The cursed Moon.

Chapter 18

The brawl spanned the entire dinning hall, there wasn't a warrior who wasn't involved. Each pack violently protective of their fellow members.

“Enough!” Ronan roared as he entered the room, peeling men apart from each other. His own men only ceasing to fight for mere seconds before continuing.

“Why are they not listening? Isn't he their Alpha?” Mena asked with concern.

“He is, but this is bigger than him. Each pack is out to prove they are the strongest, the most valuable in the war to come.” Atlas answered as Reid and Zion joined Ronan in trying to defuse the situation.

“Somebody's going to get seriously injured very soon.” Kat remarked as she stood in shock at the scene before her.

Moon could feel the aggression rising, tempers flared. These men needed to be united, not divided, if they were to have any chance of winning the war.

Moon began slipping from her dress, leaving her only in her undergarments, handing her gown to Reign.

“Wh…what exactly are you doing?” Reign asked in confusion.

“These men need a distraction from their quarrelling.” Moon explained.

“I hate to say this, but you are going to need more than a half naked woman to do that.” Kat said with her arms crossed against her chest.

“I know, Mena would not be too impressed if I tore the dress.” Moon answered.

“No I wouldn't.” Mena agreed.

Moon's bones began to crack, shift. It wasn't painful like her first time, instead she felt the warmth, the light flood her entire being. The sensation was....... pleasant.

She strode into the dining room, her glow bright, her wolf large. The surrounding light commanded attention, without Moon having to ask for it. As she made her way to the front of the hall all eyes were on her.

Some of the warriors were in awe of the creature before them, some were afraid, all were in her servitude.

She opened the mind link unsure if it would be extended pass her mate and siblings. She had to try, their attention wasn't enough. They needed to hear the Goddess within, hear her words. She was their creator, they would not disobey.

“You intended to destroy each other, it is foolish. The men around you, they are your allies, not the enemy. If you cannot live together, how are you to fight together? If you cannot fight together then the battle is already lost.” Moon spoke with wisdom far beyond her years, every shifter in the room hearing her words, hearing Ria's words.

Her eyes scanned the room, looking for the reaction from her peers. Reid grinned, he had wanted to see her wolf, his wish fulfilled. Ronan, on the other hand, looked on in complete bewilderment, unable to pry his eyes away from the wolf and her luminous aura. She felt Zions pride, she felt all of them, every man in the room.

It was overwhelming at first, then she felt their tension, their aggression ease. This was power, for the first time Moon knew it could be used for good, not just for death.

"Now we are calm, I want you all to understand we are one pack now, one unit. There will be no more violence amongst brothers, strength is not just about brute force, it is also about restraint. It would be best if you all retired for the evening, consider what has been said, reflect. A man who can consider his own flaws, is a braver man then most." She had found her voice, and she had more to say then even she thought possible.

“You heard her men, clear out. Retire for the evening, tomorrow you shall face a torturous day of training for your actions tonight.” Ronan remarked, Moon unsure if he was trying to defuse the situation, or if he was in a hurry to confront her on what she really was. Upon reading him it was clear he had intentions of both.

Back in the dining room everyone sat waiting for Moon to return. Once she walked back in again wearing her silk dress, she felt the tension in the air.

“I guess it's time to explain.” Moon exhaled nervously.

“No need Moon, I have just finished telling our friend Ronan what he already knew. You are a descendant of the Moon goddess, he is unwilling to accept the given explanation.” Reid answered.

“It explains nothing. I saw your dear sister in battle Reid, she was my best friends mate after all. Never did I see her glow, never did I feel like I was in her servitude. You expect me to believe that what I saw tonight to be merely a watered-down version of Freya, do you take me for a fool?” Ronan felt as though facts had been intentionally kept from him, it didn't sit well with him. If they wanted his trust they had to earn it, so far they had not.

“You are right Ronan, she is more than what most of you know. I wanted to tell, Zion forbid it.” Kat ejected into the conversation.

"It appears you are yet to learn your place Kat.” Zion growled.

“No Zion, she is right. If we are to do this together, then I need to be honest, lies between us will only divide us.” Moon assured him.

