The Consort

Chapter 35: Fruit

"Trouble in paradise?" John asks, laughing to himself as he shoves another fry in his mouth.

I shrug, rolling my eyes. "You could say that."

I watch John with mild disgust, his sloppiness with the food making him a greasy mess. He lets out a loud gulp as he swallows what's in his mouth, tongue peeking out to lick at his lips. An unpleasant shiver runs through me at the sight but I try my best not to judge, remembering how similarly I ate the first time Heloix gave me food.

I can't imagine I looked much better scarfing down the pasta, barely chewing on it before swallowing and shoving another heaping forkful in my mouth. Heloix didn't seem to mind, though, a large smile on his face the entire time he watched me eat.

"You still ignoring him?" John probes, sticking a greasy finger into his mouth and sucking harshly on the digit in an attempt to clean it.

"Kinda. We haven't really spoken since we got back." I explain, unsure how much I should tell him.

I've gone back and forth many times on whether I should inform him that Heloix told me I am his mate, but each time I go to say it I chicken out, afraid of John's judgment. It's no secret that he isn't a big fan of Heloix, and I don't want him to think of me differently because of it.

Reaching forward, I pick up a fry and plop it in my mouth, humming in pleasure at the salty taste. Heloix recently changed the menu for the slaves, introducing meats, cheeses, and spices to our meals. It's been so lovely, and the dining area has been jam-packed every meal time since it started, everybody eager to get their fill of the food.

"I want him to treat us better." I complain, pressing my lips together and flattening them into a straight line.

John stops chewing as I say this, his eyes narrowing as he turns his head to look at me like I'm crazy. "We have good food and he told the Beasts they can't beat or rape us anymore. What more do you want?"

I scoff, shocked that he is content with such minor improvements. Heloix has given us the bare minimum, and I want us to be treated as equals, able to make our own decisions and lead our own lives. I know that this is the only life we've ever known and it's hard to imagine anything different, but at one point we didn't serve anybody but ourselves.

When Heloix drove us home we passed hundreds if not thousands of abandoned houses that once occupied humans. He could easily reserve a piece of property for us to live in. We could be self-sufficient manage ourselves.

"Seriously?" I snort, crossing my arms in mild anger. "That's not nearly enough."

John shakes his head in response, clearly not believing that there is room for further improvement, before bringing his attention back to the fries. I watch through narrowed eyes as he picks one up, the long stick flopping over under its own weight. John spins it around in his fingers for a moment before pointing it towards me, the fry acting as a crooked, limp finger.

"I have an idea!" He exclaims, voice rising in excitement.

I glance around as I shush him, not wanting the others to overhear our conversation. Even though pretty much everybody at this point knows about Heloix and I sharing his wing, they aren't aware of any specifics and I'd like to keep it that way.

I assume they all think me to be his whore, and while I don't necessarily love that, it's better than them thinking that there are feelings involved. Being his whore is a forgivable offense, but to actually care for and love him would make me a laughing stock.

"What is it?" I whisper, desperate for any sort of help.

John smirks, a dangerous glint in his eye that has my palms sweaty.


Confused, I tilt my head to the side as John looks between me and the fry suggestively. Is he seriously suggesting that I get intimate with Heloix? That's the literal opposite of what I want right now. Despite my attraction to him, I have decided to stay away until he has decided what we are.

John drops the fry as he takes in my nonplussed reaction, a loud sigh falling from his lips.

"Hear me out! Make him orgasm and then ask for something. No man can say no when they are in that afterglow." John explains.

"I don't know about that." I admit, weary about his idea. "Heloix isn't one to just give in to things."

"Trust me."

I look at John curiously, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at his dancing eyebrows, before glancing down at the forgotten fry.

"I wouldn't even know what to do." I admit, cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

My experience with boys is quite limited. Other than a couple of heavy make-out sessions and some over-the-clothing fondling, I haven't done much. My job was always to clean King Richard's quarters, which didn't exactly lead to a lot of socializing with the other humans, and when I came here Heloix prevented me from completing my plans with John.

John lets out a loud laugh, his hand reaching towards the fruit basket at the end of the table and grabbing a bundle of bananas. "Let's go to your room."

Without waiting for my response he jumps up out of his seat and begins rushing out of the dining room, his long legs carrying him quickly out of sight. I watch after him for a moment before letting out a nervous sigh and following after him, face flaming as I realize what he intends with the bananas.

A part of me wants to stop him and demand he forget that I even mentioned anything, but a more significant part of me is intrigued. If what he says is accurate and I can get Heloix to agree to things after he has cum, then it might be worth trying.

John and I giggle as we make our way through the castle, ignoring both the curious gazes of the guards and annoyed glances from the humans as we pass. I understand their frustration, knowing that I'd be upset too if I had to spend all day working while a select few get to mess around.

