The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 45

(Chapter song ‘Brother' by Avicii)


With Michael now gone, I'm leading our little group through the dense trees.

The pickings are thin as our teams shrink. There are about fifteen yellows left and twelve greens. All three Alphas are also still in play.

We jump on a small path and follow its winding trail around a group of trees.

I hear a twig snap and motion to Franco and the couple others with us to take cover. I peek over the bush. I see a body moving, but there's no color to it. It's an Alpha. I can't see which one.

I reach into my ammo pack and pull out the red ball.

"Shit. You got a ball?" One of the guy's whispers.

I shush him and tell them all to stay put. I sneak around to see who it is. Then it hits me. The familiar woody scent that makes my body melt. I smirk to myself as I load the ball marked with a B into my gun.

When he comes into full view, I pop up. "Hey!" I yell.

He spins around, raising his gun as I fire mine. Hitting him square in the chest. Red paint splatters him everywhere.

The guys jump up yelling Yeah! Then quickly die it down.

I stand smirking. As River looks down at his shirt, his hands flop to his side. "Fuck." He smiles turning his eyes back up at me.

Franco is dancing. "Woo-hoo. Four hundred big ones, buddy. Pay up!"

River groans, digging out his money clip and walks over to Franco.

"Nice shot." He says as he counts hundreds into Franco's excited palm.

Franco grips the cash. "Thank you, my good man." He stuffs the cash in his pocket. "Now, Alpha. I believe you are dead as a doornail."

River grumbles. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He turns to walk out of the woods.

"Hey, Alpha!" I yell after him. He turns. "See you after training. You're mine for 4 hours."

He shakes his head and stomps out.

The guys high five me. Franco crosses his arms. "Geez Riker, you're awesome at bagging Alphas."

"Shut up." I giggle at his innuendo.


The round ended with six green shirts and five of us yellows.

After we regroup, we join everyone on the training field.

River comes out of the trees after completing his observations for the day.

He approaches Blade who sees the red splotch on his shirt and starts to chuckle. "You gotta a little something on your shirt there, Alpha." He put his cigar between his teeth. Grinning.

River steps beside him, he jabs Blade in the arm. "Shut up."

Franco runs up to Blade, holding four hundred in his fingers. Blade snatches it smiling. Franco gives Zeke his two hundred. Zeke gives River a shove, laughing.

Zeke steps forward. "Alright. As you can see an Alpha has been killed. There's still two of us out there, so look sharp. The teams are down to just a few. Which means. We're down to wolf eat wolf. Each of you are on your own. Colors mean squat. Last one standing tomorrow, will be the winner. Rankings will be Friday afternoon."

Blade steps forward. "Ok. Hit the showers."


I joined the recruits who have already assembled at the lot to clean.

Franco is still grinning at his win. Nothings knocking him down.

The Alphas are posted up on their chairs, as usual. I hope River’s not too comfy.

I walk over to him, kick a leg out to the side and cross my arms. I meet his eyes and arch a brow.

He takes a swig of beer. As he lowers his bottle, he eyes me up and down. "Can I help you, recruit?"

"Yeah," I say smugly. "You can get out of my seat."

Blade and Zeke practically choke on their beer. Franco and other recruits start to snicker to each other. River shoots them a look.

"And why would I do that?" He shifts to get more comfortable.

"Oh? Did we forget already?" I point to him. "You're mine for 4 hours. I'm claiming that now."

River rolls his head to Blade. Blade shrugs, trying to bite back his smile.

River sighs and gets up. He walks over to me, flopping his hands out to the side. "Ok, fine. What do you want me to do?" His words drip with attitude.

I glance at a shovel on the ground and back up at him. The corner of my mouth ticks up and wiggle my brow.

He shakes his head, walks over and picks it up.

I walk over to his lawn chair and sink my but into it. Blade offers a fist bump and I return it. He hands me a beer.

River stands there glaring at the two of us. "Get to work, Alpha. Come on." I'm milking this win for all its worth. This is twice now; I've beaten my Alpha and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

It's another hot one today. After about 2 hours, shirts start coming off.

River is soaked in sweat. His muscular body glistening in the sun.

"Alpha, you missed a bit over there." I point, biting my lower lip at the hotness that is River Blake.

He stands with full attitude. "You're loving this aren't you?"

