The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two: Where to Now?


Sahrah turned when she heard her brothers’ voice. It has been two days, since she had discovered the man she and Austen had practically grown up with, is her older brother, the Green Dragon, Emeraldsdale, and she is the spitting image of their mother, the Red Dragon.

From what she has gathered about Dragons, and her brother and mother. Is that a fire breathing dragon is very rare, and were almost always, female.

“Lesteren.” She said with a smile as she looked at her brother’s smiling face.

“It is so odd that you know who I am.”

She nodded. “It is.”

“I would like to talk to you about something.” He said as he took hold of her arm and led her down the hall.

“What is it?” She asked, a bit concerned.

“It’s private.” He whispered as he looked for a place for them to go to.

“We can go back to my chambers, no one is there right now.” She said as she watched his face look around them.

“Okay.” He said as if he was nervous, that someone might find them talking to each other.

“Les, are you okay?”

“Yes, dear sister. I am fine. But no one can hear what we are about to talk about.”

“Okay.” She said with a nod. “We can go into the bedroom, it is soundproof.”

He paused as he looked down at her. “Since when?”

She grinned. “Since I had Conner and told Derk to put up soundproof walls, if he wants to have wild sex in our room, with our son awake in the other room, or anyone there watching over him so he can...”

“I get it.” Lesteren said with a growl. “Don’t want to hear about my sister fornicating.”

She laughed as he began moving again and led her to her chambers. Trey was there watching Conner and looked at them strangely.

“I thought you were on a walk, Tashia.”

“I was. But my brother needs to talk to me about something important. Is the bedroom clear?”

Trey nodded and Lesteren led her into the room, then closed the door and began pacing across the floor.

“Les, you’re starting to worry me.”

“I’m sorry.” He said as he stopped and looked at her. “Wow, you really do look just like mom.”

She pouted. “Where is she, Lesteren?”

He sighed. “Not time for that, right now, I have something else weighing on my mind.”

“What is it?!” She demanded when he began pacing again.

He stopped and walked over to her; her eyes widened when she saw the look in his eyes. When his hands grabbed hold of her shoulders he broke down.

“I’m over three thousand years old!”

She felt a giggle come through her closed lips. “That’s what’s got you riled up?”

He snorted. “You’re still young, little sister, you don’t know what it’s like to outlive everyone you care about.”

She paused. She was starting to see... “Wait, am I going to live long like you and mom?”

He nodded. “So is Conner.”

She grunted as she fell into the chair beside the door. “We’re going to watch Derk and everyone we love, age and wither away.”

“That’s exactly what’s been racking my brain...”

“And you had to bring me into it too?!” She demanded as she glared at him.

“I’m sorry, dear sister.” He said as he began pacing again. “But that’s not why I wanted to talk to you. I have been looking into something for a while now, and I... well I finally broke through. I found it...”

“Found what?” She asked as she studied her brother.

He stopped and turned to her, a brilliant smile on his face. “Something that is going to keep our mates with us, forever.”

Her eyebrows furrowed. “Do what now?”

He moved over to her and knelt in front of her, then held her head in his hands as he looked into her face. “It took me forever to locate it. I studied it while I was on Poh-eh-nah. And almost three years ago, when I was brought here, back to my home planet, I had better access, because, sister, this is where it’s here, on Dextonia!”

“What is?” She asked with wide eyes as she stared at her brother.

He nodded. “I can’t tell you now, we need to get the guys. I will tell all of you at the same time.”

“Why did you bring me in here, then?”

“Because it’s going to be very hard to get to, its’ location is somewhere dangerous, and hard to get into, we may all die...”

“Les, you’re not making any sense.” She said as she placed her hands on her brother’s, which were still holding her head, while he looked into her eyes.

“Sahrah, it is hard to locate, and when you do, there’s.... there are dangers, and all sorts of things to go through to get to it, then you have the chance of finding the wrong one, and they...”

“They what!?” She hollered.

He leaned his forehead against hers as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “If we don’t find the one, our mates will die.”

Sahrah let out a scream as she cried out profanities. “Why are you telling me this?!”

He took a deep breath. “Because if we fallow the right path, our mates will live with us forever.”

She opened her eyes and blinked at him. “We have to follow the correct path and we’ll get to keep our mates forever?”

He nodded as he opened his eyes and they looked into each other’s eyes, without blinking.

“We need to tell them of the danger, let them decide.” She whispered.

He nodded. “Of course.”

“Les.” She whispered.

“Yes, little sister?”

“Thank you.”

He smiled. “I couldn’t very well keep my mate while you watched yours wither away.”

She smiled. “Yes, well, I meant, thank you for watching over me, after mom gave me to my dad.”

He smiled. “Mom asked me to keep an eye on you, and even if she hadn’t, I still would have done it. You’re my only sibling, you know.”

She smiled. “So, we don’t have any other brothers or sisters?”

He frowned. “We did, once, but it’s just us now.”

She frowned. “What happened?”

“The Black Dragon.”

She whimpered. “When he killed your dad?”