"John, slow down!" I hiss, feet clomping loudly against the floor as I struggle to keep up.

He slows only slightly, his excitement apparent as he continues at a pace that makes me scramble. This isn't the first time he has tried to teach me the 'ways of pleasure' as he likes to put it, but it is the first time I've agreed. Until now, there has never really been a need for me to learn. My interest in being with a man only ignited after meeting Heloix.

John and I barrel into Heloix's wing chuckling, both of us taking pleasure in being so obnoxious at this moment. Without warning John stops in front of me, the sudden halt causing me to crash into his back with a shocked grunt.

Glancing around his torso, my body stiffens as I spot the cause. Heloix stands in the middle of the room, dressed in his usual work attire with a stack of papers in his hand. He's always already left for his office by now, and no part of me anticipated running into him here.

Nervously, I watch as his eyes dart between John and me before lowering to the bunch of bananas John holds. He raises an eyebrow at the objects, lips pursing slightly as he slides his gaze back to my shocked face.

"What's going on here?" He asks, sounding surprisingly calm.

I move to stand in front of John, feeling protective over him. "We were just messing around."

"I can tell." He murmurs, lip turning up slightly on the side. "Could hear you both scurrying here from all the way down the hall."

I don't respond to him, unsure what to say or do. John still isn't allowed to be alone with me and I don't know how Heloix will react to the fact that we both just entered his private wing together. He doesn't seem too upset, though, watching us both with only mild interest.

A small bead of sweat makes its way down my arm, trailing from my armpit to my rib cage as I wait for Heloix to say something. Shifting my weight from foot to foot, I glance up at him through my eyelashes and pray that he doesn't punish John.

"I'll be in my office. Stay out of your bedroom." He finally murmurs, adjusting the papers he holds and moving towards us.

John and I both move out of the way as he approaches, stepping to the side to give him access to the door we just entered through. Heloix's eyes remain locked on mine as he makes his way towards us, his feet coming to a slow stop as he reaches me. My pulse races as he bends down and levels his face with mine, his cheek brushing softly against me as his breath hitting my ear.

"I'm only allowing this because I could sense your desire for me well before you came into this room. I'll be able to know if it's ever directed at another." He whispers into my ear, voice a low murmur. "Keep that in mind."

A shocked gasp falls from my lips at his words, embarrassment flaring to life inside of me at the knowledge that he knows of my hidden desires. I fumble backward a step, bumping against John's front as Heloix lets out a quiet laugh at my reaction. Thankfully he doesn't say anything further and swiftly exits the room, leaving John and me alone.

"What'd he say?" John asks the second the door closes.

I shake my head, cheeks turning red as he holds back a smirk. Heloix wasn't exactly quiet with his words, and I know that John heard each one of them loud and clear. I'm sure that was Heloix's intention, though, to make his claim on me known.

John continues laughing at me, his shoulders shaking and hair falling limply over his eyes. I stare at him unamused as he bends over wheezing, his hands on his knees to support himself.

"Are you quite finished?" I snap.

Sensing my anger, John reins himself in, his chuckling ceasing. I stare at him blankly as he calms down, an annoyed groan falling from my lips as he holds up the bananas with a grin and prances over to the kitchen island.

"Let's get the show on the road." He announces, dropping the bunch on the counter and ripping the first banana off.

He holds it out to me, a large smile on his face as I hesitantly grab onto the fruit. Although I didn't get a great look when I watched Heloix touching himself in the shower, I know for sure that he is larger than this banana in both girth and length. Unwilling to share this information with John, though, I hold up the fruit with a grimace and shrug.

It's better than nothing.

I look between John and the banana, unsure of where to start and fearful of doing something wrong and being laughed at. He offers no guidance, and with a quiet sigh I begin to peel back the skin, my heart racing in embarrassment at what I'm about to do.

"Great. Now stick it down your throat." John instructs as I drop the peel onto the counter.

Grasping the banana tightly at the base, I give it a weary once over before bringing it to my lips. I understand the basics of what to do and wrap my lips around the fruit, sliding it gently between them, my tongue guiding the way.

John tilts his head to the side, observing me. "Less teeth."

Shooting him a glare, I open my mouth a bit wider to make sure my teeth aren't touching the skin of the banana. My face is hot as I continue, sliding the fruit back out until just the tip remains in my mouth before pushing it back in.

"That's good. Try getting it back further."

With a slight nod, I push the fruit back further, the tip of it only lightly brushing against the back of my throat before I'm yanking it out with an unattractive gag.

"Try again. This time take deep breaths through your nose. Should help with the gagging." John instructs, opening his mouth into a wide O and breathing in through his nose, demonstrating to me what he means.

