The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-One: Dragon See, Dragon Do

Spitfire led Emerald to where she had smelt the army retreating. When they found the city, the Dragons landed on the ground, far enough away, that no one could see them.

“Is this where the whole army went to?” Derk asked as he looked at the city, from his mate’s back.

“It is.” Austen said as he repeated what his husband said to him.

“What should we do?” Bentin asked as he slid off the Dragon, to the ground.

The soldiers followed suit. Derk and Austen stayed upon their Dragon’s backs.

“Whose city is this?” Austen asked.

“It is the Great City. The city where all the Leaders of Dextonia, gather.” Derk said.

“All except your father, apparently.” Bentin grumbled.

“It does appear so.” Derk said with annoyance.

“Spitfire wants to know why they are gathered here.” Austen relayed.

Derk patted his mate’s neck. “To take us out, love. Remember, they want your Crystal and to shut us up, because they know they did wrong to your planet.”

Spitfire roared and the birds flew from the trees.

“Well, I guess the element of surprise is out.” Bentin said with a laugh.

“We have two powerful Dragons.” Derk said with a grin. “I think we should show the Leaders, that they can’t win, against us.”

“I think Spitfire likes that idea!” Bentin hollered up to his Tasheen as the Red Dragon flew into the air.

Derk chuckled. “Alright love, let’s show them that they messed with the wrong city.”

Spitfire roared again as she flew to the large skyscraper, in the middle of the city.

The leaders who had gathered to their meeting place; were all gathered around the large windows, and watched in shock, as two Dragons flew towards the building. They had called their men fools, for running like cowards. Dragons are no more real, than a space monkey.

The Red Dragon blew flames at the glass and the men jumped back as the windows shattered.

“Fellow Leaders.” Derk said with a grin from atop the Dragon.

“Derksin Dentse. What is the meaning of this?!” One of the Leaders hollered.

“Why, we’re returning the favor.” Derk said with a grin. “To the roof.” He said as he patted Spitfire’s neck.

The Dragon flew up to the top of the building.

“Hello.” Austen said from atop the Green Dragon. “You attacked the wrong city and the wrong planet.”

“What are you talking about?” One of the leaders asked.

“Poh-eh-nah. That is where our Dragon’s come from, don’t you know that?” Austen laughed at the looks on the men’s faces. “Yeah, fear them, my friends.”

‘Austen, what are they doing up there?’ Emerald asked as he looked up where his sister and her mate were.

Austen looked up. “Not sure, love.”

“Who are you talking to?” One of the leaders asked.

“My Dragon.” Austen said with a grin. “Emerald, these are the bastards who destroyed our home planet, and just attacked our new home, to keep us quiet. Oh, and they also enslaved your sister, for two years.”

Emerald blew a green mist on the men and they started choking on it. Vines grew from the mist, that wrapped around the men and held them in place.

Austen laughed. “Nice.” He then glared at the men. “Be glad that is all he did. He is very protective of his sister.”

“Who is his sister?” One of the men asked as he tried to breathe.

“Why, the Red Dragon, of course.” Austen said with a grin as he looked up to watch the top of the building, crumble under the thrashing of Spitfire’s tail. “Looks like Spitfire took out the top of your building. Anything important up there, gentlemen?”

“That’s our communications tower!” One of the men hollered.

Austen laughed. “Making sure you can’t call for help. Very smart.”

“You won’t get away with this!” Another of the men hollered.

“Oh, but we already have.” Derk said as he and Spitfire returned to the window. “Nicely done, Emerald.” He said with a laugh when he saw that the men were tied up, with vines.

Spitfire roared and the building shook.

“My mate doesn’t like your building.” Derk said with a laugh.

“Your mate?!” One of the leaders hollered.

“Yeah, didn’t anyone tell you that my mate is the Red Dragon?” Derk asked with a smirk.

“Well husband, what do we do next?” Austen asked as he patted his Dragon’s neck.

‘I would let my sister burn them all, but that wouldn’t solve anything.’ Emerald said with a growl.

Austen nodded as he relayed his husband’s answer to Derk.

“No, it wouldn’t solve anything. Leave them tied up, for now, they can’t do anything without their communications tower. It will take them at least two weeks, to fix the damage, Spitfire had just inflicted on the building. Let’s return home and tell my father what we have discovered.”

“Smile.” Austen said with a grin as he took a picture of the men. “This will look great in our album.”

