The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 48

(Chapter song ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica)


I run down the hall, hit the stairs, get about half way down and jump the railing. I land on the first floor and rush out to the door. Bobby meets me and matches my speed as everyone runs around, throwing shit in trucks and starting engines.

“What do we got?” I breathe as I stop at my bike and pull out my guns. I check my clips and count the extras I have.

“There’s about fifty that they could see. The city is still deserted. It looks like they’re just setting up shop. The only significant movement is at the mansion.” Bobby says as he checks his own weapons.

I look over the driveway. Jayson is barking instructions as recruits pile into vans and trucks.

Gavin and Evan are throwing supplies in the trunks and Terry is giving orders to the security team.

“It’s a lot of heads.” I grin.

“They couldn’t get a clear head count. Better safe than sorry.” He glances at everyone.

“True. Ok. Let’s do this.” I slap his arm and throw my leg over the seat. I turn to the driveway. “FOLLOW ME OUT! KEEP UP AND KILL ANYTHING THAT GETS IN YOUR WAY!”


Doors slam and engines start as I pull the throttle and push off. I hit the gas and peel out with everyone leaving behind me.

It’s been three days since we sent the scouts out and they just got back. As soon as I got the word, we mobilized. Now, I’m headed down the highway of hell to fight the demon and he better be ready because my hell is nothing compared to his.

‘What's the game plan, Luke?’ Bobby sends out an open link to me and anyone who’s connected to me.

‘We go in and rip them apart.’ I respond.

‘We need something better than that.’ Jayson links.

‘We need a strategy.’ Terry jumps in.

‘We attack through the front fucking door. That’s the strategy.’ I snarl.

My bike roars through town and my pack members watch me from the sidewalks. It must look scary as hell to see me leading a parade of trucks and vans through the downtown core. Maybe it'll be a good sight to see. I don’t take shit and this is what happens when someone messes with me.

We turn off and head for the highway.

‘OK. We'll divide the Units. Attack from all sides.’ Jayson offers.

‘Fine. Do that. I just know what I’m doing.’ I agree.

‘Don’t get yourself killed, Luke.’ Bobby warns.

‘I won't.’ I say low.

We hit the 5 lane highway out of the state and I pull the throttle. The traffic is clear and my Harley is the one roaring out the battle cry.

With me in the center lane, the trucks spread out behind me as we ride into war. My face is covered in revenge and my hands are itching to spill blood. My wolf is salivating as the wind rushes past me.

I’m getting Alexi back and delivering Nash’s head to the Unit on a silver platter. I’ll shut down that damn city and make sure no Dragon will step foot in it again. This shit ends tonight.

My bike roars louder as if it’s making my anger known to whoever hears it. I give it more gas and speed up. I'm going faster then I should be, but I can’t get there fast enough.

My hands grip the life out of the handle bars. “Hang on baby. I’m coming.”


We hit the turn off and make our way across the state to the town that should be just a ghost, but for some reason, the Dragons just won’t stay dead.

I lower my eyes and my chest vibrates almost more than my bike as I crest a hill and Deruse comes into view. I see the mansion in the center of town and fantasize about driving my fist into Nash's punk bitch face.

A few more minutes and we hit the town limits. I try to stay focused as the damage starts to appear on either side of the roads. I wasn’t there for this raid. I was on leave. But when I heard about it, I won’t lie and say I didn’t feel sorry for them. The problem was my hatred for Draco was stronger.

Seeing this in person really makes me feel what Alexi feels. You don’t know how to feel. You look around this place and think, who’s the bad guy here?

My tires crunch pieces of houses, things, debris and whatever else is sprawled all over the road. We have to drop speed to navigate around potholes and deep cracks. Nothing here is salvageable except the mansion.

We turn down neighborhood streets and the destruction only gets worse the closer we get to the center.

I dip my bike around piles of rubble and gutted cars. Some are flipped over and sitting on lawns from being blown up.

‘My God.’ Terry links.

‘What happened?’ Bobby whispers.

