The Chosen One

Chapter 6

By the time we arrived at Blake’s house my nerves were through the roof. He on the other hand, looked perfectly calm. He got out the car first then came around to my side to open the door.

“You look nervous Ashley.” He winked at me, not helping my nerves at all.

“I’m not.” I told him unconvincingly. We walked up to the house door and I took a second to study the outside. It was a two-story house all white. Blake pulled out a key and walked inside, with me following behind him. The inside looked very nice and clean like no one’s been here in a while.

“Want something to drink?” He asked me once we made it to the kitchen.

“Yes, do you have fruit punch?” I asked him as he opened the fridge.

“Yes.” He pulled out two cans of fruit punch sitting one in front of me.

“Thanks.” It was quiet for several minutes.

“You can sleep in my bed.” He finally broke the silence, but not helping my nerves.

“No, I’ll take the couch.”

“No you will not.” He practically screamed at me. I stared up at him in surprise.

“Oooo-Kay.“′ I said dragging out the ‘o’.

“You only get to sleep for one hour then we have to leave for the meeting.” He said as I followed him to the bedroom. Just like the rest of the house his room was also plain. In the middle was a huge bed with a black cover on it. I walked over to the bed and laid down. As soon as my head hit the pillow I knew I was done.

“Ashley you need to wake up.” Someone was shaking me. I rolled over in the bed opening my eyes, only to come face-to-face with Blake. I jumped back surprised moving away from him. I scrunched my face up in confusion. What was he doing here? Then I remembered I was at his house.

“Uh, Hi.” I said a little shyly. He chuckled.

“Come on we have to get to the pack meeting.” I nodded as I got out of bed following Blake through the house and out to his car.

He drove for about twenty minutes before we arrived at a big white house on the corner, the only house on the street. It looked like a mansion that’s how big it was.

“Who lives here?” I asked Blake as he parked the car.

“Most of the pack.” He answered getting out. He came around to my side and opened the door for me once again.

“Do you think they will like me?” I asked a little afraid to go in. I don’t usually care what people think of me but being the new wolf on the block had me suddenly insecure.

“You’ll be fine.” When we made it to the front door it swung open, a middle-aged woman that looked a lot like Lizzy came out.

“Oh Blake, how are you?” She asked Blake, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m fine ma.” Blake mumbled, his cheeks turning a shade of pink I’ve never seen on him before.

“Who is this pretty young lady with you?” His mom asked him.

“This is Ashley.” Blake answered her pushing me forward a little bit.

“Nice to meet you....” I let the rest hang not knowing how to address her.

“My names Tina, Blake’s mother.” She said pulling me into a hug.

“Hi Tina.”

“Honey, who’s at the door?” A man with brown hair a little bit darker than Blake’s came around the corner. When he saw Blake, he smiled and pulled him into a hug. “Hey son, where’s Zoey?” He asked glancing around Blake as if she would show up.

“I don’t know dad, and I honestly don’t care.” Blake’s jaw was clenched, he looked away from his father.

“Well you should.” His dad stated. Blake was about to say something when his dad suddenly focused his eyes on me. “Who is this?” He asked Blake.

“I’m Ashley.” I told him. I didn’t need Blake speaking for me every time.

“Ah, you’re the girl that’s taking my son from his duties.” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Dad that’s enough!” Blake sounded angry.

“You let her go unpunished when she punches your wife, then you bring her here? I’m very disappointed in you, take her home.” He demanded walking back inside, Tina following closely behind him. I stood there not knowing what to do, then I recalled something he said.

“You’re married to Zoey?” I asked him, hurt clear in my voice. He sighed.

“It’s not like that Ashley, I’m not planning on marrying Zoey. My dad wants me to.” He said.


“She has Alpha blood in her, marrying her would ensure I’ll have strong pups. Every Alpha needs strong pups to carry on their legacy.” So not only does he have to marry her, but she’ll be carrying his children as well?

Before I could think things through I took off running. Tears started running down my face. I wasn’t even sure why I was crying, or why I ran.

I don’t know how long I was running but I ended up in the forest by the lake. I tried shifting into a wolf. I thought about how I looked, then eventually I got it. It didn’t hurt as much as the first time.

I laid down on the soft grass staring at the water. I don’t know why I’m so mad at Blake, it’s not like we were dating. But something inside me broke when I found out he was getting married to Zoey.

My head popped up when I heard something snap in the opposite direction. A very familiar wolf stepped out slowly. Standing I took a fighting stance as it got closer.

“Relax Ashley I just want to talk.” A deep voice said in my head. I relaxed realizing it was Blake. He walked closer, stopping two inches away from me. I stiffened, but he only laid down at my feet.

After several minutes I laid down next to him.

“What do you want?” I asked quietly in my head.

“Can you shift back so we can talk?” He asked me. I nodded then focused on my human self. As usual I felt that breeze, and again Blake gave me his shirt.

“Thank you.” I told him sitting back down. He went and shifted behind a tree.

“I’m sorry for not telling you about the wedding, I don’t want to marry her.” He said all this in a rush when he made his way back over to me.

“But your dad wants you to? Don’t you get to make your own decisions?” I asked him.

He sighed. “It’s not that simple when you’re pack leader. My dad did want me to marry her at first, but now I told him I found my mate. So now I don’t have to marry her.” He sounded strained and tired.

“Who do you have to marry then?” I asked.

“My mate. Since I’m Alpha my mate and I would have to get married early. So she can join my pack and I’ll be able to protect her.” This time it seems he can’t make eye contact with me.

“Who’s your mate?” He looked at me now.

“You’re my mate Ashley.” He answered slowly, waiting for my reaction.

“So, you’re telling me that I’m your mate?” I asked him.


“How long have you known?”

“Since we locked eyes in the hallway your first day at school.” He answered putting his head down.

“Does anybody else know?”

“No just me, and my dad.”


“Because if people were to know that you’re my mate, they’d try to kill you. Simply because I’m Alpha and they want my position.” He answered truthfully.

" So, you’re going to keep us a secret?”

He nodded his head. I got up and walked to a nearby rock trying to get my thoughts together. I decided I needed to just go home and think about all this. I got up making my way out the forest.

“Where are you going?” He asked from behind me.


“Why?” He was walking next to me now. Dang werewolves are fast.

“Because I just found out my mate wants to keep us a secret.” This seems nothing like what my mom described. Ben would never keep her a secret.

“But I have good reasons, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” He told me, grabbing my hand.

“I get that, but it still hurts. I just need some time alone.” I took one last look at him before walking away.

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