The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Battle

Spitfire and Derk battled each other, like true Warriors. They used their attraction for each other, to their own advantages and got one up, on each other, every time. But neither of them gave in. As they stood panting, across from each other, both grinning, they knew there was no winner here.

“I love you.” Derk said with a soppy grin.

Spitfire laughed. “I love you too, lover. Shall we call it a draw?”

“As long as you concede that it is because of our attraction for each other, that we get the upper hand.”

She grinned. “That is partially true, yes. It is also true that I do not wish to hurt the father of my son.”

He grinned. “Nor I, the mother of my son.”

“Is it finally over?!” Bentin hollered at them.

Everyone laughed as they watched in awe, their Tasheen, and Tashia, both powerful Warriors.

“Apparently not.” Derk said as he watched his mate pull a large knife from her hip.

“Down, lover.” Spitfire growled.

As he ducked, she threw the knife and it flew through the air hitting its target.

Everyone in the stands hollered as they jumped to their feet.

Derk turned to find a Warrior on the ground, her knife in his forehead.

“He is an enemy; he was going to strike you down, from behind.” Spitfire said as she moved over to the body and pulled her knife from the man’s forehead.

“She’s correct, Tasheen.” The Shaman said from his perch in the stands. “There are more coming.”

“Sliverstone?” Derk asked as he looked at the Shaman.

The Shaman shook his head. “One of the leaders has sent men to kill us all and take the Crystal.”

“Flicken hell.” Derk grumbled.

“Get everyone out of here!” Spitfire hollered to the guards.

The Guards started escorting the citizens to the underground protection.

“Get Conner out of here.” Spitfire told her two friends.

Temmy and Suelette nodded as they ran for the underground protection.

“Dan!” Derk hollered.

“Yes, Tasheen?” Dan asked as he stepped forward.

“Stay with Temmy and Suelette. If anyone comes after them or Conner, I want you to tie them up.”

“With rope?” Dan asked.

“No.” Derk said with a growl.

Dan gave him a grin that disturbed Sahrah, very much.

“With pleasure!” He said, then turned and ran after the women.

“Take Hanley to the underground.” Austen said as he turned to his husband.

“I will take Hanley to Suelette and Temmy and be back.” Lesteren said as he kissed his husband’s lips, then lifted their daughter and went after the women and Dan.

“Can he fight?” Bentin asked Austen.

Austen nodded. “He can. But he’s a very peaceful man. He doesn’t like to fight, so he avoids it. But he’s a good fighter. He wasn’t trained with me and Sahrah, but he was trained at a fine school, and he has skurmished with us, how do you think we met.” He said with a wide grin.

Bentin laughed, then turned back to his Tasheen and Tashia. “What now?” He asked.

“Let’s get out of this arena, this is too small of an area.” Spitfire said as she headed for the exit, on the other side of the arena.

“She’s right.” Derk said as he followed his mate.

They made it out of the Arena and into the open field, then paused when they saw hundreds of men come into view.

“Flick, me.” Derk grumbled.

“Who is protecting the Crystal?” Spitfire asked in a panic.

“I will.” Trey said as she handed Spitfire her sword.

“Thank you, Trey.”

“Do I have permission to tie them up as well?” Trey asked.

Spitfire laughed. “Yes Trey, you have permission to tie up anyone who tries to steal my Crystal.”

“Thank you, Tashia.” Trey said with a wide grin, then disappeared towards the Palace.

Sahrah looked at her mate. “Dan has been a bad influence on my companion.”

Derk laughed as he looked into his mate’s green eyes.

“Look.” Bentin said as he pointed to the other side of the arena. “Looks like they communicated with Victorious and told him what was going on.”

They watched as the Leboriah army joined them in the field, as they waited for the battle.

“Are you wore out, love?” Derk asked as he looked at his mate.

Sahrah looked at him with a grin. “Nope, I’m all warmed up.”

Derk grinned. “Then let’s show these men, why they should not have come to attack our city.”


The battle had been going on for hours; when Sahrah noticed that there was no end to the men attacking them. How are they going to beat an army, that outnumbers their own? This is more than one leader’s army; it has to be.

“Tashia!” The Shaman hollered. “You must bring out the Red Dragon!”

“What do you mean? I am the Red Dragon.”

“Let Spitfire loose!” The Shaman hollered as he swirled his hands and beat back a group of men, who were close.

“Sahrah.” Austen said as he moved over to his best friend. “I think he speaks of your “Warrior mode”.”

“But I do not have control of it!” Sahrah hollered.

“It will help beat them back!” The Shaman hollered.

“We will be here for you.” Derk said as he reached his mate’s side. “If you go too deep, we will bring you back.”

Sahrah sucked in a deep breath. “I haven’t done it in so long. It just comes when I’m in danger.” She said.

“Look around you, Sahrah.” Austen said. “We are all in danger. Conner is in danger.”

That did it. Sahrah’s body started to shake, as she took a tighter grip on her sword. “Stay back.” Spitfire said as she tilted her head back and screamed.

