The Chosen One

Chapter 5

When I woke up the next morning everything that happened yesterday felt like a dream. I mean werewolves! I wonder what’s in store for me to learn today.

I grabbed an all-black tank top, white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. After taking a shower I went downstairs for breakfast. Things were awkward between Jake and I after last night, I was still a little hurt from him not telling me. We didn’t talk like we usually did, only to ask for the milk. I was glad when it was time to go.

We arrived at school early and I went looking for Derek and Lizzy.

“Hey Ashely!” I turned around to see them both sitting at a table with a group of kids. I walked over slowly, not knowing if they knew about what happened yesterday.

“These are our friends Caleb, Kelly, and Sarah.” Lizzy introduced me to the other kids at the table. I got nods from the boys and a small “Hi” from Kelly.

“Hey.” I replied.

“So, we heard about what happened. I can’t wait till you’re part of the pack! You might even find your mate there.” Lizzy said to me.

“Doesn’t the Alpha have to decide that?” I asked, laughing at her giddiness, it was contagious.

“Well yeah, but Blake’s already fond of you so of course you’re in. But I don’t know about Jessica.” She frowned.

“You talk a lot Liz, I’m sure Ashley gets the point now.” Caleb said, Lizzy blushed. Aww does someone have a crush? I’ll have to ask her about that.

“Derek are you going to take me to class today?” I asked him since he was so quiet.

“Yeah, we should leave now the bells about to ring.” He told me looking around as kids started packing their stuff up. I nodded and waved bye to Lizzy and her friends.

“Are you happy about being a werewolf?” Derek asked as we were walking down the halls.

“I guess I just never really thought about it, not too long ago I thought werewolves weren’t real.” I told him shrugging.

“Do you want to go for a run sometime? So I can see how your wolf looks?” He asked when we stopped at my locker.

“I don’t mind.” I told him smiling. He nodded and walked off to his locker.

“Hey are feeling Ok?” I turned to the side hearing Blake’s voice. He was leaning against the locker next to mine looking hot as heck wearing all black. How long was he standing there?

“Um, yeah.” I mumbled sticking my head in my locker. All I could think about now was him calling me baby girl. I heard him chuckle on the other side.

“I’m going to give you a ride to my house after school for the meeting.” He told me, I pulled my head out the locker to see him staring.

Just then Zoey came around the corner, when she saw Blake her eyes lit up, until they landed on me. She picked up her pace walking over to us.

“Hey Blakey.” She purred, throwing her arms around him planting a sloppy kiss on his mouth. Gross.

“What are you doing!?” Blake angrily pushed her off of him. Awkward.

“What?” She asked.

“We broke up last night, which means don’t put your mouth on me.” He turned away from her and started walking in the other direction. He really was going to leave me alone with her?

“Whatever Blake, you’ve been acting weird ever since that slut got here.” She called after him tossing her hair, sparing a scowl in my direction.

“Who are you calling a slut?” I asked her.

“You need to stay away from my man.” She threatens getting in my face. By now a small crowd of people had formed. Kids that were heading to their lockers but stopped for a morning show. Why did high school kids love drama?

“He doesn’t want you anymore take a hint.” I said taking a step closer. I don’t care if she thinks she owns this school or not. I won’t allow the disrespect.

“Don’t you have a daddy to get home to?” She said smirking. My dad is a sensitive subject for me, which is why I did what I did next. I pulled back my fist and punched her in the face. She dropped to the floor with a squeal as blood started gushing out of her nose.

“Don’t ever talk about my dad again!” I screamed down at her. Tears started coming out of my eyes. I felt someone’s arms go around me, pulling me into the nearest class room. I didn’t try fighting cause the tingles gave away who it was. He sat me on a desk pulling me into his arms while I cried. I missed my dad a lot. My mom may have easily moved on but I can’t. Ben was nice but he was not my father. After some time, I finally settled down. “I’m sorry for getting tears on your shirt.” I apologized to Blake once I pulled away.

“It’s fine Ashley. Are you Ok?” He asked, concern in his voice.

“Yeah.” I said wiping my eyes.

“Ignore Zoey she can be a real witch when she wants to.” He told me, frowning at something.

“Then why were you dating her?” I blurted out. Although I was curious about his answer. He claims they broke up last night but why bother getting with her in the first place?

He sighed. “It’s complicated Ashley, you’ll find out why soon.”

I nodded not really understanding his answer. Then I became aware that we’re in a classroom alone with the door locked. Not to mention he was still standing between my legs. I blushed from the thoughts that popped in my head. Bad girl!

“Um, you can move back now.” I told him still blushing. He smirked, leaning in closer.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “What’s the rush?’ His breath was cool and smelled minty fresh.

“Um, they’re probably looking for us.” Was my lame answer. I tried to recover my tracks but as soon as I opened my mouth he kissed me. My mouth exploded with fireworks. I mean I’ve kissed boys before, but this was just WOW. He moved his mouth in sync with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our kiss deepened. He tangled his fingers in my hair as he pulled me closer to him so there was no space between our bodies. I was about to wrap my legs around his waist when there was a knock on the door. I jumped breaking the kiss, but Blake just started kissing down my neck.

“Blake? Ashley? Are you guys in there?” I heard Lizzy’s voice on the other side of the door.

“Blake.” I pushed him gently away from me, when he looked up his eyes were black.

I grabbed his hand. “Calm down, so we can go out there.” I knew he was like this because of our kiss. He nodded and put his face in the crook of my neck, breathing in. Awkward. I waited until he was done.

“Come on.” I started walking to the door when he grabbed my arm stopping me.

“Fix your hair, it looks like you just had sex.” He told me smirking. I quickly flattened my hair down, a blush spreading across my cheeks.

When we walked out the class the halls were clear except for Derek and Lizzy. When they saw us they came our way, Lizzy pulled me into a hug.

“Are you Ok?” She asked panicky.

“I’m fine.” I told her smiling.

“Good, you throw one hell of a punch!” She said smirking at me.

“Dang straight she does.” Derek said pounding Blake’s fist. How did they even know about the punch? Word travels fast around here.

“We need to get to class.” I said trying to draw the attention away from me.

“No way! We’re skipping.” Lizzy said. Blake frowned at her.

“No, she’s not Lizzy.” What was he my father now?

“Why not?” Now Lizzy was frowning.

“Just because of that accident doesn’t mean she can skip school.” Derek cut in.

“Actually, I’m kind of tired and not in the mood for school anymore.” I told them sheepishly. Blake frowned at me now. I didn’t skip class often, but I wasn’t in the mood to run into Zoey again.

“Fine, but you’re sleeping at my house.” Blake told me. Wow bossy much?

“Don’t you mean our house?” I asked, wondering why he just referred to it as his. Didn’t they live together?

“Actually, I have my own place since I have issues with most wolves being Alpha and all.” He said smirking at me. Oh no! This means I’ll be alone with him after we just made out.

“Um, I could just go with Lizzy.” I suggested, trying to get out of going to his house alone with him.

“Oh no Ashley, you said you’re tired, so you can sleep at my place.” He reached out grabbing my hand pulling me towards the door. I looked back helplessly at Derek and Lizzy, but they didn’t try to help me, only stood there smirking.

Once we made it to his car I quickly sent Jake a text, telling him I wasn’t feeling well and that I left school early. I didn’t dare tell him I was going to a house alone with a boy.

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