The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

The discussion to educate Emil lasted a few hours. More pieces fit together for me with each additional part shared. I was very curious about all of the prophecies being mentioned. At some point, I wondered if I’d be allowed to see them for myself.

Halfway through the discussion, Leone was discovered in his room sleeping, so worry no longer affected the brother’s focus. The night brothers finally had to go to sleep. Emil was taken back with a device of his own, so he could check up on his son. Chase took him back, so I was left sitting in the large dining room alone.

Michael had left the stack of papers he’d been waving around, so I browsed through those while waiting for Chase to return.

I felt him enter the room, before I heard him. That was something I found alarming, that I was that turned into him. I motioned to the papers in front of me. “Crissy is very good at tracking people down.” I looked up at him.

He leaned against the back of a chair and nodded. “I think it has to do with her processing more information at once than the rest of us. We’re almost sure she has a photographic memory.”

I winced. “I would not want her mind.”

Chase chuckled. “No, it’s a little too busy and full for my comfort.”

“Is she going to look for the others?”

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t think we have a choice but to look. It’s largely due to our mismanagement that there are people out there, like you, who have no idea what they are.”

I smirked. “It’s hardly your fault residents from this side had sex with those from the other side.”

“Don’t distract me with sex talk, duchess.” He grinned.

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about that. “Maybe I could help Crissy look. I’ve had some practice at hiding who I am and moving around.”

He nodded slowly, “It may speed up the process. I’ll discuss it with Michael and Crissy.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know how you discuss anything with Crissy.”

“Mmm, it’s a challenge at times.” He grinned, “But I like challenges.” His pale eyes moved over my face.

“I recall.”

Straightening, he sighed. “Care to come back to my office? I’m not sure what your plans are, but you’ll be requiring Sith, and he’s on my side presently.”

I stood up. “I still have to go to the bank.”

“Ah, yes, that reminds me of where we began today.” He motioned to the doorway.

Walking past him, I gave him a quick glance. “Is it always so eventful here?”

Chuckling, he looked me up and down. “You seem to be the cause of the events the past few days.”

I frowned. “You’re right. How unlike me.”

“My brother was right about one thing.”

“Which brother would that be?”

Chase gave me a heated look. “Emil. Your legs are gorgeous.”

I looked down at my short skirt and boots. “I love boots. I only wear short skirts to show off my boots.”

“You, duchess, can wear a short skirt and boots every day if you wish, I will never complain about that.” His grin widened. “I may have to remove eyeballs, but I won’t protest.”

I felt my face flush from the way his eyes watched me. Turning I looked around as we walked. “Is the entire kingdom underground?”

“No, the royal chambers are, for safety, built that way about eight hundred years ago, but the rest is above ground like anywhere else.” He stopped and punched in a code on a pad by the door.

On the other side were two large guards. They followed along behind us.

Chase noticed me looking back at them. “More security is required on this side.” He motioned down the hallway. “Sometime, when there aren’t so many events taking place, I’ll show you beyond the miles of hallways.”

“I would like that.”

Holding a door open, I went in to a large office. The furniture was dark, polished wood, books lined one entire wall, and there was a navy loveseat and chair beside a fireplace. I glanced back to his desk. “Did you sleep on your desk last night?”

He smirked. “No. The reports failed to bore me to sleep.” He held up a hand, “but, I do know which breed of cattle is thriving.”


He shook his head. “No, it’s not. Troy and I take turns with those tasks, thankfully next week he’ll get to read all the boring reports and give me the summary.”

“I think it’s quite unique, the double monarchy.”

Leaning back against his desk, he shrugged. “I don’t know about that, I do know that having only one king would be entirely too much work.” He frowned. “Although father seemed to have enough free time to find a second mate.”

“Does that happen often?”

His expression was hard. “Not that I’m aware of, and I can’t even imagine it personally.”

“I’ve seen what happened to my mother without my father, so I don’t know how it would work, to have two.”

He shook his head. “I don’t even want to contemplate the complexity.” He looked back to me, his eyes moving over me slowly.

It was all I could do to not squirm as he studied me.

“And how are you doing today?” He stood up and moved toward me in that slow predatory way. “No ill effects after yesterday’s overload?”

