The Consort

Chapter 36: Attempt


Adeline looks rapidly between me and the fruit I hold in my hand, eyes wide in panic as she tries to figure out whether I'm serious or not. I don't actually expect her to suck off the banana, especially when she was just choking, but I can't resist teasing her a bit.

I peek over at the used, mushy fruit that sits on the counter, a smirk spreading across my face as I imagine her practicing on them, her cheeks hollowed out as she tries to suck them off.

As hot as it is, I'm furious that she would do something so dangerous. Especially when she has something to practice on that won't break in half inside of her.

I could sense her enjoyment through our bond while she was in here, and despite my jealousy over the fact that it was because of her human boy, I was happy that she was finally feeling something other than anger and frustration.

The second it turned to panic I was out the door and rushing towards our wing. As I came around the corner and spotted that stupid human boy running towards me, face beet red as he pointed towards my wing, I knew something was wrong.

It took everything in me not to lash out. My Beast wanted me to kill him, to reach out and snap his neck as I walked past him, but knowing that Adeline would be upset I chose instead to grab a fistful of his hair and drag him along with me.

I hold back a smile as I remember his pained squeals, hands coming up to grip mine and instinctively trying to pry his hair loose. If it weren't for the sight of Adeline looking so helpless standing in the kitchen by herself, hands scratching desperately at her throat, I probably would have ripped the hair out.

"Well?" I urge, giving the banana a slight shake.

"I'm not going to do that." She responds, voice hoarse from the trauma it just endured.

She winces as she speaks, and I drop the fruit on the ground with regret. She doesn't like my teasing. Reaching out, I grab onto her arms and gently guide her out of the kitchen and into the living room. She doesn't fight with me to my utter relief, instead remaining silent as I lead her to the couch.

"Let me get you some tea." I murmur before turning and heading back into the kitchen.

With her back turned to me, I quickly reach down into my pants and grab my hard cock, pulling the pinched muscle up into my waistband. Adeline's been feeling horny all day, her body sending me constant reminders of her arousal and preventing me from getting any meaningful work done.

The second she left for breakfast this morning I was in her bedroom stealing her clothing, jerking off into them like a teenager. It was much easier when she was cleaning for me as my sheets constantly smelled of her so I didn't even have to leave my bed.

Now they just smell like that young girl, which does nothing but annoys me.

Having to search around for something that held her scent put me behind schedule this morning, and if she came barreling in here just five minutes earlier with that human boy they would have both gotten an eyeful.

Taking a deep breath, I shake those thoughts away and force myself to focus on her tea. I'm unsure what kind she likes, and after glancing over all the flavors I grab camomile in the hopes that it will help to soothe her throat.

I stare at the back of her head as I wait for the water to heat up. Her once-tight ponytail has come quite loose, the hair now resting in a pile at the back of her neck. I wish to run my fingers through it and hope that if I play my cards right tonight that she will let me do just that.

The tea kettle begins to whistle, the noise hurting my sensitive ears as I reach over and move it off the burner. Adeline's head turns to look at me as I pour her tea but I pretend not to notice, keeping my face cast downward at the counter.

The mashed-up bananas have made quite a mess of the space, and I hesitate on whether I should get that small girl here today to clean it or wait until tomorrow. Under normal circumstances I would have a guard fetch her immediately, but I don't want her interrupting my opportunity to spend some alone time with Adeline. Besides, if I leave them out it will serve as a reminder of the dangers of her actions.

I can't help but worry as I take in the state of the mangled fruit, imagining my dick being subjected to such rough treatment. Her hands have squeezed the guts out of the bottom half, and the top is all teeth marks and mushed tips from being jabbed against the back of her throat repeatedly.

My lips purse as I look over them all before shrugging slightly to myself and moving on. I'll treasure whatever she wants to give me, even if it's a bit painful.

"You want anything in it?" I question, looking up from the counter to meet her gaze.

Adeline shyly looks away as I glance up, her cheeks turning red at having been caught staring. I debate teasing her about it for a moment before deciding to let it go and pretend that I didn't notice.

"No." She responds curtly.

I can tell through the bond that she isn't nearly as upset with me as she seems, but I don't let on that I'm aware. It makes her feel good to be angry with me, and it's for a solid reason. If I were in her position I would be pissed off too.

