The Falcon Ridge Series Book 1 She's Not For You

Chapter 46

(Chapter song ‘Learning To Fly' by Tom Petty)


Today we're are completing our final tests of strength, stamina and team work.

After this training session, the Alphas will present our ranks. To say I'm excited is an understatement.

It may have been only months, but I feel like I've changed so much in that time. I don't feel like that rebellious biker chick anymore. For once in my life, I feel like I'm a part of something that's bigger than me. And I'm not talking about just the unit. River and I are much bigger than I thought. Together we can bring down anything. We will hold each other up. I never thought I would ever find someone who completed me like David did, but River does that and so much more. I also don't care what the moon says. Fate or not, I'm not letting him go without a fight.

With the last of the training ended, I'm sweating like mad. I stumble over to the water table. River is there, watching the field.

"Looking good, recruit." He says in a commanding tone.

I snort. "Whatever. I'm a mess." I take a big gulp of water.

"Seriously." He turns to me. "You've made some big improvements. I'm impressed."

"Thanks, Alpha." I grin.

He tosses me a towel he grabbed off the table. I snatch it out of the air and wipe the back of my neck.

He slowly wanders over and turns to the field. "In a few minutes. No more sneaking around." He side eyes me, grinning.

"Can't wait." I grin back.

Zeke and Blade wave River over to them and tell us all to get in formation in front of them.

This is it. The moment our lives change.

I swallow as the three of them talk in a circle, shuffling papers between them. The wait is excruciating.

They turn and Zeke steps forward.

"Alright." He holds his papers up. "In my hand are your ranks! We will call you out randomly. After we're done, you can pick up your certificate." He puts his papers behind his back. "I want you all to know, we've all seen how hard you've worked. How dedicated you are to this unit. If you didn't get the rank you were hoping for, it doesn't mean you didn't try your best. It just means you need to be a bit better. And you can improve as you work alongside us. This isn't the end. It's just the beginning. You should also know; your rank comes with responsibility. You can lose it just as easily as you got it. So even if you're an Alpha, you need to keep working to keep that status. Now...let's get this show on the road." He nods to Blade.

Blade steps forward holding his papers. "Alright. Davis....Beta."

Davis smiles as guys around him clap his back.

"Rez....Beta." Rez fist bumps Felix.

"Felix....Beta." Felix grins from ear to ear

"Sienna....Alpha." Sienna jumps for joy as the girls she's with squeal.

"Ok...ok..." Blade waves them down. "Greg...Alpha."

Greg barks out "Yeah!" And calms himself quickly.


I hold my breath. "Alpha." Blade smiles.

I blow it out...almost fall over. I look to River who's beaming with pride.

River steps forward to read his names. "Fiona....Beta." Fiona throws her arms around Davis giggling.


"Oh yeah!" He yells.

"Mark...Beta." Mark smiles and waves.


Franco jumps pumping his fist in the air. "Hell ya!"

They read out the rest of the names. Handing out more ranks of Beta, Alpha, Delta and Gamma.

River stands after it's over. "Ok. Congrats. Come get your ranks."

We rush the Alphas forming a line with our prospective trainers.

I get to Blade. "Great job girl." He offers a handshake and pulls me into him. "Go get your Alpha." He whispers.

I smile ear to ear. I look to River whose standing off to the side.

I run to him and jump into his arms. Wrapping my legs around him, giggling like a teenager. He kisses me right there on the field.

"I'm so proud of you." He mumbles on my lips. "I knew you'd do well."

I pull back. "Thank you."

He puts me down. "For what?"

"For messing with my life. You turned my world upside down and I couldn't be happier." I grab his head and kissed him again.

"Nothing's gonna stop us now, baby girl." He grins from ear to ear.

He takes a step back and takes my paper, reading it "They got this wrong."

I furrow my brow. "What? Where?" I snatch it from him.

He leans close to my face. "It should say Luna. Not Alpha."

"Oof." I smirk and slap his chest.

"I guess I'll be moving into the dorms now huh?"

He nods. "Yep. Alpha floor. We'll be neighbors."

"I like that." I smile and we walk off to the dining hall. He's draped all over me and I'm loving every minute of it.


Friday night, the bar is slammed. All the newly ranked members are here. Celebrating, drinking, dancing. The music pumping.

Since River likes dresses so much, I figured I should wear one for tonight. I chose a white, strapless, scrunch dress. It's tight and short. I'm also wearing white strap heels. My hair is in a half bun with curled locks draped over my shoulder.

I'm with the whole crew again as we all got ready at Fiona’s house.

We walk in. Fiona hooks my arm in hers. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She squeals. She starts dancing.

I laugh. "Let's get a drink." We lean into the bar and order.

I'm waiting for my drink when a voice hits my ear. "Damn, Baby, you look good enough to eat."

