The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Nine

After everyone left, Chase turned and studied me quietly for a few moments. “I thought you weren’t going out again.” He finally said.

“No. I said I’d had enough shopping for the day. I didn’t go shopping.”

I could see annoyance in his hazel eyes. “You look so drawn, it’s very upsetting.” His voice was soft again.

“I am very tired and probably couldn’t walk to the other side of the room right now.” His brows creased. “It’s normal.” I wasn’t used to someone to worry over me.

“And unnecessary.”

I shook my head.

“It may have been what you’d have to suffer through when you were alone, but you’re not alone now.”

The way he was looking at me made my heart beat a little bit faster. I needed to change the subject. “What did Daxx mean when she said your blood heals?”

He leaned back on one hand and looked at me. “True bloods heal quickly to begin with, but royal blood given to others heals them almost immediately.”

I pursed my lips together and looked at him. “I do not heal quickly, and I’m starting to feel quite inferior since meeting all of you… which is new for me.”

He smirked. “You are anything but inferior.” Cocking his head to the side he gave me an inquisitive look. “Would you like to try it?

“Your blood?”

Chase nodded.

I thought about that for a moment. “No, my stomach doesn’t like the idea of blood. I’ve always hated the taste of it.”

“Maybe you haven’t tried the right blood.” His eyes were almost daring me.

Smiling, I gave my head a quick shake. “Perhaps I’ll try some time when my stomach is more settled.”

“Fair enough.” He sat forward again. “So, that leaves two options, and you need to pick one, because it’s very upsetting to see you this pale. Eating or feeding.”

I didn’t know him very well, but I did understand that he was a man that got his way. “I couldn’t eat right now, the very thought of it makes my stomach turn.”

“That’s okay, duchess. I’ve had moments where my stomach wanted nothing to do with food as well. Although, I had to consume large amounts of alcohol to get that way…” He waved his hand around, “those are stories for another time. You’ll feed then.”

I knew it wasn’t a question. I opened my mouth to decline, politely, and he interrupted me.

“Don’t offend my fragile ego by saying no. I have never, in two hundred and sixty years, ever let someone feed off me.”

I looked at him for a moment. “I find that hard to believe…”

He raised he hand. “I said feed, I didn’t say bite… that’s an entirely different ending.” He winked at me. “If you’d like, I can call someone else…” He pulled out his phone. “It will cause me shame and embarrassment though, if you preferred one of my brothers over me…” He held the phone up, waiting almost patiently.

“I’ve never fed from someone who expected me to bite them before.”

He shrugged. “Then we’re even, I’ve never offered up my neck before.”

I bit my lip and looked at him. I didn’t know if I could, but I was fairly certain he wasn’t budging until I did…

“You’re overthinking it.” He said quietly. “I can almost hear your mind moving faster than the speed of light.”

“You just… consumed a large amount of negativity. Won’t that be giving it right back to me?”

He shook his head. “Essence and emotion don’t blend. Have faith that I can control the emotions. Trust me.”

Taking a deep breath, I thought about how I felt about biting him. He was a striking man, and I’m sure being close wouldn’t be a hardship if he controlled the emotions…

“My patience is waning, duchess. Just do it. Then take a shower and see if it helped you. It may do nothing to help you recover… then my ego would be crushed of course, but…”

I put my hand over his mouth so he’d stop. “I’ll try it.”

He grinned. “Oh, I feel like a teenager right now.” He teased.

I exhaled a nervous breath. “Just… stop talking…”

“Do you prefer right or left?” He moved closer to me.

I hadn’t even thought of which side. “I… I guess left.” I realized I always did bite a certain side.

Getting up, he climbed on the bed and sat on my right. He gave me an abrupt nod and then moved so close I could feel the heat of his body. “Take what you need, not just enough to get by.” He whispered next to my ear.

I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. I was nervous for the first time in many years.

“You’re killing me here,” He whispered.

His breath brushed against my throat sending a shiver up my spine, and not in a bad way. I inhaled slowly and could smell his essence, and it was very appealing. I felt my fangs in my mouth. With a quiet sound, he touched the back of my head and pushed me towards him. I bit into him and he hissed softly, but held my head firmly in place, so it couldn’t have bothered him too much.

