The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 43

(Chapter song ‘Just Like You' by Three Days Grace)


Ok. The bet may have had a whole bunch flirting behind it. I can’t help it. I can’t be friends with Anna now that I know what she is. Since she’s forgiven me, I want to get with her again. I see Michael. I see how he looks at her. I saw his face as we talked. If I can get Anna alone. Away from him, I’m sure I can convince her not to be friends.

Michael is still a big obstacle. He's fucking pushy and I’m not liking it. I can’t have him hovering around anymore. It’s not good for Anna or me. It’ll start this shit all over again.

As I think about it more, I get more agitated. I need to focus on something else.

How about the fucking war game, idiot.

Ok. I drift back into reality. Taking in my surroundings. As Alpha, I'm a lone wolf. No teams. Just me. The other two are on their own as well.

I slink through the dense brush when I hear voices.

Chattering. I'm curious.

I get close enough to see and hear Cassidy talking with three other girls. Figures, she's treating this as a hang out, rather than a test.

"...I'm just saying, once I find Alpha Blake's ball and use it on him, he'll see how good of a fighter I am and he'll make me his Luna for sure." She flips her hair over her shoulder.

One girl scoffs. "It's not that easy, Cassidy."

Cassidy waves her off. "Of course, it is. Especially, now that his chick is out of the way. Honestly, I thought setting her off would've been way harder."

Another girl fights nervously. "I still can't believe you did that. That poor girl...."

I furrow my brow. What am I hearing exactly? My wolf perks up and I feel his concern and anger. He is drawing the same conclusions.

Cassidy snorts. "Please. I knew that bitch was a hothead the moment I met her. If it wasn't for shifter healing, I wouldn't have done it, but if sacrificing this gorgeous face means I bag an Alpha, I say it's well worth it. It broke them up good, and I'll be here to pick up the pieces."

The third girl pipes up. "So, if it was such a great plan, why aren't you with Blake now. Seems that Mike guy got what he wanted."

Wait, what?

Cassidy plays with her hair. "All in good time. Once Mikey makes sure Anna's over Blake, he's all mine." She smirks. “Mikey and I have it all figured out. Once he gives me the all clear, he'll set us up. He promised."

Holy fucking shit! Are you fucking kidding me right now! This whole thing...this whole fucking thing was a goddamn set up from Michael.

I'm raging. My breath is ragged. What I put Anna through? What I went through? Fucking everything?! It was because of fucking Michael?!

My hands wring my rifle. My mind is racing. Trying to process what I'm hearing.

I only know one thing I can do in this moment.

I burst out of the bushes, aiming my rifle at them. "Don't fucking move."

The three girls yelp and their eyes go wide. They all look surprised to see me.

Cassidy was shocked, but then tried to lay on the charm. "Alpha Blake. Uh...Dang...I guess you caught us."

I force a small smile, still having my rifle to my shoulder. Its sight trained on her. "Cassidy....Interesting conversation you were having." My eyes fill with fire.

She got nervous. " much did you hear?"

"Enough." My jaw ticks. "And, now...." I fire a paintball to her stomach. "You're going to tell Anna."

She yelps and looks down at the mess on her shirt. "What the fuck?"

I motion with my gun. "MOVE, recruit."

My face is flushed. Glowing red with anger as I march Cassidy and her friends out of the woods. My wolf is going ballistic. He wants to tear through on her and hunt Michael’s ass down. I want to tear him to pieces, but I’m sure Anna will do that for me.

"What about the game?" Cassidy whines as she walks.

I raise my rifle. "As far as I'm concerned, you're out of the fucking game." I growl.

"But..." She protests.

"If you know what's fucking good for you, you'll shut your fucking mouth right now." I seethe at her.

I push them out of the trees to the training field. "Wait here." I grumble.

I mind link Anna. "Anna, can you come to the training field please."

"Uh...sure. I'll be there soon."

"Hurry." I cut the link. I stand there staring at Cassidy and her friends.

"Do you fucking realize what you've done?" I glare at her. I'm a foot off her with my chest puffed out. Body tensed up.

The recruits in the graveyard were staring. Cassidy saw their faces and hers flushed red with embarrassment.

She starts wringing her hands. "Alpha, I'm not sure what..."

"Don't fucking lie to me!" I yell, tossing a finger at her.

She flinches and her eyes start to well up. "I'm sorry. It wasn't my idea..."

"I don't give a shit whose idea it was! Did you honestly think this would fucking work? That I wouldn't find out?!" I continue yelling. I'm so pissed right now. I don't give a shit if I'm doing this in front of recruits. If it was a guy, he'd be bleeding on the floor. I'll deal with Michael later.

"N... no...I... mean...." She’s stammering, searching for escape, but there is none.

"You think I'd fucking fall for you?! Seriously?!" I shoot daggers at her. "What makes you think I'd want anything to fucking do with you?!"

She’s crying now "I...I...don't....know..." She whines.

"What you fucking put Anna through? Are you fucking kidding me?!" My yelling is getting louder. My face is beat red. Cassidy is frozen in the spot.

"What kind of a colossal bitch does that?!" I push forward on her. She takes a couple shaky steps back.

