The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Ten

We stepped in a room, I had expected a large dojo, this was not even close to that. It was a huge gymnasium with an entire wall lined with weapons. I was quite taken back, and maybe a little impressed.

“They seem to be prepared for anything.” I murmured to the girls.

Daxx grinned. “This is my favorite room on the planet.”

Crissy shrugged and walked over to where the men stood.

Arius stepped away from the group and smiled at me, opening his arms wide. “I’d love you to show me what you’ve learned from the masters.” He placed his palms together and bowed in a formal manner.

Walking around the edge of the mat in my boots, I grinned at him. “I could use a little practice. I haven’t found a suitable dojo to stay in form.” I was about to take off my boots when someone laughed.

“You’re going to fight dressed like that?”

I looked to Rafael and decided I’d leave the boots on for the moment.

Chase smacked his brother on the chest. “Shut up, brother.”

I smiled and reached down to pull up the hem of my skirt. “Always.” I tucked the corner of it into the waistband and began to walk toward Chase, who looked entirely too enthusiastic about my outfit. “A female opponent wouldn’t bother to notice,” I glanced to Daxx, who shrugged. “Unless of course their preference leaned that way.” I kept walking toward Chase, whose eyes were on my legs, now showing more skin than anywhere else. “But a male, so much bigger than I in strength…” I stopped a few feet from Chase and motioned to my legs. “They’d notice.”

Chase grinned wide. “Yess, they would.”

With a fast move, I stepped toward him and turned quickly, one foot hit the floor beside his feet as I grabbed his arm and flipped his large frame over my body in a single, smooth motion. He hit the matt with a loud thump. I stepped and put my boot on his chest and smiled. “And they’d be very distracted.”

He looked at the boot and then smiled up at me. “Completely.”

A few around us clapped and the girls cheered.

“Damn did anyone take a video of that?” Rafael asked.

I moved my foot and held out my hand. With a big grin, he allowed me to pull him to his feet.

Crissy bounced in place before glancing to Victor. “Maybe I need a skirt to fight in.”

Victor snorted. “Over my dead body.”

Frowning, Crissy shook her head. “I don’t think you’d have to die for me to get a skirt, Vic.”

Pulling her with him they walked away.

“Impressive, duchess.” Chase said, still smiling at me. “Although it may be considered cheating.”

I leaned down and unzipped one boot. “Using your own weaknesses against you isn’t cheating.” I took off the boot and reached for the other one.

“I’m surprised you can fight, without the backlash of emotions.” Michael mused as he stood there leaning on a long bo.

I sighed as I made sure the skirt was still tucked in. “It took a long time to find a way to fight and protect myself without collapsing under a backlash. Martial arts require great discipline and an almost unemotional focus, so I endeavoured to master all I could.” I motioned to the wall of weaponry. “It may not be as brutal as you are accustomed to, but it works to aid me when I require it.” I glanced down at my skirt. “I’m normally not dressed this way for sparring, so I will mostly be a bystander today.”

Arius motioned to the matt. “Show me how you just did that to Chase.”

Nodding I walked by him and then realized without the heels on my boots, I was at a height disadvantage now. Decades of learning would have to help me then.

Watching the way they fought, I realized a few things. They were very good, and meticulous in their study and practice in hand-to-hand combat.

They went through more than one weapon and sparring partner. Daxx was impressive, holding her own against much larger opponents. As for Crissy, anyone intending to harm her would have to catch her first. If I were to describe her technique, I would say it was evasive maneuvers.

Chase bowed to Troy, who then turned to answer Arius’ taunts. Their closeness showed in their treatment of one another. It was something I hadn’t had the opportunity to observe much in my life.

Placing the large wooden sword back on the wall, Chase came to squat beside me, a serious look on his face.

“Did Leone say anything to you before he left?”

I shook my head. “Only that he was glad I was okay.”

He brushed his fingers over his goatee. “Maybe he had a lead to check out,” he mused quietly. His pale eyes moved over me briefly. “How are you feeling?”

“I am good. Thank you.” I motioned to the others. “Do you do this every day?”

Nodding, he glanced to his siblings. “Most days, yes. Until recently we hadn’t had any wars or uprisings, so we practice to stay in shape.”

“You’re all very good.”

He smiled. “Helps to be, so we don’t lose.” His hazel eyes moved over my face. “Are you hungry, you didn’t eat your toast?”

“I was trying to remember everything I found out.”

