The cursed Moon.

Chapter 20

Moon lightly tapped on Mena's door, with Reign standing behind her. When Ronan said Mena hadn't come down to dine with the warriors, Moon knew she had to check on her, and feeling her emotions through the door, Moon knew she was in turmoil.

“Who is it?” Mena's voice was muffled.

“It's Moon, Reign is with me. We thought you could use some company.” Moon said gently.

“I bought food.” Reign added.

Mena opened the door and gestured for the women to enter.

“Are you ok? Zion told me Luke's in the cells, what can I do to help.” Moon asked as Mena moved across the room and sat on her bed.

"You don't have to do anything Moon. It's me that needs to take a breath, every inch of power I have is spent not going down to that prison and cutting his throat.” Mena admitted.

“I understand your hurt Mena, he lied to you when you trusted him, cared for him, you are allowed to be mad.” Moon said with comfort.

“It wasn't even that Moon, he called you awful things, he knew Max would be cruel to you, he thinks you deserve it. He has known you our entire lives, he knows you are gentle, kind, and yet, he was still willing to hand you over to a monster.” Mena was seething as she paced the room.

“He said that?” Reign asked with sympathy.

“More or less.” Mena shrugged.

“I am used to these opinions, he has always had them, only he never spoke the outloud, you need not worry about my feelings. I know that is not all that is bothering you, do want to talk about it?” Moon asked. She was a mind reader and Mena's thoughts gave her away.

“You are in my head?” Mena asked, slightly agitated.

“What's Ronan done?” Moon asked.

“Ronan is Ronan, is that not enough to be frustrated with.” Mena replied.

“It's more than enough, its plenty.” Reign answered.

“He just he infuriates me.” Mena huffed.

“And Dean?” Moon asked.

“What about him?” Mena asked defensively.

“He likes you, he is practically your shadow.” Reign answered.

“He is sweet, attentive, he makes me feel like maybe I am not just built for killing, like I am more. But I do not feel strongly for him, it's strange, I want to, and I should, but he doesn't excite me. With him, I feel safe, and that is not enough.” Mena explained.

Reign and Moon's expressions changed from warm to blank, a sign that someone had interrupted their conversation through the mind link.

“Mena we must save this conversation for later, we need to leave now.” Moon said with urgency.

“What is it?” Mena asked.

“It's Luke, he isn't in his cell, someone has released him.” Reign said as she hurried Mena out the door.

The women sped down to the grounds where they found the men already huddled together, talking in hushed whispers.


“We need to split into groups, search the woods right to the borders.” Zion said as he addressed the group.

“Reign and I will stay behind, see if I can get any information from the pack, if anyone seen anything, heard anything out of the ordinary.” Atlas spoke.

“Kat and I will search the north side of the woods.” Reid volunteered.

“Moon and I will head south, we can't take any chances. Mena take Dean east, Apollo find Ronan and take the west.” Zion instructed.

“You mean he is missing?” Kat asked with suspicion.

“It does not make him guilty of anything.” Mena said with sternness.

“How can you defend him? You of all people should know he isn't trustworthy, the way he speaks to you should be telling enough.” Kat replied.

"And the way you speak of Moon is much better?" Mena shot back.

"There is no time for suspicion, use the pack link if you find anything, and be careful, it could be a trap.” Apollo warned.

The group split, and darted off in different directions. They needed to find Luke quickly, whoever set him free was working for Titus. Zion needed answers, Luke had them.

“You know Ronan is not capable of this, dont you?” Zion asked Moon as they scowled the woods.

“He is not fickle, he aims to destroy Titus, not aide him. I am concerned that he is chasing Luke into a trap, there could be multiple hunters in this wood.” Moon answered, his whole purpose was to to defeat his enemy, he wouldnt let that go, for no amount of riches.

“Trust me when I say, he can handle himself, let's just hope we find Luke before he does.” Zion remarked.

“Has he said anything about Mena?” Moon asked curiously.

“Why? Has she said something about him?” Zion asked.

