The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 57

(Chapter song ‘Don’t You Forget About Me' by Simple Minds)


"River. Where are you taking me?" I giggle as he covers my eyes and leads me through the hallways of the pack house.

"Almost there." I can tell he's smiling.

We stop. He uncovers my eyes. I'm standing in front two large wooden doors. I look at River confused.

"Open them." He says quietly.

I grasp the doorknobs and swing the large doors open.

I gasp. The dome shaped room is covered in soft white candles. The walls are covered from floor to ceiling in books and artifacts. Paintings of past Alpha's grace its walls. Picture windows show the forest outside.

On the floor, is a white fur rug in front of a stone fireplace. Wood crackles and burns while flames dance in it.

A beautifully set table for two wait with dinner.

We just got back from the ball and River set up this surprise.

I suck in a breath as I take in the room stepping in slowly.

He leans to my ear. The bond has me feeling everything he does much more intensely then normal. "Do you like it?" He whispers. His breath tickling my ear making my insides heat up.

"I love it." I breath. "When..."

I turn to him. "I made a few quick calls from the ball." He smiles with pride.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" I wrap arms around his waist. Gazing into his eyes.

"My Luna deserves all the surprises." He kisses me softly then backs away. "Hungry?"

"Starving." I say as he leads me to the table.

He sits me down and takes his seat, uncovering dinner.

We eat, laugh and talk.

After, we sit finishing the wine he had brought.

I gaze at his breathtaking face as the candle light dances across his strong features. Illuminating all that I fell in love with.

He catches my gaze. "What?" A smile creeps across his lips.

I shake my head. "Nothing. I'm just so lucky. Fate could never have gotten it so right for me."

He stands up and pulls me out of my chair, holding me close. "I'm the lucky one. To have the honor of being your second chance. I feel almost unworthy."

"You're so worthy. You'll never have to worry about me not loving you. You may not replace David, but I couldn't ask for a better man to share the rest of my life with."

He threads his fingers through the back of my hair and pulls me into his lips. His tongue asks for entrance and I give him all of it.

I run my fingers through his hair. At first it was slow, but the bond has us so consumed with want and need that our kiss seems to increase in desire.

He pulls me backwards to the rug on the floor. He spins me around. His hand travels up my back to the small zipper of my dress. He slowly pulls it down.

Our kiss never breaks as he slips my dress off and it falls to the floor. I slide his jacket off and pulls off his tie. I undo the buttons of his shirt. Pulling it out of his pants.

I break the kiss and my eyes drift to his muscular chest. My fingers run across his hard muscles. My touch is amplified. Everything I've felt when touching River doesn’t even comes close to what I feel now. My core burns with every glide across his sun kissed skin.

I look back up into his eyes and he slams his mouth into mine. He pulls off his shirt and takes off his pants.

He lays me down, running his hands down my body like he's feeling it for the first time. His touch is soft, slow.

He hooks my panties and slides them off with my heels.

He lifts my leg and travels small kisses down it. I quietly moan at the feeling of his lips on my skin.

As he reaches my center, his soft tongue slides up my slit. I arch my back and moan a little louder.

"Yes...River..." He licks me faster. He inserts a finger and hooks it to my spot. Working my pussy and building my climax.

"Yes. Oh God, yes..." My legs shake as he flicks my clit. He growls as he feels me tighten. This makes me get there faster.

“Yes...Right there...Don't stop..." I pant, moaning louder.

He sits up, pleasuring my pussy with his thumb, fast and hard. "Come for me." He growls.

I throw my head back and scream as my climax bursts through.

"That's it, baby..." He doesn't stop until I'm panting and shaking.

He pulls out his finger and climbs up my body. Kissing and sucking my skin as he goes. "You taste so good, baby girl." He grins and bruises my lips with a kiss.

He moves to my neck. Nipping and sucking. Pressing his throbbing dick to my soaking wet pussy.

"I need you inside me now." I demand.



She doesn't need to tell me twice.