When I took her to visit the neighboring kingdom, I hadn't made up my mind on removing the bond and wanted to see how King Stephen and his mate were getting on. It almost immediately became clear that he hadn't truly moved on and all three of them were in some shitty love triangle, leading to each of them being outwardly miserable.

I could never ask Adeline to sit back and become my mistress while I take another, not that she would ever agree in the first place anyways. Despite how many times I tell her this, though, she doesn't believe me, insisting that I'm going to force her into a life like that human girl.

I'm sure that my reluctance to claim her isn't helping either, and is probably only serving to aggravate the situation further. I've decided the best course of action is to focus on her human demands first, and once the Beasts have settled into the new routine I will bring up the conversation of claiming her.

If I do it too soon my people will undoubtedly rebel, insisting that these changes are ridiculous and that she be disposed of.

The hope is that if I implement these changes now, the people will be mad, but not enough to fight back. Then, after they have settled and adjusted to the new rules, I will claim her and she will be made Queen Consort.

"What?" Adeline asks, watching me through narrowed eyes as I stare at her.

"Nothing." I respond, walking over with her tea. "Drink this."

She cautiously takes the drink from my hand, her eyes staring at the liquid hesitantly. I frown at her excessive caution, waiting patiently for her to take a sip.

"I have no interest in poisoning you." I eventually say, huffing when she doesn't take a drink. "You are my mate, remember."

Adeline holds back a smile at my words, pleasure reaching me through our bond and reinforcing me to continue reminding her. Finally, she lifts the mug and sips the tea, her throat bobbing as she swallows.

I watch the motion carefully, my Beast pleased that I'm taking care of her. If he had his way, I would be carrying her around and shoveling food into her mouth all day long. Maybe someday I will, but for now this is all she'll allow.

"I have some exciting news I think you'll enjoy." I state, watching excitedly as she perks up.

Lowering the mug down to her lap, she shifts to the side so she's facing me directly.


With a smirk, I reach forward and grab the mug from her hands, the hot liquid splashing slightly over the rim onto my fingers. The heat doesn't bother me, but I regret my actions as Adeline jerks her hand away with a hiss.

I rush to set the mug down on the table before reaching out and grabbing her hand, inspecting her tiny fingers for any signs of injury. They appear a bit red but are otherwise fine, so I don't fight her as she pulls them back to her body.

"I will tell you." I mutter, leaning forward and caging in her body with my own. "If you answer a question for me."

Her heartbeat picks up at my proximity, and a mixture of her curiousness and embarrassment flows into my body. I ignore the emotions, moving in further until she is inches away. A part of me expects her to lean back and put some space between us, but instead she holds her ground, large eyes staring directly into mine.

"What do you want to know?" She asks, eyes crossing as I lean in further.

"Why do you think you need to give blowjobs to bananas?" I ask.

Her mouth falls open at my words, eyes darting away from mine as she struggles to come up with a response. As much as I enjoy her desire to please me, I don't want her to fret over doing all the right things. I look forward to the day that I can teach her how to pleasure me, even if that means I lose half the skin on my cock in the process.

Adeline lets out a loud huff as I continue watching her, waiting for a response.

"I do not." She eventually retorts, arms moving to cross angrily over her chest.

"You don't?"

Adeline frowns at my teasing and turns her head to the side, avoiding my gaze. I can't help the smile that comes across my face at her annoyance, happy to be getting any emotion from her that's not anger or disappointment.

"No, I don't."

I want to continue teasing her, maybe reassure her that there is no need, but my excitement to tell her my news takes precedence. Despite the number of changes I've already made to better the living conditions for humans, Adeline still isn't happy, insisting that there is more I need to do.

"Do you want to know my news?" I ask, reaching forward and gently tugging her wrists back down to her sides, not liking that she has them crossed.

Adeline sighs.

"What is it?"

My chest rumbles in displeasure at her lack of excitement, my Beast offended by her disinterest in me. He wants me to force her onto my lap and imprint my scent over her clothing, a common way for Beasts to claim another as theirs, but I resist, knowing that she wouldn't like that.

"It involves the humans." I tease, happy to see her head perk up at my words. "They get a day off." I share with her.

Adeline's lips purse slightly, the cautious action surprising me. "How often?"

"Once a month."

