The cursed Moon.

Chapter 19

Zion's paranoia increased over the week that passed. He looked at everyone like they could be a suspect in feeding information to Titus. He had only a few he was certain would never betray himself nor Moon. Atlas of course never once crossed his mind as a suspect, or Reign for that fact. Reid had been fighting the same war for over five hundred years, he was Moons mentor, the pride he had for her was obvious. Mena crossed his mind briefly, for a fleeting second, but something in his gut told him it wasnt possible. Ronan had a score to settle, it wasnt that he cared for Moon, but more that he cared too much for his glory in killing a god. Everyone else was a suspect, everyone else he held under scrutiny.

“Something wrong Alpha? You seem distracted?” Atlas asked as they observed the women finish their training.

“Would you think I am crazy if I said I am suspicious of my pack, of my allies?” Zion replied.

“We are at war Zion, only a madman would put complete trust in those around him.” Atlas said with sincerity.

"I feel mad with paranoia" Zion replied under his breath.

"You are protective of your mate, it is in your design. Trust your instincts, always." Atlas spoke with his eyes fixated on Reign.

They watched on in silence as Kat addressed the women, they had been training relentlessly. It appeared their blood, and sweat had paid off, each of them far more deadly than when they had begun. Reign was undeniably a force to be reckoned with, her movement fast, her attack and defense flawless.

“Good work today ladies, tomorrow's lesson shall be a little..... different.” Kat informed them.

“Different how?” A shifter woman asked with curiosity.

“Tomorrow we shall learn the art of seduction, if we are to lure these men into our trap we must first be alluring. Zion since I know you can hear me, please let your mate know this is one lesson she must attend.” Kat remarked.

“How did she do today?” Zion asked Atlas, not bothering to reply to Kat's demand.

“Zion I won't lie, her power is growing rapidly, she is capable of wonderful things, she is truly magical. But she is also capable of inflicting unimaginable pain.” he answered.

“Is that not what we want?” Zion asked with concern.

“When it comes to war it is, but Reid is concerned it is too much power for one being to possess.” Atlas said.

“And you? What do you think?” Zion wanted to know, as his beta, his opinion was important, as Moon's twin, it was valid.

“I think Moon feels more intensely than you and me, if she switches to rage on the battlefield, I have no doubt she will wipe out anyone who crosses her path. The problem we face is that after will come guilt, an undeniable guilt that could destroy her.” Atlas put a hand on Zions shoulder as he finished speaking, then nodded before heading off in Reigns direction.

Zion observed the people around him more closely, still paranoid. Mena was smiling as she conversed with Dean, they had grown closer in the last week, something that was not lost on Zion or apparently Ronan either as he watched on with a scowl on his face. Whether he had a distrust towards Mena, or if it was Dean he didn't like Zion could not tell.

Kat drunk from a canteen as Reid approached her, a wide smile on his face. Zion admitted he had his doubts about Kat, she was once a rouge and never did she hide her distaste for Moon. He would be sure to observe her movements closely.

He then saw Moon, a sigh escaped her as she crossed the grounds. Every time Zion caught sight of her his chest tightened, his heart rate increased, it was the magic of her that had him completely in awe still.

He asked her continuously why she had chosen him, why she deemed him worthy of her, and her answer had always been the same, 'It is fate Zion, you and I were meant to be, always'. It wasn't much of an explanation in his eyes, he needed more, to know that it was because he could protect her, love her, cherish her in all the ways she deserved. That would be something he would have to prove to her, no harm would come to her, he would make sure of it.

“Is something troubling you my Moon?” He asked as he reached her.

“My powers growing Zion, I know what is wanted of me, what is needed of me, but I am connected to them also. Causing harm to those who are blindly following orders, it saddens me, many lives will be lost, it is such a tragedy.” she answered as she settled into the grass, urging Zion to join her.

He let out a sigh as he settled next to her. She was conflicted and that proved Atlas's words to be true, she would feel immense guilt once she had taken lives.

“Moon do you think me a malicious being?” He asked.

She looked up at him with shock, unsure as to why he would ask such things.

“Of course not Zion, I know your heart is great.” she said with sincerity.

“I have killed many times. It was necessary to protect the pack, the people I love. I would kill a thousand men to keep you safe.” he explained softly.

“You only did what was needed for the safety of your people.” Moon answered.

“And so will you. War means death, for some it's inevitable, it is us or them Moon. You must understand that.” he needed her to know the reality of what was to come.

“I know, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep us all together, I just wish it wasnt violence. Can we speak of something else, anything else?” she said quietly.

“Of course, anything you like.” he answered.

“Can I show you something?” She said as her eyes lit up. He nodded to confirm.

Moon pressed her hands to the earth, slowly lifting them. As she did, Zion saw seedlings sprout from the ground, exploding into a collection of colorful flowers.

