The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Fight

The arena got quiet, for no one had known who would be fighting this day. Then the area erupted in cheers, for what a wonderous occasion, to see a Dragon fight.

“But you’re a woman.” The man said as he stared at Sarah.

Sahrah laughed. “Figured that out, did you? I would think, you would have figured that out when you tried to kiss me after I told you that I had a sash, that it had been knocked off. Or how about when you threatened to give my son away?” She said with a growl, as she fought with Spitfire from coming forth, too soon.

The crowd booed at the man when they heard the accusations, for his punishment, for the first time.

“She had no sash.” The man said in his defense.

“I had said several times, that I have a mate, and my sash was on the ground, not three feet away.” Sahrah reminded him.

“So, my punishment is embarrassment, for fighting a woman?” The man asked. “I get my head lopped off if I fight you, or I get my head lopped off if I don’t fight you?”

“There will be no lopping of the head, though I’m sure my mate would agree to doing that, himself.” Sahrah said.

“My mate is a Warrior, and she has challenged you, you must accept.” Derk said.

“But she’s a woman.” The man choked. “If I break her...”

“I do not break easily.” Sahrah informed him.

“Do you accept?” Derk asked as he glowered at the man.

The man sighed. “Will I be killed if I win?”

“Of course not.” Sahrah said.

“Then I accept.”

Sahrah grinned as they got into their positions.

“Are you ready?” Derk asked as he looked at the man.

The man cracked his neck, then nodded.

Derk looked to his mate. “Are you ready?”

She nodded.

“Wait, why does she have a companion out here with her?” The man asked.

“Oh, I apologize.” Sahrah said as she stood up straight. “With all the chatter, I forgot Trey was still waiting.” She slipped out of her jacket and handed it to Trey. Trey took the jacket, then left the arena.

The arena fell into a hushed silence, as everyone stared at their Tashia.

Sahrah smiled at the silence. Her new Warrior clothes were very similar to her old clothes. It was a one-piece, that covered her from the top of her breasts, down her arms and her body, to cover her feet, giving her body the movement, she needed, and the protection of armor. The only difference: was it did not push her breasts flat against her. Her large breasts were covered, but you could see every detail, every curve of each breast. Snug enough to keep them in place, but comfortable enough she would not hurt; if her son cried out for her.

“Sahrah.” Derk said with a hitch to his voice.

Sahrah spared him a look and grinned when she saw the tightness in his pants.

Derk shook his head as he looked away from his mate. If she had worn that when they had battled, he would have lost within the first five minutes, just from lusting after her.

“If you even get the slightest bulge in your pants, I will have your cock removed.” Derk warned the man, who was about to fight his mate.

The man stared at him with wide eyes, then swallowed. That was a hard feat to obtain. But the man turned his mind to anything, but the woman he was about to do battle with. Instead, he thought of the tactics he will use to beat her, and his body simmered, a bit, but enough to keep his erection from being detected by his Tasheen.

“We will talk about your outfit after your fight.” Derk said as he passed his mate.

“Only if we’re talking about you taking it off me.” Sahrah said with a husky voice.

Derk groaned as he left the arena. “Alright, who’s idea was it for her outfit to look like that.” He growled as he joined the others.

“We are just as shocked as you are, remember Tasheen.” Temmy squealed.

“It was hers, Tasheen.” Trey said. “She took your advice. Her armor is the same as it was when she fought you, the only difference is, you can see her breasts now. She is more comfortable and using her breasts to distract the men, that is what you told her to do.”

Derk grumbled. He should have kept his big mouth shut.


The fight was a little harder than Sahrah had thought it would be, but that’s only because she wasn’t used to her new armor. She found a point when she could use her best move and leaped at the unsuspecting man, then wrapped her legs around his neck from the front. He grabbed hold of her ass with a grin and squeezed her cheeks. She did something she has never done during this move and slapped him on both ears, with her hands, before she dropped back onto her hands and flung him across the arena, harder then she has ever tossed anyone before.

Derk watched his mate do her favorite move and growled when the man squeezed her ass. “I’ll kill him.” He said as he ground his teeth.

“Careful, Tasheen.” Suelette said as she took hold of his arm. “See, she can handle herself.” She said as they watched Sahrah smack the man on his ears with her hands, before she flipped him across the arena.

“Look at that toss.” Bentin said with awe.

“I’ve never seen her flip anyone so hard before.” Austen said with a laugh.

“She has more strength behind her moves now.” Derk said as he watched.

“I don’t think she has tapped into Spitfire yet.” Lesteren said as he moved to stand next to Austen.

“Les is right. That was all Sahrah.” Austen said with a grin.

“Is she going to do her chokehold?” Bentin asked.

“I doubt she will use it. She wants him to bend to her, she wants him embarrassed, she wants him kneeling before her, begging for her forgiveness.” Lesteren said.

The others looked at the man who was usually so quiet.

Lesteren looked around at them. “Do you think I don’t pay attention to my friends, just because I’m quiet?” He asked with a smile.

The others laughed as they went back to watching the fight. Austen placed his arm around his husband’s waist, with a proud smile. He knew his husband paid more attention to his surroundings, then people gave him credit for.

“Besides, it is what the rest of us would want as well.” Lesteren said with a grin, and the others agreed.

Sahrah was getting winded but she still felt good. The man was winded and looked to be getting tired. It was a good thing her suit was airy, because it was hot as a lava pool, today.