“Spitfire?” Derk asked when she stopped screaming.

“Stay back, lover.” Spitfire said as she moved past them and into the midst of the oncoming armies.

Derk watched in awe as his mate took one man down then the next.

“I told you.” Austen said with a laugh that vibrated.

“Let’s help her!” Derk hollered.

Bentin and Lesteren joined Derk, Austen and the Shaman, as they ran behind the Red Dragon, who was leaving dead bodies in her wake.

Sahrah could feel Spitfire as she slashed through men with her sword, and ripped heads off with her bare hands. But as usual, she had no control. But she knows Spitfire knows who the enemy is and who is not.

Spitfire. She whispered to her Dragon. Don’t hurt those we love.

Spitfire turned in a circle when she heard people coming up behind her and paused when she saw her loved ones.

“There are too many.” Spitfire said as she lowered her sword.

“It seems that all of the leaders who had condemned Poh-eh-nah to its destruction; have gathered to destroy the evidence.” Derk said.

“Us.” Spitfire said.

“Are you okay to continue like this, love?” Derk asked as he approached his mate.

“Be careful, Derk.” Austen whispered.

Spitfire looked up at her mate with a wide grin. “I can last as long as I need to, lover. How about you?”

Derk grinned as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She sighed as she kissed him back. Auto reflex had her arm up with the sword as a man snuck up behind her. Her sword stopped the man’s sword from touching her and her mate, then she turned with a scream and burned the man to a crisp.

That made the others around them pause.

“Well, the jig is up now.” Derk said as he pulled Spitfire to his side.

“Now they are looking at Spitfire as if she is their sole target.” Austen grumbled.

“Tasheen, get Tashia out of here.” Bentin growled.

“No.” Spitfire said as she pulled away from Derk. “I will stay and help. I am not afraid of man.”

“That’s the Dragon talking.” Lesteren said as he watched Sahrah.

Several roots came up from under the ground and blocked the men who were now running at them.

“Where had that come from?” Derk asked as he stared at the roots.

“Don’t question it.” The Shaman said. “It is a barricade for the moment, let’s get back before they break through it.” He said as he started to run back towards the arena.

“He’s right, let’s go.” Bentin said as he followed the Shaman.

The others followed quickly behind them.

The army soon broke through the roots and came after them, after the Dragon.

“Derk!” Sahrah screamed when she tripped over a root.

“Flick!” Derk hollered as he turned to his mate.

“I’m okay.” She said out of breath. “Spitfire is regrouping, I think, so when I came back I lost my footing.”

“Come on.” Derk said as he helped her to her feet.

Sahrah started to cry as she followed her mate to the others. “There’s just too many of them.”

“We will not give up.” Derk said with a growl.

“No, of course not.” Sahrah said with a shake of her head. “I just wish there was a real Dragon to help us.”

“Red Dragon.” Lesteren said.

Sahrah turned to him.

“It is time.” He said.

“What are you talking about?” Austen asked as he looked at his husband.

Lesteren kissed his husband so passionately, that everyone else turned from them for a minute. When they separated, Lesteren touched his husband’s cheek.

“Please remember that kiss, dear heart. For what you are about to see, you may never forgive me.”

“What the hell does that mean?!” Austen shouted.

“Red Dragon.” Lesteren said as he held his hand out to her.

Sahrah gave him her hand without knowing why.

“Sahrah!” Derk shouted.

“Stay back!” Lesteren shouted. “We do not want to hurt any of you. Keep your men away from us.” He said as he pulled Sahrah to the middle of the area, between them and the army coming towards them.

“Lesteren?” Sahrah asked as she looked up at the man, who she has known for most of her life.

“I watched you grow up.” He said as he touched her cheek. “I never let you out of my sight.”

“Lesteren, what do you mean?” Sahrah cried.

Derk watched as the man touched his mate with a familiarity, he had never seen before. “What is going on, Austen?”

“I have no idea.” Austen said agitated.

“We must stay back.” The Shaman said when Derk took a step towards his mate.

“Are you crazy?” Derk asked as he turned to the Shaman.

“She will want you to stay out of harm’s way.” The Shaman said. “Trust your mate.”

Derk grumbled as he turned back to watch Lesteren with his mate.

“Lesteren, I don’t understand.” Sahrah cried.

Lesteren smiled. “You will. It is time to come out, Red Dragon. Your loved ones are in danger. Remember, always protect the ones you love, even if they are a bunch of humans.”

Sahrah screamed as her body began to twitch.

“That’s it.” Lesteren said as he took a step back.

“Sahrah!” Derk hollered as he ran towards his mate.

“Stay back, Derksin Dentse of Leboriah!” Lesteren said with a shout of authority.

“No. It can’t be.” The Shaman said. Then he broke into laughter. “We’re saved!”

“What are you blabbering about old man?” Derk asked as he looked at the Shaman.

“Your mate isn’t the only Dragon here, Tasheen.” The Shaman said with a grin.

