The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

I paced out of my office. Which was actually a second bedroom containing a desk, table and two chairs. Going into the kitchen, I glanced at my silent guard still standing by my door. It was a bit eerie that he just stood there.

I looked from the coffee maker to the wine rack, trying to decide if it would be wise to drink with the impending raid later today. “It would probably be frowned upon if I were tipsy for this… raid.” I said to myself. I set up the coffee maker and then paced out to the sitting area while it brewed. Hopefully Liza would respond to my email in a timely manner.

Going over to the window, I crossed my arms and stared down at the street. My nerves were on edge, which wasn’t a feeling I was comfortable with. Although, the fact I was going to be involved in a raid later may have a lot to do with my restlessness. I had never intentionally put myself in that position before. I turned and straightened the pillows on the sofa I never used.

“You should find something to take your mind off it.” Sith’s deep voice told me.

I shrieked and jumped back. Holding my hand over my heart, I glared at him. “You talk.”

His mouth moved and I was almost certain he was smirking. “Yes.”

“Well then…” My phone started vibrating across the island. Giving him a firm look, I went over and answered it.

“Duchess, what’s wrong?”

I looked around the room, half expecting Chase to appear. “Nothing.”

“I got a sudden feeling of distress…”

“Oh… it was nothing. Sith spoke and nearly gave me a heart attack.” He could feel that reaction I had?

Chase chuckled. “Mmm, he’s a man of few words, unless he’s been drinking and I wouldn’t advise that, it’s counterproductive to why he’s there.”

“I see that now.” I glanced to the man standing there like a statue again. “I didn’t even know he could speak.” His mouth quirked again, confirming it was indeed a smirk.

“I don’t select guards for their great conversational abilities…” I heard other voices in the background. “If you’re well, I’ll let you go.”

“I am.” I nodded and walked to the kitchen to check on the coffee.

“Hopefully missing me at least.” He said softly.

I grinned. “Possibly.”

“You are hard on a man’s ego, woman.” He said in a light way.

I smiled. “King or not, you can’t have everything easy.”

He snorted. “Call if you need me.”

“I will.” I hung up the phone and set it on the counter and then turned to look at the man standing there. I pointed a finger at him. “Why have you not spoken until now?”

He shrugged. “I talk when necessary.” He shifted and looked less frozen in place. “My king is quite talkative, usually I just need to nod my head, a lot.”

I chuckled. “He is chatty at times.”

Sith chuckled and nodded his head.

Turning I looked at the coffee maker. “Would you like a coffee?”

He nodded again.

“Good.” I got two mugs down and then turned to eye him again. “How are you at puzzles?”

His dark eyes gave me a surprised look. “Puzzles?”

“Yes.” I poured the coffee. “I need distraction, or I’ll be a basket case by tonight, so you can help me figure out this confounded puzzle I bought thinking it was a good idea.” I motioned to the sugar, he shook his head. “Cream?” Again a no. “I’m about ready to dump this puzzle into the bathtub and set it on fire.”

He grinned. “I could help.” He looked to my door. “There’s not much action here.”

Picking up the mug, I took it over and held it out to him. “I prefer solitude and less action in my life.”

“You’ve succeeded then.” He took the mug and followed me to my office.

Reaching it, I motioned to the table. “I thought a thousand pieces sounded challenging when I purchased it.” I walked over and looked down at it. “Of course, being a sunset, the entire thing is all the same color with only small variances in the hues…” I glanced at him over my shoulder, “I’ve only managed to properly fit about a hundred pieces… it’s very frustrating.”

Coming over, he looked down at the puzzle and then glanced to the box with the picture on it. “Well, I’d say if you wanted a challenge, you found it.”

“Exactly. Grab the chair.” I set my coffee down, checked the screen of my laptop to see if I had mail and then dragged the other chair over. “Are all residents from your side so good at masking their emotions?”

He sat down and studied the pieces I’d sorted with similar patterns on it. “I’m not sure.” He picked up one and turned it, holding it over the pieces I had already fit together. “Probably not, just those disciplined in fighting are, more than others I’d imagine… or perhaps the scholars…”

I watched him pick up a different piece and look at it. “I’m so happy you talk.” I smiled when he glanced at me and grinned. “I was dreading long hours of you standing by my door.”

Pausing, he looked at me. “My job is to keep you safe and well.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know you wanted conversation.”

I bit my lip and thought about that. “I’m finding I want things lately that I never have.”

His dark brown eyes assessed me for a moment. “Chase told me of your past, it must have been hard.”

I nodded and then blew out a breath. “That’s a gentle description.”

“You seem to have done well, though.”

“Anything can be accomplished if you fail enough times.”

He chuckled and then grunted as he fit a piece together. “Eight hundred and ninety-nine to go.”

I laughed and turned my attention to the annoying pieces on the table in front of me.


I stood back from the table and looked around the large dining room. The brothers and several other large men filled the room.

Sith stood beside me, his arms crossed over his chest. I noticed a large ‘pirate’ standing behind Crissy in much the same pose, concluding that must be her guard, Bronx.

