The Falcon Ridge Series Book 3 If Looks Could Kill

Chapter 52

(Chapter song ‘It's My Life’ by No Doubt)


Court was as I expected. Complete chaos.

Everyone was here to take pictures of me turn on my pack. If you looked at it one way, it’s a good thing. Another way, it’s the dirtiest act on the planet for a shifter. Loyalty is supposed to be to the death. Especially, coming from the Alpha. But here I am. Their supposed Alpha burying them all. I don’t know how my heart is taking this.

Luke squeezes my hand as we climb the steps to the council building in Falcon Ridge. They have a trial room in there full of people and the Dragons I’m testifying against.

It's being dubbed ‘The trial of the century' by most major news outlets and my face is everywhere. So is my shame and guilt. They aren’t sparing me either. My exploits against Anna are being judged in the court of public opinion and it’s not good.

I’m sure Luke is feeling everything I am as I side eye the reporters yelling questions at me and snapping pictures as the guards hold them back along the edge of the steps.

Once inside, the air is a bit calmer, but the tension is still thick.

Bastian met us in the hall as we walk toward the courtroom. He has an arm full of files and I see the large, official door open and people in suits walk in.

He joins us and side eyes me. "Now, they're not all here. Just some of the more prominent members from your list. Once you confirm they are members as well as being willing participants in your father's invasions, then we can sign your immunity papers. You'll be a free woman." He gives me a charming smile.

Luke turns to me. "I don't like it. Can't you just tape it or something. I don't like these guys knowing it's you."

“They can't touch her, Luke." Bastian informs. "They’re headed to maximum security."

Luke scratches his brow, puts his hands in his pockets and gives Bastian a smug look. "How long did it take you guys to catch Karver again?"

Bastian ticks his head. "That was before I put the upgrades in. The Karver escape will never happen again."

Luke tick his jaw. "Great. Now, I really don't trust it."

I rub his arm. "Please, stop. I realize this is a risk. But, look who I have to protect me." I smile. "I'll be fine."

He turns to Bastian. "It's on you if anything happens."

He grabs my hand and we walk into the courtroom to find a seat.

Once the judge was ready, we all rose and the trial began. I sat in my seat, trying not to look nervous as I stared at the backs of the 15 men in blue prison uniforms. One looks back at me and I advert my eyes. I felt his disdain.

The trial was long.

After opening statements, jury acknowledgments and some witnesses like the investigators and others, it was my turn.

“Your honor. I’d like to call Alexi Torrent to the stand.” The prosecutor turns back to me and I take a deep breath.

Luke leans to me. “You got this.” He whispers and kisses the back of my hand.

I nod and stand as I fix my clothes. The room quietly grumbles as I walk tall to the stand.

I take the witness stand and I’m sworn in. I’m offered seat by the judge and I take it. I look out to the full courtroom and find Luke's eyes.

He pumps a small fist to me and blows me a kiss. I nod and swallow my fear. He points to the prosecutor indicating to pay attention to him and I do.

The handsome man stands in the middle of the floor and smiles at me. He approaches the stand. “Don’t be nervous. Just tell the truth.” He instructs quietly.

“Alright.” I answer.

He turns and walks out to the floor then turns to face me.

"State your full name." He says.

I find Luke again. "Alexi Catherine Torrent." The room mumbles and the judge issues a warning. I flick my eyes to the prosecutor and watch him start to pace around the floor.

"You're the only daughter of the notorious murderer named Draco Torrent, are you not?" He stops and lifts his eye to me.

"Objection!" The defense yells. “Draco Torrent was never charged for any crime.”

The judge glances at the defense attorney. "I'll allow it." He says nonchalantly as he leans his elbow on his stand and places two fingers on his temple. He turns to me. “Answer the question.”

"Yes. That’s correct." I answer. I find Luke's eyes. He just nods to me.

He walks to the stand and tilts his head. "Were you, Miss Torrent, ever part of your father's army?"

"No. My father wouldn't allow it." I lock with his eyes.

“Why not?” He asks.

“He wanted to protect me." I state.

“Protect you from his murder sprees, correct?”

“Objection!!” The defense lawyer stands.

“Strike that.” The prosecutor smiles at me thenwalks around again. He spins around and lifts his chin. "So, you never saw what your father and his army did, did you?"

"No." I answer firmly.

"What did you see, Miss Torrent?" He approaches the stand with his hands in his pockets.

I thought for a moment. "Strategy sessions, mostly. Victory celebrations. My father leaving with his advisors before an attack."

"Are any of those advisors in this room today?" He looks around the room.

I don't say anything but nod.

"Yes or no, Miss Torrent." He arches a brow.

I swallow. "Yes." I quickly glance at the men in the room and advert my eyes.

"Can you point them out, please?" He asks.

I look to the judge and to Luke who's rubbing his forehead. He looks just as concerned as I feel.

"Over there." I say quietly, motioning to the defense table where 6 Dragons were seated with 9 more in the stands behind them.

He walks around the floor. "Let the record show, the witness pointed out the known Dragons at the defense table."

The court reporter acknowledges the request and types.

“Can you tell me, Miss Torrent. To the best of your knowledge. We’re these the men that invaded Helena on your father’s orders and allegedly killed 1200 people?” He raises a brow.

I don’t know where to put my shame as I heat. I look up at him. “Yes.” I choke.

“And are these also the men who invaded Timber and allegedly murdered 800 people on your father's orders?”