“Mmm,” he sighed, “some of it, I could have been happier without knowing.” He shrugged. “Like the children being around others like that.” Pulling out his phone, he looked at it. “Walk with me to the kitchen? I want a drink before I go back to my office, and hopefully I’ll get to bed in a few hours.”

We walked for a few minutes without speaking. I couldn’t sense what he was feeling, but I could see the worry in his eyes.

“You’re worried.”

He glanced at me and nodded. “Concerned for Leone, you, and who they have in mind to kidnap to trade for Marcus and the witch.”

“I wished I’d heard more.”

“No, staying longer, actually, going down there in the first place was a huge risk.” He stopped walking and looked at me. “Tell me I’m not going to be awakened because you are there again.”

I shook my head, trying not to smile at his expression. “No. I’m planning on sleeping shortly as well. Just as soon as someone takes me home.”

“You could stay here tonight.” He began walking again.

“I don’t feel comfortable with that.”

He sighed in a dramatic way. “I figured as much. Arius will take you back. Tomorrow my last remaining personal guard, as Daxx and Crissy have adopted my other two, Sith, will be joining you. I’m afraid he is still very piratical in appearance, but you will be safe.”

I was silent as I considered that. Having someone I knew I could trust, in case Lou and those men with him decided they wanted me no matter what, was a good idea. “Thank you. I have no plans on going anywhere tonight or in the morning.”

“Good.” He turned into the dining room.

Mitz came out of the kitchen and set a tray on the table. “Have a good night, love. I’m off for home for a wee bit.”

Chase gave her a warm look. “All the way to the far end of the royal chambers. Say hello to Ira for me.”

She gave him a soft, motherly look. “Will do.” Glancing at me, she smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then she walked out.

Chase motioned to the tray. “Help yourself. Can’t offend Mitz by leaving it untouched.”

I looked at it to see a full wine glass, a tumbler of dark liquid and crackers. Picking up the wine glass I took a sip and then gave Chase a curious look.

“Probably your favorite, right?” He smirked.

I nodded.

He picked up the tumbler and grinned. “That’s not shocking with Mitz.”

“Leone,” I said quietly, “he seems like he’s steady.” I shrugged. “I’ve seen many addicts including those who are struggling, and he doesn’t appear that way.”

He gave me a soft look. “I appreciate you saying that, and he does seem like he’s solid but, he’s also had thirty years to get it together and appear to be fine.”

I nodded, “Yes, longevity… I keep forgetting I’m the youngest one now.”

He chuckled. “Not a bad thing to get used to.”

Clearing my throat, I studied him for a moment. “I can answer a question that you asked while we were having lunch today…”

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Oh?”

I smiled. “Yes. You asked if one donor of essence was better than the other…”

“Donor?” He put a hand over his heart. “I’m wounded you think of me as a simple donor.”

“I-I meant the others…”

He smirked. “Is one better than the other?”

“I find humans to be lacking… now.” I felt my cheeks heat from my confession.

“Is that so?” He set the glass down on the table. “And why is that?” His eyes were locked to mine. “No emotions interfering? That is wasn’t distant and impersonal? Or…” He motioned down his body, “was it the particular donor?”

His voice was so smooth it gave me goosebumps. “I’m not certain, it could be all of those combined.”

Chase stepped closer and I had to steady myself, so I wouldn’t back away from him.

“I’d be happy to help you figure it out,” his eyes flicked to my mouth, “having your mouth on me wasn’t a hardship for me. Although, if we could try it without the evil emotions and dire need next time, I’m sure we’d both come out of it with more.”

I didn’t reply immediately, I was too busy telling my body, no. I didn’t need any physical distractions in my life at the moment. “It was pleasant not having to worry about things.”

“Anytime you want, duchess, my neck is yours.”

There was barely a foot between us now. “I thought you didn’t allow people to feed from you.” The way he was watching me, that intensely, made me nervous. I licked my lips. His eyes followed the movement.

“I don’t, but I feel you may be the exception to that rule.” He whispered.

“I am?”

“Mmm,” he inched closer still, “you are.”

We were close enough now that I could feel the heat from his body and smell his essence. I glanced at his neck briefly.

He touched my chin, so I would look up at him. His eyes were not quite yellow, but not really hazel either. He growled softly in the back of his throat and took the wine glass out of my hand to set it on the table. Taking my arm gently, he walked us to the furthest corner of the room and turned my back into it. Then he looked down at me. His eyes were completely yellow. My heart sped up.