"I'm sorry..." She cries out terrified.

My wolf is surfacing and I probably look goddamn scary right now. I know if the guys hadn’t shown out, I would have lost it in the worst way.

I push on her further just as Zeke, Blade and Anna rush out of the trees and run across the field to where I'm losing my shit.

Zeke steps between me and Cassidy. He's pushing me back. "Hey...HEY!" He yells.

When I see Anna in the corner of my eye, I look around him, glaring at Cassidy. "Tell her!"

Cassidy shakes her head no.

"You tell her right fucking now!" I yell pushing on Zeke.

Blade steps over to Cassidy. He knows I wouldn't be this pissed for nothing. "Tell. Her." He speaks calmly, but his words are laced with Alpha tone.

"I...I...made you upset on purpose. I knew you react the way you did. I knew that if I pretended to be super hurt, you'd get in trouble and...The plan was to break you guys up. On purpose." Cassidy’s knuckles were white with fear.

The recruits sitting on the side of the field were whispering to each other. I guess our secret was out now.

Anna stood there wide eyed, listening to Cassidy's confession.

I pushed against Zeke. "Tell her whose fucking plan it was! Tell her, Cassidy!"

Cassidy started to sob. "It was Michael's...I'm so sorry..." Blade looked to Anna whose face was full of confusion, anger, and betrayl.

Zeke looked at me. I nodded, gritting my teeth.

"Michael?" She chokes. She searched Cassidy's face, as the color drained from hers.

Cassidy nods, her cheeks were wet with tears.

Blade growls at her friend's looking for confirmation "Is this true?"

All three nod and bow their heads.

"What the fuck?!" I yell, breaking from Zeke. I pace around holding my hair, trying to wrap my brain around all this. All the guilt I felt, the punishment, the pain. All for some fucking breakup plan for that fucking asshole.

Speaking if which.

Michael ran out of the trees. "Anna are you OK?"

I rush at him. "You fucking son of a bitch!" I skid to a stop in his space and let a left hook land square on his cheek. Then I grab his shirt and hit his nose with a right hook.

Zeke runs and grabs my arm. "River, knock it off!"

I shrug him off and throw a punch at Michael again

Anna yells "River stop!"

"You fucking coward! Fucking dirt bag piece of shit!" Zeke and Blade pull me back.

Michael stumbles back. "What the fuck, you fucking psycho!" He wipes his nose of the blood.

Zeke tries to get my attention. "River! You can't do this here! Not now!" He's got my head, trying to get me to focus on him. I can barely breath. "River, put your wolf away. Right now." Zeke warns.

Michael straightens his hair. "See, Anna. See, this piece of shit is nothing but fucking violence." He motions his hand to me with anger plastered on his face with the blood I spilled.

Blade gets right up on Michael. "You better shut your fucking mouth, buddy."

I push on Zeke. "I'm violent? I'm fucking violent? You're fucking insane! Purposely upsetting Anna to get in her fucking pants?"

Blade glares into Michael's eyes. Michael starts to piece things together as he looks from Anna's hurt face to Cassidy sobbing behind me.

"Michael?" Anna questions. Her eyes glass over.

Seeing her about to cry, has my wolf going insane. He's skimming just below the surface. Holding him back is a conscious decision, but if he pushes even a little bit more, I'm going to fucking let him go.

"Anna...I don't know what you heard..."

I push again against Zeke. "Fuck you! Don't you fucking dare deny it asshole!"

Anna holds up her hand to me. "River!"

I stop pushing, like her voice was some sort of kill switch to my anger. She turns to me. "River. Please. Let me handle this."

I stand, blowing out breaths to quell my anger.

Zeke walks over to the recruits. "The game is canceled. Everyone, hit the showers." He says sternly.

All the recruits get up and leave, gossiping as they go.

Anna walks over to Michael, who's shifting around on his feet. "Is it true?" She asks.

"Anna...I..." He stammers.

"Is it true?!" She yells.

"Yes, but Anna..." He tries to explain, but Anna shook her head, turned and ran for the barracks.

"Anna!" I call out, but she doesn't come back.

Blade walks to Cassidy. She's on his team, so he'll deal with her. "Go to the barracks. Wait for orders." He said calmly.

She nodded and left the field with her friends.

Michael looks wildly between the three Alphas. It's just us and him left.

Zeke approaches him. "You're a real fucking dirt bag. How could you do that to Anna?"

He glares at River. "Because Anna not his! She's fucking mine!" He yells, thumping s finger into his chest.

I rush at him, but Blade wraps an arm around my chest. "SHE WAS NEVER YOURS, ASSHOLE! NEVER!"

Michael pushes against Zeke. "SHE WAS UNTIL YOU FUCKING SHOWED UP!"

Blade leans to my ear. "River, we're gonna get on serious trouble is this doesn't stop. Let's go buddy."

I tick my jaw. "I want him fucking out of here by the end of the day."

Blade nods. "Ok, let's just go somewhere and cool off." He turns to Zeke. "I'll be back. Take him to his bunk."

Zeke nods.

Blade wraps an arm around me and leads me off the field.

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