‘You know those war movies where the invading army enters the town and women and children are screaming and crying…’ Jayson jumps in.

‘Yeah.’ I answer as my eyes glue to a kid’s twisted bike on the side of the road. Soon, a shredded baby doll. My fingers tighten around my handles and I look away.

‘This was a thousand times worse. I think I actually puked just from guilt after this.’ Jayson chokes.

‘Did a bomb go off?’ Terry asks.

‘Several.’ I reply. ‘Ok. Where am I going?’

‘Head up to the first street and hang a right. On Lake Street, make a left.’ Jayson navigates.

My eyes flick left and right. Everything was just left, but it’s clear that they're here. ‘The streets have been cleared. I can't believe there were pups here when this happened.’

‘Jesus.’ Bobby grinds.

‘Bobby, when I get to the council, I think I need to have a long conversation with the Alliance.’

They left everything behind to protect their families. We came down on them hard. I know something had to be done, but was this really the answer?

I turn down another block and drive straight.

‘Ok. A few more blocks and hang a left. That’s the main road to the pack house.’ Jayson supplies.

‘Prepare the Units.’ I order.

‘2,3, and 6. Split off.’ Jayson barks.

Two vans and a truck turn down another road that will take them to the back of the mansion. I slow down and stop. My boots hit the pavement and I twist in my seat. I raise my hand to block the headlights. In the front truck, I see Gavin and Bobby.

‘Are we ready?’

‘We need a distraction while the units get in place.’ Bobby suggests.

I drop my hand to the Bluetooth speaker that’s strapped to the back of my bike because I’m that much of a smart-ass. I click it on and throw them a smirk.

‘I am the distraction.’

I sit forward, pull out my phone and open my playlist. I scroll through and find the song that I have always fantasized as being my entrance song for shit like this. My dreams all coming true now.

I hit play and crank the volume. The familiar opening riff for ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica rings through the streets. I’m making my presence known.

I raise a boot and rev the throttle obnoxiously before pushing off and roll toward the front of the mansion.

I turn and bend around last remaining debris piles and ride past the last few blocks with the guys behind me.

The look on my face is snark with deliverer of death behind it as I ride in front and turn down the main road.

Metallica powers up as I rev a few more times and see the driveway. The house is much larger than I thought. It’s all lit up like there’s a party going on. Good. I’m bringing the music.

My thick bike tire hits the edge of the driveway and rides up the small hill onto the property where there’s shit ton of cars. I’m glad somebody’s home. I need to have a little talk.

I circle the driveway slowly as Gavin, Jayson, and two other vans filled with recruits stop and park in the center of it. As I pass the front door, I pull my throttle then spin around again. After the third time, a couple of white haired guards step out. I smile at them, nod, then circle again. I want a bigger audience than that.

Soon, a wall of muscle steps out. Now, I’m satisfied. I roll my bike to the front doorstep and stop. I turn off my bike and pause. I dramatically huff and dismount my bike.

Yes, I kept the music going.

I look to the ground as I lean my but on my seat, cross my feet and rest my hands on either side of my hips. I slightly nod as I raise my head to the guards, who are looking extremely bothered by my steel balls.

I look around then back at them. “Hi. Nice house.” I scan the house then drop my eyes to the guy in front. “I was wondering if you guys could help me.”

One guy steps forward. “Buddy, this is private property. Move it out.” He thumbs to the road.

“See…” I push off my bike and stand. I stuff my hands in my back pockets and kick out a boot. “I really can’t just leave.” I furrow my brow and blink at them.

“You can or we'll make you.” He growls.

I nod. “Yeah, no. The problem is you have something of mine and I really want it back.” I scrunch my nose at them. “And… if I don’t get it back… well…” I take my hands out of my pockets and slip them under my jacket.

I see the hamsters come to life and start running as he looks to his buddy beside him and both their brows go up.

They draw their guns, but I’m quicker. I pull two guns from the hem of my jeans and fire. They both take bullets to the chest and fall backwards as the rest pull their weapons.