“I’m not going to feed on your emotions, but I can sense them, just so you’re aware…”

I hadn’t realized that emotion feeders could, but it made sense now that he’d said it.

“You can’t go hunting at the club for now, so feeding is going to be difficult.” His voice was very rough now.

“I hadn’t thought of that.” I admitted.

“You feeding, is all I’ve been able to think about,” he whispered, standing so close I felt his breath on my cheek. “Feed from me again, Alona.”

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry and looked at his neck once more. I’d never fed this soon before, of course more would be welcome. Especially from him. I wasn’t sure why, and seemed to be unable to think clearly to figure it out.

“A trade,” he whispered against my ear, “something I want, for something you want.”

I lifted my face toward his. “Which is?”

“Just say yes.”

I felt lost in his eyes, despite them being yellow. “Yes.”

He growled softly and lightly grasped the back of my head. I felt fangs fill my mouth. I expected him to feed from me, the way he was looking at me, but instead his mouth crushed mine in a frantic kiss. The emotion coming from him was the strongest desire I’d ever felt. Combined with my own, I suddenly felt like I was going up in flames.

Wrapping his other arm around me, he pulled me tight against his hard form as he ran his tongue over my sharp teeth.

With a groan, he lifted his mouth away and pushed my head toward his throat. Swimming in lust, I didn’t need any further coaxing and bit into his flesh. He growled and tightened his hold on my waist. I wasn’t even sure if I’d done anything to dull the pain of my bite, but he wasn’t stopping me, so I must have.

Licking over my marks, I rested my forehead against his shoulder and fought to catch my breath. I realized my arms were wrapped around him, and my hand was holding his hair. I didn’t even know when I’d done that.

“If we weren’t standing in the most popular room in the kingdoms, I’d explore this much further.” He whispered against my ear, a deep, rasping tone.

I lifted my head up and looked at him. “I think that could be dangerous.”

Chase grinned a daring smile. “Exactly. Our emotions fueling each other, I expect smoke at the very least.” His eyes were slowly turning back to their normal color.

“I don’t mix feeding and… flames.” I told him quietly.

His eyes lit up and he smirked. “Don’t distract me talking like that. Tomorrow, after a sleepless night fantasizing about you, I want to discuss a possible blood bond.”

I inhaled deeply, feeling completely sated, in one way at least. “Blood bond?”

He nodded and his hold started to loosen. “Yes, I think if we had one, I may be able to sense when you’re overwhelmed, and possibly help.” He frowned. “I’m not completely sure if would work, but it may be worth a try.”

I grimaced. “All but the blood part.”

Chase winked. “You may like it from the right vein, taken in the right way.”

I gave him a skeptical look. “I’m not sure about that.”

“We’ll discuss it. I want to ask the elders and get their take on it first. I don’t want to flood you with my own emotions either, which can happen.”

“Like a moment ago?”

He chuckled. “Oh, duchess,” he backed me into the corner and placed a hand against the wall on either side of my head. “That was both of our desires, not just mine. I held mine in check until yours all but had their way with me.”

I felt my cheeks grow hot. “It was surprising.” I bit my lip, trying not to think about it, or I’d be acting like a needy trollop. “But, I don’t think it’s wise, on either of our parts…”

“Let’s not label or limit it right now.” He placed his hand under my chin, so I would look at him. “Just do me a small favor, until we decide…” His eyes locked on mine. “Keep those sexy fangs out of my brothers, I wouldn’t want to have to kill any of them.”

I raised both brows at him. “I wouldn’t. I’m still shocked I fed from you.”

“Twice.” He nodded and released my chin. “If I have my way, we’re going to explore it many, many more times.”

Someone cleared their throat. Chase turned enough that I was able to see Arius standing by the table.

He motioned to the hall. “The others are right behind me.”

Chase sighed deeply and moved away from me.

Arius cleared his throat again. “I came to see if Alona wanted to go home, or if she’s staying and if she…” he looked from Chase to me then back to Chase again, “wanted help feeding, but I see that’s been taken care of.”

I looked at Chase’s neck to see a smudge of blood on it. My face grew hot.

With a grin, he touched where I had bitten him.

“I’m just…” Arius pointed to the door. “Going to change. Then I’ll be back.” He turned and quickly walked out the door.

Chase chuckled and then winked at me. “I’ll exit via the kitchen so the rest of the hoard don’t see my neck.” He inclined his head. “Call if you have need, duchess, for anything.”

I watched him walk out the door and downed the entire contents of the wine glass, before the others came walking in.

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