The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Thirty: The Red Dragon

“She just took off with our Tasheen!” Bentin hollered as he watched the Dragon, fly away.

“Relax, she won’t hurt him.” Lesteren said as he watched the Red Dragon, fly away, with her mate.

“How the hell do you know? What if she gets hungry?” Bentin demanded.

Lesteren laughed. “Then she will eat a cow. We don’t eat people, we are the good ones, remember.”

“She recognized him.” The Shaman said with awe.

“She did.” Lesteren said with a nod.

“Who the hell are you?! Really!” Austen demanded as he stood in his husband’s face, anger flashing across his face and lighting his light green eyes.

“I am Lesteren, your husband.” Lesteren said as he reached for Austen’s hand.

Austen pulled away from him. “The flick you are.”

Lesteren sighed. “My human name is Lesteren, my Dragon name is, Emeraldsdale.”

“He’s the Emerald Dragon.” The Shaman said.

“No.” Austen said as he took a step back.

“Sahrah’s brother?” Bentin asked as he stared at Lesteren.

Lesteren nodded. “Yes.”

“You bastard!” Austen yelled as he slapped his husband across the face. “You used me!”

The others took a step back.

Lesteren sighed. “I am sorry, love.”

“Do not call me that!” Austen growled.

“Austen...” Lesteren pleaded as he held his hand out to him.

“Don’t come near me.” Austen hissed. “If you touch me, Dragon or not, I will kill you.”

Lesteren lowered his hand.

“We will go search for Tasheen and Tashia. You two can stay here...”

“I’m going with, I have nothing to say to this creature.” Austen said with a snarl as he turned to follow them.

“Austen.” Lesteren pleaded.

There was something in the man’s voice that brought Austen to a stop.

“You two can catch up to us.” Bentin said as he and the Shaman headed in the direction, the Red Dragon had disappeared in.

“Austen, please.” Lesteren begged.

“What could you possibly say, that would make up for years of betrayal?” Austen asked as he watched the man, he thought he had known, most of his life.

“It was never betrayal.” Lesteren said. “When my mother gave my sister to her father, she asked me to watch over her. I knew the best way to do that, when she got older, was to become friends with her and her friends. To get close to her closest friend.”

Austen snorted.

“I had hoped it would be a woman, that way I would feel no attraction to her. But it turned out to be the most beautiful man, I had ever seen. And imagine my surprise, when I found he felt the same about me. I tried to fight it; I swear I did. But you can’t fight love...”

“You used me, you pretended...” Austen stopped talking when Lesteren pulled him into his arms and kissed him.

“I never pretended. Not friendship, nor the love I feel for you, burning deep in my heart. I had never been in love before, especially not a human. It is hard to find the same-sex Dragon, who is also attracted to the same sex. And when I met you, I knew I had found the one. But I tried to stay back, keep my emotions in check...”

“Why?” Austen asked.

“Because...” Lesteren sighed. “Because Dragons live a very long time, and humans...well not so much.”

“How long is a very long time?” Austen asked.

“I am over three thousand years old.”

Austen whistled.

“I couldn’t bear to watch you grow old and die, before my eyes, but I couldn’t bear to live without you, either. I may have befriended you, to get closer to my sister, but I fell in love with you, by chance.”

Austen sighed. “I wish you had told me.”

“I wanted to.” Lesteren said as he touched his husband’s cheek. “So many times, I thought of how much easier it would be if I could just tell you. But my sister wasn’t ready yet...”

“I... I think I understand.” Austen said with a nod.

“Do you forgive me, my love?”

Austen sighed. “You have a lot of making up to do.”

Lesteren grinned. “And I am going to enjoy every moment of it.”

Austen looked at his husband and smiled. “Well, we do have Hanley to think of.”

“Imagine the jealousy of the other children, when they find out her daddy is a Dragon.” Lesteren said with a grin.

Austen chuckled. “She will be the envy of every school.”

“I love you, Austen Vermonze.”

“I love you too Lesteren... What is it, Prem?”

Lesteren grinned. “Prem-Vermonze.”

Austen groaned as he pulled his husband to him and kissed him.

Lesteren sighed as he held his husband in his arms and kissed him back.

“How about I start this making up right now.” Lesteren said as he moved away from his husband.

Austen moved back as he watched his husband transform into the Green Dragon.

‘Join me?’ Emeraldsdale offered as he held his hand out to Austen.

“How can I hear you now, but I couldn’t before?” Austen asked as he climbed onto his husband’s large clawed hand.

‘Your ring. It connects us telepathically. It is as though I am speaking directly to you, but it is brain waves. If I spoke to you with my voice, you would not understand me. Only Dragons can understand other Dragons.’

“So, you were talking to Spitfire before.” Austen said as Emeraldsdale raised his hand up, for him to climb onto his back.

‘Yes.’ Emeraldsdale said.

“Can I just call you Emerald?” Austen asked as he settled himself on his husband’s large back.

‘Of course. It is what my mother called me.’ Emerald said as he lifted into the air. ‘My sister went far with her mate, it may take us a while to find them.’