I dive for some bushes at the side of the stairs and hide behind the railing. I rise up and fire off two more shots and hit another guard.

The side doors to the vans slide open and the recruits poor with Deacon and Kale leading the charge. Jayson, Terry, Gavin and Bobby are already out and firing on the house.

The recruits rush the porch railing and try to grab the guards. Some succeed and pull a couple of men over the railing and then swallow them in a circle of fists.

Kale runs at me, plants a foot on my back and jumps over the railing, kicking a guy in the chest on the porch. He grabs his collar and punches him out.

“Kale!” I throw a gun up to him and he catches it. He fires at the guards on the other side of the porch. Their bodies hit the ground and the recruits gather with Jayson.

“Clip!” Kale yells. I throw one up to him as I reload, too.

We must of opened a big ass can of worms because all of a sudden Dragons came running from around the house and through other doors. The recruits broke out in gunfire and hand to hand combat as Jayson grabs a handful and rushes the porch along with my guys.

They shoot up the steps then bust through the front door. I stand and step out into the driveway as I fire on Dragons coming from the side of the house. Their bodies roll across the pavement and the other Units from behind the house show up.

The front windows of the mansion flash with constant gunfire as the guys clear the rooms. I jump the stairs, run through the front door and skid to a stop.

“LUKE!” I turn and Kale throws my gun back to me. I catch it and he steals a guards gun. We both fire on the Dragons coming down hallways and from rooms.

As Bobby and Terry clean house downstairs, I run up the interior stairs.

I only get a few steps up before a fucking but load of Lycans come barreling down toward me.

I shove my guns in my jeans and throw fists. I get a few good shots in before I’m kicked in the head. I bounce off the wall and fall down the stairs.

I land on my back and shake my head. “Fucker!”

I get to my feet, pull my guns and start firing. I shoot a few, crack a few and throw them down behind me as I climb. They roll like boulders down the stairs. I throw fists and bullets as I fight my way to the second floor.

Recruits and the guys are climbing up the other set of stairs. It’s fucking raining goons in the front lobby as they're tossed over the railings and the mansion is rocking in screams, growls and gunfire.

When I get to the landing, just before the next set of stairs to the second floor, a fucking moron jumps down the stairs and hits me. We slam into the wall behind me, cracking it. I grab his jacket, spin around to put his back to the lower stairs and push his ass off the top step. He flies down the stairs into the guys trying to climb up.

I run to the upper stairs, punch another guy in the face and push him past me. Ahead of me is a fucking avalanche of Lycan goons. My arms are burning and I've taken so many side and gut shots, I’m numb to it. My rage is fueling me and I’m steamrolling everyone.

It’s raining bodies behind me as I reach the top and pull my guns. I have no idea where Alexi is, so I figure if we take out everyone, I'll eventually find her.

I run along the wall of the second floor and go to turn down the hall, but I'm met with a hail of bullets. I duck back and slam against the wall as they ricochet off the drywall and whizz past my head.

“Shit.” I blow out a breath after realizing how close I was to getting shot.

I hold my guns up to my shoulders and see a Lycan running toward me from the other side of the upper balcony. I raise an arm and fire.

He takes the bullet to the shoulder, is pushed back around and hits the railing. The momentum carries him over and he falls to the first floor.

I say a silent prayer and flip around the corner of the second floor hall. I raise both arms and fire down the hall, bringing my own rain of bullets. The two guys who shot at me go down and I drop the two empty clips. I pull out two more from my back pockets and slam them in.

Terry and the other Alphas clear the rest of the balcony behind me and come around the corner.

I look ahead and more goons come running toward us.

“Get to the third floor!” I yell to my guys as I aim and fire on the goons. The lycans dive for cover and the Alphas run down the hall.

More lycans show up and everyone dives into open doors to take cover. The hall looks like the forth of July as gunfire is exchanged. Bullet holes decorate the walls and I only add to it.

With a curl to my lip, I fire my guns as I stomp down the hall. The guys duck my cover and climb up the stairs. Any Lycans they threw down were met with a bullet to the brain. When the last guy fell, I look for Alexi.

