The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Tale of Romance

It’s you.

Because no one else makes sense.

-Perry Poetry

His feet sank in the wet sand as he pushed the boat ashore. Small droplets were decorating his skin –the saltiness of the sea following him on land. A strand of black hair escaped from the bun he had put them into and fell into his blue eyes. He didn’t seem to mind as he focused on the task at hand.

Aileen couldn’t help but take notice of his every move. Seated on the foreign beach, she admired her man rather than the new landscape. She couldn’t help but observe the way his muscles were moving under his wet shirt. Her cheeks flushed red when his eyes suddenly found hers. He had caught her staring and although he just smiled, she couldn’t help but look away embarrassed.

After Havelock had pushed Alastor off the cliff, they hurriedly descended the stairs and found themselves on the beach that meant so much to them. However, they couldn’t stay –it wasn’t safe for them anymore. Sooner or later, the officers would start searching for her –the news of her escape will spread like fire in the village. And then, they would notice Alastor’s disappearance too. How long would it take them to find the body? How long until they’ll connect the pieces of the puzzle and point their fingers at her?

No, they couldn’t stay there. Havelock and Aide seemed to have the same idea since they had planned for a way out. They had left the familiar waters with the small boat and headed towards the other side of the island –away from Seaworth and the drama that would soon unfold. The beaches there weren’t easily accessible and since they were away from the village, people didn’t visit them. It was a safe place for the time being.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when her merman sat beside her. His hands pulled her into his embrace and his face rested in the crook of her neck. A small smile appeared on her face as his breath tickled her skin. Her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders –her fingers drawing invisible circles on his flesh. She sighed in delight when he shivered at her touch.

“Thank you”, she whispered.

“For what, meum Arcanum?”

“For saving me”, she gazed at him softly, “For being there for me.”

He pulled away from her neck and kissed her forehead lovingly.

“You are my better half, Aileen”, he admitted, “How could I ever let you go?”

She smiled tearfully at him –how had she gotten so lucky? She caressed his cheek gently before leaning in slowly. Her lips explained to him, what her words could not. They danced against his own unhurriedly as if time had completely stopped. His small moan made her smile against him –her lips planting a small kiss on his jawline before pulling away.

“So”, she sighed, “What do we do now?”

“I have to go back”, Havelock said, “I failed to protect my people once. I won’t fail twice.”

Aileen nodded in understanding. He had already explained to her what had happened in Atlantis on their way here. She knew how much it pained him –it was clear in his eyes. This meant a lot to him and although she was worried sick about his wellbeing, this was his decision. She wouldn’t stand in his way no matter how much she wanted for him to stay away from danger.

Havelock might be her mate, but he is also a King. He truly loves her, but he also cares for the lives of his people. It would be unfair and egoistical of her to make him choose one role over the other. People are complex beings with multiple duties –they have many purposes and are part of numerous environments. That doesn’t mean they have to abandon a piece of them for the other –it wouldn’t be fair. They have to accept how unique they are as well as the rest of the world has to do so too.

“Are you going to walk to Atlantis then?”, she teased him lightly.

“I told you, meum Arcanum”, he rolled his eyes playfully, “This is not permanent. I can change whenever I want.”


“Good?”, he raised an eyebrow, “Do you not prefer me as a human?”

“For me, you will always be my merman”, she kissed his cheek gently, “Whether you have a tail or a pair of legs.”

His heart skipped a beat at her words. His arms tightened around her, bringing her closer to his body.

“And if I can’t change back? If I stay human?”, he asked her, “I can’t be a merman without a tail.”

Her emerald eyes gazed deeply into the ocean of his. Her fingers gripped his chin, demanding his complete attention. His breathing stopped at her words. His heart beating wildly inside the cage of his chest.

“You’ll still be my Have.”

His lips crashed into her own, igniting the passion that was just under the surface. His fingers got tangled in her fiery locks as her arms were placed on his firm chest. She gasped as he bit her lower lip –the kiss turning sloppier and deeper. His tongue battled with hers, dancing in a rhythm of their own.

She didn’t know what was happening to her. Her body was burning –her desire was rising. The feelings were new, yet she wasn’t afraid of them. She wanted more of him –more of the man she had fallen in love with. Her hands caressed the hard muscles of his chest before caressing the soft skin of his neck. He pulled away from her lips, leaving her breathless. Her stomach was filled with butterflies as he left soft kisses on her jaw before sucking on her neck.

