The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 49

(Chapter song ‘What I’ve Done' by Linkin Park)


For days, I fought. I’ve tried to escape him, but I'm getting weaker. His advances are becoming persistent and I’m starting to think this is punishment for what I allowed myself to become. I was foolish to think I could walk away from the life I was born into.

Now, I either submit or die, but I won’t make it easy for Nash.

He glares into my eyes as the blood from his lip runs down my chin. He wipes his mouth and shakes my head by the fistful of hair he has. "You'll give me what I want, Alexi." He spits.

"Never! You vile thing!” I spit his blood in his face. He responds with a swift smack across the face, which sends me to the floor.

He tried to kiss me and I almost tore his lip off. Now, I’m being punished for it.

I try to hold back my tears and as my face throbs. I try to pick myself up, but I’m so weak in soul and body.

He leans down to me. “You'll obey me, Alexi. You’ll do as I say or I will make you suffer unimaginable torture until you comply.”

I haven’t giving up all hope on Luke. I will attempt to fight back, but my healing is taking a toll. Nash is careful not to do serious damage, but I'm starting to collect the bruises on my face and body from his abuse.

I get basic medicine and minimal nutrition until I do what Nash wants. I can’t handle much more.


I think it's been a week now. Nash is having food brought up, but I’m now too weak to eat. I'm losing hope.

The choker is weakening my spirit. I feel the silver meld with my blood and all I want to do is sleep.

I lay in the middle of the bed on my stomach, chewing on my fingernail, crying. Crying for Luke to save me like he promised. I fear he's not coming.

My days of normalcy are over.

My life as a Dragon must begin again for me to survive. If I ever want to see Luke again, I must embrace my father's ideals. I must embrace Nash. It's the only way I'll gain my freedom.

I just hope Luke will forgive me for what I’ve done and what have to do.

I close my eyes and feel my heart break when I hear the door open. I choke back tears as I listen to footsteps approach my bed.

"My princess. Please don't cry." Nash sits on the bed and rubs my back.

"I have nothing." I sob quietly.

"You have an entire kingdom. They're just waiting for you to come around. You accomplish this and you'll see. You'll see just how much you have." He moves my hair to see my face.

"I can't." I whisper.

"Yes, you can. You just need to denounce the Alliance and pledge your allegiances to me. That all, Alexi. Devote yourself to me as your mate and I'll give you the world. Be the Luna I demand and you'll be the Queen that I will worship." He strokes my cheek. “Please. You don’t know what it’s like to have to hurt you. But you must be disciplined for your actions. Understand, I do this out of my love for you. There is no hatred here.”

I sit up, wipe my face and sit proper. I face the room and accept my fate.

I don't want to give in, but I see no other choice. Luke was a fantasy I've said I couldn't afford. If not Nash, other Dragons will come to try to rebuild the pack with my blood.

I will, forever, endanger everyone around me. It's better this way. Luke can find a more stable home. I'm in my proper place in this realm of evil. I was a fool to think I deserved more.

"Alright, Nash. You win." I whisper with my chin held strong as I shake with weakness and fear.

He sighs with a smile. "I knew you'd come around sooner or later." He puts his hand on my knee. "You'll give yourself to me tonight then?"

As disgusted as I was myself, I nod, "Yes." I hitch.

"All of you? Willingly?" He confirms.

"Yes, Nash. I give myself to you as your chosen mate." I swallow and lower my head in shame.

"Seal it with a kiss, my love." He smiles, lifting my chin.

He leans close and places his lips on mine. I part my lips and his tongue finds mine. He embraces me and deepens the kiss. I'm breathless when he pulls back.

"My love. Tonight, will be special." He cups my cheek and leans to me. “Even more special than when I first took your precious flower. I promise.” He kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

Once the door is locked, I sob. I cry for my heart that's smashing into a million pieces. I cry for Luke's broken heart because he'll never find me. I cry that if he does find me, I'll be too broken to fix and will have to say goodbye.

No matter what happens, I fear it's the end of my love for Luke.


After professing my acceptance to Nash, I was waited on hand and foot.

She-wolves doted on me to get me ready for the 'big night' they say, giggling like school girls. I try not to look disgusted as they touch me.

As they brush my hair and tell me how much the Alpha will love me, I mentally prepare myself for what will be the most disgusting night of my life.

True, I used to seek comfort in Nash before. But Luke ruined me for all men. I'll never feel arms like his again. I'll never soften to their touch the same way. I'll never quiver at the feel of their lips. I'll never feel honor and devotion like Luke had shown me.

Nash is sickening and void. I’ll never wash his sludge of me.

My body will always cry for Luke's warmth. The electric wave of emotion that courses through my veins at his kiss. I'll never again see lights dance before my eyes as his power and strength consumes my core.

If he should see me again, I'll be ashamed. Ashamed I allowed myself to be defiled in this way. The disappointment Luke will feel when he sees how weak I truly am will kill me.

He will always be in my mind as my body is taken. He will be my anchor. That's what I'll tell myself.

I'm dressed in a flowing tan toga. The ladies turn down the bed and tell me to wait for the Alpha.

Like I'm going anywhere.

I hear Luke's words in my head as I face my punishment for weakness.

'You fight back.'

I don't have any fight left.

'You fight, Alexi.'

I can't. I can't fight, anymore. I can no longer fight my past. A tear slips down my cheek as I sit regally on the bed, staring at the door. My cheeks are heated, my heart is thumping in my chest. Any moment now, he'll come in and take me.

It's torture.