He pulled me against his chest, so our bodies were touching from the waist up. It was a new feeling for me, to be close while feeding, one that I discovered I liked. When I realized I was feeling more pleasure than I should be, I pulled away and licked over the punctures on his neck. His big hand continued to hold me in place for several moments after I finished.

When he finally released his hold on me and leaned back, I found myself looking into yellow eyes. They moved over my face and stopped at my mouth. “I enjoyed that more than I ever thought I would.” He confessed, his voice rough, yet soft.

I’m not sure how long we sat there, just looking at each other, but my heart was beating a wild rhythm in my chest by the time he leaned back and the feline-yellow tint of his eyes gave way to a softer shade. .

“How do you feel?”

I nodded. “Better. Thank you.”

He grinned. “Don’t thank me, duchess, it was my pleasure.” He reached out and grasped my chin lightly. “Go shower or soak in the tub, grab anything you like from the closet… it belongs to no one in particular, then send a message and someone will show you to the dining room.” His pale eyes caressed my face. “Then you can tell us what happened with Lou.” Letting go of my chin, he stood up and looked down at me, waiting for an answer.

I nodded. “I think I will take a quick shower, thank you.”

He backed up a few steps and with an abrupt nod, turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I put my hand over my rapidly beating heart. “Just when you think you’re too old to feel something new.” I said quietly and then got off the bed. “That was definitely new.”

After a quick shower, I found a lovely skirt that fit like it was made for me in the closet, along with some hair clips I wished I’d seen before the shower to keep my hair dry. I was just securing it off my neck when someone knocked on the door. Going over, I opened it to see Arius. He looked me up and down and smiled.

“Shower made you feel better I see.” He motioned down the hall. “I was sent to fetch you and show you to the dining room.”

I wondered if Chase had told them I had fed from him. If what Arius said meant anything, he hadn’t. “I do feel better.” I followed him down the hall.

“That was quite the start to our day.” He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

“Sorry about that. I was glad I had the device or else I would have still been laying behind a dumpster in some alley.”

He paused for a moment and looked at me and then shook his head. “Don’t tell me until I’m sitting down.”

When I stepped into the room, all eyes turned to me.

Crissy smiled and then looked at Daxx. “I told you half the closet would fit her.”

Daxx nodded. “She is taller than we are.” To my puzzled look, she rolled her eyes. “Long story for later. But you look great.”

“Thank you.” I looked down at the ankle length black skirt I wore and smiled. “I love this skirt. Most skirts this length I can’t wear, they don’t have a slit to allow me to walk in my normal stride.” I looked up at her and grinned, and then realized fashion talk probably didn’t thrill the men in the room.

Mitz came out of the kitchen with a cup and plate of toast. She set them on the table by the chair I stood behind. “Tea and toast for a troubled stomach.” She smiled at me before she turned and walked out.

I sat down and glanced down to Chase. He inclined his head so slightly, I doubt anyone else noticed. I smiled.

“You look better than you did. I guess a shower and bit of quiet did the trick.” Troy said, smiling at me.

“I feel much better, thank you.”

He glanced briefly at his twin and then into the mug he held.

“Feel up to sharing what brought you here in that state?” Victor asked.

I took a sip of the tea, thankful it was the blend Mitz had given me before. “Yes. I actually think I found out quite a bit, although I’m sure most of it will mean more to you than it did to me.” I nodded and looked around, noting the unhappy look on Chase’s face. Glancing back to Victor, I offered a polite smile. “I called Lou, mostly because I don’t want a bodyguard.”

Victor nodded. “Chase told us you have others following you.”

“Yes, I only planned to speak with him on the phone, when he suggested we meet at a restaurant.” I shrugged. “Surprisingly, it was a nice one, near where I live.” I waved my hand around. “I thought there was no harm in a place like that.”

“I’m guessing you didn’t stay at the restaurant.” Michael said as he studied me.

I shook my head. “No, and despite how I arrived here, I don’t regret it. I don’t think you shall either, when I tell you the rest.”

Michael waited with a patient expression on his face. .