“It's what she is not saying, they have some kind of bond, she is denying it, fighting it. He hides it with taunting, but I think he feels it too.” Moon answered.

Zion knew Ronan had made a passing joke about love, he couldnt be sure if the joke hid the truth, but the thought of Ronan sharing a bond with anyone seemed intriguing. If Ronan was capable of love Mena made sense, of course he would love someone who's spirit reflected his own.

They continued searching, coming up with nothing, no scent. There was nothing to suggest that Luke, or any other shifter had come in this direction.

Moon was stood sniffing the air when her face glazed over, her eyes widened, fear showed itself in her body, she was stuck in a trance.

“Moon? Moon, can you hear me?” Zion asked frantically as he held on to her shoulders. He couldn't read her face but her being trembled.

“Something is wrong, I can feel him, his pain, we have to help him.” Moon said in a pleading voice as she broke herself from the daze.

“Who Moon?” Zion asked with concern.

“Reid.” Moon answered as she darted off in Kat and Reid's direction.

Zion matched her pace as they whizzed through the trees, coming to a stop in the clearing, a lifeless body lay crumpled by the stream.

“Reid! Reid, no no no no. Zion, we have to help him, please help me!” Moon knelt on the ground next to Reid, he was wounded, his breathing shallow. She took his bloody hand in hers as she wept, his life force was leaving him, she could feel it.

Zion shot off around the trees looking for any sign of Kat, she had to be here somewhere. No one would leave their mate to die, unless they were dead themselves.

“Please stay with me Reid, fight, we have to fight, I need you, we all need you.” Moon begged to Reid, she had to do something, and quick, he was slipping through her fingers.

“He won't make it, your sister was right, silver dipped in wolfs bane is the perfect weapon against us.” Moon's hairs stood up on edge at the sound of the voice.

She turned to see Zion, a blade held to his throat. It glistened in the moonlight, shining a light on the face of its holder.

“Kat? You did this? But he is your mate?” Moon should have known, Kat was sinister. Moon thought she had changed, she felt it. How could she have been so wrong?

“Don't act so surprised Moon, honestly you are so trusting, Reid too. My mother taught me to build walls and I used them, it wasn't hard to play the part after that. I fed you what I wanted you to believe, and you all ate it up.” Kat snickered as she stepped forward, shoving Zion with her.

“Let him go.” Moon spoke through gritted teeth. She felt the rage building in her, she couldn't lose control.

“And have your freak of a wolf attack me? I don't think so, Zion here is collateral. I will make it out of these woods alive, I wish I could say the same for Reid, and your sister. I thought she of all people wouldnt fall victim to the flattery of a male, but she is so desperate for approval it blinded her to the truth.” Kat said with a smirk.

"You don't get to talk about her, now let him go!.” Moon growled, and the ground shook with her voice, Kat looked around in a panic, she had assumed Moon wouldnt harm her, assumed that a weakness.

“Stop whatever it is you are doing, I will kill him.” Kat said, the fear evident in her voice.

Moon looked into Zions eyes, he nodded. He wanted her to give in, to kill Kat, she needed to, to save him, to save Reid.

Moon stepped backwards, her hands in the air, as if she was surrendering to Kats demands.

“Look I am backing away, please don't hurt, him.” Moon pleaded as she backed into the water, her feet wet, cold.

“Oh he will die Moon, whether it's now or in battle, Zion will die, he should of chosen me, not you.” Kats confidence was coming back, it was what Moon wanted, relied on.

Moon felt the water rise, crawling up her legs, seeping into her, she channeled it. Her mate was in danger, Reid was dying, Mena could be next. The rage took over with the water, Moon let it in, she welcomed it.

“I am sorry Kat.” she whispered.

A blast of energy hit Kat directly between the eyes, she flew back. Zion slipped from her hands, he moved away with haste. Moon wasn't finished with Kat yet.

Moon raised her hand and as she did, Kat lifted from the ground, floating in midair.

“Moon, you don't want to do this, I know you, you will feel regret.” Kat breathed heavily, as Moon's hand began to close.