He looked on in awe. She had created something delicate, beautiful, like her, from thin air, as if it were as easy as breathing.

“Remarkable, how did you do that?” He asked with wonderment.

“If I think it, I can create it, within reason, of course.” she smiled.

"I don't think I will ever become accustomed to you magic, everything you do is beautiful.” Zion said with affection.


“This maybe none of my business little red, but do you and Ronan have a thing?” Dean asked as he brushed the dust off his pants from training.

“If by thing you mean we despise each other, then yes we have a thing.” she didn't understand what would prompt him to ask such a question, she had barely spoken to or of Ronan in days.

“That may explain why he keeps glaring at us then.” Dean remarked, as his eyes quickly darted in Ronan's direction then back to the ground.

“Don't look now, but he is coming over here, do you want me to disappear?” Dean continued.

“Your not afraid of him, are you?” Mena teased.

“Isn't everyone?” Dean replied.

“Not everyone, Ronan's........” Mena began.

“Ronan's what? Please continue, I am waiting to hear your insights into who I am huntress...” Ronan ejected into the conversation.

“Uh that would be my cue to leave, see you around little red.” Dean said with sympathy, before scuttling off towards the pack house.

“Do you always have to be like that?” Mena asked with irritation.

“Like what? I believe you were speaking about me, not the other way around.” Ronan answered.

“He is frightened of you, I was going to explain that you really aren't as frightening as you believe.” Mena huffed as she began putting spears onto the holder.

“Are you sure of that? Or is he smart to be afraid of me?” Ronan spoke as he helped Mena pack away more weapons.

“You don't like him, do you?” Mena asked.

“Why would it matter who I do or do not like little Red?.” Ronan said the last of his sentence with a mocking tone.

Mena rolled her eyes at him, why he insisted on antagonizing her she had no idea, but she had neither the patience or the energy for it.

“Believe it or not, some of us have friends, Ronan." she said as she stalked towards the pack house.

“And that's what he is?.....Your friend, because he certainly is interested in more." Ronan said as he kept up with her pace.

“Not that it's any of your business, but why do you care?” she stopped in her tracks and stared at him, the same smirk on his face as always, the one that got under her skin, but when she reached his eyes she saw what she had seen in them many times, familiarity.

As his eyes searched hers, they stood in an uncomfortable silence, he hadn't answered her question.

“What would you say if I told you I didn't trust your new friend?” Ronan said after a long pause.

“I would say you don't trust anyone, so why should Dean be the exception?” Mena answered.

“Thats not entirely true, I trust you huntress.” he replied.

Mena wanted to be mad, but something in his voice, his tone, told her that he was actually being sincere.

“You do?” She asked.

“I've already told you Mena, you hide nothing, you have no shame in who you are.” He said casually.

“No only in what I was.” Mena remarked as she continued walking.

“You are here aren't you, you have redeemed yourself, it's admirable. Although I would like to point out that you would be naive if you think every shifter is trustworthy, just as in humans there is bad and there is good.” Ronan said as he continued walking at her side.

“And what side do you fall on Ronan, because I am having a really hard time figuring you out.” she asked.

“Your frustrated with me?” Ronan stated with amusement.

“Yes I am frustrated with you, one minute you're cold, mean to an extent, then the next you insist on having these confusing conversations.” Mena explained.

“Believe me when I say I am just as confused as you.” Ronan said as they reached the steps to the castle.

“Confused about what?” Mena asked.

“You.” he said as they stopped at the door.

Mena rushed up the stairs leaving Ronan behind, she had moved into the pack house a few days before, Atlas and Reign had been wonderful, but they needed their privacy. When Moon offered her a room in the pack house, she accepted quickly, she refused to stay below with the she-wolves, instead taking a room on the warriors floor. She had slowly become one of them, Dean had introduced her to everyone, showed her around, he was….nice, welcoming, warm.

How could Ronan not trust him? If anything, Ronan was the one that should not be trusted. He was hot and cold, sly, distant. And yet, she fell into his trap every time, letting him get to her, and for some reason, he enjoyed it. She had been told he was unpredictable, and it wasn't a lie, she wouldn't admit it to herself, but she also found excitement in that, in him.

Mena had just freshly washed the days dirt from her skin, and changed into something more feminine when she heard a knock on her door. She swung it open and was met with Zion, a look of concern on his face.

“What is it, is Moon ok?” She asked.

“Mena, one of the men who were out on patrol have bought in a prisoner, he was on our territory, you must understand that. He is refusing to speak, he will only speak to you.” Zion explained softly.

“Why is he seeking me out?” Mena asked.

“He is a hunter.” Zion answered.

“His name would be helpful.” Mena said with worry.

"Please don't do anything rash, but it is Luke.” Zion said with sympathy.

“Take me to him.” Mena demanded.