“Lou is very talkative, in an almost naïve way…” I shook my head, “or I’m a better actress then I thought.” I took another sip. “I picked up very nervous emotions from him, so I knew, almost instantly, he was someone’s lackey.”

“Did you ask him why you were being followed?” Leone asked me.

I nodded. “Yes. He said it was for my own safety.” I pointed to Crissy. “He knew you had accosted me in the club twice…” I glanced to Victor, “and they think she’s dead.”

“Oh.” Crissy looked animated. “That rune must work very well.”

“Indeed.” Victor replied and then looked back to me.

I didn’t want to get distracted asking about the rune, but made a mental note to inquire at a later date. “I asked why me, and he said he knew I had something extra special.” I glanced around at the others. “Can they know I’m an empath?”

Arius rubbed his hand over his jaw. “You hide it very well, and as far I know there isn’t anyone with the ability to pick up on that.” He looked to his brothers, none offered anything.

“That is something I’d like to find out.” I said more to myself then them. “Lou suddenly decided he wanted to take me to meet the others.” I raised my hand before they interrupted. “He was quite uncertain, but it came across as a desperate attempt to impress me, I’m not sure why.” I took another sip of tea, trying to keep events straight in my head. “He told me we had to cross back to the other side of the bridge because that’s where the tunnels were. The tunnels allow them to move around freely, and stay off the radar. I took a separate cab there, telling him I wouldn’t ride in a car with a strange man.”

Quinton nodded. “Yes, we’ve found them in the tunnels.”

I remembered how many of them there were. “He says there are around three hundred… members, or whatever they call them…”

That brought all of the brothers into motion.

“Three hundred?” Leone blew out a breath.

“How many have we got?” Arius looked to Michael.

“Last count, a little over a hundred, I think. We caught all those with devices before they crossed…” Michael said shaking his head.

“I didn’t anticipate that many.” Troy said glancing to his twin.

Chase shook his head. “Nor I. Where did they get that many? We’d notice…”

“Some of them are human.” I added, hoping it helped.

Daxx frowned and leaned forward to look down at me. “Humans from our side?”

I nodded. “I took it to mean that. He said they have many humans that are for their cause as well.” I exhaled slowly, still feeling tense about the next part I was going to tell them. “I’ve also seen young children there. Lou said some were human, some not. That they’d traced their parentage and found them, and would wait and see if they were special or just human.”

“They have children?” Crissy sounded distressed.

“Sounds like they’re building a whole community.” Rafael said and then sat back in his chair. “Three hundred, with humans and children…”

“Are they using them for feeding? The humans?” Quinton asked sounded angry.

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. Lou said they had a feeding co-op, but the royals found it, so they’re working on setting up a new one.” I grimaced, the thought of that turning my stomach. “Did you find one?”

Crissy nodded. “The people were so scared.”

I put my hand over my mouth. “They were feeding against their will?” I huffed out a breath, “I mean, knowingly, the people knew what they were being used for?” I looked around. “Are they all right?”

Arius nodded his head slowly. “Yes, I made sure they wouldn’t remember.”

I huffed out a breath and sat back, resting my hand over my throat. “That’s… good.” I took another drink of the tea trying to settle my thoughts again. “I just need a moment. There’s more.”

“Are you all right?” Chase asked.

I glanced to him and nodded. “Yes. The reality is just upsetting me.” I rolled my eyes. “I know I’m hypocrite. I feed on humans too, but they aren’t held against their will, and have no idea.” I shook my head. “I can’t imagine the horror they felt. It’s a paralyzing emotion to pick up, it’s like I’m living it with them.”

Chase’s look softened. “Just take a few deep breaths and try to tell us the rest.”

I continued to look at him, while breathing deeply and exhaling slowly. “I’m all right, thank you.” Closing my eyes, I tried to remember what else had been said. Opening them, I looked back to Chase. “They don’t know how you keep finding their locations, but they’ve spread them out so you can’t find all of them.”

Leone snorted. “We’ve already discovered that.”

I waved my hand around. “He made some comment about how he couldn’t believe how many others they’d found, and so much for your strict transport polices.”