I smiled. “No, and I have to say not sleeping for a day or feeling ill for several was a very pleasant and welcome thing.” He gave me a heated look. I cleared my throat. “And you? No side effects from taking on all those dark emotions?” I stepped back a few steps.

He shook his head briefly, still moving in my direction slowly. “None. I had a few moments right after where I would have liked to kill something, but they passed.”

“Good.” I offered a pleasant smile, trying to ignore my pounding heart.

“I’m still struggling with the other emotions.” He said quietly.

“Oh?” I went to step back again and realized the loveseat was right behind me.

“Yes, the ones that invade my every thought, the emotions created by you feeding and being close to me.” He stopped right in front of me, his eyes locked on mine now.

My face grew hot. “Oh.” I put my hands behind me to steady myself. I didn’t know why this man played havoc with my body, without touching me, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

“I can taste what your feeling right now, duchess.” He said softly and then frowned, “I don’t like the tinge of fear. I would never harm you.”

I inhaled deeply. “You don’t scare me, I’m just…” I didn’t know how to explain it.

“Feeling things, you’ve never felt before?” His voice was almost a whisper.

“Yes.” I licked my lips. “It’s a bit unsettling.”

“Mmm,” he reached out and played with my hair, running it through his fingers, “it is, but I’d rather have the taste of your desire.”

There was only a few inches between our bodies now, part of me wanted to close that distance, but simply because I felt that way, I didn’t.

“With all the events of today, a new brother and all that… I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about the blood bond.”

I swallowed, trying to settle the uneasy feeling the thought gave me. “I’m still uncertain how that would work, or help.”

He sighed quietly, “I’ve felt it before, one not linked to my brothers. Daxx was gravely injured, she almost died, so I gave her my blood to heal her.”

“Wasn’t that Troy’s place?” I didn’t know much about mates, but I did notice other males didn’t go near the two mated females.

“It was before they were mated and time was of the essence to save her life.” He cleared his throat. “It was a bond like I’d never felt before… long story for another time, but during a fight I was able to give her a boost of strength.” His brows creased. “Victor was able to block Crissy’s visions temporarily when they shared a blood bond…”

I couldn’t keep the shock off my face. “That must have taken a great deal of strength on his part.”

“I have no doubt it did.” He reached out and brushed the hair back from my face with a careful touch. “I’d like to help you.”

I felt mesmerized by his steady stare. “I’m quite fine right now.”

“Mmm, yes you are.”

I picked up a hesitation on his part, I wasn’t sure if it was the feelings tugging at him as they were me, or if it was something else. “Why do I feel like you’re not telling me something?”

He smirked. “Really? You can sense it?” He frowned, “Either I’m rusty at hiding emotions or you’re that good.” His smile was wide. “I believe it’s the latter, to save my bruised ego.” He inhaled a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. “We’re going to need your assistance in finding the orange cave and the entrance you used. Most likely it should happen tonight. If we wait any longer, they may have moved locations again.”

“Oh.” My heart started thrumming with anxiety. “I didn’t know it was decided.”

“It wasn’t, until about half an hour ago. Emil is worried about his son, and has gone to try to keep him out of the fray. But our main mission will be getting those children out of there.”

I nodded. “I most definitely agree with that.” I bit my lip. “I may even have somewhere you can take them.”

He studied me. “As long as it can’t be traced back to you…”

I shook my head. “No, my name is on nothing there.”

I could see he was considering what I said. “I will talk to Victor about it. He’s not happy that Crissy is going as well, but with the both of you and Daxx, we’ll at least have someone to get the children out while we take care of other things that pop up.”

“Yes. I can’t see those children suffering in any of this, so I’ll show you where.” I paused. “You don’t think they’ll associate the location being found with me?”

He shook his head. “We’ve been finding them all along, so no I don’t think they will.” He gave me a softer look. “So, back to the blood bond, I don’t want to see you overwhelmed again. At the very least I could assist you long enough that you can get clear, if it becomes too much.”

“I don’t… I mean, you’ll be too busy to be focused on me.” I didn’t want anything to happen to him because I was distracting him.

He touched my chin gently and smiled. “I can multi-task, duchess, no worries there.”