Her hand held the nape of his neck, forcing his lips away from her sensitive skin. He looked at her questioningly for just a moment, before she pushed his shoulders back and forced him to lie on the wet sand. She sat on his waist with her knees on either side of his body. She bit her lip when he gave her a scorching look.

“Will you take me with you?”

Her voice was hoarse and full of emotions. Her emerald eyes were sparkling with hope and desire. She was so beautiful, he thought. He couldn’t take his eyes away from his woman –from the soul that had brought so much joy and meaning in his life. His eyes softened at her words –his hand reaching for her blushing cheek. He caressed it gently, smiling when she held his wrist to keep it in place.

“If you wish so”, he mumbled fondly.

“I want to be with you, Have”, she gazed into his intense orbs, “If being a mermaid is what it takes to spend the rest of my life by your side, then so be it.”

“You sure?”, he teased her, “Merpeople can live up to seven hundred years. That’s a long time you’ll have to put up with me.”

“What about you?”, she hit his shoulder affectionately, “Will you still love me after so many years?”

His eyes narrowed at her words and before she realized what was happening, he had turned them over. The sand stirred in her hair as the waves kissed her flesh gently. His hands were placed on either side of hers, his eyes never leaving her out of his sight. He lowered his body on hers –her breathing becoming erratic when her breasts touched his chest.

“Even when I close my eyes and I return at the hands of my Goddess”, his breathe fanned over her lips, “I will never stop loving you.”

She kissed him softly, just as the waves were kissing the shoreline. It didn’t last long –it was a kiss of trust and love, not one of burning desire. Although, even a short and loving kiss like that was enough to ignite the desire they were both feeling.

“What do we have to do?”, she caressed his neck, feeling him shiver under her fingertips.

“Alexandra said you should have a part of my DNA so you can change.”

“Does saliva count?”, she laughed slightly.

“No”, he smiled down at her, “But my blood does.”

“So, I’ll have to drink your blood?”, she furrowed her eyebrows.

“Does it disgust you?”, he asked worriedly.

“No, it’s just…strange”, she shrugged her shoulders, “Normal people do not go around drinking blood.”

“We are not normal, my love”, his hand caressed her side softly, making her relax at his touch.

“No, we aren’t”, she nodded, “But I still love you. And I want to be with you. So, I guess if I have to do this, so be it.”

His fingers elongated to sharp talons at her words. He looked down at her with worry before asking for one last time.

“Are you sure?”


He leaned down, letting a small kiss on her forehead. With swift movements, a thin line of scarlet appeared on the side of his neck. Aileen watches as a red droplet started to slowly fall down his pale skin.

“Kiss it better?”, the side of his lip moved up.

“Always”, she smirked.

Her tongue darted out, licking the falling droplet from his collarbone up to his wound. He moaned hoarsely at the feeling of her delicate mouth sucking gently on his skin. She kissed the wound gently, the taste of iron invading her senses. His hands cradled her head to his neck –his fingers disappearing into her wet flaming locks. The wound closed soon after, leaving her lips scarlet and a hickey on his neck.

His thumb caressed her lips, wiping the blood away and leaving behind the saltiness of the ocean. He kissed her again –gently, then more passionately. Their hands started to discover each other’s body as the hunger and the desire fueled within them. One by one, their clothes started to fall away leaving behind bare skin.

He kissed the freckles on her shoulders before his mouth closed around a nipple while his hand caressed the other. Her moans and small sounds were driving him crazy. His eyes darkened as he watched her beautiful face painted in desire –her eyelashes caressing her cheeks and her mouth open in a silent scream.

When she arched her back, his mouth followed the path down her skin. He kissed every inch of her body –nibbling, sucking, licking, tasting on her most intimate parts until she was trembling from pleasure. He was a man drunk from desire, wanting to memorize every inch of his woman –of his soul’s other half. He wanted to make her feel the desire that burned inside his heart –the desperate need he was feeling for her.

When she came down from the high he had offered her, she searched for his lips desperately. He kissed her hard, while he drove himself inside her gently. He moaned at the feeling of her –his eyes closing as he tried to give her time to adjust. Her breathing became labored as a slight pain and a sudden discomfort invaded her pleasure. She felt so stretched, so full and yet, she couldn’t help but moan at the new feeling.

After a while she placed a kiss on the side of his neck, telling him that it was alright to move. Her hands wrapped around his back as he took both of them in new highs of pleasure. Her small sounds and his hoarse moans filled the beach as they made love to one another. They felt more connected than ever –their souls and bodies becoming one.

That’s where they expressed their love.

Where the waves kiss the shoreline.


End of chapter 43!!

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