Troy grunted. “We really need to review those.”

“The others are like you and born on that side?” Arius asked.

I shrugged. “I suppose that’s what he meant.”

“Aside from really old ones, Crissy, do you think you can come up with a way to find them?” Michael asked her.

She bit her lip and bounced around in her chair. “I can try to find patterns online, but I don’t know.”

Everyone turned and looked back to me. “They have witches… they cleansed the chambers so they aren’t as rank with that foul odor.”

“Witches? Plural?” Quinton looked to Rafael. “Guess the one we caught isn’t the only then.”

“Wonderful.” Rafael said sounding very unimpressed.

“He said they won’t have to hide for much longer.” I took a bite of the toast to see how my stomach was.

“He said a lot, how long were you with him?” Daxx asked.

I shrugged. “I’m not sure.” I looked at Chase. “I messaged Chase when we left the restaurant and don’t know how long it was before I very abruptly came here.”

“Too long, is how long. I almost lost my mind trying to reach you.” He growled, annoyed. then glanced around at his siblings. “It wasn’t even an hour.”

“Lou is very talky.” Daxx noted.

“Yes, he was. Oh, a man with purple eyes…” I looked around to see if they understood that.

“Shit, they have another mage.” Arius sighed. “I was hoping Marcus was the last one.”

“We knew he’d have more.” Michael stated.

“His name was Davis.” I told them.

“I know that name.” Troy mused. “I’ll call Romulus and see if he can give me more information.”

“I don’t think they thought I could hear them, they were whispering and moved further away… but it was so quiet in that chamber.”

“Chamber? They weren’t tunnels?”

“Yes, we went through tunnels and then down a long stairwell and it opened into a large area with several other areas, or at least doors, I didn’t see in them all.”

“Do we have those maps yet?” Victor asked Michael.

He nodded. “Yeah, but there’s miles and miles of them to go through.”

“I know where we went in and roughly where I came out.” I looked down to Crissy. “We came out near your orange alley.” I looked to Chase and nodded. “I managed to stay coherent enough to look around, it’s near the gallery where I bought the painting.”

“Alona visited a gallery near an old market alley that glows orange with the lighting on it.” Chase said.

“Oh, are there doors… but it ends at the far end, with an archway of stone?” Crissy asked.

I nodded. “Yes, it’s very similar.”

She nodded her head and then didn’t speak for a moment. “Then I think that it is, I seen it and then Alona ended up there and it was with that man that had the card, I seen as well.” She nodded again.

“Ok so we know where the orange cave is.” Daxx said and then looked to me. “Is there more.”

I nodded. “Yes. This Davis didn’t seem happy that Lou brought me down, but Lou said Marcus said they had to have me with them.” I looked around at them hoping for some insight as to why. No one looked pleased with the idea, but Chase looked very angry.

“Why?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Davis asked Lou the same thing and he didn’t know.” I exhaled and looked at my cup and then remembered the rest Davis had said. “Oh, they’re making something and are out of parts… they can only get on this side, and their contact has vanished, so they can’t make any more.”

“Bet it was one of the guards or staff Crissy found.” Quinton said with a grin.

“So, we’ve slowed them down from bringing more over from this side, but they’re still three hundred strong and rounding up more, from the sounds of it.” Victor reminded them.

“Yeah, but the good thing with the ones from that side is they haven’t been fighting like we have for hundreds of years.” Leone nodded. “That’s a good thing.”

“No, they just fight with things like bullets instead.” Daxx stated with heavy sarcasm.

“Is that everything?” Troy asked me, sounding very much like a king.

I was sure they didn’t want to hear the rest, but I hadn’t gone down there for fun. I shook my head. “When they thought I was distracted watching the children, they said something about having a plan in play to get Marcus and Erin back.” I frowned. “They’re going to offer a trade you can’t refuse, and from what I could tell it’s a person they plan on taking soon.”

“Fuck! It just keeps getting better.” Chase said with a snarl.

“Did they say who?” Victor leaned forward and gave me a hard look.

“No that was all they said about it.”

“Who could they take that would make us release Marcus and that witch that tried to kill us all?” Rafael looked around the table.