Biting my lip, I wrapped my arms around my waist, trying to see how I felt. I wanted to help them, and those children… but if I collapsed because of emotional backlash, I wouldn’t be good to anyone. I closed my eyes to concentrate, and then opened them to look at him. “I want to help, I truly do… it’s just… for years, close to a decade I thought I was next to a vampire and the very idea of blood…” I gave him a wide-eyed look. “I didn’t know it wasn’t the blood I was after in the necks I was biting… I would throw up each time…”

He cupped the side of my face in his big hand. “That breaks my heart, duchess, to know you were out there alone without anyone to help you.” He stroked my check softly with his thumb. “I’m sure we can find a way to get you to take some blood, so it doesn’t emotionally scar you.” He smiled.

“Do you…” I searched his hazel eyes. “Do you have to take it as well?”

He shook his head. “I think just you from me should work. I don’t want you to carry all of my feelings on top of what you already deal with.” He smirked. “And I seem to have more feelings the last few days.”

The motion of his thumb brushing against my cheek was sending shivers up my spine. “I’ll try. Do your brothers know we’re doing this?”

He shook his head. “I want you to feed too…” His eyes flicked to my mouth. “You have a glow today; did you know that? I think it’s because you actually fed, and weren’t starving yourself.”

My eyes, without realizing it, looked at his throat. “I shouldn’t need to…”

“Later may be a little too busy.” His hold on my face became firmer. “I don’t want you to take a bite of my guard.” He cleared his throat. “Or anyone else, if I’m being honest.”

I gave him a curious look. “I don’t…”

His brows creased. “I can’t explain why right now… I’m still working through that. Just trust that it wouldn’t end well if I found your mouth was on another.” His look softened. “There is an explanation, I’d just like to be certain… I’ve already fallen for fate’s trickery once, I don’t want to again.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I know… please trust me.”

I could feel his emotions, or enough traces of them to know he was being earnest and meant what he said. I nodded.

His hazel eyes lit up. “It’s not a hardship, is it? To feed off me…” Reaching out, he pulled me by the hip so we were closer. “To be close to me?”

“No,” I barely whispered, “I’m just not sure we should… play with fire.” It was the truth; the sparks were far too hot when we were close. I had never experienced anything like it before.

He smiled, his eyes on mine. “I’m not afraid to get burned.” Letting go of my face, he unbuttoned the white shirt he wore. “I dressed pretty in case I was seen in your neighborhood.” He smirked.

I was mesmerized watching his hands slowly reveal his chest. When he tossed the shirt aside, I swallowed and slowly looked back up to his face. His eyes were yellow. “Do… do you need to feed?”

“As much as I’d like to, I need to avoid feeding from you… for now. I’d lose control completely and I don’t think we need that right now.”

I didn’t know what he meant, but nodded anyway. My heart was already beating faster, and I had to clench my hands into fists to not run them all over his muscled chest.

“Your desire tastes so sweet, I am tempted like never before…” He lifted my chin, his hand moving to the back of my head.

Cautiously, he leaned down. My breathing sped up, waiting for his mouth to touch mine.

“Take what you want.” He whispered against my mouth.

Unable to resist a second more, I reached up, grasped his hair and kissed him. My mouth immediately filled with fangs. I’d never had such a reaction before. There was feeding and sex, the two were not interchangeable… until now. With him.

He growled deep in his throat and took over the kiss. The moment he did, I felt his desire blend with my own, and my knees trembled from the feeling. I didn’t want him to end the kiss. I’d been starved of more than just essence in my life. I craved the heat from his body, the closeness.

Chase wrapped his arm around my waist and picked me up into his hard body. I could feel his arousal and moaned against his mouth. Grasping my head, he dragged his mouth from mine and pulled my head back. He ran his teeth roughly down my throat.

“Gods, I wish I had fangs right now.” He moaned against my ear. Pushing my face toward his neck. “Feed from me, now.”

I didn’t hesitate. When I bit into his flesh, he made a low guttural sound and bunched his hand in my hair, holding my head in place.

Reaching with his other hand, he pulled my leg up and held my thigh against his hip, rocking his body into mine. I opened my mouth and moaned, then licked across my bite marks.

