The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Twelve

My phone rang as I stepped up the curb. It was Chase. “Hello.”

“Good morning, duchess.”

“Your majesty.” I grinned. “Am I supposed to call you that?”

“You are not.” He made a hissing sound. “So, I have your guard and thought I’d pop in to introduce you, in case you planned on going out later… but we seem to be standing here in your penthouse, alone.”

I looked over my shoulder, as if he was going to appear there. “You brought a strange man to my home unannounced?” I went up the steps. “What if I’d been standing there in the room naked?”

“Mmm, there’s an image.” He cleared his throat. “Then I suppose he’d have a beautiful sight to remember after I removed his eyes from his head.”

The security guard opened the door for me. “That seems a bit brutal.”

Chase growled softly. “That may be due to the fact that you are not here. Why are you not here?”

I huffed out a breath when I saw how many others were in the building. “I had to go to the bank and sign papers to transfer some money.”

“I see.” He really didn’t sound happy. “Transferring your money was more important than your safety?”

Stopping, I debated on leaving again and coming back when it wasn’t as busy. “Chase, go look out the big window in my sitting room.”

“I’m looking.”

I smiled at the guard as I just stood there. “See the building across the street?”

He sighed. “The bank?”

“Yes. I walked across the street. All. By. Myself.” I had to curb the urge to laugh.

“Don’t distract me with sass when I’m trying to be cross with you.”

Turning, I checked to see the manager had someone sitting in his office already. With Chase’s mood, I decided I should wait, as I may not get back here today. “I’m sorry. While your being cross with me, why don’t you put some coffee on for us?” I walked over to wait near the small sitting area, then noticed a familiar pair of grey eyes watching me.

I inhaled sharply. “Do you have your brother following me?”

“What? Which brother?”

Huffing out a breath, I started to walk toward him and then slowed my step when I noticed the way those eyes were moving all over me with great interest. Very unlike Arius. It wasn’t Arius.


“What’s wrong?”

I bit my lip and glanced at the man again. “If I put my hand on someone and push the button on my device do they come back with me?

He made an odd noise. “Put your hand on who?” He was almost yelling into the phone.

“Yes or no?”

He growled. “Yes. Now what is going on?”

I smiled at the grey eyed man, with short black hair, I’d thought was longer. He smiled back. “Okay.” I was going to hang up and then remembered. “Uh, maybe have someone waiting with a device… in that room I come back in.”

“What? Shit!”

I hung up and went right up to him. Crissy was correct in his description, he was almost a mirror image of Arius. Perhaps a little older around the eyes, but there was no mistaking the relation.

“Hello.” I smiled sweetly at him and looked him up and down similarly to how he had me. I couldn’t sense any emotion from him, which for me, confirmed his identity even more.

He smiled wide in return. “Hello.”

Now, how was I to push the button and be touching him at the same time? I looked around and realized I couldn’t just pop us out of here in front of so many people. The odd thought of alien stories I’d read came to mind. Some things made more sense lately, in a very obscure way.

Opening the cover on the device, I gave him a smile that may be considered inviting. “Could I…” I bit my lip. “Could I borrow you for a moment?”

He gave me a curious glance, like he was going to say no. I pointed to the enclave that led to a side exit. “Just, can we go over there for a moment?”

His grey eyes gave me a heated look as he looked me up and down again, pausing for a few heartbeats on my exposed legs. “Lead the way.”

“Oh, lovely.” I smiled again, while thinking I was not cut out for this cloak and dagger business. My heart was thumping in the base of my throat so hard, I was sure you’d see it if you looked.

Once we reached it, we were mostly hidden from the customers, I stumbled into him like I’d tripped. He reached out with both hands and grasped my shoulders to steady me. I pushed the button.

My stomach flipped and I knew it had worked. The hands tightened on my shoulders, squeezing and then were gone.

I opened my eyes to see very angry grey ones looking at me.

“What the fuck, lady.” He growled at me in a deep voice.

Before I could reply Chase and a large man appeared a few feet from us.

“Swear on my mother’s grave, duchess, I’m putting you in a…” Chase stopped talking and looked at the man beside me. His entire demeanor changed as he straightened to his full height and held his hands out from his body like he was expecting a fight.