The two walked hurriedly towards the prison, Zion trying to ease the tension with each step, wanting her to understand he was trespassing. When they reached the door, both Reid and Ronan were already waiting.

“Really? I don't need three alphas assisting me, I am a big girl. He is locked in a cage, he won't hurt me.” Mena said.

“I've already spoken with him, as has Zion, he will not say anything until he has seen you are safe and well, even then he is adamant he will only speak to you. We will wait up here, just in case." Reid explained.

“Speak for yourself old friend, I am coming with you huntress.” Ronan countered.

“I thought you trusted me?” Mena said accusingly.

“It's not you I am worried about, you don't find it strange he turns up, seemingly alone, I do not trust him.” he said as he held open the door and ushered her inside.

The prison was dark, damp, much like the ones they had in every village, but the bars were thicker, and the smell of rouges was overbearing.

They walked the line of cells, coming to a stop in front of Luke's, Mena took him in, he looked disheveled but unharmed.

“Mena, thank the gods you're alive, tell these beasts to free me, free us. I will return you home to our people, you sister should allow you that.” Luke said as he stood.

“What are you doing here, Luke?” Mena asked.

“Looking for you Mena, Max told me you were here, fighting with the enemy. I couldn't bring myself to believe it, you kill wolves, not live among them.” Luke said.

“Did you know?” Mena asked.

“Know what?” Luke asked.

“Do not play dumb with me Luke, did you know about Moon? That her father was a shifter?” Mena asked with impatience.

“I did…. Mena some part of you knew too, have always known. Just look at her, she's isnt normal she is the enemy Mena." Luke admitted.

“She is my sister!” Mena spat.

“She is a threat, she cannot be trusted, they cannot be trusted.” Luke said as his eyes scanned Ronan.

“She did not lie to me, you did, and what of sending her to Max? He knows what she is, for all you know he would have tortured her, experimented on her, he would have destroyed her.” Mena said, her rage rising.

“It was for the best Mena, you know that, these shifters they have brainwashed you.” Luke remarked.

Mena approached the cell closer, Ronan held a hand in front of her, not wanting her to move any further. She looked in his eyes and gently removed his hand, he looked at her and nodded, he trusted her.

She darted her hand into the cell and gripped onto Luke's shirt, pulling him forward with force, his head colliding with the bars causing blood to fall down his face.

“Mena what the fuck!!” Luke yelled.

“That hopefully knocked some sense into you, you have clearly forgotten who my loyalties belong to.” she remarked, a little snicker escaped Ronan.

“Tell me Luke, what of my father, what has Max said of him?” Mena asked.

“What I told you, he was murdered by shifters, by them.” he answered.

“So Max is not even honest with you, my father is alive, Max IS my father.” Mena said with a cold tone.

“Mena are you listening to yourself, Max is not a day over thirty, it's impossible.” Luke looked at her as if she were crazy.

“It's not impossible if Max is immortal, not if he is a god.” Mena countered.

“A god? Mena seriously what have they told you, you are smarter than this, it's a trick, you must know that.” Luke said mockingly.

“They told me the truth, now hopefully you can do the same. Who does Max get his information from? How did he know that I was here, fighting for Moon?” Mena asked.

“As I said Mena, shifters cannot be trusted.” Luke answered as he glared again at Ronan.

“Stop glaring at me pretty boy, unlike Mena here I bite.” Ronan said with a smirk.

“A name Luke, I need a name.” Mena pushed.

“What does it matter, they will all be dead in a few weeks, if you stay with these mutts you will have the same fate.” Luke said stubbornly.

“I am going to ask you one more time Luke, a name, or I am going to let my friend Ronan here have his fun with you. Although you've never met, I know you've heard of Ronan, his reputation, so I give you one last chance ” Mena said.

“You wouldn't.” Luke said with a doubtful tone.

“Try me.” Mena replied as she retrieved the cell keys Zion had given her from her pocket.

“Ok look I don't have a name, it's a male shifter, from these grounds, that's all I know.” Luke exclaimed as he backed further into his cell.

“And why would ge betray his own kind?” She said as she slipped the key into the lock.

“I dont know, Max promised him somthing, I dont know what. For godsake Mena dont undo that lock.....Ive seen him, I can pount.” Luke answered in panic.

“Now that is something we can work with.” Mena said with a smile as she pulled the key back and slipped it into her pocket.

Mena and Ronan emerged from the prison. Mena pleased with herself, she felt like a weight had been lifted, she felt guilt for leaving Luke the way she did, but knowing he lied, what he thought of Moon, that took the guilt away.

“Anything?” Zion asked as Mena handed him the cell keys.

“The spy is in your pack. Luke has seen him. He will point him out.” Mena said flatly before retreating towards the pack house.

“What the hell happened down there?” Reid asked as the men watched Mena walk away.

Ronan laughed, gently shaking his head before answering.

“I think I just fell in love.”

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