The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 44

(Chapter song ‘Another Love' by Tom Odell)


After my complete meltdown, Blade took me to his room. I’m pacing the floor like a caged animal wanting to kill. He tosses me a bottle of water and I catch it on my way by. "Thanks."

"No problem." He mumbles, grabbing one for himself. He leans on his dresser. "Well, this is fucked up." He takes a drink.

I nod. "What do I do, Blade?" I play with the bottle in my hands, tossing it back and forth.

He shrugs. "What do want to do?"

I grip the shelf I'm leaning on, on either side. My knuckles turning white. "I want to fucking murder him." I grit.

"Ok. Besides that." Blade sighs.

I shake my head. "I mean, any chance he had with her, he blew it, so that’s half our problems gone now.”

“But you’re worried she won’t want you either.” He watches me walk.

I glance at him and nod. “There’s just too much shit. It’s so goddamn messy. I won’t blame her if she washes her hands of both of us.”

He tilts his head. "Is that what you want?"

“No.” I stop and sit on his bed. “But it doesn’t matter what I want.”

“You said you’re sure she’s your fated." He takes a drink.

"Yeah. I know." I mumble.

"Ok." He comes over to me. "So, if the douche is out the way, go to her."

"I want to. I want to in the worst way, but if she decides to really end all of it…” I rub my forehead.

"I think you need to talk to her. Find out where her head is." He put his bottle down and crossed his arms.

I nod. “I have no choice, do I?” I roll my eye up to him.

He shrugs. “Not really. You only hurting yourself by guessing.”

"Yeah. You’re right." I walk over to his door and open it. "Thanks."

Blade smiles. "No problem, buddy."

I walk out into the hallway and mind link Anna.

‘We need to talk.’

‘I think we do, too.’

‘Meet me behind the barracks.’

I walk outside to the spot where I had Anna's body so many times and waited.

Ten minutes later, she's rounding the corner and headed my way. Her face is puffy and pink. It gutted me seeing her so upset.

"Hi." I breath. Even upset she's a damn angel. All the feelings I've been trying to ignore, rise up in my chest. My heart skips a beat when she speaks.

"Hi." She mumbles.

"You ok?" I turn to her, leaning my shoulder on the wall.

She shakes her head. "No, but I'll get over it."

I push off the wall and take a few steps toward her. "Anna, I'm sorry. Everything's my fault. If I hadn't come into your life..."

She raised her hand. "If you hadn't come into my life, I'd probably be dead right now. I was already so dead inside. You brought me back to life, River."

I lower my head and cross my arms. "I know, but I just made it more of a mess with you and...him."

I feel her step closer. "Michael isn't your fault. It's mine. I should've taken care of him years ago. Instead, I fed his delusions. I should have seen something like this coming. It's a fairy-tale he's built himself with my help. You tried to warn me. I just wanted to see the good in him."

"Anna, please don't blame yourself." I whisper.

"I have to. I'm sorry, River. You told me to stay away. I should've listened instead of getting mad." She takes a few more steps closer. We're inches apart.

I blow out a shaky breath as I raise my head. My eyes lock with her amazing amber eyes.

"Anna..." My words trail off quietly.

That familiar heat rises up. It’s so thick and palpable.

"I should have trusted you, River." A tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

I raise my hand. It's slightly trembling. I cup her cheek. The warmth and energy of her skin shoot through my arm. I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb. Wiping away the tear that fell. She closes her eyes and leans into my touch.

"Anna..." I whisper again as I thread my fingers into her hair and pull her head into mine. I smash my lips onto hers. My mind explodes with want and need as my tongue dances with hers. She's crying into my mouth, like a thousand-ton weight had been lifted off us.

I wrap my other arm around her waist, holding her body to mine, while I drink in every ounce of her energy.

The kiss was everything. Everything we missed. All the feelings we both were so stupid to think we could ignore.

She wraps her arms around me, squeezing me into her like she couldn't get me close enough.

I pull back, my hand resting on her cheek. I trace her lips with my thumb. "Fuck, I missed you so much." My eyes wander around her face taking in her beauty.

She sniffs and smiles. "I missed you too."

I kiss her again. This time with more fever than before.

She pulls back, coming up for air then she lowers her head. Her hands are on my chest, playing with my shirt.

"What?" I ask.

She turns her gaze to my eyes. “Do you still want space?”

The corner of my lip ticks up quick. “Not really. You?”

She licks and bites her top lip. She shakes her gorgeous head no.

I grab her head and put my forehead on hers. “I love you so much. Stand under the moon with me.”

Her eyes lock with mine. “Yes.” She smiles and I feel like a damn hero. I put that smile there and my heart swells in my chest. Nobody’s touching her again. Anna’s mine and there’s no way she will ever feel the pain she felt these past few months.

“You’re mine, Anna. Mine forever. I know it. I love you.”

Her face softens. "I love you, too." She steps back.

My wolf whines as she puts more distance between us. “Thank you for giving me another chance.”

“I’m not letting your ass go any where.” She’s smiles and turns. “I still have to tag you with your ball.” She waves at me as she walks away.

“We’ll see.” I call to her back.

I lean on the wall and heave the biggest sigh of relief. I thought for sure she’d walk, but she didn’t. She’s still standing under the moon with me and she’s still mine. Michael thought he destroyed us. As far as im concerned he made us stronger.