Adeline shakes her head no, anger flaring through our bond. I'm confused by the reaction, having expected joy over the fact that this is the biggest change I've made yet.

"Twice a month." She says, correcting me.

I hesitate for a moment as I think it over, running through the repercussions of making their free day bi-weekly instead of once a month. The timeline I created was already enough to cause a stir, and to make the free day off even more frequent will be too much too fast.

"I can't do that."

Adeline huffs, turning to face me once more. "Yes, you can."

She stares at me with an odd look on her face and I try to pinpoint her emotions but they are all over the place, her body cycling through them quickly. Slowly and quite hesitantly, she stands and turns to face me before dropping down on my lap, her knees settling beside both my thighs as she straddles me.

"Adeline?" I question, hands coming up to cup her face as I try to figure out what's going on in her head.

Her body pushes firmly against mine as she settles all of her weight on me. I pay it no mind, worry spreading through me at her odd behavior.

"Please." She whispers, voice still hoarse from her choking.

I hold back a laugh as the pieces click together and clarity washes over me. She thinks she can seduce me into changing my mind. It's a cute attempt, and one I'll take her up on when we are at a point where she won't regret it afterward.

I've already taken too many liberties with her, and she is all too happy to remind me of that fact whenever she has the chance.

"I can't do that." I murmur, dropping my hands to her hips with the intention of gently sliding her off me.

As my hands make contact with her skin she jolts and rolls her hips against mine. The motion forces a quiet grunt from my lips, and I clench my jaw shut to stop myself from saying or doing anything that we will both regret later. I'd be lying if I said her actions didn't affect me, but I know that this isn't what's best.

"Addie," I whisper, hoping to soften the blow by using the nickname she likes. "I don't th-"

My words are cut off as Adeline leans down and smashes her lips against mine, her tongue immediately forcing its way inside and brushing along the roof of my mouth. I jerk my hips up against hers instinctively, loving the feeling of her taking charge even if it's to try and manipulate me.

Gently I tighten my grip on her hips and slide her back to my knees, continuing until her feet plant themselves on the floor and she is forced to stand. I stand up slightly with her, mouth continuing to take her assault until she gets the hint and backs up.

Her eyes are full of betrayal as she rears back, clearly not having expected me to reject her advances. I open my mouth to explain that her trickery won't work on me but freeze as her shame and embarrassment hit me and her eyes fill with tears.

"Adeline, it's not like that." I try to assure her, my chest rumbling as my Beast fights with me for making her upset.

She sniffs, turning to look away from me.


Sighing, I grab her hand and push it against my hardened cock, her thin fingers wrapping around the muscle. She glances down at where we connect, her face flushing at the sight of the tip of my cock peeking out of my waistband from where I tucked it up earlier. I squeeze her hand slightly with mine, the added pressure forcing a choked breath from me and a drop of precum to leak out.

"I want you." I state, releasing her hand from mine.

She doesn't move it away as I expect her to, instead squeezing again of her own volition. My hips jerk against her as I reach down and pull her hand away, wanting her touch gone before I give in. I know that this is probably embarrassing for her, and am aware that there is a genuine desire behind her attempts to manipulate me. Both my Beast and I agree, though, that when I am intimate with her, it will be because she truly wants it.

Almost immediately her eyes begin to water, and I reach up to wipe the wetness away. "What's your plan?" I whisper.

She pulls back from my touch.


"What's your plan?" I repeat, reaching forward once more and grabbing her hand, my Beast only settling when I am touching her. "You touch me in the hopes that I change my mind?"

Adeline looks down at her feet, cheeks turning red as I call her out on her actions.

"Then what happens when I don't? You'll blame me for being an asshole and taking advantage of the situation. I'm not going to change my mind, and this will do nothing but add fuel to the fire." I state, bending so I'm at eye level with her.

Adeline refuses to make eye contact with me as she hurriedly wipes away her tears, but I know she can sense me watching her. I wait patiently for her to settle, mind racing as I try to come up with something that will salvage this but come up empty-handed.

This is not a situation I've ever been in before, and I doubt anything I explain will make her feel better.

"Do you w-"I start to say, my sentence cut short as Adeline turns and storms into her bedroom, the door slamming shut as the scent of her humiliation floats throughout the room.

I watch her retreating figure with a frown, unable to hold back as I shout out something I know she'll make me regret later.

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