The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 56

(Chapter song ‘Love Song’ by Sky)


"To good times and good mates!" Franco raises his glass to the group of men in the common room of the White Rock pack house.

We all clink our glasses and bottles.

Blade walks in. He has his black hair pulled back, wearing a black tux, just like the rest of us.

We decided that since the ball is here in White Rock, we'd all get ready here at the pack house and go to the ball together.

Of course, we men are all waiting on the women.

Michael comes in. "Looking good, guys." He's smiling in his own tux. His brown hair tossed but nicely done.

I crane my neck to look at him behind me, then turn. Eying him up and down. "You clean up nice." I joke.

He smirks. "I have my moments. I'm just glad your dad let me go. Though tomorrow I guess I face the music." His smile fades a bit.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I have a feeling things aren't going to be as bad as you think." I wink and pull him into our circle.

He leans to me. “If tonight goes the way I hope with Emily, I won’t even give a damn.”

“That’s pretty quick, man.” I raise my brow. “You sure?”

“Yep. This is the real thing. When I saw her the first time, the fucking world stopped. I had strong feelings for Anna, but this. This is completely different. I think you know what mean.” He narrows his eyes a bit.

I nod. “You know, I think I do.” I laugh and hit his back.

I raise my glass. "To real friends and kick ass fighters."

Everyone shouts "Here. Here." We click our drinks once more.

“Hello, boys.” A sultry voice says.

Fiona is standing in the entrance with a glittery, slim red dress. Her bouncy curls are all over.

Davis runs to Fiona slamming a kiss on her lips. "I don't want to go now." He growls. She slaps his chest. "Stop." She giggles.

Sienna comes next in a long black gown. Her hair is pulled to the side, draping over her shoulders. Jacob runs to greet her.

Suddenly, the air left the room. My eyes widen and my jaw goes slack. I grab Michael's arm. I can't take my eyes off her.

She's wearing a tight baby pink sequence gown that goes almost to the floor. One slit up the side that almost goes above her hip. It hugs all her curves in just the right places.

Her eyes are huge. Her amber eyes seem to glow against the color of her dress.

Her hair is curled around her beautiful face. She smiles when she sees me.

I swear I'm about to pass out when Michael nudges me. I look at him and he smiles motioning his head for me to go to her.

I hand him my drink and beeline straight for her. I grab her head and bruise her lips. I pull back grazing my teeth on her bottom lip. "You look so..." I can barely talk.

She giggles.

"Oh, good it fits!" My mother and father walk in. My mother is giddy with excitement. She grabs Anna's hands and holds her arms out. She motions her to spin.

My mother gasps. "Oh. You look so beautiful, Anna. I wasn't sure it would fit. I'm so glad. You look better in it then I did."

Anna swoons. A big smile radiates her face.

My dad puts his arm around my mother. "You're both gorgeous." He kisses her temple. He chuckles. "For a second, I went back in time."

I look at them confused.

My mother gives Anna another spin. "I wore this dress when me and your father found out we were fated."

She walks over to me and places her hands on my cheeks. "Hopefully, it'll be your good luck charm." She gives me a small kiss.

My father looks at his watch. "Ok. So, the limos are waiting outside. You kids ready?"

"Yeah!” Was heard from all of us.

We all head outside and climb into the black limos that wait to escort us to the White Rock arena.


The White Rock arena is just as huge as the Caledon concert hall. A large building with a retractable roof. It brings great income to the pack with sports, concerts and other special events.

Once a year all the packs in the Alliance are invited to the elusive Blue Moon Ball. The one single night where people and wolf feelings are confirmed. Though, fate isn’t guaranteed as Jayson Duke found out three years ago. He's been crushed by it ever since.

I've been to a few over the years, only to go home alone. This year I won't be, but I'd be lying if I wasn't praying that Anna was my fated.

As we approach the entrance, Michael grabs my arm. “Hot damn.” He growls with a smirk.

Emily is waiting for him at the doors. She’s wearing a soft yellow ball gown and her chocolate brown hair is beautifully pinned back. She’s a very pretty girl, I’ll give Mike that.

She meets him half way with a huge, beaming smile.

