The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 55

(Chapter song ‘The Game' by WWE, ‘Send Me An Angel' by Scorpions)


We've been itching for payback and it’s coming now. I’ve waited five years for this moment. I’m spilling as much blood as they spilled, if not more.

Today, we get the plan then we fight.

They have us all outside. Two thousand strong. Even the new recruits are here. What a time to join the unit. It looks like some are unsure of their decision. I don't blame them. Barely over two weeks into training and you're thrown to war. If we didn't need the bodies, they could sit this one out.

There's a stage and a loud speaker set up. The higher ups are standing on the stage. Alpha Edwards and Alpha Eric are missing. I wonder if they were moles too.

Alpha Andrews is addressing us.

"Good morning. I know most of you have been anxious to hear from us. I'm here this morning to tell you we have a plan and place."

I turn to River and smile. He smiles back. His dad's on stage too. It looks like the whole Alpha council is here.

"Ok." He shuffles papers. There's a territory map on the stage beside him.

"Our flyers returned this morning." He points to the map. Torrent and his army are here. East of Caledon. It’s confirmed to be five thousand fighters. This may seem like a nightmare, but we are much better trained and much better organized. Between the six territories, we have six thousand soldiers and civilians.

River looks at me wide eyed. This is looking better already.

He continues. "We have enough artillery to arm everyone and we are coordinating with department heads to break you all into smaller units to get you up to speed." He turned his gaze to the recruitment unit. "I know some have just joined us and feel unprepared. Look to your leaders, they'll help you."

"Now, I'm sure everyone's heard about the Blue Moon Ball being moved to White Rick. With the info we collected, we were able to reach this decision for the better of all packs. Those who can't fight, will be sent to surrounding territories and will be far from the battle."

"When?!" Someone shouted.

"Yeah! When?!" Someone else chimed in.

Both voices sounded agitated. They convey what we've all been feeling for days.

He rose his hand to settle the growing murmurs across the crowd. "You'll be in your units today and ready for deployment tomorrow. Tomorrow we fight!"

The crowd exploded guttural cheers. Dragon meat is on the menu.

"We will March on Torrent before he reaches Caledon. We will stop him in his tracks or die trying!" Andrews booms in the loud speakers. His 17 year old twin boys stand upfront in the crowd with matching smirks and cocky attitudes. They look around at us, acting like seasoned fighters. We’d never take kids that young, but right now, we’re desperate.

"Now, I know most of you are craving the fight. But, please. Stay focused. It won't be easy. These wolves have already killed so many. We don't need any more dying." Andrews cautions.

Murmurs floated across the sea of heads.

"Now, go get your orders. Dismissed and God speed." He waves and jumps off the stage to his boys. He looks like he’s instructing them or telling them to lose their attitudes.

The lower-level team leaders broke us all down to small, functional units.

Luckily the entire recruitment crew were part of the same team.

All of us stood in a circle. Blade claps River's shoulder. "You ready for the fight, big dog?"

I nod. "It's what we've been training for right?" He looks at me. I see that worried smile.

"Yep." I agree.

We're part of the second wave. Once the first wave hits, we come up the rear and hit them from the side. At least in theory.

We'll be in wolf form. Which is great for me. My skills are way better on four legs.

It's early morning the next day. We got our orders, but in an open field battle like this, even the most well thought out plan can go sideways quick.

Our plan is to hit them from three sides as they breach the trees on the east side about 50 miles from Caledon.

Our trackers confirmed the packs movement. No one has seen Torrent yet.

As we lay in wait, our wolves grow impatient. Some grow nervous and softly whine. The air is cold. The morning sun had just finished cresting the horizon.

My wolf lays her head on her paws as River's wolf licks her head. A way of reassurance.

Blades wolf stands chest out. On both sides of us are Franco, Jacob, Rez, Felix, Davis, Michael, Fiona and surprisingly Carmen. I didn't think she'd show after finding out about Zeke. Her wolf looks pissed. Not, that I blame her.

I watch Michael shuffle over as a chocolate brown wolf sits next to him. It’s Emily. What’s going on there? She softly whine and places her head under his muzzle. He leans on her and closes his eyes. I never thought I’d say it, but they actually look cute together.

‘Em? Are you fighting?’ I link her.

Her wolf turns to me. ‘A little support then I have to get back to the Comms tent. I just wanted to let Mike know that I’m here.’

‘We are so talking later.’ I try to project my smile through the link.