Before I could answer, hell broke loose. They had enough.


The Dragon bursts from his seat with his hands in cuffs. I feel like cowering from his screams as the guards try to subdue him. His face is red with rage and all I can do is sit silently facing forward with my head held high. Inside I’m feeling all of this and the confusion that comes with it.

I see Bastian fighting with Luke in his seat. I see the anger in Luke’s eyes as Bastian tries to control him.

“ORDER! I SAID ORDER!!” The judge pounds his gavel as the room erupts in loud, chaotic taking.

The people that raised me give me looks of death and my heart pains further. I try to avoid the eyes in the stands judging me, but I feel all of them and it’s getting hard to breath.

The room is brought to order and the Dragon is silenced by the guards.

The prosecutor looks out to the audience, to the defense and back at me. “Miss Torrent. I will ask again. Were these the men that invaded Timber to murder 800 people on your father’s orders?” He gives me a stern look.


“OVERRULED!” The judge pounds his gavel.

I lock with Luke’s eyes and he nods. My eyes flick to the men at the defense table, then back to the prosecutor.

A tear falls from my eye. “Yes.” I hitch.

The defense groans and the room erupts in loud grumbles.

“One final question.” He smiles. “What did you receive in exchange for your testimony today?”

I adjust in my seat. “Immunity.” I state.

“Immunity for what?” He follows up.

I try to keep my composure. “Attempted murder.” I feel like crying, but I hold it back.

The room gets loud and the judge silences them.

“The attempted murder of one, Anna Riker, correct?” He eyes me.


“The same Anna Riker that killed Draco Torrent, your father, in the Caledon terrorist attack?” He clarifies.

“Objection! Your honor…” The defense attorney stands and motions to the prosecutor.

“Overruled! Sit down!” He pounds his gavel.

“Miss Torrent.”

I nod. “Yes.”

He cinches his brow. “Why did you want to kill her, Miss Torrent?”

“Um…” Another tear falls. “She… She took my father from me…I… was… I…” I fought but I couldn’t stop it.

The judge hands me a Kleenex box and I take it. I grab a tissue and wipe my eyes.

“You didn’t believe the stories, did you, Miss Torrent?” He says quietly.

I swallow. “No. I didn’t. I never saw what they said. I only saw what was inside the pack house at the time.”

“And you took the law into your own hands.” He says.

“Yes.” I look out to the stands. “I’m sorry.”

He holds up his hand to my eyes and redirects me. “You were shown the truth, correct?”

I nod and wipe my cheeks. “Yes. Yes, I was.” Luke smiles at me and I smile back. “I was shown how wrong I was to believe my father was some kind of a martyr. I acknowledged my wrong doing and in exchange, I pledged to not allow my father’s ideals thrive.”

“Tell me, Miss Torrent. Where do your loyalties lie today?” He asks.

I look to Luke. He's giving me a small thumbs up.

I hold my chin up. “I hold my allegiance to justice alone. I admit my father was a very sick man. But I won’t ignore what made him that way. The Alliance’s hands are not clean and do have a part to play in all of the murders my father and his followers committed.”

“Care to clarify?” He gives me a puzzled look.

I lock with his eyes. “In my father’s young life, he was kidnapped. He was held as political prisoner of the Alliance and experimented on in gruesome medical experiments that wrecked his mind. He later escaped and become the man you know him as, bent on revenge.”

The Dragons all started yelling and standing and the guards rushed to control them.



The room gasped and talking rose. The judge roared out his warning then turned to me. “Those are serious allegations, Miss Torrent. Do you have proof of this?”

“I do, but I won't present it here. I’ll be delivering my proof to the Alliance council when I seek restitution for their torture of my father.” I look to the men who seethe with rage. “Today, I only seek justice for the people my father and his followers killed in my name. For that I’m so sorry.”

The prosecutor leans on the stand. “Thank you, Miss Torrent. No further questions.”

I give him a half smile as the defense walks up to the stand. He’s a smaller man, but also a handsome man in his own right.

“Miss Torrent. I only have one question. Why should we even trust you?" He stands confidently in front of me.

“I don’t lie.” I say stoically.

“Really? Running around with a known criminal bike gang known as the Lycans. The attempted murder of not one, but 4 Alliance Alpha's and the kidnapping of 20 military recruits and you don’t lie?” He pinches his brow.


“You expect us to believe that Draco Torrent was a heartless murderer who managed to convince thousands of men and women to follow him, yet you tell us he was made to be that way by the Alliance. Are you trying to convince us that Draco had no control over himself?”

“No. My father knew what he was doing. The Alliance gave him motive to do it.” I answer.

He nods. “But you never saw your father or any of my clients kill a single soul.”

I shake my head. “No. I only know they were with my father when the attacks happened.”

“Hmm…” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “So, really. Your testimony is worthless and you’re only doing it to save your own skin.”

“No, I…”


He raises his hand to the judge. “No further questions.” He eyes me then walks back to the table.

"You may go, Miss Torrent." The judge says.

"Thank you." I get up and walk to the little swinging gates in front of the audience stands. Luke stands, takes my in his arms, kisses my hair and walks me out.

I may be an emotional wreck inside, but I'm just glad it's over. I may have sold my people out for my own well being, but I had to in order to fight my own brainwashing. Now, I need to fight the justice system that wants to condemn me for it. I’ll be fighting fire with fire and the Alliance will be my first legal target.

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