“The first time I shifted was when I saw her, she came to me, the moon goddess. She spoke to me, she told me I am not only a relative but an extension of herself. I am her, she is me, we are the creator. I know it sounds delusional, but it is the truth.” Moon searched the faces around her for a reaction, Atlas didn't seem surprised, of course he already knew. Apollo, Reign and Reid had the same look of awe. Ronan, on the other hand, looked more stoic, mulling the situation over in his mind.

“I apologize for keeping these facts to myself Ronan, but like yourself I do not trust easily. I would rather not be worshiped, I do not want you to feel the need to serve me. It is enough that these men, and yourselves, have put your life's on the line for my cause. I do not wish any more than that.” Moon continued.

The room was silent while everyone quietly contemplated Moon's admission.

“You understand Ronan, Titus is desperate for her now. He believes her to be only a descendant, and he is already willing to go to war. The extent of what he will do once he finds out what she really is, who she really is, that terrifies me as her mate.” Zions voice cut the silence.

“I am no fool, neither am I an untrustworthy being.....” Ronan started.

“You sure do not act as though you are to be trusted.” Mena quickly countered.

Ronan gave her another one of his half cocked smiles before continuing.

“I already had every intention of laying my life on the line to defeat Titus, now I will lie down my life to protect yours, just as the surrounding men would. What I will tell you is that my trust is earned, not given. I may come off as abrasive, certainly even arrogant, but it is who I am. I do not hide myself from anyone Moon, and neither should you.” Ronan explained, Moon understood. She had been ashamed of who she was in the village, but now she was afraid of her identity, he wanted her to embrace it.

"I appreciate your words Ronan.” Moon said softly.

“So what of you huntress, any special abilities you may possess that will be to our advantage, being the daughter of a god and all?” Ronan asked.

“Why don't you keep pushing me, and you may find out?” Mena said with a scowl.

“And that is our cue to leave.” Reid joked as he stood, Kat following him from the room.

“I am afraid I am a little beat too, literally. Kat was not a gentle teacher.” Reign explained as she excused herself from the table, Atlas then excused himself and departed with her by his side.

“I guess the evening is over, Zion may I request a moment of your time in your study?” Apollo asked.

“Go ahead, I will be there once I've escorted Moon back to our room.” Zion said as he took Moon's hand, all three of them leaving the room.

“It's just us again lovely she-hunter.” Ronan spoke first, Mena wished he hadn't spoke at all.

“Don't call me that.” Mena replied.

“What she-hunter? That's what you are, is it not?” Ronan asked.

“Not anymore its not, besides you know I meant lovely. Do not call me that, do not patronize me Ronan.” Mena spoke with a warning.

"My apologies, what would you prefer? Sweetheart? Dear? Or would you feel more comfortable if I just call you wolf killer?” Ronan was taunting her again and he himself couldn't understand why. He happened to admire her, but he would never tell her that.

“I would prefer you jump out a window, a high one.” Mena spat before standing to leave.

“Mena.....don't.” Ronan said apologetically as he pulled on her hand.

Mena looked down at him, and their eyes connected for longer then she had expected. His hand felt oddly warm against her own, almost humming with heat. It was like she was looking at him for the first time, he looked….masculine, raw, his face thick with stubble, his jaw strong, his eyes intense, but mostly he looked desperate. She knew then he was lonely, Moon had explained his situation. Over five hundred years of watching on as shifter after shifter met their mates, found love, fulfillment, while he was left in the cold, it had made him cold.

“You expect too much, wanting me to stay. Why should I, so you can taunt me more, remind me of the horrific things I have done. I am confused as to what it is you want from me?” Mena asked as she settled back into her seat?

“Company, that is all. I know I am not great at this whole conversation thing, I irritate you, sometimes I irritate myself. But you are more like me than the others, I see it. You make no apologies for who you are, I respect that.” Ronan said without a hint of teasing.

“Did you actually give me a compliment?” Mena asked with a smile.

“I guess I did.” he said as he returned her smile.

“Maybe you are not as unpleasant as you would have us believe.” Mena remarked before sipping from her mug.

“Oh I am, but so are you.” he countered.

“What makes you so sure of who I am, we are barely acquainted?" Mena asked with intrigue.

“Tell me if I am wrong huntress, but you prefer solitude, trust only a very few. You pride yourself on the skill of your violence, and place vengeance before all else.?” He was confident he knew who she was, and it appeared as though he did.