Another tear falls as the knob of the door turns and it opens. Nash slowly enters the room. He's shirtless and wearing flowing black pants. He’s hiding something behind his back as he smiles when he catches my eye.

I quickly wipe the tears and try to smile back.

"Princess. You look delicious." He drawls. His eyes are hungry and I feel his wolf surface.

"Hello, Alpha." I whisper.

He saunters over to the bed and sits on it. "For you." He pulls out a yellow rose.

I take it and smell it. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful Queen." He runs his hand up my dress, exposing my calf and thigh. "Are you ready to fulfill your destiny and commitment to me?'

He moves close and starts to kiss my neck. He moans and quietly purrs. "You smell good, princess."

I close my eyes and try to be anywhere else but here. I press my lips together and squeak as his hand cups my breast. Fear fills me until i hear something. I open my eyes and look to the balcony as Nash continues kiss my skin.

I hear it. It’s growing.

"What's that?" I gently push Nash back.

"What's what?" He furrows his brow.

"That noise. What is that?" I step off the bed walk toward the balcony doors.

"I don't hear anything. Come here." He grabs my arm and tries to pull me back.

"No. Nash.” I push his hand off me. “Look.” I point out to the balcony as the bodyguards start looking over the railing.

I open the doors and the sound that fills my room fills my heart with excitement.

I don’t believe it. I can’t. I place my fingers in front of my nose as I begin to cry.

“What the hell?” Nash gets up and stands behind me.

I spin around with tear soaked cheeks and look him square in the eyes. “You'll never have me.” I choke.

Nash scowls at me then pulls me to the side as he looks out the doors. "Enter Sandman. Can he be anymore cliché." He turns to me, disgusted.

As soon as he does, we hear the gunfire. I get right up in his face and snarl a smile. "My Alpha is here, Nash. And from the sounds of it. He's pissed."

He growls and pushes me out of the way.

"Get to the door!" He yells to the guards.

"Come here." He grabs my arm and pulls me to the balcony.

“NO! LET ME GO!!” I fight him and try to pull him off. He struggles to contain my new found strength as I try to punch and push him away. I shove him hard and he almost goes over the railing.

I turn to run inside, but he grabs my hair and calls his claws. He digs them into my neck and I scream out. “Another trick like that and I’ll rip your fucking throat out.” He growls in my ear.

He walks us to one of the guards, takes his gun and walks back to the balcony.

I stare at the door as the house shakes with all out warfare. My lip trembles as I hear the screams and bullets. I feel the house being torn apart in my feet. Each agonizing minute is torture not knowing if Luke is coming or he’s been killed.

I hear Nash’s gun cock and feel the cold steel hit my jaw. I bite my lip as I lock my eyes on the door handle.

Please. Please open.

The gunfire and screams get closer and sound like they’re in the hall. The guards stand nervously. One draws his weapon and trains it on the door. They glance at each other as the first hit strikes on the door.

They back up when the second and third come.

I smile and start to cry when the scent of leather hits my nose. My heart races and I pull against Nash’s grip.

“LUKE!!” I cry out.

“Enough!” He pulls my hair and I wince at the pain. He puts his lips to my ear. "He can't break the door. The wood Ash won't allow him to...”

At that point, I make one last attempt. I pull my arm forward and drive my elbow into his gut. He falls back, hits the railing and his gun falls out of his hand to the ground below.

He reaches out and grabs my throat. “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!” He furiously yells.

Just as he says that, bullets fly through the door, hitting the guards and they fall to the floor. The door is splintered around the handle and it falls to the floor.

Nash pulls us further onto the balcony, ducking us down. He stands and holds me to his chest with his claws in my throat.

The doors are kicked open and I sob harder.

Luke stands in the doorway with his eyes lowered to me. His face twisted in crazy anger and his shoulders heave as he clenches his teeth. He's covered in blood and sweat and looks insane in his leather jacket, black t-shirt and jeans.

He stares Nash down as he steps into the room with his guns hanging at his thighs. His lip curls and he growls deep enough I can feel it in my chest.

“LUKE!” I wail.

Nash grabs my neck tighter, calls his wolf’s strength and lifts me off my feet. With one arm, he tosses my legs over the railing. I scream as I desperately hold Nash's arm. My legs kick and my eyes widen with panic.

“Help! Please!!” I beg as my legs try to touch the balcony. Terror fills me as my eye flicks to the concrete patio below me.

Luke’s arms shoot forward and he aims his weapons at Nash. He stalks forward, looking down the barrels to Nash’s eyes.

“Not another step, Alpha.” Nash shakes me and I scream again.

“She dies. You die." Luke growls. He continues to step slowly across the floor.

I'm kicking and choking as Nash's grip tightens. I feel the blood from his claws trickle down my neck.

Nash smirks. “Dear Alpha. I’ll have let go and shifted before you fire a shot. Drop the guns.”

"No deal, asswipe. I'm a damn good shot. Don't test me.” Luke clenches. “Pull her back in, now.” He steps closer as his fingers adjust on the gun handles.

I whimper and try to remain calm.

“Sorry, Alpha. If I can’t have her. Neither can you.” He steps closer to the railing, dangling me out further. I choke out a scream and hold Nash's arm harder. “DROP…THE GUNS!”

"I know you won't do it, Nash. Alexi’s too important. The Dragons will crucify you. BRING HER IN!!!” He roars as he takes giant steps to the balcony doors.

Nash shakes his head. “You really don’t know Dragons too well, do you?”

My eyes shoot open as he opens his hand and I feel it. I let out a blood curdling scream, claw at Nash’s arm, miss it completely and fall four stories to the patio below.

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