The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 54

(Chapter song ‘Control' by Halsey)


I'm internally freaking out as I walk past all the happy faces. The Unit is buzzing with Blue Moon fever. I wish I could join them. The few that know what's going on, shoot me the same look I’m trying to hide. I informed them of the takedown and they all look just as heartbroken and scared as I am.

I cruise through the halls, heading to the trainer's office to pick up my week's itinerary, when Zeke rounds the corner almost knocking me on my ass.

He looks panicked.

I chew the inside of my cheek, pretending to look confused, though I know, he's most likely heard about the take down that's already started.

"Hey, man." I smile. This time it's almost a smile filled with satisfaction to see him so scared. "What's up?"

He looks around. "Uh, nothing. I...uh...have to go." He pushes past me and I grab his arm.

"Why the hurry? What's going on?" I stare him down.

He looks at my hand on his arm and shrugs it off. "Nothing...just...some shit came up and I have to..."

I get up in his face. My jaw slack, my eyes challenging. "You have to what, Zeke. Run to Torrent?"

His eyes widen.

I nod slowly. "Yeah. I fucking know." My eyes shoot daggers at him. "You're not going anywhere." He looks at me terrified. I mind link Blade to give me a hand. A few minutes later, we're escorting my best friend to the holding center of the unit. The prison unit.

The security guards put Zeke in a holding cell. I walk up to the door as he turns around. Places his hands around the silver laced bars. It's not enough to burn, but it weakens a wolf to human strength. "You can't stop it, ya know." He says.

I stare him down, once again. "We will." I say in a low, growling voice.

He shakes his head. "No, River. You can't. Torrent’s too strong."

"How could you?" I ask the one question that had been searing in my brain since I found out.

He shrugs. He's smug and seemingly unaffected by the fact that he just nuked our long friendship. "I pick the winner and it's not you."

"You were my friend!" I yell. My voice echoing down the hall. “What about Eve? All our friends?!”

He smirks and crosses his arms. "This is war and right now, I'd rather have Torrent as a friend. My dad’s an asshole and Eve’s a colossal bitch. Torrent’s all I need, man."

"You're pathetic." I grit.

He nods. "Maybe, but at the end of the day, I'll be alive." He grins.

I wave him off like the piece of garbage he is and start down the hallway.

"You better come to your senses, Riv or you and Anna? You're both gonna DIE!!" He yells then breaks out in evil, cackling laughter that spreads through the halls.

I'm fucking angry and hurt that he couldn't care less about what he is. What he did. That he's more concerned about saving his own ass than saving anyone else's.

I just hope that we win this thing. For his sake and for mine because if the people I love die, his throat is the first one I’m ripping out.

I head to the training field to meet up with Blade and Anna. I rub my neck as I approach. "He's locked up for now. I don't know what's gonna happen after that."

Anna wraps her arm around my waist. I pull her close, dropping a kiss on her head. "I'm sorry, babe."

I sigh, leaning my cheek on her head. "He did it to himself. I can't dwell on that now."

"You ready to work?" Blade threw his thumb to the field.

I let Anna go and nod. "Yeah, I could use the distraction."

We head to the recruits.

I just want some normalcy again. These past few weeks have been so messed up. I just want to relax and be happy while I still have the chance.


I sit in my room and wait. I wait for the most precious thing I'll ever have in my life.

Anna slips in my door and shuts it behind her. She's wearing blue sleep shorts and a small white t-shirt.

She leans her back on the door, propping a foot up on it. "Hey, how you feeling?" She says quietly.

I'm sitting on the edge of my bed in boxers. I smile. "Better now. Come here." I crook a finger at her.

She slowly walks over and straddles me, wrapping her long legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

She kisses me gently. It's sensuous, soft, filled with her love.

This is what I need. I need to feel her. All of her. Not in some rushed way. I want this slow. I want this to mean something.

I want to make love to her the way she has always been meant to.

I pick her up and lay her gently on the bed. I slip off her t-shirt, kissing her neck and collar bone. I gently squeeze her breasts then slide down her shorts, moving them off one foot then the other.

I slide my hands down the inside of her legs. I pause to take in the angel laid out before me. Her blonde, brown hair pooled around her head. I'm in awe of how beautiful she is. How, no matter what, this gorgeous woman is mine.

I slip off my boxers, freeing my throbbing erection. I pull her up and it's like her body just knows how to fit with mine. She responds to every touch I make.

She wraps her legs around me. The tip of my cock perfectly lined up with her entrance. She's already soaking wet for me. She wants this just as much as I do.

I grab her ass and slowly push her down onto me. I kiss her so slowly, so passionately. She holds my face and she kisses me back, softly moaning into my mouth.

She starts to move her hips up and down the hard shaft of my cock. Her pussy squeezing me with every stroke.

I pull on her hips to help her, but not too much. I want this slow and deep.

She's getting worked up. I let her breath. I stare into her eyes as my dick slides in and out. Her hair cascades all around us.

I run my hands up her back, into her hair. I pull her back, exposing her long neck. I lick and suck her soft skin, moaning into her as I feel my own orgasm building.