She giggles. ‘As soon as I can.’ Her wolf licks Michael’s wolf up the side of his head and walks off. He purrs and shakes his head. He pants as he watches her leave.

River's wolf stands and sniffs the air. He steps forward, looking up and down the line of wolf heads. His eyes glow blue. His Alpha chest puffs out as his growls deep.

His wolf turns to me with warning in his eyes.

‘This is it. Stay by me.’ He links.

‘Yes. Alpha.' My wolf nods.

His wolf licks his lips and takes more steps forward, looking out on the trees.

‘Units. Get ready.’ He links everyone.

All the wolves stand ready with claws digging into the dirt.

We watch the treeline closely. A flock of birds evacuate into the sky and then I hear it. The rolling thunder of thousands of giant wolf paws hitting the ground.

Across the tops of the forest, the tree top sway violently as the cracking of hundreds of branches echoes from it.

River's wolf lowers his head.

‘Here they come!’ He snarls. His wolfs lips curl up and so do mine.

We brace ourselves as the first wolves of Torrents army burst out of the trees.

The clearing fills with thousands of snow white wolves all barking, snarling and drooling. You can sense the evil as they flow out wave after wave toward us. The murderous Dragons are making everyone know they’re coming.

If there wasn't a real threat of death it would have been an impressive sight, but it’s a thing of nightmares. There’s so many.

Our first unit was released. Rolling out of the trees in a wave of power and bravery. The growls rumbled the ground as they thundered toward the threat of Torrent's army.

The white wolves were caught completely off guard. It took a minute to register, but then the sea of white fur flocked like birds to the Alliance fights of Ops 1. They clashed in the center of the vast clearing.

Gashing teeth spilled blood almost instantly as fur flied. The wolves angrily tried to tear each other apart.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ops 2 was released.

River let's out an Alpha howl and runs with my wolf on his heels. As if fired a starting pistol, our wolves shot out of the trees toward the Dragons. We each picked a target to hit fast and hard.

Seeing the fight from afar, was nothing like seeing it up close.

The earth seemed to let out a giant quake as all our bodies collided with the enemy. I clawed and bit my way through. River's midnight black wolf grabbed white throats, ripping them out like wolf possessed. Payback for everything that happened was in every kill.

I pounced on a giant wolf, grabbed his scruff and drag him to the ground. Once pinned, my teeth find his jugular and tear into it. Blood coats my black fur.

Blades massive wolf had a smaller one by the head. With an angry thrust, he picks up the wolf and breaks its neck. He flips it through the air. It lands on the ground with a sickening thud.

My wolf quickly looks around the battle. Franco was pinned. I rush to his aide and jump on the wolf. I drag him back by the scruff. Franco grabs its throat and rips it out.

Fiona’s wolf cries out. My wolf whip around. A wolf had her by the throat. I ran full force and hit the wolf full force on its side, sending it skidding across the dirt.

I stood over Fiona as the wolf rose to its feet. I growl and raise my fur. He charges at me and I ran at him. We were clash on hind legs. I grab his snout in my teeth and whip my head hard. Snapping his neck and he hit the ground where I finished him off.

We were gaining ground as our third and fourth waves joined the fight.

I looked around for River in the mess of blood and fur then I heard it…

A dark, low, penetrating growl. His white wolf was larger than any Alpha I've ever seen. He tossed wolves like rag dolls.


He's headed for me.

My wolf stands in awe of this massive creature. His muscles flexing as he knocks down wolf after wolf.

My wolf isn't backing down. Her eyes glow amber as she growls. Her head lowers when he enters her space.

He stops. He's not threatened by me at all.

In fact, he seemed a little more curious.

He barks a loud Alpha bark which makes surrounding wolves shudder.

My wolf barks in response. I snarl with my fur standing on end. She scratches at the dirt. Revenge for everyone fills her eyes. We’re both ready to die to make sure he goes down first.

I was about to run full force when River jumps in. With a growls, he runs full force at Torrent. He's joined by Franco, Jacob and Blade. The four jump at Torrent ripping and shredding at the Alphas massive body.

Torrent throws Blade like he was nothing. He bites into River's shoulder. Franco has his neck, clamping down hard. Torrent stomps on his chest forcing him to let go.

Jacob crushes Torrent’s back leg in his jaws. Torrent reaches back, grabs Jacob in his huge jaws and sends him careening into a pile of wolves.

I look around. Blade and Jacob are struggling to stand, River is losing blood. Franco is struggling to breath.