"Fuck ya." I clicked my bottle to Blades bottle, who's laughing, and take a swig. "Hey, do I still get my day off?"

"Yes, you still get your day off." His words are sarcastic.

"Sweet." I get comfy in my chair.

Two more hours and River's dead. I walk over to him after Blade called the day. I slap his sweat coated shoulder. "Good work, Alpha."

He wipes the sweat off his chest with his shirt. "Don't think I won't be getting back at you for this."

"Oh, come on now." I smile. "We had a deal."

He leans closer to my face. "We had a deal here. Come the weekend, I'm gonna make you pay over and over and over again."

And that's it. I'm left with heated wetness building in my core. My eyes widen as I blow out a shake breath. He smiles and leaves me there to suffer the immense arousal he just caused.

I watch him wipe the sweat off the back of his neck with his shirt. Licking my lips as I pray for Friday to show up quick.


Finally, the paintball war game was over. The victory was handed to a girl named Sienna. She was awesome. A spunky brunette with tons of energy. She commanded her team and led herself to the win. She showed no mercy the whole time. They'd be stupid not to rank her Alpha.

I gave her a hug. "Congrats girl. You deserve it."

"Thanks. Not really a challenge when you're up against these guys." She jabs Franco. He playfully shoves her back.

Jacob, another green shirt joined us. "You all headed to the bar tonight?"

Franco gave him a side clap. "You know it. I'll buy first round with the money I made off the Alpha ass." He cackled.

Jacob sweeps his fingers through his tussled, blonde hair. "Sweet. I'll let the guys know. Come on, Sienna." He grabs her hand and the two disappear into the crowd of recruits.

"Guess I'll see you there." I say to Franco.

He points to me. "You better show up. I'm buying you the first drink."

"Awesome." I smile and head for the showers.

As I get to the courtyard, River jogs up beside me. He has a big smile on his face. “I guess after tomorrow, no more sneaking around.”

I tuck my hair behind my ear. “I guess not.”

He leans to me. “Join me in a run tonight.”

I grin. “I’d love that.”

“Good. See you tonight.” He has this look like he wants to kiss me, but we can’t.

“See you.” I say.

I watch him jog off to join the other Alphas and I can’t help but think how lucky I am.



River thinks he’s won. Think again asshole. I’ll get Anna. She’ll be mine whether she wants it or not.

I sit down the street from the Unit in my car. Just staring at it as I white knuckle my steering wheel.

I have a new plan. They’ll never see it coming.

See River’s biggest mistake is he underestimated me. He underestimated my love for Anna. He has no idea the lengths I’ll go for Anna. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. There’s no depth I wouldn’t reach to show Anna that she belongs with me.

The kid gloves are off. I’m not fucking playing around anymore. He’s pushed me and now I’m fucking pushing back.

Anna will learn in time. She’ll learn that River is only messing with her head. He’s tricking her into believing that she loves him. She will see that I’m the only one she needs in her life. No one else.

I pull put my phone and scroll through my contacts.

I smile and hit a contact.

I put the phone to my ear. After a few rings, it picks up. “Hey, it’s me. I need to see you…I don’t give a fuck if your busy…No. It’s not a case. Listen. I have a job. I can pay. Don’t worry, you won’t get heat…Stop being a little bitch ok, I have everything figured out. Just meet me. I’ll call you with the when and where. Ok. Bye.”

I stuff my phone in pocket and look out to the unit.

Yep, they won’t ever see this coming.

I start my car and peel off down the street into White Rock. I’ll lay low, but not too low. I have to keep an eye on my baby after all and make sure she stays safe. I can’t have her thinking I just abandoned her. I’m always there for her. I’m always there to protect her.

“Just like I promised, right Dave? Just like I promised.” I glance into my rear view as I drive home. I see David’s eyes in mine. He knows I have his back. He knows I’ll always protect what’s his and mine.

I pull into my driveway and get out. I walk into my house. I don’t even care that I have nothing left. I don’t care that I’m out of a job. The only important thing is Anna. I will lose everything before I lose what’s important to me.

I sit in my dark living room. Anna’s pictures are on my phone. I lay on my couch and scroll through each one. My fingertip touching her face.

“I love you, Anna. No ones taking you away from me.” I mutter as I drift off to sleep.

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