The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Arius stepped away from me so quickly after we reached my place, I had to sit down so I wouldn’t tip over with dizziness.

“Sorry. I forgot.” He tucked his hands in his pockets and looked at me, as if he was looking for something.

“Have I broken some rule by feeding from your brother?” It was the only reason I could think of for the look I was receiving.

He shook his head. “No. It’s… uh… not that.” He grinned. “Chase is a big boy and way out ranks me, so he can do whatever he likes. I’m just…” He sat down by the window. “Surprised he offered.” His brows furrowed. “Twice, if I’m not mistaken.”

“He thought it would help after I was so ill.”

“Did it?” He was leaning forward on his knees studying me.

“Yes. Any other time I could never have…”

He waved his hand, “Oh, I realize that.” He sighed and sat back, a look of thoughtfulness on his handsome face. “I’m just surprised he did.”

“He said he never had before.”

Arius snorted. “He wasn’t lying. Even when we were younger, or one of us were injured, he’d always shove another neck in our face.” He shrugged. “I think it has a lot to do with the fact that out of the eight of us, he’s the only one without fangs.”

I clasped my hands in my lap. “Oh, I suppose that would make him feel excluded and maybe a bit scorned at the same time.”

Arius nodded his head slowly. “It had to be that way though. He is one of the twin kings.”

“I don’t understand.” I motioned to the kitchen. “Would you like some wine?”

He grinned. “You love your wine. Just a little.”

I got up. “Yes, I do. I suppose some have a comfort food or habit. I have wine.” I brought the bottle and glasses back quickly. “Please elaborate, the twin kings.”

He accepted the glass and took a sip. “You have excellent taste in wine.” He smiled briefly. “It was prophesized… Alterealm, by the way, is really big on prophecies.” He glanced out the window. “Anyway, it was prophesised twin kings would be born, one to rule the day, one the night and every five hundred years after the first new royal twins would come.” He looked back to me. “So Troy is the night and Chase is the day.”

I found it quite interesting. “They are the first twin kings.”

Arius nodded. “It was too much for one king and his guardsmen to rule over, so the years of waiting for the twins were many, so I’m told. I was born ten years after them, so they’ve always been there.”

I took a quick sip. “That’s a lot of expectation to live up to.”

Tilting his head, he gave me a curious glance. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.” He took a drink.

As I raised my glass to do the same, my phone started vibrating across the table. Picking it up, I looked at the number. I frowned. “I think it’s Lou.”

“Answer it.” Arius was up out of the chair before I could push the button.


“Isabell, it’s Lou. I was calling to see how you are feeling.”

I watched Arius pull out his phone. “Oh, your concern is touching. I’m feeling much better now.”

Arius was texting on his phone. Probably informing a brother.

“I think I may have just been overwhelmed today, Lou. With the enclosed space and seeing so many…”

“Yes, yes, I imagine it would be a bit of a shock, considering you didn’t know others existed.”

Arius was watching me carefully, his expression hard.

“Exactly. I’m going to need a day or so to wrap my head around… all of it.”

“Of course. Yes. I completely understand that.”

Arius was reading his phone, his jaw clenched. He typed something back, scowling the whole time.

“I was wondering if perhaps we could meet somewhere, other than the tunnels this next time.” Arius frowned at me, his brows so drawn together his eyes were barely visible. I walked over to him and held the phone away from my ear, so he could listen.

Lou laughed. “A bit at a time.” He said in his loud voice. “So you’re not overwhelmed. We can probably arrange that. We’re not all in the dark tunnels under the city.”

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.”

He laughed again. “I’m out of town tomorrow, so I’ll call you when I get back.”

“That would be lovely.”

“Have a good night, Isabell.”

“You as well.”

He hung up.

Straightening, Arius looked at his phone again. “He really does want to get you, doesn’t he?”

“It’s as I said.” I told him.

Putting his hand to his temple, he waved his phone around. “Just give me a second to appease my king so he gets out of my head.”

I nodded and sat down again.

Arius tapped his phone and put it too his ear. “I was not ignoring you. I was listening in on the conversation.” He nodded. “Yes. This Lou sounds like he’d do cartwheels and backflips to impress Alona to get her to join them”

I smirked at his description.

He sighed. “No, Chase. He’s going out of town, so she’ll be fine tonight.” He huffed out a breath. “When she suggested meeting somewhere not underground he told her they’re not all in dark tunnels under the city, so I think we have an opportunity…” He turned and looked at me. “No, she’s sitting right here.” Sighing Arius walked over and held out the phone to me, he looked very annoyed.

I took the phone. “Hello?”

“You didn’t block your number when you called him?” Chase barked.

I gave Arius a wide-eyed look. “I didn’t know I had to do such a thing.”

Chase sighed. “I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t expect him to call you.”

“Neither did I.”

I heard a door shut. “Do you want a guard there tonight?”