Holding my hand over my churning stomach, I looked to the man I’d brought back. “Sorry about that, but are you in pain?”

He scowled at me and shook his head. “No just, lightheaded.” He looked from me to the men. “What the hell is going on?”

I nodded. “Good.” I looked to Chase. “He’ll be all right then?”

Chase didn’t look away from him. “Yes. Duchess, call Arius to come here. Now.”

“Oh, of course.” I opened the screen on my phone and tapped Arius’ number. He picked it up right away.

“Alona? Are you all right?” His concern was touching.

“Yes, yes… well your brother is a tad cross with me,” I waved my hand remembering there were other more important issues. “Could you come to the…” I frowned and looked at Chase.

“Landing room.” He said in a flat tone.

“To the landing room, please. Your presence is required.”

“On my way.” He hung up without asking a single question.

Neither Chase nor his brother moved or said a word, they were too busy staring at each other. I looked at the guard Chase had with him, he was quite large. No taller than Chase, but much bulkier. I smiled at him. “You do look like a pirate, a dashing one, but still a bit of a ruffian.”

“Dashing?” Chase gave me a brief look. He glanced to the guard. “Sith, while I consider firing you, could you do your job?”

The man didn’t reply, just immediately placed his large body between me and the man I’d hijacked. I wondered if Chase brought me a mute guard. Huffing out a breath, I stepped to his side and looked at the grey eyes still zeroed in on Chase. “I’m sorry for the manner of bringing you here…”

His head snapped in my direction. “Where the hell are we?”

“I got here as fast as I could…” Arius came running in and then stopped abruptly when he saw his lost brother. “Holy fuck.” He whispered and looked him over. “Crissy wasn’t kidding when she said we look alike.”

I nodded. “Yes, one of you may have to grow a flirty little beard so others don’t confuse you.”

Chase gave me a flat look, one brow raised.

I sighed and stepped toward Arius, while looking at the confused man. “Emil, may I introduce you to two of your many brothers,” I motioned to Arius, “Arius and Chase.” I waved a hand to the unimpressed king.

“Brothers? I don’t have any brothers.” He said in a low voice.

I laughed quietly. “You actually have more than your share of them, eight to be exact.”

His brows furrowed. “If I had eight brothers, don’t you think I would know?”

“It’s true,” Arius told him, “you have three older brothers and five younger ones.”

Emil gave him a wide-eyed look. “Did you say older?” He snorted, “Now I know you’re all crazy.”

Chase crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes older. Victor is five hundred, Quinton is four hundred and fifty and Michael is three hundred and sixty.” He glanced to Arius. “Did I get those right?”

Arius nodded. “I think so, I can’t keep them all straight most of the time either.”

Emil’s face blanched and he suddenly looked like he was going to faint. He shook his head. “It can’t be…”

“And yet, it is.” Chase glanced at Arius. “Better round up the others, wake them if they’re sleeping. They’re going to want to know about this.”

Nodding, Arius pulled out his phone and walked out of the room.

Chase’s expression changed and he looked back to Emil. “I know you’re as confused as shit right now, and I don’t blame you, but please, come join us and we’ll fill in the blanks.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “It’s a touching tale, really, about a king and an affair he had in another realm.”

Emil looked from him to me, and then back to Chase again before inclining his head in the way I’d only ever seen these brothers do. “I’ll listen.” He said in a rough tone.

“Excellent.” He turned to Sith. “Please show my brother to the dining room.”

Sith nodded abruptly and held his hand toward the door.

After they walked out, Chase turned to me and crossed his arms over his chest. “You know I can’t even be mad at you now, because you found my brother while doing what you weren’t supposed to do, right?”

I smirked. “It must have been fate, telling me to go to the bank.” I wasn’t serious, but he rolled his eyes and then relaxed his stance somewhat.

“You have no idea how fate can be a shocking, controlling bitch.” Holding out his hand, he sighed. “Come. We have to try to explain to a man that is three hundred years old that nothing is as he thought it was.”

Nodding, I took his hand. “I’m very well versed in how that scenario goes.”

When we reached the dining room, Arius was leaning against the kitchen door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. Emil stood at the door we came in, his pose almost identical. “No family resemblance at all there.” I murmured, as Chase guided me to the far side of the table and pulled out a chair. I sat down and looked over to see my large, mute guard standing beside the door, watching Emil. I hoped some of the others got here soon, the tension was almost visible in the room. Chase stood behind my chair like a statue.