Michael gently places his hands on her cheeks. “You look absolutely beautiful.” He beams.

“Thank you.” Emily blushes.

He moves in for a passionate kiss.

Blade walks up. “Save it for the moon, you guys.” He chuckles.

Michael breaks the kiss and pushes him.

Blades leans to Emily. “Who's your friends?”

She looks back to a small blonde girl and a tall red head. “That’s Casey and That’s Carmen.”

Franco joins Blade. “I think they need drinks. Do you think they need drinks?”

Blade nods to him. “They need drinks. Let’s go.” They take off and meet the other two at the door.

Michael clears his throat and straightens his jacket. "Need an arm?" He holds it out her.

"Yes." She breathes. Her eyes wide with awe as she takes it. They turn and walk into the ball talking back and forth.

I turn to Anna. “Oh, yeah. He’s whipped.” I grin as she giggles.

The ball looks like a giant dance club. Lights are flashing and are people jumping to the bass music. There's a huge dance floor with tables covered in white tablecloths all up and down the outside walls. It’s decorated to the nines and hundreds of people are here already.

There's a buffet style food area. It's about as catered as they could get on such short notice since the arena doesn't really have a kitchen.

We all walk in and find two tables together.

People watch me and Anna as we enter. Some came in for handshakes and claps. News spread fast about Anna killing Torrent. Waves, cheers and back slaps greet us as we try to make our way across the floor.

"Thank you, really. That's wonderful..." Anna says shaking the hand of yet another person as we get to our seats. I kind of break the attention with my body. Offering Anna her chair. She sits. I lean down to her ear. "Want a drink, gorgeous?"

She smiles and nods.

I kiss her cheek. "Be right back." I motion to Mike and Franco to come along.

"This is really something." Franco says calling over the bartender.

Michael is scanning the ball. "I know. I've never been. Seems I was missing out."

I jab him with my elbow. "Seems it's a good thing you came tonight.' I smile.

He glances at me. "I really feel it. She's just so..."

"Sexy..." I wiggle my brow.

"Yeah." He breathes as he stabs his fingers into his hair.

I chuckle. "Well, here's to finding our mates." I hand him a beer.

He clicks his bottle to mine. "Listen, I really want to thank you. I know I've been a pain in your ass this whole time. I just...I'm glad we're here, ya know. That we can be like...friends." He nervously shifts his weight.

I sling my arm around his shoulder. "There was a time when I thought of hurting you severely, but now...You're a good man, Mike. You've shown great loyalty when it counted. Yeah, you messed up, but you made up for it in spades." I let him go and faced him. "Which is why I want to ask you something. I hope you say yes."

"Anything. Anything at all. Just name it." He was excited. For the first time ever, I saw true excitement in his eyes.

"Well, if things go the way I hope, I'll be taking over my pack soon. I'm gonna need someone I trust by my side. Someone who can protect my pack and Anna with their lives. I want that to be you." I raise my brow to him.

His eyes widen. "You...You want me to be your Beta? Are you kidding me right now?"

I shake my head. "No. I know you'll be a good advisor. I know you'll do anything to protect Anna in my absence. You're the best choice, Mike. Will you, do it?"

"Damn right, I will!" He grabs me and pulls me into a quick bro hug. "Fuck, I'll follow you anywhere! Don't worry about a thing. I'll make you proud. I swear!"

I laugh. "Come on. Help me with these drinks."

We all grab the drinks and take them to the table. I take the seat next to Anna and Mike sits next to Emily.

"Anna." I turn to her. "I'd like you to meet Beta Dorian." I grin ear to ear.

She looked confused. "Beta? When did that happen?"

"Just now." Michael grins. "When River takes the pack, I'm his new Beta." He pushes his chest out proudly.

Emily wraps her arm around his. "Michael, that's wonderful!"

"Michael, I'm so happy for you. So, I guess he moves into the pack house too, right?"

I nod. "Yep. Once this whole mess is cleaned up, you can move in and bring any special someone's with you." I nod to Emily who blushes.

He turns to Emily. "What do you think?"

"Um, hell ya, I'd move to the pack house." She laughs.