“Let’s go home.” Derk said as he patted his mate’s neck.

Spitfire roared as she swung her tail at the building. The walls cracked, but stayed standing.

“Next time.” Derk said with a growl. “The building comes down, on top of you.”

“Just remember, when you attack Leboriah, that we have two Dragons protecting it.” Austen said as they turned and left the startled men behind.

“How did it go?” Bentin asked as they returned to their men.

“It was the coolest thing ever!” Austen said with a laugh.

They told Bentin what they had done, and Bentin laughed.

“Let’s go home.” Derk said as Spitfire and Emerald landed and bent down, to allow the men to climb onto their backs.

They then took off into the sky and headed home.


“They’re back!” Suelette hollered as she pointed in the distance, where men were walking towards them.

“That’s not the enemy.” Trey said as she moved in front of her. “That’s Bentin and some soldiers.”

“Where’s Tasheen and Tashia?” Temmy asked as she rocked a whimpering Conner.

A roar from above, had those gathered outside the arena, looking up into the sky.

“Dragons! Real Dragons!” Someone hollered from behind them.

The two Dragons landed in the field as Bentin and the soldiers stopped in front of the people, who were outside waiting for them.

“Where’s my son?” Tentah asked as he stepped forward.

Bentin laughed. “Over there.” He said as he pointed to the Red Dragon.

They watched as Derk jumped down from the Dragon and headed towards them.

“Father.” Derk said with a wide grin as he hugged his father.

“What have you discovered?” Tentah asked as they separated.

“You mean, other than the two Dragons?” Derk asked with a laugh.

Conner roared when he saw the Red Dragon and the Red Dragon responded with a roar of her own.

“Conner, stay still.” Temmy said as she tried to hold onto the one-month-old, who was much stronger than any baby should be.

Conner’s wings came out and he started to fly into the air.

“Conner, calm down.” Derk said as he looked at his son. What was the word Lesteren had said this morning?

The Red Dragon roared again as her front legs came up into the air.

Austen jumped off the Green Dragon and moved out of the way as his husband transformed back to his human form.

Everyone stared at him as he ran over to them.

“Temmy, let Conner go!” Lesteren hollered.

“Are you nuts? There’s a Dragon over there.” Temmy said as she held onto the baby as well as she could, as he pulled on her.

“Let him go!” Lesteren demanded. “He will hurt you if you don’t let him go to his mother!”

“What?!” The others screamed.

“Let him go, Temmy.” Derk said as he watched his son fight with the woman.

Conner flew into the sky and they sucked in shocked breaths when he transformed into the cutest little Dragon, as he flew to the Red Dragon.

Spitfire took hold of Conner with both her clawed hands, once he was in front of her. When she blew flames over him, everyone screamed.

“Spitfire!” Derk hollered in horror.

Lesteren laughed. “Don’t worry about it, Brother. She is only playing with him.”

“You call that playing with him?!” Temmy screamed.

“Where’s Tashia?” Suelette asked.

“Did you not hear them?” Bentin asked as he looked at the large Red Dragon. ”That is Spitfire.”

“What?” They asked shocked.

Derk watched as his mate tossed their son into the air and the little Dragon roared as he tried to blow fire, but puffed smoke.

“She’s teaching him.” Derk said.

Lesteren smiled. “Yes.”

“Why is he not harmed? She blew fire on him.” Temmy asked as she stared at the Dragons.

“Dragons are immune to Dragon’s Breath. That is why it is harder for a Dragon to kill another Dragon.” Lesteren said.

“That’s why you fought for so long, in your wars.” Derk said with a nod.

Lesteren nodded. “We had to use brute strength. Or skills like mine, which I can use without my Dragon’s Breath.”

“Was that what that green smoke was?” Austen asked as he moved to stand beside his husband.

Lesteren nodded as he wrapped his arm around Austen.

“Okay, it looks like the four of you need to talk, and now.” Tentah said as he watched them.

They told them what had happened in the battle, and how Spitfire had changed for the first time, and right now she’s stuck in her Dragon form. And how Lesteren is the Green Dragon called, Emeraldsdale, Sahrah’s half-brother.

“Tashia!” Trey hollered as she ran towards the Dragon, after listening to what had happened.

“Tasheen.” Dan said as he walked up to Derk.

“Yes, Dan?” Derk asked without looking at his robot.

“I kept the women and children safe, but I did not get to tie anyone up.”