“You are a good fighter.” The man conceded.

She smiled. “You are as well.”

“I am sorry for how I acted when we first met. You are intriguing and I lost my head. Your hair alone could inspire a man to kill.”

She chuckled. Didn’t she know that already, though? Hadn’t they been through that with Lord Rynstone and Lord Redstone?

“I accept your apology, but your punishment is not over.” Sahrah said.

The man grunted. “What more could you do to me? Tasheen has already threatened to cut off my manhood if I have an erecting from your beauty, so I am suffering from that, and you are much stronger than I had thought you were...”

“You have no clue how strong I am, do you?”

He snorted. “I heard about the supposed Dragon, but that is a myth...”

“Oh, is it?” Spitfire said as her eyes glowed red.

The man stopped as he stared at her red eyes. “Demon!” He hollered as he jumped back from her.

“Spitfire has shown herself.” Suelette said as she watched the man call her Tashia a demon.

“When will people learn that she is a Dragon, not a demon?” Austen grumbled.

“Dragons are like a fairy tale for us.” Bentin said. “Some won’t believe until they see for themselves. And some who have seen the Red Dragon, in our Tashia, still believe she is a demon. Until they see the Dragon, they will believe what they believe.”

“Kind of hard to prove she’s a Dragon; when she doesn’t have a Dragon body.” Austen said with a frown.

Temmy screamed and they turned to her. She was holding Conner out, away from her, as the one-month-old Conner, flapped his wings, trying to escape her.

“Conner.” Derk said as he reached for his son. “What are you doing?”

Conner reached for his father and Derk took him and held him away from him. “Put away your wings, Son.”

Conner’s wings retracted as his fist went into his mouth.

“I’m sorry for screaming.” Temmy said as she fanned herself. “Conner scared the flick out of me when his wings flapped out and almost took out my eye.”

The others chuckled.

“I think Conner wants to join his mother.” Lesteren said.

“She is in a battle.” Derk said as he looked at his son.

He was growing so fast; he was much bigger than a normal-month-old baby. Guess it was the Dragon in him.

“I think he knows people think his mother is a demon.” Trey said as she looked at the child. “He wants to show them that they are Dragons, not demons.”

“Now is not the time, Son.” Derk said as he held his son against his chest.

Conner cried and Derk looked down at him.

“He wants to watch his mother.” Lesteren whispered.

“Of course, he does.” Derk said with a smile as he turned the boy around in his arms, so he could watch his mother in combat.

“I am not a demon.” Spitfire said as she rolled her eyes.

“Dragons are not real.” The man said.

“You believe in demons, but you can’t believe that I am half Dragon? That my mother is the original Red Dragon, Spitfire?”

He snorted. “Dragons never existed. They were just tales, told long ago.”

“And what of demons, were they not tales told long ago?”

“Demons you see every day, Dragons you do not.”

“I see.” She said with a nod. “Have you ever seen a demon breath fire?”

“Of course not, no one can...” The man screamed as fire erupted from her mouth and over his head.

“You’re lucky, the last man lost his hair.” She said with a laugh. “Now, can we continue our battle?”

The man stared at her, then turned and ran away from her. The crowd, still in awe of the fire breathing Dragon, came out of their stupor and laughed, as the man ran around the arena, trying to escape her.

As Spitfire breathed fire over the top of the man’s head, Conner’s wings unfolded as he tried to fly to his mother again.

“Calm down, Son.” Derk said holding his son with his hands as the boy tried to fly away from him.

“Sucsealen.” Lesteren said in a gruff voice.

Conner stopped and his wings retracted. Derk pulled his son back into his arms, then looked at Lesteren.

Lesteren shrugged his shoulders. “I read a lot. It is a command the Dragons used, to calm their young.”

“I will have to remember that.” Derk said as he eyed the man.

“Stand still and fight, you coward!” A booming voice said from above them.

Derk looked above them, to find the Shaman standing at the rails, hollering at the man, who was still running around the arena, like an idiot.

“Did you know he had come to watch?” Bentin asked as he looked up at the Shaman.

“Nope.” Derk said with a shake of his head.

The crowd was going wild with laughter, as the man continued to run in circles, trying to find a way out. Every time he jumped onto a fence, someone would push him back into the arena, onto his rump.

Sahrah sighed as she walked over to the man. She hadn’t wanted things to go this way. She had wanted a real fight. But hard to fight a coward. She grabbed the man from behind and locked her arms around his throat. When he was out, she tossed him to the ground, then walked back to the middle of the arena.

“Well, that was unsatisfying.” She grumbled. She was still amped up. “Who wants to challenge me?” She asked the crowd.

No one answers.

“Come on, just a month ago a bunch of you wanted to fight me.” She said as she looked around.

“They are afraid of me.” Derk said as he walked into the arena, carrying their son.

Sahrah rushed to them and took her son into her arms. “Did you enjoy the battle, Conner?” She asked as she kissed his cheek.

“He tried to fly to you, twice.” Derk said with a chuckle.

“I’m still riled up.” She said as she looked at her mate. “And thanks to you, no one wants to fight me.”

“Sorry, love.” He said with a laugh.

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be, lover.” Spitfire said with a grin.

“Ah, Flick.” Derk grumbled.

“Derksin Dentse.” Spitfire said with a grin.

“Don’t do it.” Derk grumbled.

“I challenge you to a duel.”

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