"How can you possibly know all that?" Mena asked as she lent forward.

"I told you huntress, we are the same, I know you just as well as I know myself." He poured the rest of his ale down his throat, before getting up from his seat, and leaving her alone.


Mena walked towards Atlas's at a slow pace, giving Atlas and Reign time to enjoy each other. She sometimes felt like an intruder in their home, mates were an oddity to her. The way they were drawn together like magnets strange, they were attentive to each other. Luke had never been that way with her, he was more often the not, controlling. When he wanted to send Moon to Max he didn't even consider how that made her feel. When Moon was missing, she wanted to build a search party, he would not allow it, stating that Max would ensure she was returned home. She had never really felt a romantic love for him, or anyone else for that matter.

Ronan had read her like a book, she thought herself somewhat mysterious, but maybe she was not. There was far more to her then just violence and death, perhaps there was more to him too. She kept her vulnerability hidden, her feelings close, but she had them. Was it possible Ronan had them too?

“Mena?” A voice snapped her from her thoughts.

“It's me, Dean, you probably dont remember me.” the shifter spoke from a garden bench.

“I remember, I never thanked you for bringing me to my sister.” she replied.

“And I never thanked you for not killing me, I did steal her away in the first place. I am glad to see you have chosen to stay, we could use your abilities when the time comes.” his voice was pleasantly warm.

“That's very kind of you to say to a ruthless wolf killer.” Mena still remembering what Ronan had called her, as she took a seat next to him.

“Forgive me, but I do not get the impression that you killed senselessly. You did what you thought was right at the time, you can be forgiven for that.” Dean said with a warm smile.

“Some people are not so forgiving.” Mena replied.

“Some people are fools, and that is their burden to bare.” Dean affirmed.

“You know you shifters are not at all what we are taught to believe.” Mena thought out loud.

“And you are not at all what you believe.” Dean said with affection.

Mena smiled at the man in font of her. He was the a breath of fresh air, she felt light around him, as opposed to the heavy weight of anxiety she felt around Ronan.

“May I ask you a question?” she asked.

“I don't see why not.” Dean replied.

“What would you call me now I am no longer a hunter? I do not feel like a human anymore, nor do I feel part of the pack.” She could not get the conversation with Ronan out of her mind.

“I would call you a warrior, but if we are speaking in affectionate terms, I guess I would call you little red.” he said with sincerity.

“Little red, I did not expect that.” Mena said with a laugh.

“My apologies, it was the first thing that came to mind, the red cape and all.” He said with embarrassment.

“Don't be sorry, I have been called far worse tonight.” she assured him.

“I guess I should be going, training tomorrow.” he said as he rubbed his neck.

“Right, yes, I should be on my way too.” she said.

“Goodnight little Red.” he said with amusement.

“Goodnight Dean.” she said before making her way towards the log homes.


Zion eased into the bed next to an already sleeping Moon. Breathing her in as he settled, relaxed in body, but not in mind.

His father had voiced his concern about Moon revealing her wolf to the men this evening, worried if there were spies, Titus would soon find out. It would make the god more desperate, desperation can drive a man to do unspeakable things. Zion felt the same, it was very possible anyone of the men could be a spy. Titus had to get his information about Moons whereabouts from someone on the grounds. Zion covered the tracks himself, and he did it well. He had never felt paranoid of his pack before, he hadn't a slight inclination of who would betray him. He did know he had to find them, and destroy them.

He stared at Moon, her breathing soft, her face delicate. How could someone who appeared to be so fragile, be so powerful? She looked like a goddess sure, in her beauty, her grace, but there was a softness to her.

She was a puzzle, and although he adored every piece, he couldn't fit them together. It excited him, and terrified him at the same time. He was afraid that for the people she loved she would give anything, even her own life. She didn't want to be more than herself, but she was so much more. She was as Atlas had initially said 'complex'.

Why she had chosen him, why he was her mate, he was still unsure of. He thought himself unworthy, but she did not. She saw something in him that he could not, and he yearned to know what it was. His father said she would always be drawn to those who needed healing, and he admitted to himself that before her, he was broken, a wounded being that she had healed with just her love.

There were so many questions and so little time to find the answers, for soon they may all be dead.

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