He shook his head. “It was why my dad went after him. He had killed my younger brothers.”

“Oh, Lesteren.” She said with a cry.

He sighed heavily. “After my dad was slaughtered, mom decided she couldn’t lose any more. First two of her sons, then her mate. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing me, or any more of her Dragons, so she sent us all away, after she killed the Black Dragon. The people were attacking us by then, because of the Black Dragon and his followers, so she figured, time to move on.”

“Wow.” She whispered. “So, I’m your only sister?”

He smiled as he nodded. “Mom always wanted a girl and had hoped she would receive her gifts. When you were born...”

“Les?” She asked when he stopped.

“That’s for another time, dear sister. Right now, let’s get our mates so we can all discuss this...”

“Discuss what?”

They both turned their heads towards the voice and Sahrah smiled. “Hello, love.”

Derk grinned. “So this is what you do when I’m not here.”

Sahrah chuckled, then leaned forward and kissed her brother on the cheek. He let her go, then stood and she stood up beside him as she turned to her mate.

“We need to talk to you and Auston.” She said as she studied her mate’s face.

“I’ll have Trey stay with Conner.” He said with a nod, then turned and left the room.

“How much do you think he heard?” She whispered to her brother.

He smiled. “Not enough to know what’s going on.”


“Derk, are you okay?” Sahrah asked as she walked into the small library, that her husband used as an office. It was also soundproof, but without Derk there, they can’t keep people from entering and hearing them anyways.

“I’m fine.” He grumbled.

“Uh, uh.” She said as she touched her hand to his cheek. “What’s wrong, my love?”

He sighed heavily. “It has only been two days, and already, you and Lesteren are cozing up, alone in our bedroom.”

She snorted. “Have you forgotten, he’s my brother?”

He shrugged. “He’s a Dragon. More your type...”

Sahrah growled loudly as she jumped on top of her mate and knocked him into his desk.

“That is so wrong.” She said as she glared into his eyes. “HE’S MY BROTHER!”

“Are we interrupting something?” Auston asked as he and Lesteren entered the room.

“Get out!” Spitfire snarled.

Austen and Lesteren backed out of the room and stood guard; until they were invited back inside.

Spitfire glared into her mates’ eyes. “That is a horrible thought, lover. Why would you think something like that?”

He grumbled as he held onto her ass. “I’m sorry. I know it was wrong of me to even think something like that.”

“Damn right it was.” Spitfire said with a growl.

He smiled as he looked into her dark red eyes. “I’m not jealous of him as a man, who you know...”

“But you are jealous.”

He nodded. “He’s a Dragon, though your brother, he has more in common with you. And he’ll be there when I...”

“That is why he and I were talking.” She said as she started kissing his face and his neck. “We were talking about you and Austen and how to keep you two with us, forever.”

He sighed as he squeezed her ass cheeks again. “I’m sorry, love.”

She snarled. “You better be, lover, because next time I come out, you will regret it.” She said as she nipped at his ear.

“Oh, I doubt that.” He said with a grin as he bit her neck.

She growled, then yanked him away from the desk and jumped down to her feet. When he looked into her eyes, his veins turned to molten lava, at the sight of her lust-filled red eyes.

“Now you’ve done it, lover.” She said, then grabbed him by the arms and tossed him onto the floor.

He lost his breath as he hit the floor, and before he could gain it back, she jumped on top of him.


“So, do you think they’ll ever come out?” Austen asked with a laugh as he looked at his watch.

Lesteren smiled as he pulled his husband to him and kissed him deeply.

“You can come in now.” Sahrah said as she opened the door and smiled at them.

“So, what did you two want to talk to us about?” Derk asked from his position against his desk.

Lesteren groaned as he turned his head away from the mark on his brothers’ neck.

“Get used to it, brother of mine.” Sahrah said with a smile.

Lesteren snorted, then looked at them. “I found something that will make it so you two will live forever with us.”

“Do tell.” Derk said as he stood up from the desk, intrigued.

“What are you talking about?” Austen asked, confused.

“As you know, my sister and I will live forever, because of our Dragon blood.” Lesteren said as he looked at his husband.

Austen nodded. “Yeah, I know this.”

“So will Conner.” Sahrah whispered.

Derk groaned, but didn’t say anything. Who wouldn’t be happy that their child will live forever?

“I have been searching for a long time for it. Ever since I met Austen.” Lesteren said as he looked at his husband.

They all noticed he had said, met and not married.

“Looking for what?” Austen asked.

“A way to keep you with him forever.” Sahrah said.

“And I finally found it.” Lesteren said with a nod.

“Found what?” Derk asked.

“It will be hard, and dangerous, and could cause us all our lives, or you two could die, or...”

“Found WHAT!” Derk hollered, interrupting Lesteren.

Lesteren looked at Derk, then at his husband. With a smile, he looked at his sister.

Sahrah smiled at her brother. She was just as anxious as the other two, to know what exactly her brother had found to keep their mates with them, forever.

Lesteren looked back at his husband and took hold of his hands, then smiled into his eyes.

“I have found the fountain of youth.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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