges it. "Clear!"

I put my lips to her forehead "Come on. Please." I'm shaking, praying and mumbling on her head.

"Clear!" The medic readies the paddles.

"Wait!" The other medic puts up his hand to stop his partner as he listens in his stethoscope. "I've got a pulse."

I squeeze my eyes shut and silent cry, thanking whoever.

"Get a board!" Two other medics come with a board and carefully put her on it. They bring a stretcher and load her on to it.

I hold her hand, walking with her to the medical unit van. "I'll be with you soon, baby. Hang on." I kiss her hand as the medics put the stretcher in the back.

They push me out of the way and close the doors.

“White Rock Memorial is the closest hospital.” The medic informs.

“I’ll be right behind you.” I sniff and whip my nose as I hold my rib.

Jayson walks up with a blanket and Bobby brings me some sweats. "Everyone's pretty beat up, but accounted for.”

“There's a lot of bodies in there." Bobby throws his thumb over his shoulder at the mansion.

I hang my head and nod. "Let's clean this up. Call the unit."


After a lengthy debrief with the Unit a few days later, I walk into White Rock Memorial to see Alexi. She's hooked to machines still breathing for her and keeping track of her heart beat.

I had to suck in a breath because I thought she'd be healed by now. She's not healing the way she should be.

I run my fingers through my hair and pull up a chair next to her. Taking her lifeless hand in mine.

"Hey, baby. It's me. I came to see your gorgeous green eyes. Can you wake up for me?" I watch her as I move her hand in mine waiting for her to squeeze it.

"So… um... Nash is dead." I give her a quick little half smile. "I ripped his throat out. We arrested over 20 Dragons and Lycans. We did good, baby. We did good. Now, I just need to see your smile." I place my elbows on the edge of the bed still holding her hand and hanging my head.

"Luke." I sit up and turn to the doorway of the room. Lucy is leaning on the frame.

I get off the chair, walk over to her and pull her to me. She holds the back of my head while I bury it in her neck.

Lucy comforts me as she relays what the doctor said. "He says she's healing, but her wolf was suppressed for so long it could take a while. He can only make her comfortable right now."

I lift my head off her shoulder and scrub a hand down my face. "Then we take her home. She'll be comfortable there."

Lucy rubs my cheek. "Okay." She looks at me with care in her eyes. "She'll be ok."

"I hope so." I bury my head in her neck again.



I walk around in a dense fog. My bare footsteps echo around me as I spin in circles and inspect where I am.

“HELLO?!” My voice sounds like it's here, but also a million miles away.

The air around me is freezing and I feel like I’m not alone in the dark.


I yelp and spin around when my call out was answered. A chill runs through me as I stare at a spot in the fog.

“Who's there?” I say cautiously.

The fog around me lifts and I watch it all disappear. I’m now left in a black void. I lower my eyes to in front of me and I hear tapping.

The tapping of claws on a hard floor walking at a steady pace.

My lips shrink and I step back. My steps echo in the darkness as I do.

I stop and concentrate on the black. The tapping sounds like it’s close but far. Then my heart jumps in my throat. I raise my chin and back up as a large black paw comes out of the black.

I eye it with fear and start to whimper as a second one comes out.

I shake my head no as a black wolf head with red eyes and white cross on his forehead comes out and locks eyes with me. He licks his lips as his thick, massive body walks out of the void.

My lips tighten as he walks a few more steps, stops and raises his head.

I’ve seen this wolf before.

‘Who are you?’ I grit.

He curls his lips and bares his teeth. The black becomes clouded again and I look around in confusion.

The wolf disappears in the dense, billowing white. The wind picks up and the clouds start to swirl. My hair is blown around and I have to shield my face from the growing intensity.

As it dies down, I lower my arm. The clouds slowly spin and I watch the spot where the wolf was closely. I’m almost mesmerized as I watch a shadow walk to me behind the white.