His mouth crushed mine in a hard and demanding kiss, his tongue brushing over my sharp teeth. He suddenly released my head and broke the kiss. With yellow eyes holding mine, I struggled to catch my breath. Grasping the back of my head again, he pushed it toward his chest. “Drink before it heals.”

I looked to see a score in his flesh, over his heart, blood was running down his skin. I had no idea when he’d done it.

“Alona, put your mouth on me.” He growled low.

I almost burst into flames from his tone. Leaning forward I put my lips over the wound and sucked gently. He groaned and rocked his hips into mine again. His blood didn’t repulse me at all, although I’d also never been so turned on in my life, so that may have had something to do with it.

When the wound sealed, I still licked it and then over his nipple, because it was so close to my face.

He hissed out a breath and grabbed my head, kissing me once more.

When he pulled his mouth away, he held me against him and fought to catch his breath. My breathing was just as erratic.

“I don’t even think… fire, adequately describes that.” He said into my hair. Grasping my face gently in both hands, he looked down at me. His eyes were slowly returning to a pale hazel, just as my fangs were receding. “I have never wanted anyone like I do you.” He kissed my mouth softly. “Know that.”

“I feel the same,” I whispered breathlessly.

Releasing me, he stepped back so there was space between our bodies. “When some of this…” he waved a hand around, “chaos is resolved, you and I need to have a discussion, duchess… a very serious, life-altering discussion.”

I had no idea what it could be about, but nodded, unable to think clearly. Blowing out a breath, in hopes it would cool my still too warm body, I remembered he still had no shirt on. I took a moment to let my eyes look over him leisurely.

That is going to land us both in trouble.” He said in a rough voice.

I blinked and looked back to his face. “Then put your shirt on.” I smirked.

Picking his shirt off the back of the loveseat, he stopped and looked at me, then stepped forward to kiss my mouth firmly. “You need to go, so I can plan a raid.” He whispered against my mouth. Backing away, he put his arms in his shirt and started to button it up. “While you were distracting my brother with your legs at the bank…” he glanced at me, “we programmed Sith’s transporter to your penthouse. He can take you there or here… but that’s it.”

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to put it back in place. “I won’t be going out today. I have some research to do.”

He did up the bottom button and looked back to me. “Research?”

I nodded. “Yes. I have an idea, and want to look into what it would take to bring it to life.”

“That’s intriguing. Care to share?”

He stood there, his hair mussed, and I was momentarily distracted again. I bit my lip. “Not yet. Let me see if it’s feasible, before I discuss it with you and the others.”

His eyebrows rose. “Oh, mysterious indeed.” He smiled. “Just…if you could try to stay out of trouble for the next few hours, I’d appreciate it.”

“You make it sound like I go looking for it.”, I replied, arms crossing with a little scowl on my face.

He smirked. “I know you don’t, but you do attract it.” His eyes moved over me slowly. “With those legs you attract a lot.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “So, the blood, does it take time to work or… how does this work?”

Chase moved over and perched on the corner of his desk. “With one exchange like that I can sense your emotions… without having to be near you. So I’ll know if you’re in trouble.”

That was interesting. “Oh, so you can already feel them?”

He shook his head and sighed. “All I can feel right now is my own unfulfilled lust and desire.” He grinned wide. “After you leave and I settle down, I will be able to.”

I pursed my lips together and studied him for a moment. “I’m glad you’re suffering. My own state isn’t much better.”

He scowled at me. “Don’t tell me that or I’ll feel inclined to end our suffering, and then you will be very angry with me.”

I opened my mouth to ask why, but he shook his head.

“But,” he held up his hand, “not now. I can’t explain it all yet, once I’m certain, I will.” Straightening away from the desk, he came over and took my hand and started walking to the door. “Now, let’s get Sith to take you home, so I can come up with a plan for tonight, so we’re not all just running around in tunnels.” He smiled at me. “I will call you when the others have awakened, so you can show us where.” He kissed my mouth quickly and opened the door. Sith was standing on the other side of it. “Sith, I have to go to the cells, please take, duchess home now.” He turned to me, a soft look on his face. “I’ll see you soon.” He winked.

I nodded. “Yes, for breakfast dinner.”

He chuckled. “Now you’re getting it.”

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