“I don't want to harm you Kat....but it's too late.” Moon clamped her hand shut as the sound of Kats bones breaking cut through the air, mixing in with her screams, her body caving in on itself as Moon stepped closer.

“Why did you make me do this?” She asked with sorrow as tears fell down her face.

She dropped her hand, Kats lifeless body fell with it, mangled, cold, her eyes clouded with death.

Moon collapsed in a heap, the guilt already taking over, Zion rushed to her side and embraced her.

“I killed her Zion!” she wailed.

“She would of killed me, she has almost killed Reid, we need to get him out of here, now.” Zion tried to speak softly, but he couldn't hide his urgency.

He rose to his feet and scooped up Reid's body from the ground, signalling Moon to follow.

“Mena is in trouble.” Moon recalled as she stood.

“Ronan won't let anything happen to her, she is tough, between the two of them she will be fine.” he said with conviction.

“How do you know he will protect her?” Moon asked frantically.

“Because he loves her Moon.”


“You move quicker than I thought little red.” Dean said with humor as Mena searched the woods.

“He came this way, no more then half hour ago.” Mena said as she sniffed the air.

“You can tell?” Dean asked, he was impressed by her tracking skills.

“I am part shifter, I may not have a wolf, but I still have some traits.” Mena said with pride.

“I don't understand why are we following Ronan's scent and not Luke's?” Dean asked with concern.

“Ronan was the one who discovered he was missing, he will be tracking him, and his scent is stronger than Luke's.” Mena answered casually.

“It is?” Dean asked, surprised.

“Isn't it for everyone? He is demanding, so is his scent.” Mena explained.

“Not for me, I think that's just you.” Dean said with a downcast look.

“Maybe, scenting is one of my strong points. He is close.” Mena said as she quickened her pace.

"Mena wait.” Dean urged her to stop.

“Dean, we have to keep moving.” Mena pushed back.

“I like you little red, you know that right?” He asked as he held her in place.

“This isn't the time, we can talk about this later.” Mena answered.

“No we need to talk about it now.” he demanded.

It was the first time he had been forceful with Mena, he looked sad, dejected, and guilty all at once.

“I did it, I let Luke out.” he said as he clamped onto her arms tighter.

“You?, Why?” Mena asked with a whisper.

“Because he and Kat are the spies, your father promised him you, once mated with you, he would have your power, I heard him say it, when he let Luke free, isnt that right Dean?.” Ronan appeared behind Dean, relief flooded Mena, she felt a sense of safety with him here.

“Dean?” Mena searched his face and saw only shame, Ronan was telling the truth.

“Let her go, you don't want to hurt her, but I will hurt you.” Ronan warned.

“Mena come with me. You belong with your father. We can be together, you could be mine.” Dean pleaded.

“I am no ones, let me go!” Mena answered with anger, attempting to push his body away from hers.

“You heard her traitor, she doesn't want to go with you.” Ronan spoke as he stepped closer.

“Then I am sorry.” Dean answered.

Mena felt something sharp, burning, thrust into her stomach. Her eyes widened as the pain took over. Dean had hurt her, he had actually hurt her. She felt the knife slide out again as she stumbled back clutching her wound, blood seeped into her hand at speed, making her lightheaded.

Everything was a blur, Ronan moved quickly, she heard a snap and Deans lifeless body fell to the ground, his eyes still opened, staring at her. She looked up to Ronan unable to speak as he caught her in his arms, the warm sensation he brung filling her body.

“You are going to be ok huntress, you are stronger then this, you're a fighter, don't give up on me now.” Ronan's voice was frantic, pleading.

Mena's eyes flickered to Dean's body as an excruciating pain filled her entire body, the warmth of Ronan's body turning into a burning heat, her eyes saw less and less, replaced only by light.

“Moon?” She whispered as she gave into the pain.

“She isn't here Mena.” Ronan's voice was muffled as she was fully emerged in the light.


Mena sprang up with a gasp, a searing pain in her side. She went to move a hand to the wound, she needed to stop the bleeding, but instead of a hand she only saw an enormous paw, was she dead? Was she dreaming?