“What is going on!?” Derk hollered.

Sahrah screamed as hot flames ignited inside her.

“Stay calm, Sahrah.” Lesteren whispered. “Let the Red Dragon out.”

Sahrah fell to her knees as she screamed louder.

The armies around them had paused at her first scream and watched as she twitched and fell to her knees. She was either possessed or in deep pain.

Sahrah felt like she was being possessed by a demon, who was igniting her body in flames.


Lesteren’s voice penetrated her mind, but she couldn’t see him. What was happening to her?

“Spitfire!” Lesteren shouted. “Take control!”

“What are you doing to her?!” Derk demanded.

“Sahrah is fighting it, Spitfire needs to block her, so she can continue.”

“This is taking too long!” The Shaman shouted. “The armies are stunned for the moment, but it won’t last long!”

“I agree.” Lesteren said. “Do you understand what is going on Shaman?”

“I do.” The Shaman said with a nod.

“Well, I don’t!” Derk hollered.

“I will fight the army back, once Spitfire has taken charge.” Lesteren said.

Sahrah screamed and a roar came forth.

“There she is.” Lesteren said with a smile. “Keep an eye on her, don’t let anyone distract her.” Lesteren said to the Shaman.

The Shaman nodded as he watched Spitfire dig her claws into the ground.

“Who the hell are you, Lesteren?!” Derk demanded.

“Right now, I’m the Dragon who’s going to save your city!” Lesteren shouted before he ran towards the army, who had started moving towards them again.

“Dragon?” Derk and Austen questioned at the same time.

They watched as Lesteren transformed into a beautiful Green Dragon and took out half the men coming at them, with one swipe of his large claw.

“Lesteren.” Austen whispered. “How could you?”

Lesteren heard his husband and felt his heartache. But he has an army to wipe out.

Spitfire screamed again as her body began to shift.

“What the flick!” Derk hollered as he backed away from where his mate, who was no longer the woman he had fallen in love with, but a large Red and Orange scaled Dragon.

Spitfire roared into the sky as her body finished transforming. She turned to the men who were coming after her and blew her flame at them. The men screamed as they turned to ash.

“Spitfire, take that end.” The Emerald Dragon said as he looked at the Red Dragon.

Spitfire did as he said and flew to the other end, where she blew her fire over the men, who were attacking Leboriah’s army. The soldiers ran back towards their city as the Red Dragon took out their enemy.

Those the two Dragon’s did not kill, ran from the city in fright.

“Very good.” The Emerald Dragon said as he landed on the ground.

The Red Dragon flew to the Emerald Dragon and landed beside him.

Derk stared at the two Dragons, in awe and shock.

The Emerald Dragon transformed back to his human form and steadied himself as he watched the Red Dragon.

“Spitfire!” He hollered.

The Red Dragon looked at him, then roared.

“Flick.” Lesteren hollered as he jumped back from the arm the Red Dragon swapped out at him.

“What’s going on?!” Derk demanded. “Change her back!”

“It’s not up to me!” Lesteren hollered.

“Then who the flick is it up to?” Derk demanded.

“It’s up to her.” Lesteren said as he pointed at the Dragon.

Spitfire blew fire at Lesteren and caught him on fire.

“Lesteren!” Austen hollered.

“I’m fine, husband.” Lesteren said as he wiped himself down. “Dragon’s breath has no effect on me.”

“How do we get her back?” Derk asked. “Why won’t she change back?”

“It is her first change, she is confused.” Lesteren said. “Spitfire, bring Sahrah back!”

The Dragon roared as she slapped her tail at Lesteren. Lesteren dodged the tail as Spitfire swept her arms out towards the others.

“Spitfire!” Derk hollered as he ran towards his mate.

“Tasheen, no!” Bentin hollered.

“She won’t harm me!” Derk hollered back. “She promised.”

“But she’s not herself right now!” Bentin hollered.

“Yes, she is.” Derk said as he approached the Dragon. “Spitfire, it’s me.” He said as he watched her wild red eyes.

The Dragon stopped thrashing around as she leaned her head down and made eye contact with Derk.

“It’s okay, love.” Derk said as he reached out towards her nose. “It’s me, your mate.”

Spitfire roared in his face and Derk closed his eyes, but no flames came.

“Your breath smells like fire and brimstone.” He said with a laugh as he opened his eyes and stared into his mate’s frightened eyes. “You’re scared.” He said as he reached out to her again.

“Don’t!” Bentin hollered. “She might bite off your arm!”

Derk ignored his friend as he continued to reach out towards his mate.

Spitfire let out a noise that sounded like a purr and Derk smiled as she let him touch her scaled nose.

“Hello, my love.” He said with a smile. “Do you remember when you asked me who I love, Sahrah or Spitfire?”

The Dragon purred again as her mouth opened.

“Remember, I said both.” He whispered.

Spitfire snatched Derk up into her claws, then flapped her wings and lifted into the air and flew away, with their Tasheen.

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