The bond is intense. My body is in electric shock. Every nerve ending is on fire. Anna tasted good before, but now she's a fucking drug. Every bit of me is screaming for her.

I can't get inside her fast enough. I fist my cock and don't even tease. I shove it in and Oh my fucking God. It's like the big bang just went off in my head. My wolf is going insane as Anna's exquisite pussy grips my dick. It's like I'm inside her for the first time.

I moan loud as I take her right to the base. I don't think we'll be going slow. I need to dominate her, have her. I need to claim her.

I grab her ass and lift it, pounding her hard. She screams as I hit her pussy deep.

"Fuck...Anna..." I moan out as my head buries into her neck.

"RIVER, YESSS!" She screams.

The whole thing is euphoric. Intensified by the bond. I feel like I can't get enough. I thrust into her. My dick getting harder and harder with each one. Her pussy tightens as she comes again. This sends shockwaves through my system and stars explode in my mind causing me to go faster.

I lift myself on my hands, watching Anna as she climaxes. The light from the fireplace makes her body glisten. It's a dream come true for me. She's on full display as I shove myself deeper inside her.

I sit up and grab her thighs, spreading her legs wide as I pound her. I'm not going to last much longer. I rub her clit asking her for one more before I shoot off.

She screams, clawing at my arms, begging me not to stop and I'm not going to. Not when my goddess needs to come again.

"River...God…I'm...I'm coming..." Her back arches and she screams again. I grab her arm and quickly pull her to me.

I feel the changes coming and my canines descended in my mouth. Mine. All mine.

"Give me your neck, baby." I move her hair and lick her shoulder. I feel her pussy clench hard as I sink my canines into her. Forever marking her as mine. She shakes and screams.

"River..." She says as she grabs my hair. I pull out my teeth and lick her spot.

"Do it..." I growl.

She doesn't even wait; she sinks her canines into me and I fucking explode. My body ignites and it goes straight to my cock. As she holds on, I come deep inside her. Growling and gritting with every thrust.

I sit panting, quivering as my body tries to calm down. She removes her teeth and licks the spot where her mark now sits.

I pull her back and kiss her hard. Stroking her back and cheek. I pull her back still deep inside her.

"I love you so much." I say moving her sweat soaked hair.

"I love you too." She says, kissing my nose and running her delicate fingers across her mark. "Forever."

I smile at her. "Forever."

She slides off me and I grab some throw pillows off the couch and a blanket. We lay on the rug on the floor. Our newly sealed bond wrapping around us.

She's laying on her stomach. I'm on my side resting my head on my hand.

I run my other hand up from the curve of her hips, up her spine.

I stop at her scars. I trace them with my fingers. "I'll never forgive myself for these." I say quietly.

She reaches over and traces her fingers around my bullet scar. "I'll never forgive myself for this."

I pull her to me. "Well, I guess we have to spend forever, making it up to each other. "

"I can do that." She smiles.

"You're so beautiful. My beautiful Luna. I'll never tire of looking at you, holding you or kissing you." I run my fingers down her cheek.

"My big, strong Alpha. The one who spun my world on it axis and made it a dream come true. I'll never let go of you for as long as I live." She leans in for a kiss.

"Did you want to head upstairs?" I ask.

She shakes her head. Her eyes heavy with sleep. "No. Just hold me."

I turn her and pull her back into my chest. I bury my head into her neck.

Her scent pulls me into sleep. Filling my dreams with visions of our future.

The warmth of her body fills me with such comfort. If I died now, I'd be a happy man.


I woke up to soft light creeping through the windows. Anna is still sleeping, looking like an angel in the morning light. I decided not to wake her yet.

I slip my arm carefully out from under her and sneak out of the blanket.

I find my boxers, pants and throw on my dress shirt. Not bothering to button it or tuck it in. I grab my jacket and tie and throw them over my shoulder. I toe out of the room quietly.

I'll head to our room, get Anna a robe and bring her breakfast.

I walk out of the hallway, whistling. Still soaking in the fantastic sensation of the fated bond.

I walk into the common room. Michael is sitting on one of the couches with a coffee.