She stood on shaky legs, legs that were not her own but those of a wolf. It had happened, she had shifted. Her keen scent picked up on death, Dean's cold eyes were set in her direction, she heard a droplet of blood fall from her body, splashing onto the leaves below, she could almost feel Ronan.

Ronan! He was here with her, he had disappeared, she was sure he wouldnt leave her to die. She didnt have time to process what was happening to her, for now, she didn't care. She needed to find Ronan, his scent was thick in the air, stronger than ever, but the air contained other scents. Luke's, he was here, he wasn't alone.

Mena moved quickly stalking the scents, soon she found them. Ronan was bound in silver chains, strung up between two trees, stretching his limbs to their limit. Lashes covered his torso, welted and bleeding, yet she could read no pain on his face. Mena felt a silent growl rumble through her as she remained hidden.

“Ronan the destroyer, that's what they call you isn't it? If only they could see you now.” Luke sniggered as he struck him once more with a whip.

Ronan's expression was unchanged, he didn't flinch, he would not show his enemy weakness, his smirk remained.

“Do your worse, then I shall do mine.” Ronan spoke before spitting blood to the ground.

“The rumors are true, you really feel nothing, do you?” Luke taunted.

“Feelings are for females, they make men weak.” Ronan replied with a smile.

“I know you felt something for Mena, I saw it, your pain, as you clutched her frail body in your arms.” Luke sat on a log in front of Ronan.

“Don't you speak her name.” Ronan growled with warning.

“I understand Ronan, we are not so different you and me, she is something spectacular, fierce, pretty, or at least she was.” Luke said with a hint of sadness.

“I am nothing like you.” Ronan protested.

“I guess not, for I am alive, and you are as good as dead.” Luke said as he unsheathed his sword.

Mena felt weak, she was still losing blood, but she had to act, every fiber of her being told her that she could not allow Ronan to die.

She emerged from her hiding place, a growl rumbling through her, her lip furled, her teeth on full display. Luke spun as his men stood to attention. She could feel it, their panic, it rolled off them in waves feeding the power she felt.

"What are you waiting for? It's just one wounded wolf, kill it!!" Luke ordered his men.

Ronan watched on as the white wolf ripped through the men, it moved fast, almost a blur. To the human eye all that would be seen was white fur and blood, but with his shifter eyes he saw it more clearly. The wolf attacked with procession, speed; it was vicious, inflicting as much pain as possible, he saw much of himself in this wolf; it was a killer just like him.

The attack was over before it began, men lay in pools of their own blood, groaning, gasping for air. Luke lay in silent shock surrounded by his dead or dying men, the wolf crushing him as he struggled under its weight. The wolf growled with rage.

“Please, spare me and I shall let your friend free, you're dying, I see the wound, wolfs bane. You have little time, you won't live, but he could." His eyes flickered to Ronan, still bound by chains.

Ronan watched on as the wolf eased back.

“What are you doing? Kill him!” Ronan ordered.

The wolf looked at him, its eyes appeared conflicted, saddened by the sight of him chained. Ronan saw a familiarity in its eyes, he knew this white wolf, but how?

It stepped back, allowing Luke to pull a set of keys from his pocket, growling still, urging him to keep his word.

Luke's hands shook as he clumsily freed Ronan from his chains, Ronan fell to the ground with a thud.

“We had a deal wolf, I am free to go” he said as he backed away.

“You may have had a deal, but we didn't.” Ronan spoke as he caught Luke's head between his hands, twisting with force, breaking Luke's neck in one swift action, dropping him to the ground.

"Atlas?” Ronan asked as he stepped closer to the wolf. He then sniffed the air, the wolves aroma poured into him, it smelt like roses in the melting snow, it was her.

"Mena” he reached her just before she collapsed, her body shifting in his arms. He clutched her to him tightly, taking a coat from a hunter and wrapping it round her naked frame before pulling her up into his chest and running at full speed towards the pack.

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