I was so stupid to think Michael had changed. So, fucking stupid.

I can't believe I let him do this to River and I.

I let him in. Let him destroy me. Let him make me think he was saving me from a disaster he created.

When I heard his confession, I wanted to kill him. Make him pay for all the pain he caused me. I felt my wolf breach the surface and if I didn't get out of there, she was going to tear through.

I ran for my barrack, sobbing. Fiona was sitting on her bunk, getting changed after her shower, when I ran past her to the locker room.

"Anna! My God. Are you OK?" She sits next to me on the bench and wraps her arm around me.

I shake my head in her chest. "No. Everything's a mess." I say through tears.

"Fuck that guy. What a jerk." She pushes me off her. "You don't waste another tear on him." She demands.

I wipe my face. "I'm not crying because if him..."

Her face softens. "River."

I nod and start to cry again. "I can't believe I was so stupid."

"You need to go to him, Anna. You need to tell him how you feel. You've been playing this game long enough." She straightens my hair. "You've just been pretending to be happy, but I can tell, you're fucking devastated without him."

I look at her through tear filled eyes. “He won’t take me back now. Michael ruined it. I’m sure of it. Who’d want to be around that?”

"You don't know that. Talk to him. Maybe he doesn’t care, Anna. You can’t just assume he wants to give up." She smiles.

Just as her words finish, I got River's mind link.

After our talk, I left feeling complete again. As much as I try to deny it, River is mine. Mine forever. In every sense of the word. All those feelings I felt that I thought were tricks of my mind, I believe could actually be real. River could really be a second chance for me. I guess I have Michael to thank for that, but that’s all the thanks I’ll ever give him.

I just can’t believe that my best friend would even think of doing this to me.

I walk to the dining hall. After all this, I didn't realize how hungry I was. As I wait in line for food, I'm suddenly surrounded by men. Zeke, Blade, Franco, Rez and Felix, all approach me.

I look around the group. "Uh...Hi"

Rez crosses his arms. "Anna, are you OK? I swear we had no idea he did that."

I crack a half smile. "I'm fine. It's ok, Rez. I know this was all him."

Blade stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I'm kicking him out. You won't be bothered by him again."

I nod. "Won't leadership have a problem with that. What if they question what happened?"

He rubbed the back of his head. "I'll deal with it. He was disruptive and it's my job to deal with it. They won't question my decision."

I heave a heavy sigh. Michael's life is now ruined. He has nothing to turn to now. I can't help but feel just a little guilty for that. He was my friend after all and I lead him on.

Felix plants his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about Mike. We got you covered." He nods to Rez who nods back.

"Thanks. All of you. Really."

Zeke folds his arms. "Cassidy has been sent packing too. Honestly, she should have been sent out weeks ago."

I scowl. "Good. If I ever see her again it'll be too soon."

Zeke nods. "Don't worry, you won't."

Blade steps closer. "Have you talked with him?" He keeps his voice low.

I smile. "Yeah, I did. We came to an understanding."

He arches a brow. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." I breath. “We'll have to do a bunch more talking, but we’re giving it another try.”

Our little group is broken up by Fiona. "Give my girl some space." She says as she pushes through all the hard muscle.

She fixes her hair. Huffing. Turning toward all the boys. "Honestly, you boys go sit down and eat. Leave Anna in peace.”

They all put up their hands, chuckling as they back off from my friend's protective stance.

"Ok. Ok." Blade says. "Bye Anna. See you later."

"Bye." I say as I watch them all go back to their tables.

She turned to me. "Geez, you built yourself quite the fan club."

I giggle. "Thanks."

I get my food and sit at my usual table.

I sit across from Fiona. Franco leans over. "Everyone's talking about what happened."

I sigh. "I wish they'd stop. I don't want River getting in trouble for losing his shit."

"I don't think he will." Greg joined us. "He was disciplining a recruit. At least, that's what we're telling leadership. It's his job you know." He winks.

"That was a little more than discipline." I arch a brow.

Greg raises his sandwich to his mouth. "We may have left out the details." He takes a big bite.

I look around the tables. Watching the gossip. "What if they hear them?" I motion to all the people talking.

Greg shrugs and swallows. "It's just gossip. We'll just fluff it off." He waves his hand.

"Ok." I breath and take a bite of my sandwich.

Franco swallows. "Honestly, I'm glad that guy is gone. He was seriously creeping me out and if he thinks he's getting his hundred bucks back, he's go another thing coming."

I laugh. "I think that's the last of his worries."

Mark sits up. "Ok. Enough of this talk. Let's talk about the games." He smirks.

Franco smirks back. "Aren't you all getting your asses handed to you?" Marks a green shirt.

I chuckle. "Not many of you left."

Mark points his sandwich around the table. "We're coming for you next round. Don't get too cocky."

"The next round, you'll see my paintball in your ass." Franco shoots him a cocky smile.

Mark chuckles. “Promises, promises."

We all laugh. It feels good. Given everything that has happened, I'm so glad I have these people in my life. Even without the messy saga that my love life is right now, these people are truly my friends. Just another thing I was missing in my life.

Fiona caught me looking around the table immersed in my thoughts. "Anna? You ok?"

"Yeah. Everything's just fine." I smile.

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