She moans louder as my hand travels from her neck, to between her breasts, down her stomach to her pussy. I find her clit and stroke it. I feel her clench. She moans even louder.

I feel my dick harden even more. I start to go a little faster and a little deeper. I rub her clit to build her up to where I am.

Her moans are turning into tiny screams as her orgasm edges near.

I thread my fingers higher into hair and push her lips to mine. I start to fuck her a little harder. I push on her hips to get deeper.

She crests hard. Her juices pour out as she screams into my mouth. I thrust into her to try and make her come longer, but I can't take it. My climax busts through and I come inside her. Pressing her to my cock as it empties. Her pussy squeezing me over and over.

We sit, wrapped in each other's arms and legs. Panting, sweating. This was a first for both of us. Making love to Anna was like the universe exploded. I've never felt anything like it. It was intense, quiet. All but subtle moans and our hearts seemingly beating in time with each other.

Anna rests her cheek on my shoulder as I run my hand down her neck and back.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you. Forever." I say as I slowly tilt her head back and move her hair out off her face. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. You're mine." I say looking dreamily into her eyes.

She looks at me. "You're mine too. Forever."

I softly bit my lower lip and feel a sharp pain. "Ah...what the hell? I separate from Anna and touch my lip. I pull back my finger and there's blood on it. I feel my teeth.

"River are you OK?" She looked confused.

I turn away, pull out and grab a towel. "Yeah." I chuckle. "Just bit my lip." I go to the mirror and look.

My canines descended a bit. My wolf was trying to mark Anna right now. I push him back down and my teeth go back to normal.

I laugh, checking my lip for more blood. "Way to ruin the moment." I smile.

She giggles. "It was still beautiful. It's been a long time since I made love like that."

I lay her down under the covers and climb in. "I've never made love like that to anyone."

"Really?' She gazed into my eyes.

I nod. "You're it for me, Anna. I meant what I said. You're mine forever."

She smiled. "I meant it too. River, I really think you're my second chance."

"In a week the moon will tell us what we already know.


My night with Anna was beautiful. I wish I could say the same for our morning.

After getting up and doing our morning routines, we sat at breakfast in the dining hall.

After last night, I did a lot of thinking. Probably too much. On some level, I agreed with Mike. We needed to keep Anna in a safe place. I needed Anna safe.

"River, no." She says, shoving eggs into her mouth.

I leaned over to her. "Anna. It's the best place for you."

She shakes her head. "No. You're just being over protective. I can fight.”

"I know you can, baby, but I need you at the pack house. My mother could use the help with duties as Luna for refugees and keeping our people calm. You have a duty to that too."

"River. Your dad's there. Come on. Don't make me sit this out." She protests.

I turn to Blade. "Help me out."

Blade raises his hands. "Sorry, man. I'm staying out of it. "

"I'd rather you safe. Ok. Just please. Stay in White Rock." I motion my hand to her.

She sits up. "River. This is just you trying to protect me from what I've been doing my whole career. Catching bad guys. It's what I do. Now, you want me to play the little wife at home. Forget it. It's not happening. I'm a fighter. I don't run."

I sigh. "No. I just don't want to have to be worrying about you when the shit hits the fan. The pack needs someone protecting them too. Who better than their Luna?"

"River, I'm not their Luna yet. Besides, I already have to protect you."

I threw up my hands. Obviously, I can't stop her from going to Caledon. "Fine. But you stay close. Don't go running off half cocked." I pointed my finger at her.

"I promise." She ate some more food.

"I mean it, Anna. Right by me. You hear me." I warn.

"I will! Calm down." She waved me off.

"You're gonna be the death of me I swear." I shake my head and pop some bacon in my mouth.

Just then Rez and Felix sat down next to Anna and me.

Rez leans over. "Hey, did you hear? They're moving the ball."

I looked confused. "No. Where'd you hear that?"

Felix swallowed. "From one of the event planners here. His lockers next to mine. We overhead him talking to another guy."

"Where?" I sipped my coffee.

Rez leaned to me. "White Rock. This your dad's plan?"

I looked to Anna and Blade. "Not that I know of. He never told me."

Blade looked around the table. "This is good, isn't it? I mean, the people won't get hurt now."

Anna turned to Blade. "Well, yeah, but what about the attack?"

We all kind of shrug. "I guess we'll find out. Guess you're staying in White Rock after all." I smile.

"No. I'm not. The fight is still in Caledon. I'm going."

I growl.

She squints her eyes. "Your Alpha growl doesn't scare me. So, you can stop it right now."

Blade chuckled leaning to Anna. "Doesn't scare me either." She laughs and I throw egg at him.

Felix popped some egg in his mouth. "Have you heard anything else?"

I shake my head. "Nothing. It's quiet. I don't think any of the prisoners are talking either."

Blade leaned on the table. "We should hear something soon. We need time to get our shit together."

"Hopefully." Rez says picking up his cup. "I'm itching for a fight."

Felix fist bumps him. "Amen, brother."

I look at everyone. "With the ball out the way, it looks like we're bringing the fight to them and I'm all for it."

Anna smiled. "Me too."

Blade raised his mug. "All the way brother. All the way."

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