Mitz came through the door with a coffee urn and then stopped and looked from Arius to Emil. She set the urn down on the table and rushed to Emil. “You’re home, finally.” Reaching him, she grasped his face in her hands and pulled so he was leaning down to her. “You are the spitting image of your great-grandfather, as Arius is.” She sniffled. “I can’t believe it’s really you after three hundred years.” Shaking her head, she sighed. “You never should have been out there on your own that long…”

Emil glanced at Chase with a look of panic on his face.

Chase moved around the table and gently pulled Mitz off the man’s face. “We have much to explain to our lost brother, Mitz, maybe a snack would be required?”

“Oh,” she nodded her head quickly, “yes. I won’t be long.” She looked at Emil again and wiped a tear from her cheek and rushed out of the room.

I turned to see Arius looking at one of the portraits. “She’s right, we do look like him.”

Emil cleared his throat and walked to the other side of the room and looked up at the painting. “How is all of this possible?”

Chase snorted, “If I have to explain the birds and the bees to you at your age, then you…”

“Is there a good reason for dragging us out of bed?” Troy came in with Daxx tucked under his arm. He stopped in the doorway and looked at Arius and Emil. “Oh, my god.”

Daxx came over and sat beside me. “Did you find him?” She asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded. “Yes. I pulled a Crissy and yanked him here with me.”

“The likeness is uncanny.” Troy said quietly.

Arius looked from him to Chase, who was beside him, “Yeah ’cuz that never happens in this family.” He glanced to Emil. “This is Troy.”

Emil looked him up and down, much like he had the others, but offered no greeting.

“I can’t find Leone.” Rafael came in, pulling swords from his back as he did.

Emil stepped away from Arius and moved both arms quickly. Two butterfly blades appeared in his hands and it smooth motions he had them both open.

“Fuck that was impressive.” Raf said with a grin. Then he paused and looked from Arius to Emil and slowly set his swords on the table and held out his hands. “I was just taking them off, not using them.”

I noticed all the other males were suddenly hunched and ready for a fight. “Oh, stop it, all of you. Put the toys away.” I told Emil.

He glanced at me and then relaxed his stance slightly and flicked both wrists and the blades were folded up again. He cleared his throat and looked at Rafael then to the swords. “Where the hell is this place, where you walk around like that?”

Rafael grinned and looked like he wanted to hug Emil, then glanced to the knives he still held.

“This,” Arius said sounding bored, “is your youngest brother Rafael.” He looked at Emil’s hands. “If you weren’t holding those he would be hugging you like a Raggedy Ann doll by now.”

Emil looked horrified at the prospect and made no move to put his blades away.

“I’m… you’re here… you are… you’re really here.” Rafael stammered, making no sense.

“So it appears.” Emil replied hesitantly.

Chase turned to Rafael. “What do you mean you can’t find Leone?”

Rafael looked at him quickly and then back to Emil. “He hasn’t been back since practice.”

Troy leaned back on the edge of the table, keeping Emil in plain sight. “Have Clairee check to see if he’s at the temple.”

Rafael nodded. “I called her and left a message.”

Michael came in from the hallway, with Crissy almost skipping beside him. He waved some papers in the air. “Crissy knows where to find Emil…” He lowered his hand and looked at the man standing near Arius.

Crissy became animated and then laughed. “Now everyone knows where to find him.” She looked at me. “It was you, wasn’t it? I knew I seen you both at the same time for a reason.” She nodded.

I just smiled in answer, knowing actual replies weren’t always needed with her.

Crissy went right up to him and looked up at him. “See, I knew the eyes were a little different, but really the same.” She smiled at him. “Do you have fangs?”

“Cristy.” Victor growled from the kitchen doorway.

Excited all over again, Crissy motioned to Emil like she was presenting him. “He’s found.”

Victor was dressed as he had been the first time I’d seen him, all black leather and many pointy weapons. He held out his hand to her and she went over. Dropping a kiss on her head, he nodded to where Daxx and I were sitting. “Go sit over there, please.” His tone was soft but his eyes that studied his brother were not. He didn’t move until she was beside Daxx, on her knees on the chair, not actually sitting.

