The Chosen One

Chapter 4


When we arrived at my house Blake jumped out of the car before I could even come to a complete stop. I quickly turned the car off rushing after him to unlock the door, before he broke it with his harsh knocking. When we walked in my mom and Ben were in the living room. It didn’t seem like they were even going to attempt to open the door.

“Who’s this?” Ben asked.

“This is-” I started to say but Blake cut me off.

“Why didn’t she know she was a werewolf?” He demanded. Wow wonderful way to start the conversation. What if they didn’t know about werewolves and I was just a freak?

“What?” Mom asked looking nervous, but not confused. I guess they do know about werewolves.

“What he’s trying -” I started again only to get cut off, again.

“She shifted today, and she didn’t even know what was going on.” Blake was beyond angry now.

“When? Where? Oh my poor baby.” Mom said running over to me. She wrapped me in a hug and I cringed. This was not the time to baby me in front of the hottest guy from school. We all heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I looked up to see Jessica and Jake. I was hoping to make it back before him. Now he knows I took his car out without permission. I’m so dead.

“What’s going on?” He asked looking between me, Blake, and our mom.

“Did you know about werewolves?” I asked him before Blake could cut me off.

“Yes.” He could no longer make eye contact with me. I felt hurt by his words. So he knew and didn’t tell me?

“Does this whole family know?!!” Blake shouted.

“Wait just a minute who are you?” Ben asked trying to be the man of the house, but even he looked scared. Blake was very intimidating for a high school kid.

“I’m Alpha of the pack here.” He snarled. I broke away from my mom to go and lay a hand on his arm, he relaxed a little.

“Really?” Jessica asked, sounding way too happy considering the situation we were in right now. Is there no off button for her thirstiness?

“Well we didn’t know she was going to shift so soon, or at all. It’s taken her much longer than most werewolves her age.” Mom answered finally.

“You still didn’t tell her about werewolves though.” Blake started shaking and unconsciously pulled me into his arms. No one in the room missed that, so now they were starring. Well this isn’t awkward at all. On the bright side though he smelled nice.

“Well no, we thought it would be better she didn’t know. My sister is very emotional and sensitive, who knows how she would’ve responded.” Jake said smirking at me. I glared at him, jerk.

“I am not!” I screamed at him. His smirked widened, even Blake cracked a smile. Traitor.

“We’re sorry this happened.” Mom told me sadly. I tried to go to her, but Blake wouldn’t loosen his grip.

“It’s Ok mom, but you should’ve told me.” I told her.

“I know.” She stepped back next to Ben who wrapped his arms around her. They were so good together, I’m glad she found someone to make her happy.

“All of you need to come to the pack meeting tomorrow night.” Blake ordered with his arms still around me.

“Blake you can let me go now.” I told him blushing. He cleared his throat before releasing me.

“Alright we’ll be there.” Mom told him.

“Good I’ll see you all tomorrow.” He started walking towards the door and I followed him.

“Thanks for helping me today.” I told him once we made it outside staring at my feet.

“No problem new girl, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” I nodded before walking back in the house. I didn’t feel the need to talk to anyone, so I just went to my room. I was laying on my bed scrolling through Facebook when I heard my bedroom door open.

“Ashley? Are you still mad at us?” I sat up, my mom was nervously standing in my doorway.

“No mom I’m fine.” She looked relieved as she came over and sat next to me.

“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you baby, we can talk about it now if you’d like.” I could tell she was trying hard to patch things up between us. My mom and I were as close as Jake and me. She is the only constant female in my life.

“What else is there to know?”

“Well there’s mates, Alphas, all the ranks in packs.” This werewolf thing seems more complicated than I thought. I just hope there’s not a lot of rules.

“What’s a mate?”

“A mate is a werewolf’s other half, someone they’re destined to be with for the rest of their lives. Like a soulmate.” The rest of their lives? That’s a huge commitment.

“Have you found your mate? Was dad your mate?” Maybe that’s why she’s always moving us around.

She smiled sadly at me. “As much as I loved your father, he wasn’t my mate, Ben is.” That explains how she moved on to him. When my father died she would never go on dates, no matter how much I begged her. Then Ben came along and next thing I know she’s married.

“Do you think I have one?” I don’t think I want a mate. I’m not ready to be tied to someone, maybe when I’m forty.

“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” She got up from my bed making her way to the door. “Goodnight honey, I’m always here if you need to talk about anything.”

“Night mom.” I stretched out on my bed once she left, back to Facebook I go. Later that night I laid in bed getting ready to sleep when there was a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I yelled. Jessica walked in with a scowl on her face. Oh great. “What do you want?” I can tell this was going to get ugly.

“Why were you with Blake?” She asked. Why does she care? Wasn’t she trying to get Derek’s attention earlier? I’m guessing Zoey told her to watch me.

“I wasn’t.” I told her in a “duh” tone.

She sneered at me. “Then how did he know you were shifting?” She asked, harshly I might add.

“He was around when my car broke down, and if you want to know anything else ask someone who cares because I don’t have time for you.” I said getting sick of her already. I’ll admit I get a little grumpy when I’m trying to sleep and someone interrupts.

“Why don’t you just stay away from him? He doesn’t want you.” She rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips.

“Just get out of my room.” I said, turning my light off to go to sleep. Eventually the door closed. Now I can finally be alone with my thoughts. I’m still freaking out over being a werewolf, I only temporarily forgot it with the other things going on. My whole life I thought they were myths and I’ve been living with three without knowing. I wondered if they would have told me if I didn’t shift. What hurt the most was that Jake didn’t tell me and we tell each other everything. I also remembered Blake calling me baby girl earlier. Weird. I finally drifted off to sleep around 12.00 pm.

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