The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 58

(Chapter song ‘Don’t Forget About Me' by Simple Minds)


I swallow nervously as I look out on the crowd of thousands of heads staring at.

Alpha Andrews is at the podium. He's talking about the victory and Torrent's demise.

Words of encouragement and celebration fill the air on the training field of the Falcon Ridge Security Unit.

River is sitting beside me in a chair on the stage. His fingers lace with mine like he can sense my nervousness. He looks to me and gives my hand a squeeze. He smiles warmly when my eyes meet his. I smile back.

The ceremony was to honor those that made our victory over the Dragons possible.

"Anna Riker. Can you stand over here please?" Alpha Andrews waves me over to him.

I stand, straighten my uniform and walk over to the podium. I stand at attention facing him.

He's holding a box. "For your unmeasured bravery, immense courage and strength you had to kill the Alpha of Dragons, we would like to present to you the Medal of Honor. Wear it with pride."

He takes the medal out of the box and pins it to my shirt.

"Congratulations, Luna." He smiles and starts clapping.

I turn around, beaming as the crowd erupts in cheers. I wave at them then turn and sit back down.

"It looks good on you." River holds the medal in his fingers.

"You look good on me." I whisper, making him laugh.

The ceremony was more medals and talking and then we were dismissed.

They had a luncheon on the field so we could eat.

We were talking with Fiona, Davis and Franco, when Alpha Andrews came over.

He greeted us. "Congratulations again, Riker."

I nod. "Thank you, Alpha."

"We're very proud, Alpha." River said slipping an arm around my waist.

He looked to River. "You should be proud too, Blake."

"Oh?" River says.

Andrews nods. "Don't think we didn't notice your leadership skills and organization through this battle. Because of that, we've decided to promote you."

I look at River wide eyed.

"How's does Operations leader sound." Andrews crosses his arms with a smirk on his face.

River glances at me and back to Andrews. "That' you, sir. I'll do my best." River takes his hand and shakes it.

Andrews runs his fingers through his hair. "Now, I have spoken with your father. I know you're taking over his spot on the Council. So, you'll be strictly on call. I realize pack business comes first, but if you could come and train the troops for operations and lead any operations that come up, that's all we ask."

River smiles. "Will do, sir."

Andrews claps him on the shoulder. "Great! Tomorrow morning report to the briefing room and they'll get you up to speed."

"Yes, sir." River nods.

Andrews looks at us all. "Enjoy your day." He turns on his heels and disappears into the crowd.

I turn to River. "Operations leader, Alpha, Council member. I'll never see you." I wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls me into him. "Baby, there's no way I'm going a day without kissing these lips. Come here." He bruises my lips with a deep kiss.

Franco interrupts. "Congrats, man. We're gonna miss you on the field."

River laughs. "I'm sure you'll live. Besides aren't you the kick ass trainer now?"

"Damn straight." He grabs his uniform rocking on his heels. "These recruits won't know what hit them."

We all laugh.

Sienna, Jacob, Rez and Felix pop out of the crowd to join us.

Fiona pulls out her phone. "Guys, let's get a picture. For posterity."

We all laugh and smile and group together. The boys made faces and the girls put on their best smiles. She snaps the photo and looks at it. Fiona lifts her head and looks around. "Amazing. Months ago, we all didn't know each other. Now, we're the best damn group of people in the Alliance."

"You got that right, babe.” Davis says, kissing her cheek.

Rez breaks them up. "Alright, enough of this mushy stuff. Who's up for some football?"

"I'm in." I laugh.

River points a finger at me. "No throwing attitude at the ref this time."

We turn and walk to our rooms to get changed, I pointed back at River. "That was a bad call, River, and you know it."

"No, it wasn't, Riker, it was a bad hit." He argues back.

"Please, I barely touched him." I protest.

He shakes his head.

"What?" I ask.

"This is the exact argument we had on this this field that first day I put you with my training group. You and your attitude." He sighs.

"Old habits die hard." I giggle and we trot off to the dorms.


As I sit watching old friends and new friends play football, I can't help but reflect on the past six months.

So much has changed for the better.

When this started that night by the southern border, I had no idea that the man sitting on the ground, bleeding at my feet, would change my life forever.

No idea that the path I stepped on that night would lead me here. Lead me to a place where I feel accepted, loved, and respected. A place where I feel that nothing is ever as dark as it seems. There is always a light. Shining off in the distance. It's just your choice to move toward it. And I'm so glad I did.

As I watch River run up the field, I wonder if there wasn't a higher power working their magic. I wasn't supposed to get another chance at happiness. I was to die miserable and alone, but the universe said no way. It gave me my strong Alpha. My brave soldier from the security unit. I shake my head as I think about all the times I got him so wrong.

I was wrong about him, about everyone at the unit. They aren't robots. They aren't yes men. They're kind, caring people who signed up to lay their lives down in the face of danger. If I had chosen to fight my reassignment, I would have never found these wonderful people. I would have never found River.

The story of my life started out dark and dirty. Full of hate and regret. Now, it's ending. My is heart whole again. Past loves have moved on. New love fills me.

I look up at the soft clouds moving across the sky and smile. "Thank you." I whisper.

A warm breeze circles me from my legs to my face. I close my eyes and embrace it.

"I love you, too."

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