Victor moved toward Emil, his eyes noting the weapons in his hand. “I suggest putting those away.” His tone left no room for discussion. “I’ll not have you armed while the women are present.”

Daxx laughed. “Yeah ’cuz we’re all so dainty and not armed ourselves.”

Crissy chuckled and then sobered up when Troy glared at Daxx.

“I’m drowning in the testosterone in here.” Daxx said. “Emil meet two of your older brothers,” She motioned to where Michael still stood. “Michael, and the big scary one in your face is the eldest brother, Victor.”

Mitz came out of the kitchen carrying a large tray of pastries. I had to wonder if she had twenty people in there at all times just in case the brothers gathered. She set the tray down and looked around at them. “All of you sit down. Now.” She glanced to Emil. “And put those away. I may not have changed your diapers, but I won’t have you disrespecting this home.” Turning she froze, her eyes on the swords on the tabletop. “Rafael, get those filthy things off my table.”

Raf moved quickly and picked them up and took them to the corner and leaned them there. “Sorry, Mitz.” He came back and sat down by the tray.

Chase and Troy were backing away from Emil to the table. They sat down, almost in unison.

Michael, who still looked like he was in shock, went around and sat at the other side of the table as well.

Victor didn’t move to sit, he did motion to the table and then watched as Emil walked to the furthest chair and sat down.

Mitz nodded. “That’s better.” She turned her motherly smile to Emil. “Can I get you something, love?”

He shook his head slowly and then looked around at the others again. “No… thank you.”

I watched Mitz give a little nod and then she hurried from the room. I didn’t know her place in this family, but I did know she wielded awesome power to keep these men in line.

Emil rubbed a hand over his jaw and looked at me, shaking his head he sat back in the chair. “All of this because of a gorgeous pair of legs.” He mumbled.

Chase growled and glared at him.

“Where is Quinton?” Troy asked.

Rafael waved his hand around. “He’ll be here in a minute.” He said around a mouthful of pastry. “Him and Welsley had to go settle some kind of dispute.”

“Everything resolved?” Victor asked in a stiff way.

Rafael nodded. “Yeah, nothing important.”

Quinton came in wiping something off the front of his shirt. “They threw food at us,” he growled and then froze mid-motion when he saw Emil. “Holy shit, you’re real.” Shaking his head, he quickly wiped his hand down the front of his jeans and walked over to him with his hand out. “I’m Quinton.”

Emil stood up and shook his hand briefly.

Quinton grinned. “Just what I need, another younger brother.” He chuckled and then spotted the tray sitting on the table and went toward it.

Emil sat back down and waved his hand around. “How is all of this possible?”

“Strange when you find out you’re not the oldest in the room, isn’t it?” I said nodding my head slowly.

“And then some.” He said quietly. “I don’t know where…” he looked around, “here is, but I am waiting for a very important call about my son, so…”

Crissy almost stood on the chair. “From which marriage?” She shrugged, “Not that it matters, any of your sons would be two hundred years old now or older.” She nodded.

He frowned and looked at her.

“She,” Chase motioned to Crissy, “knows things.”

“Are all five of your children like you? Like us?” Michael asked him.

Emil sat back, a solemn look on his face. “No. Two sons and a one of my daughters appear to be like I am.” He glanced to me for a moment. “A son from my second marriage and daughter from my third passed away after normal human life spans.”

“I’m sorry.” I offered him a heartfelt look. “I understand losing people.”

He inclined his head and then cleared his throat. “My son seems to be caught up with the wrong sort presently, I have an investigator following him.”

“Your phone will work here.” I told him. Feeling like that was probably the only fact in all of this I could offer the man.

“What type of wrong sorts are we talking about?” Victor sat forward in his chair, I wondered if he maybe couldn’t sit back with the weaponry on his back.

Emil studied him for a moment. “Some low-life group wanting to take over the world or something.”

The men all exchanged looks with one another.

“Low-life like they have red or yellow eyes as well low-life, or human gang type of low-life? Michael asked him, looking like he wanted to pounce on something.

He frowned. “I believe most are like me… us.” He sighed. “They’re telling him some nonsense about a royal family being unjust and controlling…” He shook his head.