Derk laughed. “I am sure there will be another opportunity to do so, my friend.”

Spitfire looked at the woman who was running at her. She knows her...

“Tashia.” Trey said as she looked up at the large Red Dragon.

“I know you.”

“Yes, Tashia." Trey said with a smile. “I am your companion. I kept the Crystal safe for you. It is waiting for your return.”

“You can talk to me?” Spitfire asked.

“Yes, I can speak any language, remember.”


“Yes, yes. That’s me.” Trey said with a smile.

“Conner, get back here.” Spitfire said as she took hold of her son. “I am... I am Spitfire, my human form is Sahrah. We are fighting to get my planet back and are using the Crystal to prove something.”

“Yes!” Trey said happily.

“What are they saying?” Derk asked as he stared at his mate and her robot.

“It sounds to me like Trey is helping Spitfire remember herself.” Lesteren said as he watched.

Derk moved across the field and stood next to Trey. “Is it helping?” He asked the robot.

“She is remembering.” Trey said with a nod. “I am using the Crystal to help her.”

“Spitfire!” Derk hollered up at his mate. “Come back to us, Love.”

“He speaks to me, but he does not speak Dragon.” Spitfire said as she looked at Trey.

Trey chuckled. “No, he does not. But he wants his mate back.”

"I am his mate.” Spitfire said.

“Yes.” Trey said with a nod. “But how can you mate if you’re a big Dragon?”

Spitfire stopped as she looked at her son. Images of nursing her son and making love to her mate, flashed through her mind.

“Derk.” She whispered as she looked at her mate.

“That’s right.” Trey said with a nod.

‘Derk, my love.’

“Spitfire?” Derk asked with wide eyes. Austen hadn’t been kidding.

‘You can hear me?’

‘Yes, my love, I can hear you, very well.’

Lesteren smiled as he watched his sister with her family. She is happy, and now she is whole.

‘Take Conner.’ Spitfire said as she held the baby Dragon out to her mate.

Derk took Conner from the Dragon and smiled at the beautiful little Dragon. He had the most beautiful blue mixed with the black scales.

Spitfire roared and Derk looked back up at her. He watched as she slammed her fists and tail against the ground.

“Spitfire?” He questioned as she roared again.

“She is forcing herself to change.” Lesteren said as he and Austen joined them.

Spitfire roared again, then took in a deep breath as she laid on the ground in human form.

“Sahrah!” Derk hollered as he ran to his mate.

“That...” Sahrah said out of breath. “Was incredible.”

“Do you remember everything?” Derk asked as he stood above her.

She nodded as she pulled herself to her feet. “Look at you.” She said with a smile as she looked at her son. She took him from Derk’s arms then held him up. “You should change back now, Conner.”

Conner let out a roar as he changed back to his human form.

“There’s my little man.” Sahrah said with a smile as she pulled her son down to her chest. “I bet you are starving.” She said as she turned around and pulled one of her breasts out. When he latched on, she took in a breath.

“I love you.” Derk said as he wrapped his arms around her and Conner, from behind.

Sahrah sighed. “I love you too. After we get back inside, and I see to my Crystal, we are going to talk about what we’re going to do next.”

Derk nodded.

“Well.” Bentin said as he joined the others behind Derk and Sahrah. “This was an exciting day.”

“To say the least!” Austen said with a laugh.

“I did not get to tie anyone up.” Trey said with a frown.

The others laughed around her.

“Neither did Dan.” Derk said as he turned his head to look at his mate’s robot.

“That is a good thing!” Sahrah informed them.

Everyone laughed. When Conner was done with his meal, they walked together to the Palace and picked up their other friends on their way. Tentah went with them to their chambers and watched as they put Conner down. Then they spent the next several hours, discussing what would be next. Now that they know for sure, who had sent the armies after them, they can overthrow the Leaders, which would make Tentah the only Leader left.

“So, do we find new leaders, or just have one?” Bentin asked.

“I’m not leading this planet on my own.” Tentah grumbled.

“It’s at least a ten-man job.” Derk said with a nod.

“Well, since we have the Dragons, that should make Tentah the highest-ranking leader.” Bentin said with a laugh.

“The people will have to agree with that.” Tentah said.

“Kentrei, did you not hear me?” Bentin said with a laugh. “You have two Dragons.”

“Yeah.” Austen said with a grin. “Who’s going to argue with a man, with two dragons?”

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