I furrow my brow as a naked man steps out of fog, making it twirl around his body as it does. He has the same look as the wolf. His brown hair hangs in his eyes and his brown eyes meet mine. He’s clean shaven, looks young, and I don’t know exactly who he is. He does look familiar.

He glares at me with a look of disappointment and hatred. ‘You failed.’

I tilt my head. ‘Who are you?’

‘You failed, Alexi.' He repeats.

‘Tell me who you are!’ I demand.

‘I'm the one he should of trusted. I wouldn’t have failed him like you did.’

‘I know the truth!!’ I yell.

He shakes his head and looks at me with disgust. ‘You’re weak! Pathetic! You have no right to bear his name!’

‘Who are you?! You have no right to speak to me this way!’ I clench.

‘I have more right than you know.’ He chews his cheek as he steps closer. ‘You’re not the savior.’ His eyes bore into my soul. ‘You’re a useless waste of time.’ He growls. He looks me over and raises his chin to me. “No matter… When I’m done and I have all the power…’

He gets in my face and his eyes turn pure evil.

‘I am wiping you from existence just like he did me.’ He grinds with pure venom.

My eyes widen and I let out a scream as his wolf’s jaws open in front of my eyes and his growls deafen me.

My arms flail and I fall into the void.



Since there was nothing we could do but wait, I needed my baby with me. I had her transported from White Rock to home and even though she’s still in a coma, I’m so glad she’s here and safe. Even though she can’t feel me, I’m going to show this woman so much damn love.

Our hospital provided all the equipment necessary for her to be monitored and the doctors are checking her three times a day while I won't leave her side for a second. I have all my work and food brought to her room and I have a cot set up for sleeping. When she wakes up, I want to be here.

I lay on the bed beside her with a card Joshua made "I'm supposed to give you this." I show her the picture of her and Joshua holding hands. “It says ‘Get better.’ He even got your eyes. See?” I face the card to her with a little chuckle. I put it on her bedside table then lay down and cuddle with her. “He misses you. I miss you, too. When you get better, we'll all hang out, play some basketball.”

I stroke her cheek as she sleeps rhythmically and soundly. She’s breathing on her own now. She’s so beautiful I can’t stand it.

I can’t believe she’s mine.

Yeah…I said it. Alexi's mine.

I gaze at her sleeping face. "The docs say you're healing a little faster now. Half your back is repaired. Your severed spinal cord will take longer."

There was a soft knock and I roll over to see the door. Bobby peeks in and I wave at him. He walks in and I lay on my back.

"How is she?” He motions to her then pulls up a seat.

"Better. The docs think she could wake up any day. What's up?" I give a little smile.

"Um... I know this isn't the right time, but Bastian's here." He thumbs to the door.

I roll my eyes. “Fuck.” I turn back to Alexi, kissing her hand. "I'll be right back. I love you." I whisper.

I leave with Bobby, closing the door behind us. We walk down the stairs to the common room. I felt his ego before I saw him. He’s standing in the room with his hands in his pockets and inspecting the room as we walk in.

"Bastian? What brings you out of that overcompensation you call a pack house?" I snide with a grin.

He grins, lowers his head and shakes it. He raises his eyes to me. “I came to see how Alexi is doing.” He states.

“She’s fine.” I grit.

He crosses his arms. “I take it she can't testify, yet?"

"Unless you want to question a fucking coma patient…No. She can't." I tick my jaw at his stupidity.

"Any idea when she'll wake up?" He raises a brow and has this tone that says ‘Please, punch the shit out of me.’

"Jesus, Bastian." Lucy joins us from the dining hall. "Do you always have to be an insensitive prick?" I lower my head as I start to chuckle. My sister’s mouth is priceless sometimes.

His brows cinch together and he flicks his eyes between me and Lucy. "Listen. I have 50 Dragons in my prison and I need to try them. We can't do that without Alexi's testimony."