“So, you know your children, you have a relationship with them?” Troy inquired.

Emil nodded. “Yes. Once I realized they were like me and didn’t age, I thought at the very least I could offer them some sort of guidance.”

“That’s lovely.” I smiled at him. “That they have you.”

Chase cleared his throat. “Maybe a bit of history is required here.” He looked at his twin. “Your father… our father was the king of Alterealm…” he waved his hand around motioning to the males at the table. “Welcome to the royal family, brother.”

“So, Emil’s son is on team bad?” Daxx asked glancing to Troy.

Troy nodded. “So, it seems.”

“Wait.” Emil held up his hand. “This war is true?”

Victor nodded briefly. “Indeed, it is. We had a mage go rogue and has been, for much longer than we were aware, building illegal transport devices so any can go to the other side and stay there.”

Michael hissed out a breath. “Most of these should never be on the other side with humans, they will leave a trail of death in their wake.”

Crissy nodded. “They had humans, so scared, locked in a cage to feed from.”

Emil looked like he was in shock now.

I leaned on the edge of the table. “It’s all very overwhelming, to learn.” I smiled. “I’ve only known a few days.” I motioned to Crissy. “She found me, much like I did you.” I offered him a look of compassion. “Team bad is trying to recruit me as well.”

“How old is your son that they’ve recruited?” Quinton asked between bites.

Emil blew out a breath. “Ellis is two hundred and fifty, or there abouts.”

Arius chuckled. “I have a nephew the same age as me.”

“Where are your other children?” Daxx asked looking very serious. “Are they with them as well?”

Emil shook his head. “No. Rena lives in the mountains, a few states from here. She prefers quiet. Abraham is here…” he frowned, “there, in the city, but thinks his brother is insane, so he has nothing to do with it.”

Chase sat forward and looked to Crissy. “Could they know about his son? That Ellis is related to us? Could that be who they were talking about that Alona overheard?”

Crissy bit her lip and shrugged. “It could be, but I don’t think it is.” She huffed out a breath. “It took a lot to trace them.” She pointed to Emil. “It took a lot to track him. They would have to know about him and his mother’s name to even start.” She nodded. “And all the name changes, I lost him a few times.” She grinned at Emil. “Emmett, Ernest…Eric, I like that name.” She looked at Victor. “I want to name our son Eric.”

Victor coughed and gave her a wide-eyed look. “We’re having a baby?”

Crissy laughed. “No. Why would you ask that?” Shaking her head, she turned back to Chase. “I don’t think anyone else can trace his children.”

“Good.” Chase looked back to Emil. “This is going to be a long day, found brother, we need to fill in all the blanks for you, and then figure out how to get your son out of there, so we don’t accidentally kill him.”

“I have a question, before we climb into all that.” Michael said watching Emil. “Did your mother have a tattoo on her arm? Or any of your wives?”

Emil frowned. “My mother did, which was horrifying for her. None of my wives did. What is the significance of it?”

All the brothers looked to Victor.

“Dad had two mates?” Rafael said sounding shocked.

Victor raised his eyebrows. “So, it would seem. That is one mystery solved.” He looked to Emil, “Now to figure out how Emil managed children with women other than his mate.”

“Mate?” Emil asked. “I shouldn’t be able to have children?”

Quinton sat back. “I still say it’s because his mother was human, it must have messed with genetics in some way.”

“Possible.” Victor said with a thoughtful expression. “However, for now, I think we need to explain as much as he can handle today, for as long as one of us can stay awake.”

Several heads nodded.

“Can I listen in?” I asked. “I’m still very lost.”

Chase chuckled. “Some days, even I’m lost, and I’m a king.”

“I just kill it if I don’t understand it.” Daxx said with a smirk. “Less thinking that way.”

“I’ll need to make a few calls if I’m here for the day.” Chase said getting up. He spotted Sith by the door. “Sith, you may as well go back to our side and help my captain today.”

Sith nodded abruptly and left.

I leaned over to Daxx. “Does Sith speak?”

Daxx shrugged. “I’ve never heard him talk now that I think of it.”

“Lovely.” Chase had gotten me a guard that would just be a large silent statue. Was that better than one that chatted with me? I wasn’t sure.

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