My rage builds. I look around at the wolves fighting.

Thoughts of Timber. Thoughts of David. Seeing River hurt on the ground.

My rage is a bubbling volcano.

I look at Torrent. If wolves could laugh, he'd be cackling at the destruction he caused.

He stares at me. His red eyes daring me to do something.

I look at River. His eyes are pleading with me to not do it. ‘Anna. Don't! Anna runs!’ He yells in my head.

I think of the black cross on his forehead like a target. I growl. ‘No more fucking around!’


I close my eyes, turn to Torrent and open them. They glow the brightest amber gold. My wolfs paws kick up bloody mud as I launch myself in Torrent’s direction.


I jump, hitting him like a runaway train. We go rolling across the ground. He pins me down. My front paws hold back his snapping teeth.

I plant my back feet and shove him off. Landing him on his broken leg. He struggles to find his footing.

I jump on him, sinking my teeth in and tearing out his shoulder. His wolf screams and bucks me off. He comes at me again, delirious with blood loss and hate. He jumps on me, but I manage to roll him over. He grabs my throat and tries to rip into it, but he’s weak from blood loss. I shove him off and get to my feet.

I stare him down as he begins to realize his doom. With his wolves dying around him, my wolfs eyes glance at River's and back at Torrent.

My jaws open wide and I sink my canines into the throat of the most powerful wolf in the country. The warmth of his blood rushes into my mouth as my teeth pierce his jugular. I hold on as he yelps and struggles. I pull back more to let even more of his blood out.

His heart’s beating out his blood like a faucet around my teeth. A dark red pool forms under his head.

His heart rate slows and his eyes dim. His struggles weaken. The white wolves stop and you can see the mind links fly between them. Their mighty leader has fallen and they all feel it now.

They watch as the man of all our nightmares has his throat ripped out by an unknown she wolf.

I felt his last heart beat as he drifts into the darkness. Sending the monster to hell where he belongs.

The last of the Dragons try to run off, but they’re chased by our fighters into the trees.

The clearing was covered in bodies of both sides. Blood ran through the mud and grass in streams.

Hundreds dead. Many more injured. I stood over Torrent's dead body and let out my strongest howl I could muster.

Slowly others joined. River's wolf rushed to me limping. He crashed into me, rubbing his body on mine and I returned his gesture. Blade howled, sending another wave of answers to it.

It wasn’t long before wolves started celebrating across the field.

We won. Against all odds, we destroyed the biggest threat we ever had. Years of torment and death over in a cold autumn morning.

River nuzzled his head on mine. He whines and I give him a little lick on his nose. We turn to the trees where medic tents are set up.

We looked for all our friends. Everyone was accounted for, thank God, but we all are pretty injured and bloody.

We all group together and make our way to the medical staff waiting on the other side of the clearing.


Five hundred of our wolves were lost. Countless injuries. Torrent lost two thousand. Maybe more. We captured a lot. Most of them were badly injured.

The Dragons are a pack without a leader. If they rebuild it will take them a while. We can pray they don't return, but nothing's guaranteed.

For now, we will celebrate and put Torrent behind us. At least we know, he himself, will not come back to haunt. I killed the murderer and everyone will know it. If a Dragon wants to face me again, bring it.

I've ended my nightmare. I've righted all my wrongs. I've made David's death mean something. I set out and did what I was always meant to do.

Save my people.

I started this, a total wreck, bent on revenge.

But with the help of my friends, the Unit, River and yes, Michael, I found my courage. I found my honor. I found my true self.

I found my true purpose in life. It wasn't revenge for David. It was to save myself and everyone I loved.

"I couldn't have done it without you." I say to River as I gaze into his eyes. We're sitting on a cot in a hospital tent. "You gave me strength. Strength to realize the person I was supposed to be. Thank you."

"You showed me how to love. How to be the strong leader I need to be for you and our people. Your heart and your love, makes me the Alpha I am. If it wasn't for you, I never would have grown the way I have. I love you, Anna. So fucking much.” He grabs my head and bruises my lips.

"We kicked ass!" Blade walks into the tent, larger than life.

River nods with a smile. “Yes, we did.”

"I told you. I'd follow you anywhere, brother. And you..." He looks to me. "Come here..."

“Oh God!” I chuckle and lean back. He stomps over to me, lifts me off the bed and hugs me tight. His huge body encompasses me. I laugh, but it almost seems like the big giant is about to cry.

