The Chosen One

Chapter 3

The nearest super market was four blocks from the house, doesn’t take long at all to get there when you’re going ten miles over the speed limit. I quickly ran into the store and got my ice cream before leaving. I couldn’t wait to get home and stuff my face.

I was singing along to Taylor Swift when the car started coughing and jerking before coming to a complete stop. I tried starting the engine again, but it only made this clanking sound. “That doesn’t sound good.” I looked out the window and saw nothing but a forest. I put the car in neutral, so I wouldn’t be in the middle of the road. I got out the car walking around to the front to check out the damage. I popped the hood up and stared at the engine, I had no clue what I was doing. I knew nothing about cars.

“Need some help?” I jumped, smacking my head on the hood of the car.

I turned holding my head to see Blake leaning against a pole with a smile on his face. Where the hell did he come from? Did he think it was cute to almost give me a heart attack?

“I mean if you’re offering it.” I took a step back away from the car. He stepped forward bending over the hood. I watched as he started poking and prodding stuff.

“What’d you do?” He asked.

“I don’t know, I was just driving when it decided to have a heart attack...”

He nodded and continued looking the car over. I was standing there watching, when suddenly a blinding pain went through me. I doubled over screaming as tears started streaming down my face. This was worse than cramps. Blake’s head snapped in my direction, he looked confused at first before shock covered his features. He scooped me up and started making his way towards the forest. If I wasn’t in so much pain I would’ve protested against going in a forest with him alone. He ran us to the middle of the forest and softly laid me down on the grass. The whole time I was screaming in pain.

“Shh it’s Ok baby girl hold on.” I faintly heard Blake’s voice over the sound of my screaming. It felt like my bones were repositioning themselves, it hurt so bad. When I could no longer handle the pain I passed out, still hearing Blake in the background saying soothing words.

When I came to I felt very different, my body felt heavier. I stood up, it took me a second to realize I was standing on all fours. Looking down were I should have seen my hands I saw paws instead. I twisted around trying to see the rest of my body but was failing miserably. Looking around I saw a lake up ahead, I took off running towards it. Stopping at the edge I looked at my reflection in the water, jumping back in surprise. I slowly walked back towards the water to study myself again. I was a huge wolf, my fur was all black while my ears were white.

“You’re a werewolf.” I let out a scream that sounded more like a yelp as I turned around facing the intruder.

“Who are you?” There was a large black wolf standing in front of me. He was twice my size. For some reason I wasn’t afraid of this wolf, even though he seemed to be leaking with power.

“Blake.” I watched as the wolf answered but his mouth didn’t move.

“Did you answer that in my head?” As I asked this question I realized I had been thinking it. “How did you know I was changing?”

“Because I witnessed the way your bones were cracking.” He answered still staring at me. I didn’t even hear my bones cracking.

I started walking towards him as he stood perfectly still. When I got closer his ear twitched. I put my face in his fur feeling the softness and the welcoming tingles. He made a sound in the back of his throat, so I moved back. “How much do you know about werewolves? Are there others? Do you think my mom is one?” I asked him.

“I have a feeling she might be.” He sounded a little angry. Maybe he was upset that I was a werewolf too now? For some reason I wanted to make him happy. I couldn’t understand why. I bent down wagging my tail in the air, indicating that I wanted to play. His tail twitched but he stayed put.

“Come on Blake let’s play so I can explore this new change.” I told him excitedly. For someone whose whole life just changed I was taking this well. A little too well.

He copied my position, then leaped towards me. I turned running as fast as I could. The wind going through my fur felt very good. This was a whole new feeling for me. Running on all fours instead of two. Not that I ran on two a lot.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t realize Blake had caught up with me, until I was tackled to the ground. A yelp escaped my lips as Blake and I went rolling down a hill. He landed on top of me, with a wolfish smirk on his face.

“You run like a new born pup.” He chuckled in my head.

“Well I kind of am.” I defended myself. I reached up and licked his face. He froze for a moment, before he licking mine back. I sat there dazed for a moment as he pulled himself off me.

I followed him back to the lake we were at earlier as he sat down. I sat next to him cuddling into his side, he didn’t seem to mind. We stayed rested like that for a while, I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

“We need to shift back and head to your house, I need to have a talk with your parents.” He said in my mind some minutes later.

“Ok, how do I change back?”

“Think of your human form.” I did as he told me and concentrated on my human self. Next thing I know I felt a breeze on my body. I looked down at myself, I was butt naked. I squeaked using my hands to cover my lady parts. Blake stared at me with an amused expression on his face, and a hint of lust.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked. I knew my cheeks were pink.

“They ripped when you shifted.” He covered his mouth trying not to laugh, and failing. This was no laughing matter, I’m in the middle of the woods naked with a guy I’m attracted to. He should be fearing for his life.

“What am I supposed to wear?” I just realized that he was naked too. I couldn’t help myself, I looked him over from head to toe. He wasn’t even trying to cover himself.

“Here.” He tossed me a shirt. Where did he get this from? I quickly slipped it on, it stopped mid-thigh. Somehow, he got ahold of some shorts. I was glad and disappointed at the same time that he finally covered himself up.

“Thanks.” We started walking back through the woods towards the car.

“Are there other werewolves here?” I asked my question from earlier.

“Yes, my pack.” He answered not looking back. He’s still angry about no one telling me I was a werewolf. I should be mad too I guess, but I wasn’t.

“Are Derek and Lizzy?”

“Yes, most of the school is.”

“Oh.” We finished the rest of the walk in silence. At some point during our walk he reached back and grabbed my hand. I enjoyed the contact, it was calming. When we finally got back to the car he let my hand go and went to fix it. I decided to just sit in the car and wait. When he was done he slid in the passenger seat. I sighed before starting the car and making my way home. About half way through the drive I remembered something. “Oh man!” I screamed

“What?” He asked looking alarmed.

“I think my ice cream melted.” I whined. He stared at me for a while, then burst out laughing. Guess I won’t be stuffing my face.

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