I looked to Arius to see him standing with his hands on his hips, looking anywhere but at me. “I don’t think that’s necessary. I doubt Lou or his friends will push the issue with me. Whatever his purpose or intentions for me are, they don’t want me upset.”

Chase snorted with annoyance. “You could come back here.”

“I think I’ll be fine here. The security personnel can’t even access my floor. I had my own system installed when I moved in.”

“Complete with alarms?”

I nodded. “Yes, very loud alarms.”

“Smart girl. Wear your device when you go to bed, any sign of trouble get here.”

I sighed. “Fine, yes I will.”

He growled quietly. “Give the phone back to Arius, please.”

“Good night, Chase.” I started walking to his brother.

“Have sweet dreams, duchess.”

I held the phone out to a very tense Arius.

Shaking his head, he put it back to his ear. “Yes. I’m not.” He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Go to sleep, brother.” He snorted. “I’d be happy to bite you—I haven’t fed.” He laughed and hung up.

Tucking his phone in his pocket he sat down and picked up the glass. “I am supposed to ask if you’d like to come back with me and sleep safely within the walls of the royal chambers.” He drank down what was left in the glass.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” I held up the bottle, he shook he head no. “Is your brother always so…” I waved my hand around searching for the right word, “dramatic?”

Arius laughed. “No. Chase is usually the laid back, annoyingly calm one.”

I took a sip. “Perhaps it’s the stresses of his position today.”

Arius tilted his head and gave me a gentle look. “Perhaps.” Getting up, he motioned to the darkness outside. “I have to get back and make my rounds at the cells. Will you be all right? I could have Daxx come over if you’d rather not be alone.”

I stood up. “I’ll be fine. Alone. It’s the with others part I don’t know how to manage.”

He grinned.

“I’m going to have a hot bath and then go to bed.” I looked out the window. “I’ve never been much of a night person.”

“Call if you…” he sighed. “I should give you my number.”

I picked up the phone and handed it to him.

Putting his number in it, he handed it back to me and grinned. “Call if you need anything.”

“I will thank you.”

He bowed his head, and then once again was gone in an instant.

Taking my phone, I went and took off my boots and put them by the door. When I checked to see if the security system was activated, I remembered we hadn’t come through the door.

Chuckling quietly, I went into the bathroom and turned the water on to fill the tub. I took off the device and set it beside my phone on the counter.

I was just stepping into the hot water when my phone beeped. Grabbing it, I sat down and then checked to see I had a message from Daxx.

Was told to see if you want me to come there tonight.

I smiled and answered her. Chase?

Yep. Do you?

I chuckled softly again. No thank you. I will be fine.

Figured. Have a good night.

I thought about that for a moment. I will. Have a good day (?)

LOL I will.

I hadn’t even put the phone down when it beeped again. It wasn’t from Daxx this time. It was Chase.

Are you sleeping yet?

I laughed. No not yet.

His reply came back fast. I can’t sleep either.

I glanced at the time on my phone. It’s been five minutes since I spoke to you.

Is that all? Feels like an eternity.

I laughed again and sent back, only five minutes.

Why can’t you sleep?

I paused to think of something to say, without telling him I was having a bath. I sent back. Aside from constant messages? I would drown if I went to sleep right now.

It was a moment before he replied.

You’re in the bath?

I sent him. Yes.


I’d never laughed so much while bathing before in my life. Do you bathe with clothes on?


Another one came back before I could type anything.

I can’t believe your texting me while naked…I’ll never get to sleep now.

I smirked at my phone. Take a hot, relaxing bath.

Is that an invite?

I paused to wonder if this was the same growling man that had yelled at me a few minutes earlier.

I’m holding my breath here, waiting.

I smiled and answered him.

No. It’s not.

I received a little heart broken in two back. Chase?


Are you even in bed?

It was a moment before he replied.

No. I’m sitting behind my desk looking at stupid reports about grass growth and cattle. Frowny face. I am NOT a farmer.

Perhaps reading them thoroughly will help you sleep. I replied with a smirk on my face.

There’s a good chance they might. Are you still naked?

I bit my lip and typed back. No. I got dressed so you could sleep.

LOL liar.

I sent him back a yellow smiley face.

Swear you will call me if you need anything!

I grinned as I typed back. I damn well will!

LOL I’m going to pretend to be a king now.

Play the part well. Smiley face.

Always do, duchess. G’night.

Good night.

I stared at the phone for a few minutes, in case anyone else decided to message me. When no more came, I set it on the ledge by the tub and slid down into the hot water. I didn’t know what I was going to do about that fair king. He made me smile, but I needed to consider it before I became attached. He wasn’t human with a short life span, a first in my life. Yet I didn’t think I could ever open my heart again. There was only so much heartbreak you could handle before shutting out the option in self-protection. I’d reached that point a few decades ago, and I didn’t see it ever changing.

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