"Anyone would have done the same." I say.

He pulls back. "You're a fucking hero, pretty lady. Enjoy it."

I sit back down and glance at the opening of the tents. My smile grows bigger.

I smack river’s arm. “Hey, look.” I whisper.

Just outside the door of the tent, Michael is softly kissing Emily. You can almost see both their worries melt away.

I rest my head on River’s arm. “I guess we don’t have to worry about him anymore.”

River smiles and kisses my head. “I guess not.”

I’m so happy to see Michael happy, even if it’s just for a little while. His fate still hangs in the balance. If Emily can make his time with us better, I’ll give him all the blessings I can.

A gruff voice cleared his throat. We all turned to it.

River's dad was standing a few beds away.

He runs over to River, slamming himself into him with a hug. "You did it, son. I can't believe you did it."

"We all did, dad." River pulls back with a grin.

Damian looks to me. "Anna..." He came at me with a hug too. "Layla is losing her mind. She had me rush down here to see if you were OK. I can't wait to tell her daughter in law killed the monster." He mumbled into my neck.

I beam as I look to River. He mouths 'I love you' and I mouth it back.

Fiona runs in. "Anna! Anna, thank God..."

Blake lets me go and Fiona slams into me. "I was so scared." She cried.

I rub her back. "It's ok. Fiona, I'm fine."

She steps back wiping her face. "Damn right you are. You killed Torrent. You're a bad ass bitch." She laughs through her tears.

"Hey! They're over here!" Someone yells. I look and it's Felix at the entrance to the tent. He waving out the door.

He runs to us all, clapping hands and giving bro hugs. "We fucking rock!”

A few seconds later, we’re joined by the whole crew. Fiona has a death grip on Davis waist.

More hugs and cheers and back slaps were felt.

River slings his arm around me. "You ready to get out of here?"

I nod fast. With our wounds healing, no one has to stay overnight. "Yeah. I need sleep."

He chuckles. "We all do."

We look around at our friends. We soak in the victory and beam with pride that these people would lay their lives down for everyone. To say we're blessed is an understatement.

Fiona slips under my other arm and we all walk out to the awaiting transport busses.

We were stopped by Alpha Andrews. I've never seen the guy up close, but he's huge like Blake. Blonde hair, massive muscles.

"Riker, I presume." He extends his hand and I take it.

"Alpha Andrews. Nice to meet you." I smile.

"I have to say, when they told me Torrent was killed by a she wolf, I was a little taken aback. When they told me it was a she wolf from my pack, little girl, you have done your people proud. Your bravery will never be forgotten on this day. I will honor you for the rest of my days." He shakes my hand vigorously.

He looks to River. "Is this your mate?"

I smile at River. "We're hoping."

He smiles. "So...a damn good fighter and Luna of White Rock. You Blake's should be lucky." He clapped River's shoulder.

"I am, sir." River preens.

"Well, I won't keep you. You deserve some rest. We'll be holding ceremonies in the coming days after the ball. You'll be there?" Andrews grabs Damian and they walk off, talking and laughing like the good friends they are.

River looks to me. "Let's go home, Luna." He drops a kiss on my head.

I squeeze his waist before boarding the bus back to the Falcon Ridge unit. Then it's off to the White Rock pack house for some much-needed rest.

As the fear of impending death leaves me, a new feeling appears. The blue moon is tomorrow night. The night all of our questions are answered. Please let this be another happy ending.

The street lights of White Rock pass through the windows.

Michael is sleeping in the back seat of River's Camaro.

I play with Rivers fingers that are laced with mine, as I roll the moon over in my mind.

He glances over at me as he drives. "What?"

"What if it all changes?" I mumble. "What if I'm not your Luna?"

He raises my hand and plants a kiss on the back of it. "You're my Luna. You will always be my Luna. We don't need a moon to tell us this."

"I know, but it would be nice to know that you're truly mine." I look up at him.

He lets out a little laugh. "Anna, there's no question. I'm marking you tomorrow. Moon or no moon. It'll be sealed. You're mine."

I give a half smile and look out the window. Yeah, River can mark me under the moon if I'm not his fated and for a year we'll be happy, but if he finds his true fated, the mark is destroyed. We're destroyed. He would either go to her or reject her and that would leave him weak. Forever and he'll never get a second chance.

This has to be. Our wolves feel it. I can't doubt, but in the back of my mind, I've been so lucky so far. In the back of my mind, I'm waiting for the shoe to drop.

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