As I drop bodies, I’m checking rooms. Door after door is pulling nothing and I’m starting to wonder of she’s even here.

I run for the third floor stairs and the Alphas are in fist fights and fire fights with a thick wave of Dragons and Lycans in front of them.

I climb over everyone and drop fists into heads. I throw one guy to Bobby, turn and get punched in the jaw by a Lycan douche.

“Bastard!” I punch him back and he stumbles back. Terry grabs him, shoots him in the back and throws his ass down the stairs.

When I get to the top, one guy roars and runs at me. I don’t move, but raise my gun to his forehead and pull the trigger. I shoot him point blank and he falls backward as his brains splatter out the back of his head. Another tries to take my gun. I elbow him in the head, plant a foot on his chest and kick his ass into five other guys running my way.

“LET'S GO!” I roar at them as they scramble to their feet and square up. I stand in the middle of the hall and put my guns away. I ball my fists and eye them.

They growl loud and all run at me at once. I prepare for them and once close, I move. I kick one through a door, his body breaks it off its hinges and sprawls out on the floor. I run and jump, hang from the top of the door frame and wrap my legs around another guy’s neck. I twist my sexy thighs and snap it.

I watch him fall then get tackled to the floor by a Lycan who grabs my waist and pulls me off the doorframe.

I grab his head and slam mine into it. He rolls off me and I roll to my knees. I pull a gun, put it to his head and pull the trigger before he can get up.


I twist around and watch the fifth guy bolt down the hallway.

I stand and hold my arms out. “Why you runnin’?!”

I chase after him and he gets taken out by a shot that came from another lycan that was meant for Terry. I aim and fire and blow out his temple.

“Thanks.” Terry breathes.

“Don’t thank me yet.” Lycans come around the corner and he dives for cover as they shoot at us. We fire back and the Lycans hit the floor.

Downstairs erupts in more gunfire, yelling and screaming as the rest of the units flood the house and head our way.

“Come on!” Terry waves and we take off down the hall.

We get to the fourth floor stair case. Jayson's having a problem keeping up. He’s throwing punches, but is getting more than he’s giving back. You can’t see the stairs through bodies of goons and Alphas.

I shove my way through and Jayson’s punched so hard, he falls back into me. I catch him under his arms. He’s bleeding from his lip and nose.

“Funny feeling she’s on this floor.” He shakes his head to refocus his eyes.

“Perfect.” I menacingly grin and toss him behind me to Terry. I pull out my guns and start firing up the stairs.

The guys start dropping like flies and I’m changing clips at lightning speed. I throw some upper cuts to save bullets at the top of the stairs and kick guys over into other ones as they try to pile on me.

She’s definitely up here. The goons are thick.

I shoot and punch my way up the stairs. It’s like for every step I climb, I’m shoved down three. Fists and boots are everywhere and I’m killing everything in front of me. I grab heads and shove them into the walls. I toss bodies and climb over backs. I feel like I’m fucking swimming in bodyguards and fighting a current that’s keeping me from Alexi.

When I reach the top, I’m punched in the face by a guy who has at least three inches on me. I punch at him, but he blocks it.

I throw a fist and connect. He takes it, then turns back to me even more pissed. I cinch my brow and throw a right. Again, he takes it on the jaw, but doesn’t move.

“Fine. You get an Alexi then.” I smirk.

He tilts his head in confusion as I grab his shoulders and knee him in the junk. He falls with a thud to the ground, crying in pain with his hands between his legs. I jump on his back, leap off him and pull a gun. I fire off more shots as I do.

I land and run up the hall, hurdling the bodies I just dropped. I round the corner at the end of the hall and have to duck as a fist is thrown at my head. I stand straight, grab the guys shirt and slam my forehead into his nose. He screams out and I slam a fist into the side of his head. He drops and I look down the hall.

My nose fills with cherry blossoms and smile.

‘She’s here!’ I link.

‘Go get her! We got this!’ Bobby grinds.

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