He eyes me and smirks. "Good morning, Alpha." He says. He scratches his temple. "Um...That's not where your room is."

I smile. "No, it is not."

I sit next to him and take his cup. Stealing a mouthful of coffee. "Ah. That's good." I say.

"Hey!" He snatches it back "Why are you sitting here half naked beside me...again." He sighs.

I tilt my head toward him. "I'm a very happy man." I grin.

He laughs. "Had fun, did you?"

"Oh, yeah." I nod.

"And where have you left your dear Luna?" He asked

"She's sleeping in the library." I stand. "I'm about to get her some breakfast."

"I see." He drinks his coffee. "I don't think the kitchen is open yet."

I shrug. "Wasn't really talking about food." I step over his legs and head to the stairs.

As I go up, Emily is on her way down.

"Good morning." She says. She eyes me. "You’re still in your suit?"

I look down. "Uh, yep. We had a long night."

She chuckles. "Is Michael..." She points downstairs.

"Yep. He's there. Gotta go." I take the stairs two at a time and head to our room.

I change into track pants and a tank top with runners.

I also grab some clothes for Anna.

I skip down the steps and head to the kitchen. I grab her a cup of coffee and make my way to the library.

I open the door and she's sitting up on the rug, the blanket pulled up over her chest.

I guess she just woke up as she's rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning." I say, closing the door behind me. "How you feeling, beautiful."

She smiles. "A little stiff, a little hungover, but otherwise, perfect now you're here...with coffee?"

I raise the cup. "Yep. You want some?"

She reaches out. "Yes, please."

I giggle and hand her the cup. She takes a mouthful. "Oh, that's good." She says.

"I brought you some clothes.” I lay them on the couch. "I figured we could go for a two-leg run before breakfast. What do you say?"

"I'd like that. Let me get cleaned up."

She changes and then heads upstairs to freshen up. I wait downstairs with Michael and Emily.

"So, are you two a sealed deal now?" I ask.

Emily giggled. "Yep. Marked and everything." She moves Michael's t shirt to expose the canine mark on his shoulder

"What about you?" Michael asks.

"Oh yeah. I wasn't going a day without my mark on Anna."

He sits back, wrapping his arm around Emily. "I know what you mean. We didn't even make it home." He chuckles. "So, Alpha, what's on the agenda today?"

"Well, me and Anna are going for a jog and I guess we need to go see my dad. We have to start training. I'll have to call Derek, my dad's Beta, and get him over here to give you the run down. Then there's the little matter of your business." I say with my arms on my knees, tapping my fingertips together.

He blows out a breath. "Yeah."

"Don't worry, man. I talked to my dad last night and it's not horrible. Just need to get through it and it'll be over with. In the meantime, you can train on your time off." I sink back into the chair next to the couch.

"What is he going to be doing?" Emily asks.

I side eye Michael. He waves me off. "Don't worry, I told her everything last night. She knows what I did."

I nod. "Well, some community service. Roadwork, construction, that sort of thing. For the next month."

He rocks his head slightly. "Could be worse."

"Way worse. Just do your time and it'll be over with."

Anna comes bounding down the stairs. "Good morning, everyone!" She says. Quite chipper given last night's long escapades.

Michael smiles. "Luna. You look quite awake this morning." He chuckles.

"It's a beautiful day and I'm just really happy." She says.

"Good morning, Anna." Emily greets.

"Emily. You have a good sleep?" Anna asks.

"Oh my God. The beds in this place are comfy as hell." She laughs. "I've never slept better."

Anna laughs too. "Yeah, they are. Well, you ready, Alpha?"

"Yes, dear." I giggle and stand, grabbing her hand as we head out. "Be back in an hour. If dad comes, tell him I'll meet him after."

"Will do." Michael salutes me. "Come on, babe. Let's get some food." He grabs Emily and heads for the dining hall.

I turn to Anna. "I think he's gonna fit into this Beta gig, nicely."

"I think so too. Come on." She opens the door and we start are first run together as Alpha and Luna to be.

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