I take a deep breath to collect myself, the fruit squishing slightly under my tight grip. Once more, I bring it to my lips, sliding it deep into my mouth and breathing as John instructed. It helps, and I'm able to get it a good way down before gagging once more.

I try this a couple more times before John gets me a new banana, the one I'm using having turned into a mushy mess.

He shoves the fruit into my hand, a large smile on his face. "Now, try using your hand. Move it up and down with your mouth. Your spit should help it glide."

Feeling my confidence start to rise, I eagerly do as he said, holding into the base of the banana with my left hand to keep it steady while I slide my right up and down the fruit, my mouth matching the motions.

I can tell I'm starting to get the hang of it, my gagging happening less frequently and spit seeping out of the corners of my mouth at the effort. I continue the motions until the fruit has gone mushy, pulling back once it's no longer usable and grabbing another.

The firmness of the fresh banana allows me to push it further into my throat, the long object disappearing more than halfway down my esophagus. Abruptly John lets out a loud clap, the sound startling me and causing my throat to clench up in response. The fruit breaks off into my throat before I can register what's happening, my eyes going wide in panic as I realize that it's torn.

Dropping the remaining bit into the floor, I immediately begin to panic and trying coughing in an attempt to force the object out of my throat. It doesn't so much as move an inch, and John rushes around my body to smack my back in an attempt to dislodge it.

Tears pour out of my eyes as I try to breathe, but the object completely blocks my airway and lets nothing through. I look to John for help, jumping slightly in panic as I watch him begin to freak out.

"Jesus fuck, Addie. Why are you always doing this to me?" He shouts, running around me and out the front door, the wood slamming shut with a loud bang.

I move to chase after him but my feet stay planted to the floor, hands scratching at my throat in sheer desperation. Tears continue down my cheeks as I choke, my body heaving as it tries to take in oxygen.

A loud slam draws my attention back to the door, and I look up to see Heloix storming into the room; John hunched over as he stumbles behind, his hair being held firmly within Heloix's fist.

He drops John as he takes in my state, fear crossing his features as he rushes over and grabs my shoulders to forcibly spin me around towards the wall. His arms wrap around my waist and he settles his hands under my navel despite my panicky flailing, his fists pushing up painfully against the muscle. The motion jerks me forward and Heloix repeats it once more without pause, forcing the banana out of my throat and onto the wall.

The second my airway is clear I'm taking in panicked breaths, my body desperate to fill my blood with its much-needed oxygen. I slump against Heloix as I recover, finding comfort within his arms as he continues to hold me against his stomach.

I can hear him mumbling words into my hair, his deep voice sending vibrations through my body, but am unable to focus enough to make them out. His body curves around mine as I hunch forward, leaving no space between us as my panic slowly begins to subside.

"You're okay, Addie. You're fine." He repeats, and I nod against him, needing the confirmation.

Eventually, my heart rate settles back down and I'm able to stand up by myself, shaky arms pushing against the wall as I move away from Heloix.

Turning to face John and Heloix, embarrassment quickly settles over me as I notice they are both staring at me in shock. John stands by the door, quietly rubbing his head where Heloix grabbed and dragged him in, and Heloix stands directly in front of me, clearly waiting for some sort of explanation.

I don't immediately offer him one, mind racing as I struggle to come up with a lie. Nothing that I think of is even remotely believable, though, and I end up staring at Heloix with wide, panicked eyes.

"Would you care to explain why there was half a banana in your throat?" Heloix asks, glancing at the mashed up, used ones sitting on the counter. "And whatever the fuck this is?"

My eyes dart over to John, mouth flopping open like a fish as I struggle to come up with anything. Heloix watches me through narrowed eyes, eyes flashing as he senses my distress.

Tilting slightly to the side, Heloix looks towards John, lips pursing as he eyes him standing in the corner.

"Explain." He commands. John doesn't even hesitate before snitching.

"Adeline was learning how to give a blowjob." He blurts out, words coming out slurred with how fast he confesses. I shoot John a stern glare, annoyed that he gave into Heloix's question so readily.

The room is dead silent after John's confession, Heloix's eyes shifting to a deep black as he turns his focus back on me.

"Leave, human." Heloix orders, voice guttural and deep as he speaks around his extending canines.

John obeys immediately, running out of the room as fast as his legs will carry him. I watch him leave with a frown, both annoyed and embarrassed that he shared that information with Heloix and now gets to go, leaving me to deal with the angry Beast alone.

I refuse to make eye contact with Heloix as he moves towards me, instead opting to stare at his broad chest. My face is flaming as he reaches over and grabs the last remaining banana, long fingers peeling back the skin of the fruit.

He drops the skin onto the floor between us and holds the pale yellow object out to me, urging me to take it.

"Show me."

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