"She'll wake up when she wakes up. Why not get them to turn on each other?" I grumble as I cross my arms and kick out a leg.

"Because Alexi is more trustworthy than they are. Her testimony carries a lot of weight. We need her." He stands with this holier than thou attitude.

I press my lips together and nod. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and turn him to the door to the common room. “I can really see how this is a problem for you.” I look up into his eyes.

“It is incredibly important.” He mutters.

"I can see that.” I walk him through the front door. “I can also see where you’re going to take several seats.”

I open the door and he tilts his head. “What?”

I smile then shove his ass out my door. He stumbles on the porch then catches himself. He glares at me as I grin. "When she wakes up, you'll be the first I call... Maybe. Bye." I sing with a tiny wave.


I slam the door in his face and turn to Lucy. "If he doesn't leave in five minutes… Shoot him."

She smiles and gives me a salute. “Yes, Alpha.”

I take the stairs two at a time to Alexi's room.


It was pretty restless sleep for me. I kept dreaming of Dragons attacking the trial and Alexi dying because of it. I woke up several times and had to check to see if she was OK.

This time though, it wasn’t the dreams that woke me up.

I practically jump out of my skin as I'm woken by blaring alarms of all the monitors in the room. I sit up on the cot and Alexi is screaming and thrashing on the bed like she’s being attacked.

I go into a controlled panic and run to her bed.

“ALEXI!" I yell over her screams and try to grab her arms.

I lean on her to hold her knees down as her eyes look wildly around the room like she doesn't know where she is.

"ALEXI!! IT'S ME!" I pin her arms to the bed and try to get her open eyes to see me.

Her breathing is erratic. The machines are blaring and her legs are kicking at the bed.

I manage to grab her head and hold it steady enough to lock with her eyes. "Alexi! Baby, it's me!"

She's whining, breathing shallow, still looking terrified, but her limbs start to slowly stop flailing.

My eyes never leave hers as I speak as calmly as I can. "That's it. Baby, breathe. You're safe." Her breathing starts to normalize as I talk her down.

"Luke?" She's still looking around like she can't see me.

"Yeah. Hey, baby. " I grin and push the hair from her face. I want to freak out right now, but I need to settle her first.

"Wha… Where?" She's completely confused.

"You're home. You're safe. I'm here. Everyone's here waiting for you." I smile as my eyes start stinging.

"What happened?" She whispers hoarsely.

"You fell, baby. We've been worried sick." My brows come together as I rub her arms and cheeks and try to keep us both calm.

"Fell? What?" She's still very disoriented. I think she remembers falling, but not the impact. It's like she's caught in the fall.

"Shh...” I look deeper into her eyes. “I'll tell you all about it later. How do you feel?" I run my hand down her cheek.

"Scared." She chokes.

"Ok, but do you hurt anywhere." I whisper.

"Um... I don't think so." She studies my eyes looking for answers.

"Good. Ok. I'm just going to go call the doctor alright." I stand up and turn to get my phone.

"No! Please! Don't leave me." She starts to whine, and reaches out for my arm.

"I'm not leaving, baby. I'm just getting my phone. I'm right here." I reassure.

"Please. I'm so scared." She whines again. She really seems to be trapped in some phase between dream and reality.

"OK. Ok, baby.” I turn off all the monitors and climb onto the bed beside her.

I pull her into my chest and she hugs it tight, burying her face in her arms as I wrap mine around her and hold her head. She’s shaking like a damn leaf and pisses me off so much, I wish I could bring Nash back and kill the dick again.

I hear her quietly start to cry and I cuddle her more. “Shh…Baby, don’t be scared. I love you so much. You're home now.” I mumble on her hair. She hugs me tighter and I try and pour all my safety and love into her.

I’ve wanted to do this since I found her. Now that I can, it’s all I’ll ever do for the rest of my life.

Hold her. Tell her she’s safe. Tell her I love her…

And tell her she's mine.

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