Mike laughs, too.

Fiona jumps up. "Alright, dancers! Let's not waste this night gabbing. Let's go."

Anna kisses me. "See you in a few."

I smile. "Have fun, baby."

Emily looks to Mike. "You coming?"

He shakes his head. "Naw. Enjoy yourself. I'll be right here when you get back."

She gets up and joins the group and they all head to the floor.

Mike turns to me. "This moon better be a good one."

"You can say that again." I tip my beer back.


The night was filled with laughter, drinks, good food and friends.

We were all almost tipsy. Having a great time when the host, my dad, took to the make shift stage. He spoke into the mic.

"Quiet! Quiet please! DJ?" He waves us all down.

He waited until the arena was silent.

"Twenty-five years ago, tonight, I stood where you all are now. It was on this night, fate handed me the love of my life. Luna Layla."

The crowd whistles and cheers. He waves them down again.

"A three years later, fate gave me another special gift. My son. River, can you stand?" He pointed to me.

I rose, giving a little wave.

"And on this night, if the fates smile one more time, my son will find the one he loves."

More cheers.

"I hope the moon shines brightly for all of you. This ball combines all our packs. For one night we are one and this particular ball is something really special, isn't it?"

Yeahs and whistles erupted from the crowd.

"The Dragons are no longer a threat! Justice was carried out swiftly and if my son or any of you have anything to say about it, it will never happen again. Am I right?!" He yelled.

The crowd screamed "Yeah!"

He waved them down on last time.

"The moon is high. Get ready. Open the roof!"

I looked around and didn't see Anna anywhere. I rushed to where Fiona and the group were standing.

"Where's Anna?" I breath.

Fiona looked at me. "She went for some air. Out the front."

"Thanks." I turn and push my way through the crowd.

I sense it. It's strong, suffocating. She's here. Somewhere. I wildly look around.

My wolf is going crazy.

I call. "Anna!"

People are celebrating, walking around coming together in groups as I make my way to the entrance.

The pressure in my chest builds as I get close to the door then I'm hit with a scent I've gotten drunk off so many times, but it's stronger than ever. My knees are weak and my heart’s racing. It's her. I know it's her.

I burst out the door, frantically scanning the lot. There, she turns around. Her amber eyes glowing as a tear runs down her cheek. She runs at me with full force, sobbing.

I meet her in the middle. As my body collides with hers, the bond snaps between us. Like a rope between our hearts. Our love engulfs us like a tightly wound blanket. Holding us together. It almost feels like we could never break apart. I've never felt anything like it. I kiss her like it's the last kiss I'll ever give her.

Everything I've ever felt has been amplified a million times over. She sobs into my lips. I feel her disbelief. Her shock. Her pleasure and her pain. I feel it all. My skin is on fire as I touch hers.

I pull back, holding her head. "I knew it was you. I knew it." I kiss her again.

I let her breathe, wiping her tears away with my thumbs.

"I'm so happy. I didn't think I'd ever feel this way again. You really are my second chance." She hitches.

"Why are you out here?" I ask.

She shook her head. "I started to feel it before it started. I got scared. I didn't know what to think. I thought it was a lie. It was so suffocating. I needed to leave."

"You're not leaving now. You're mine. Tonight and forever. You're truly mine." I smile and give her another kiss. "You ok to go back inside?"

She nods yes, let’s out a little giggle and wipes her cheeks

We walk in holding hands. "We have to tell my dad." I pull Anna toward the back where the stage is.

I see my dad and I can't help but grin from ear to ear.

His eyes widen. "It's true?"

I nod, barely able to contain myself.

"Ahhh...Come here!" He pulls me in for a big bear hug.

He turns to Anna. "Darling. Welcome to the family." He kisses her cheek and hugs her. "We so proud if both of you. Our pack is in great hands."

This confused me. "Dad?"

He puts his hands in his pockets. "You've done well, son. Shown great leadership and I think this beautiful girl had a lot to do with that. She'll make a great Luna. You will make an outstanding Alpha when I step down next month."

"Next month? Did...Did you say...Next month?" I could barely breathe as I grabbed his arm to steady myself.