I could pick up a few emotions in the room, usually simple spikes before they were gone. It was something I wasn’t used to, being in a room filled with people and not drowning in emotions.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to the conversation.

“Alona’s friend, Liza, will be here with a van.” Chase tapped the map. He glanced to a man beside him. “Anthony, you’re to stick with the van and the children until otherwise notified.”

He nodded.

Anthony was the least intimidating guard Chase and his twin could find. I insisted on it. I didn’t know all the details, but I didn’t want the children or Liza in danger… or scared to death of their guard.

“Cristy, Daxx and Alona will stay near this exit until the children are located.” Victor glanced to his mate. “Their guards will remain with them.”

I wasn’t sure what that meant, but if a man as hard as that told me in that tone to do something, I would be inclined to follow his request.

“If anything goes wrong,” Troy said looking to Daxx, “you ladies use your transporters and get out of there.”

Crissy taped the device on her wrist and nodded enthusiastically.

Leone came rushing into the room, everyone stopped and looked at him.

“Brother, you’re late.” Arius announced.

Leone rubbed his short-spiked hair. “Sorry, I slept in.”

Quinton straightened away from the table. “Are you okay?”

Leone nodded. “Yeah, I think I’m just messed up because I never know when to be awake or asleep anymore.”

Chase snorted. “Welcome to my hell.” He motioned to the map. “Do we need to explain the details?”

Leone glanced at the map and then looked back to his brother. “We go in stealthy, kick ass and come home?”

Chase grinned. “Yes.” He motioned to me. “The ladies will be getting the children out to a van waiting here.” He tapped the map.

Leaning over the table, Leone looked to where he pointed. “Got it.” Straightening, he went toward the kitchen. “Let me inhale some coffee and I’m good to go.”

Everyone turned back to the map. I watched Chase look toward the kitchen, concern on his face.

I smirked at my statue. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

He smirked, but that was the only sign made that he heard me.

I walked around the large bodies to the kitchen. Leone stood at the counter a cup in his hand. I could feel confusion pouring off him. “Despite your assurances to your brothers, I can feel what your feeling.” I said softly.

He turned to look at me, his brown eyes moving over me slowly. “You mean the clusterfuck that is my head right now?”

I smiled. “More or less.”

He sat down on the stool. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately…” he glanced to the dining room, “I see the looks from them, they think I’m tempted again…” He gave me a curious glance. “I have an addiction…”

I nodded. “I’m aware.”

Leone blew out a breath. “Figured you’d be in the loop. It’s not that though…” he shook his head again. “But, I don’t know what it is.”

I went over, feeling the need to reassure this man. “What’s happening?”

Rubbing his hands over his face, he dropped them and huffed out a breath. “It’s like dreams… that I don’t just have while I’m sleeping… but when I do sleep they’re clearer.” He grimaced, “but not, because I still have no idea what they’re about.” He sighed. “I can’t believe I slept through meeting my own brother.”

“I’m sure you’ll have the opportunity to meet him…”

Serious eyes turned to me, “Do you think I’m going crazy?”

His eyes were filled with so much fear, I had to work to keep it out of my head. “I don’t think that’s it.” I frowned. “I’ve seen how that works and what you’re experiencing is not that.”

He studied me for a moment and nodded. “Voices in my head isn’t exactly normal either.”

“Male or female voices?” Chase spoke from the doorway.

Leone stood up quickly, like it wasn’t acceptable for his brother to see him vulnerable. “Uh, female.”

“Interesting.” Chase mused and then came into the room. “Are you up to joining us tonight? Maybe you should go see the doctor…”

Leone shook his head. “No. I’m good. I need the distraction to get out of my own head.” He gave his brother a solemn look. “I’ll go see the doc if it continues.”

Chase nodded. “Talk to Troy later, maybe he can take a look inside your empty head and see what’s going on.”

Leone smirked. “Yeah, okay.” He looked down at what he was wearing. “I’m going to go change.”

Chase inclined his head and watched him leave. “Thank you.” He said softly, his hazel eyes connecting with mine. “For coming to check on him.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, taking a deep breath. “His emotions are quite strong. Confusion, fear…”

“We’ll figure it out. He probably wouldn’t have told one of us though, so again, thank you.” His eyes moved down over me, taking in the tall heelless boots and skirt I wore. “I had thought you were only teasing me wearing the skirt earlier, but you weren’t.”

I looked at what I was wearing. “No. Although it took four outfits to find one Sith deemed battle worthy.”

Chase frowned. “I didn’t give you a guard to bond with and have fashion showdowns.”

I shrugged. “I’m sure he was just appeasing me, I was… am, very unsettled with this.”

Sighing, he stepped closer and touched my cheek lightly. “If we didn’t need you to lead us through the start and confirm we’re in the right location … and to get the children out… I wouldn’t ask this of you. There are so many damn tunnels in that location, we could end up wandering around for days.”

“I want to help.”

“And you have, finding somewhere for the children to go.”

I sighed. “I hope they’re still there and all right.”

He kissed my mouth softly and then straightened. “I must change. Sith will take you to the armory. We’ll all meet there.”

He kissed my mouth again quickly, giving me a soft look before turning to walk out.

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