“I’m not going anywhere.” Austen said as he leaned against his husband’s neck.

Emerald felt joy fill his body as he flew away, with his love on his back.


Derk looked out over the land as his mate carried him away from the City. It was actually nice up here, and Spitfire had a good, strong hold on him, he had no fear of falling. He looked up at her large red, head, and smiled. She had surprised him when she had snatched him up, and flown away with him, but he felt no fear.

“Spitfire, where are we going?” He asked as he placed his hands on her finger.

She looked down at him, then looked back forward.

He sighed. He hadn’t expected her to answer. He had heard the Green Dragon talk to her, when they were fighting, but hadn’t understood a word that he had said. They will figure out a way to communicate. He wished she wasn’t so scared, so she could change back. Not that he doesn’t like this form.

She’s beautiful.

Spitfire dipped down and started to fly towards the ground, and he held onto her finger. Once she was on the ground, she set him down, then sat back and stared at him.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He assured her.

With a puff of hot air, she laid down, her eyes still on him. He moved over to her head and ran his hand over her scales. She purred again and he smiled.

“You do know who I am, don’t you.” He said with a grin.

He turned to look around them. He didn’t recognize their surroundings and wondered where his mate had taken them. He chortled. His mate is a giant, magnificent, Dragon.

Spitfire turned her head towards him and bumped him with her large nose.

“What is it, love?” He asked as he patted her scales.

She blew smoke at him and he coughed with a laugh. She then laid her head down and closed her eyes.

“Ah, you’re tired. Okay.” He said as he sat on the ground and leaned against her body.

Her head turned towards him and he watched as she laid it directly in front of him, then smiled. She was giving him her protection.

“I love you too.” He said as he patted her cheek.

She purred again, then he heard a sweet sound, that sounded like a snore.

He sighed as he leaned his head back against her. He hoped everyone was okay in their city.

I hope our son is alright. He thought as he drifted off to sleep.


“Are you sure this is where they went?” Austen asked as he looked down into the trees.

‘Yes, I can smell her.’ Emerald said.

“I can see Bentin and the Shaman, they’re not far from where Spitfire and Derk are. They had grabbed some soldiers, as they had headed out. Let’s go tell them we know where they are.”

‘As you wish, my love.’ Emerald said as he turned and flew to the ground, landing in front of the men.

The soldiers held up their swords as they stared at the Dragon.

“Swords down!” Bentin hollered as he approached the Emerald Dragon.

“But My Lord, that is a Dragon!” One of the men hollered.

“Thank you for the obvious.” Bentin grumbled. “The Dragon is on our side, or did you forget who saved our asses today.”

“Bentin!” Austen hollered from the back of the Dragon.

Bentin grinned as he walked up to the Dragon. “I see you two made up.”

Austen grinned. “He has a lot of groveling to do. But flying on his back takes care of a lot of that, especially if we do it every day.”

The large Dragon laughed as he laid on the ground, for his husband to climb down his arm.

“Looks like fun.” Bentin said with a grin.

“Emerald can smell Spitfire. She’s not far from here.” Austen said as he jumped to the ground.

Emerald changed back to his human form, once his husband was safely on the ground. “She will be less frightened if a big Green Dragon, doesn’t swoop down on her.” He said with a smile.

“Can you still track her?” Bentin asked.

Lesteren nodded. “I can. We don’t lose our abilities, as you saw with the roots.” He said with a grin.

“I had a feeling that was you.” The Shaman said as he joined them.

“Alright, Lesteren is in the lead.” Bentin said.

Lesteren led them in the direction he had smelt his sister. It has been several hours since she and Derk had disappeared. He hoped everything was okay.


Derk stirred when he heard a noise. Spitfire woke as well, but only opened the eye that was facing him.

“You hear it too?” He whispered. “What am I saying?” He said with a soft laugh. “Of course, you did. Dragon hearing.”

“There she is.”

Derk recognized the voice and smiled. “Stay calm love, they are friendly.”

“Where’s Tasheen?” The Shaman asked.

“I told you she would get hungry.” Bentin grumbled.

Spitfire blew out a puff of air and Derk chuckled. “You do understand what’s going on around you, don’t you?”

Her eye closed then opened again as if to answer, yes. He smiled. He knew they would find a way to communicate.

“What do we do now?” Someone asked.

Derk didn’t know that voice, they must have brought backup.

“You better let them see me, Spitfire. Before they try to attack you.”

Spitfire opened her other eye and every man, except for Lesteren, backed away from her.

“Hello, little sister.” Lesteren said with a smile.

Derk had had a feeling that that was who Lesteren was, he is the Green Dragon after all.

Sahrah moved her head to face the men and Derk became visible.

“Thank God.” Bentin said when he saw his Tasheen.

When Bentin moved towards Derk, Sahrah roared. Every man froze as they waited.

“She’s just protecting me.” Derk said as he got to his feet and stood beside her head. “It’s alright love, remember, they are our allies.”

Smoke snorted from the Dragon’s nose.

“She understands.” Bentin said as he watched his Tasheen with the Dragon, in awe.

Derk nodded. “She knows exactly who I am. She’s just having trouble communicating. And she knows you lot think she ate me.”