“I don’t know, but Cristy, you are not to go anywhere without Bronx if one of us here aren’t with you.” Victor said leaving little room for argument.

“Okay. I won’t.” She nodded.

Troy turned to look at Daxx.

Daxx held her hand up. “Yeah I got it.” She didn’t look happy about it either.

“I think that’s it… oh, they don’t know who I really am. Lou called me Isabell, so I don’t think they know as much about me as they would like.” I picked up the cup and then paused. “And they have men there with white and green eyes, as well as red and yellow… and the purple eyed man.” At no point in my existence did I ever think I’d be describing people this way.

It was silent for several moments, each face at the table in deep thought.

“How did you end up coming back that way?” Arius asked me in a quiet tone.

I shook my head. “We were walking down a shorter tunnel,” I motioned to the room, “maybe as long as this room and it just filled with very tall men.” I nodded to Chase. “Like all of you... they were walking through, and the waves of awful emotions just swamped me. I couldn’t possibly have erected barriers that fast to protect myself against it.” I took a short breath, “Lou said others felt ill being that far underground, and he’d even had to get used to it gradually, so he put me in a cab, and said to call when I was feeling better.”

“He didn’t even notice how off you were?” Daxx asked me.

I shrugged, “I was able to fight it as best I could until I made it to the alley and hid behind a dumpster.” I glanced to Chase. “Then I called Chase and used the device.”

“I think they’ve been trying to get her to join them for a while, if this Lou was parading her around like a prize.” Chase said with a sneer.

“I agree.” Michael nodded and looked down at me. “And even though you brought back a lot of intel, going without backup was…”

I held up my hand to stop him. “I’m not some naïve adolescent. I know what I can and cannot withstand.” I nodded to Chase. “I had been out earlier to expose myself to emotions, having discovered years ago that if I did so regularly my resistance was higher.” I waved my hand around trying to find the best way to explain it. “When he said others, I presumed they were like all of you… I can barely feel a trace from you, it’s quite remarkable.” I paused and looked at Daxx. “You… you’re human, but not… I can barely sense yours as well.” I smiled at Crissy. “Except you… you feel everything and nothing at the same time. You almost drowned me that first time you dragged me out of the club.”

Crissy nodded and then grinned. “I find it fascinating that you’re an essence feeder but feel everyone’s emotions… don’t you find that fascinating, Chase?” She looked at him.

He watched her for a moment and then scowled. “Seer analysis later, cutie.” His hazel eyes turned to me. “I don’t know how you’ve survived this long. Or how you have been out there this long and not known what you are?”

I pushed my cup away and considered his questions. Taking a deep breath, I looked back at him. “Oh, I don’t know, I supposed your website… Alterealm dot com, was down the day I searched for never-aging-with-an-inclination-to-bite-necks on the internet.” There were a few chuckles, but I met his glare without fear. “No…” I held up my hand and gave my head a quick shake, “when I was looking for those answers there was no internet in existence!” I tilted my head and returned his hard look. “By the time there was internet, I was more concerned with managing to live… I have to bite people to survive, but when I bite them I feel their pain and fear… yet if I don’t, I cease to live.” I stood up. “So, I’ve been doing the best I can, alone, for my entire life.”

Arius got up quickly. “Practice?”

Several stood, pushing back chairs, as I continued to glare at Chase, who sat there, his eyes not moving from mine. I could see his jaw clenching and didn’t need to feel his emotions to know he wasn’t happy with my answer.

“Alona, come.” Daxx breezed by me and grabbed my arm. “You can watch the men flex and beat on each other.”

I glanced down at her. “That sounds appealing. I haven’t been able to find a suitable sensei since I moved again.”

“Sensei?” She grinned. “You fight. That’s awesome.”

Daxx and Crissy were rushing me down a hallway when we stopped quickly.

Daxx held up her palm. “High five. The way you put Chase in his place.”

I tapped her hand with my own, then Crissy’s and grinned.

“You made him speechless,” Crissy nodded. “I’ve never seen that.”

Smiling, I hissed out a breath. “He just seems to push the right buttons.”

Daxx snorted. “You have no idea.”

We began walking again.

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