He laughed. "Yes, son. You earned it."

I looked to Anna who was smiling a big beautiful smile. "River, this is so wonderful."

My mother joined us. "So..."

My father nods.

My mother screams with delight and hugs Anna tightly. “Oh my God! This is so good! Anna. We have so much to do." She breaks apart. "We have to introduce you to the pack. Of course, there's the ceremony. Oh, and we should plan a get together with Alpha Andrews since you'll be a Luna now."

Anna was looking completely overwhelmed.

I grab my mom's arm. "Mom. Calm down. There's lots of time for all of that." I giggle.

She looked at my father. "Did you tell him?"

"Yes, I did." My father rocked on heels like a proud dad.

"Congratulations, my baby." She came and hugged me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks, mom."

"So, you'll need to get familiar with the office and choose your advisors." My father said gruffly.

I scratched my temple. "I already chose my Beta."

He arched a brow. "You did? Who?"

"Michael." I say.

He considers it, rubbing his chin. "Well, I guess given his actions, he's proven he has potential, but he may still have to answer for some things."

I nod. "I know, he can't escape complete punishment. Maybe a little hard labor over the next month will teach him to think twice."

My father nods. "I'll work something out."

Anna looks between us men. "Wait, so he's not going to prison?"

My father shakes his head. "His duty to his friends and his people was clearly shown. He regrets what he did and I trust him. I wouldn't have let him stay so long in my house if I didn't. I don't think he'll be a problem for you or anyone anymore. " He motions his head to behind us, smiling.

There's Michael on the dance floor with Emily. Softly giving her kisses as they sway to the slow music that's playing.

I walk over to interrupt. "What do we have here?" I smile.

Mike chuckles. "The one ball I attend and fate hands me the most stunning woman in the world." He kisses her again.

I clap his back. "I'm proud of you, Mike. Congrats guys!'

"What about you?" He looked at me.

I wiggle my brow and smile. "Yep!"

"Dude!' He throws his arms around me. "That's amazing! Anna's second chance?!"

"Yeah, I know. I just hope I can live up to the first."

He places a hand on my nape. "David was my best friend and knowing him, he made this happen to make Anna happy. You're so much like him it's uncanny. I'm so glad to call you, my friend. I can't think of anyone better for Anna."

"Thanks Mike. I'll try to do right for both of them."

He points a finger in my face. "You better, Alpha.”

I shrug him off. "Speaking of which. My dad's stepping down next month. Ready to be Beta?"

He blinks at me. "Already? Holy shit?"

I look at Emily. "You've got a lot on your plate now. Better get ready."

"Thanks, bro." He side claps me. "I mean it."

I leave him and Emily to revel in their new fated bond.

I walk back toward Anna. "Let's go find the others."

We weave through the crowd to our table.

"Well...." Fiona asks.

Anna swoons. "Yep. I get my second after all"

Fiona jumps up and runs to hug Anna. "Ah, this is so cool!"

I look to Davis. "You too?" He grins a lovesick grin. "Right on. Where's Blade?"

"Over there." Davis points.

Blade has Casey on his lap. He's giving her loving little kissing, treating her like a little doll. I raise my brow. "Him too?

Davis nods.

Franco shows up with Carmen in tow. "Hey guys. Guess who's off the market!"

I look at him. "No way!"

Carmen laughs. "Yep!"

The girls all scream and huddle in a group hug.

Jacob and Sienna also show up. Jacob holds up their hands. "Us too." He beams. "But we already knew it."

Anna looks around chuckling. "Geez is there anyone who didn't get fated?"

Rez and Felix show up. Both are looking solemn.

I turn them "Struck out, huh?"

Rez rubbed his head. "Yeah, I thought Dinah was it, but no."

"Well, think of this way. You get another year to play around." I wiggle my brow at him. Anna slaps my chest. I giggle.

Felix glances between me and Anna. "So, you two?"

Anna nods.

"And Mike found his too." I throw my thumb over my shoulder in Mike's direction.

Rez looked wide eyed. "No shit!"

I laugh. "Yep. This moon was definitely a good one."

We all nod in agreement and head back to party the night away.

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