Derk laughed when a flame sparked from her nostrils.

“I’m sorry, Tashia.” Bentin said as he went to one knee. “I had promised my services to you, and they still hold to this day.”

Spitfire moved her head until it was a few feet from Bentin, then blew smoke on him.

Bentin coughed as he laughed. “I guess I deserved that.”

Derk laughed as he patted his mate’s neck.

“Spitfire.” Austen said as he walked up to the Dragon. “It’s me.” He said softly.

Spitfire eyed the man, then her hand came out and snatched him up.

The soldier’s swords came out and Derk ordered them to put them away.

With a purr, the Dragon pulled Austen to her cheek and rubbed against his body.

Austen laughed. “You’re so scaly, Cousin.”

The Dragon puffed smoke then set him back on the ground and pushed him towards Lesteren.

“Yeah.” Austen said with a grin. “We made up.”

Spitfire looked at Lesteren as if she wanted to say something.

“Has she communicated with you yet?” Lesteren asked as he approached his sister.

Derk shook his head. “She blinks, but that’s the only communication we have.”

“Are you wearing the ring she gave you?”

Derk looked at the Crystal ring. “Always.”

Lesteren nodded. “When she is more used to her Dragon form, she will learn to communicate with you, through that ring.”

Derk stared at the ring. “Say again?”

Austen laughed. “Apparently, our rings represent more than our marriage to the Dragons. They allow us to communicate, telepathically.”

Derk snorted. “What else have we not been told?”

Austen laughed; he knew exactly how his friend felt.

“I am going to transform, see if she can speak dragon.” Lesteren said as he moved away from the others.

Everyone watched in awe, as Lesteren transformed into the Emerald Dragon.

Spitfire stood up as her tail swished behind her.

“I am your brother; do you understand that?” Emerald asked.

“Yes.” Spitfire said as she watched the other Dragon. “Why can I not talk to my mate?”

“Do you know who you are?”

“I am Spitfire, the Red Dragon.”

Emerald’s large head nodded. “And do you know who these people are around us?”

She looked at the men. “That one is my mate, the other is your mate and my... my...”

“He’s your cousin and best friend.” Emerald said.

“Yes.” Spitfire said. “And he is a Shaman.” She said as she looked at the older man.

“Yes, and a very old friend of our mother’s.”

“Where is mother?”

“We will discuss that, another time.” Emerald promised.

“He is my mate’s friend, and he thought I ate my mate.”

Emerald laughed. “Yes, well, you did fly away with his Tasheen.”

Spitfire snorted and a flame sparked from her nostrils. “He is my mate and I needed to take him to the army.”

“You know where they went?” Emerald asked.

“Yes. They are not far from here. I tracked them, but then I got sleepy.”

“Yes, your first transformation is very exhausting, especially in the middle of a war.”

“I must protect my home.” She said as she looked at her brother.

“And we will help. Where is the army?”

“Not far.” She said, then looked down at her mate. “He must come with me.” She said, then scooped Derk up into her hand again.

“Spitfire, don’t fly away with him again.” Emerald said.

“Spitfire?” Derk asked as he watched his mate.

“Offer him your back to ride.” Emerald said.

Spitfire moved her mate up to her back and Derk grinned as he climbed onto it.

‘Austen.’ Emerald said as he looked at his mate. ‘Spitfire knows where the army had come from, she wants to take us there.’

“That’s great.” Austen said with a grin. “I knew there was a reason she had taken off with Derk.” He said, then turned to Bentin. “Spitfire knows where the army retreated to, that is why she had taken off with Tasheen. She wants to show us where.”

“That’s awesome, but how are we going to get there?” Bentin asked.

‘They can ride us.’ Emerald said and Austen burst into laughter.

“I don’t know if your soldiers are going to like the answer to that.” Austen said as he looked at Bentin.

“What did your Dragon say?” Bentin asked.

Austen grinned. He liked that, his Dragon.

“He says that we can ride them.”

“Hell, yeah.” Bentin said as he moved towards Spitfire. “Hey there Spitfire, could I get a ride on your back?”

Spitfire snatched Bentin up with her large hand, then held him to her eye as she eyed him.

Emerald laughed. ‘Tell Bentin that she wants to know if he’s going to accuse her of eating her mate again.’

Austen laughed as he relayed the message.

Bentin’s cheeks turned a bright red. “I’m sorry, Spitfire. I should have known better.”

Spitfire snorted in his face, then held him towards her back.

Derk chuckled as he helped his friend onto the Dragon’s back.

“Do you think she would be comfortable with strangers on her back?” Austen asked his Dragon.

“Spitfire, will you be okay with soldiers on your back?” Emerald asked his sister.

“If they do not poke me with their sticks.” She said as she eyed the swords.

Emerald laughed as he relayed the message to Austen. Austen burst into laughter as he told the others.

“They better not.” Derk growled. “Because the Dragon isn’t the only thing they will have to deal with.”

The soldiers put away their swords as they prepared to climb aboard the only two Dragons, on Dextonia.

Who would be stupid enough to pass that up?

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