I smile and turn around. "Hi."

He grabs my head and smashes his lips to mine. I melt into him. He lets me breath, pulling back biting my lip. "Hi." He breathes.

I smile. "You like?' I present my dress and spin around.

He eyes me up and down. "Hell ya. I won't be able to take my eyes off you all night."

"You look sexy too." He's wearing a pale blue, silk button down, untucked over black jeans.

"It's all for you, baby girl." He grins. He puts his hand on my waist. "Got your drink?"

I grab my beer from the bar. "Yep."

He leads me to the tables. I say tables because our group has exploded. Blade and Zeke are sitting in their usual spots. There's Fiona with Davis. Jacob with Sienna. Mark, Greg, and Felix at one table. Rez is chatting it up with his new girl, Dinah. Franco is also sitting with them talking with a spunky blonde girl, named Rayne.

I'm sitting with River, who has his arm around my waist. He holds up his beer, "Congratulations to everyone! Ranks well earned!" He toasts. Everyone clicks bottles and glasses. He leans over and gives me a kiss.

"I think this calls for shots." I say.

He arches his brow. "Ok, I'll get some."

I pat his thigh. "No, it's fine, I'll get them."

"I don't know if I like you wandering around without me." He narrows his eyes.

I roll my eyes. "I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. I'm an Alpha you know."

"I know." He pulls me to him. "I just don't want anyone sniffing around you."

I give him a quick kiss. "Calm down. You know I'm coming home with you. Just relax."

He smiles at my words. "Damn right, you are."

I tap his chest. "I'll be right back."

I turn and head for the bar. It takes a while to get there. The bar has filled up even more than when we first arrived. I push my way through the crowd and I was almost to the bar when I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." I mumble. I look up and it's Michael.

My eyes widen.

He smiles. "Hey, Anna. You look..." He eyes me up and down, biting his lip.

I start to back off. "Michael. Sorry. I was just heading to the bar."

He grabs my arm. "Anna. I need to talk to you."

I look down at my arm and back up to him. "Let go." I growl.

"Anna. Please. Five minutes." He insists.

"Michael. Let me go!" I yell. I try to pull my arm free, but he grips tighter.

"Anna, I'm begging you. Just come outside with me to talk."

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I grit my teeth at him.

His face turns dark. "Yes, you are." And he starts to pull me toward the exit.

"No! Michael, let go." I protest.

He pulls me to him and pushes through the crowd. We're almost to the door when I hear a loud, booming voice. "Get your damn hands off her!" River pushes his way through the last few people. He slams himself into Michael which breaks us apart. River grabs Michael's shirt and delivers a left hook to his cheek. Michael goes down. River is seething. "You have a fucking death wish, don't you?"

The bouncers of the bar are on us immediately. "What's going on?!" The big, thick bouncer yells.

"Nothing. He was just leaving." River's chest was heaving. Glaring at Michael.

River puts his arm out and I crawl under it. He pulls me to him. "You ok, babe?" He drops a kiss on my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I rub my arm.

Michael gets up rubbing his jaw. "Anna. I just need to talk...”

River pushes me behind him. "The only thing you need to do is leave."

The big bouncer put his hand on Michael's chest. "You heard the man. Out."

Michael glared at the bouncer and River.

He points to River. "We're not done. Not by a long shot." And he slams through the door into the night.

River turns to me. He rubs my arms. "You ok?"

I nod. "Yeah. I've never seen him like that."

"You want to go home?" He pulled me in for a hug.

I shake my head. "No. I'm not letting him ruin another minute of my party."

River smiles. "Good girl. Let's go."

We head back to the tables. "You have a seat. I'll get the shots." I don't argue this time. "Ok." He kisses my forehead and heads for the bar.

Fiona sits on River's stool. "What happened?"

I wave her off. "Nothing. River took care of it. I don't want to talk about it."

She nods. 'Wanna hit the floor?"

I nod fast. "Definitely." I just need to calm my nerves and dancing with my friends will do just that.

I join the ladies with the guys around. Soon after, I'm hit with River's arousing scent as he prowls up behind me. He starts grinding himself on my ass. His arms outstretched around me.

Jacob and Franco start to dog whistle and laugh. I'm also laughing.

He wraps his arms around my waist kissing my neck. I turn my head and he kisses me on the dancefloor. This is what we needed. What we wanted. To be free to love each other the way we wanted. I've never loved him more than I do right now.

We break apart and I spin around. We both grind on each other. My one arm on his shoulder and his hand on my ass.

We put on a full display. He's showing off, but it's for his own piece of mind. Like he said, he's letting all the males know, I'm off limits. In another life, I'd take offence to that, but now, I want him to. I want to be the Alpha's girl that no one will dare to touch. I want him to dominate me, protect me.

I want River to love me like I'm the only thing precious to him in this world.

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