The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Flash of Fins

“The human’s a mess.”

-The Little Mermaid

The sky had started to change colors; the endless blue taking a pink hue as the sun started to fall from its mighty throne. The sea was calm, reflecting the golden sun rays like a mirror. He brought her palm to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on its inside as they watched the sunset. It was time to return back. It was time to head back home.

“Have”, she whispered.

“Yes, meum Arcanum”, he squeezed her hand encouragingly.

“I want to see Aide for one last time”, she said, “I never got the chance to say a proper goodbye.”

A small smile decorated his face as he brought her closer to his body. He let a small kiss on her forehead as his arms wrapped around her form, keeping her where she belonged –in the embrace of her merman. He rested his chin on the flaming crown of her hair as they both gazed on the horizon.

“I’ve figured out that much”, he hummed in agreement, “We have to head back to our beach –Osmond will be waiting for us there. I told Aide to meet us there too, so you can say your goodbyes.”

She turned around to face him, her hand caressing his cheek. He gazed at her emerald gems becoming lost in the emotions swirling inside of them. He sighed when her lips left a small kiss on his bare chest.

“Thank you”, she murmured against his skin, “For everything.”

He kissed her lips softly –unhurriedly. He could kiss her luscious lips for eternity and never get enough of the feeling of them moving against his own. He pulled away sooner than he’d like to –tucking a flaming strand behind her ear. He placed his hand into her own, his fingers lacing with hers.

“Come on, my love”, he whispered lovingly at her.

She followed him faithfully, enjoying the feeling of the crystal water between her toes. The water surrounded their bodies as they moved deeper and deeper into the infinite blue of the ocean. The coldness of it did not bother her –it gave her a feeling of freedom as she swam elegantly before diving in the deep. A flash of blue on her right caught her attention, making her heart skip a beat at the familiar tail.

His arms wrapped around her waist bringing her closer to him. His eyes glowed brightly as he was finally back in his element. His skin had paled and fins covered every inch of his body. His powerful tail moved beneath him, shining silver under the golden rays of the sun. His webbed fingers caressed her cheek adoringly before her rested his forehead against hers.

“Breath”, he said to her.

Her instincts were telling her not to –that she would drown the minute she tried to breathe underwater. Her lungs had started to burn from the lack of oxygen, making her look to the surface longingly. Yet, she trusted him –she trusted that the man standing in front of her would never harm her. He had proven his love for her time and time again. She fought against all her instincts and took a deep breath, allowing the water to invade her senses.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized she could breathe properly. The ocean providing her with the same amount of oxygen as the salty air on the surface would. She opened her mouth in shock, the water filling her immediately but not harming her. She looked into her mate’s eyes excitedly, smiling when he gazed at her lovingly.

“Close your eyes, meum Arcanum.”

Her emerald orbs closed –her long eyelashes caressing her cheeks.

“Now, I want you to imagine yourself as a mermaid”, he whispered against her ear, “Imagine yourself with a tail. How would it feel like? How would it look like? Concentrate.”

It wasn’t that hard to imagine herself as a mermaid –she wanted to become one ever since she was a little girl, asking her mother to read her the story of Ariel before bedtime. She pictured how she would look with a tail –how her legs would mold into one powerful fin. She could feel a change around her as she imagined the fins that would cover her body –the gills that would decorate her delicate neck. Her imagination became so vivid that her body started to feel it.

Her skin paled considerably, making her freckles more prominent. Her legs started to mold together painlessly –turning into a connected flesh before beautiful scales started to decorate the newfound skin. A thin web linked her slender fingers together as scarlet scales covered part of her arms and the nudity of her breasts. As her teeth became sharper and her nails elongated, the red scales of her tail sparkled golden under the last rays of the sun.

Havelock’s breath stopped when her eyes opened. Her emerald gems were glowing brightly underwater –her irises had turned into thin slits. Yet, through the intensity of them, he could still see the loving gaze of his soulmate. She looked so damn gorgeous –so regal. Like a true Queen –powerful and beautiful. He watched as her teeth grew smaller and her nails disappeared before the irises of her eyes turn back to normal. The true nature of her mermaid was hidden, but laying just beneath the surface.

Her red tail complemented her flaming locks, making her appear fierce and mighty. She moved it gently and found herself in the embrace of her King. His lips brushed against her own before he crushed them against hers. His fingers got tangled in her fiery locks as her own caressed the column of his neck. She gasped against his mouth as his scales touched her own –an unknown feeling making her shiver in delight. His blue tail circled around her scarlet one, turning them into a tangled mess of scales.

When they separated, their gills were moving frantically –opening and closing fast as their breathing became labored. Havelock let a soft kiss on Aileen’s forehead before untangling his tail from her own, hissing in the process. He held her small palm into her own, before moving his tail and guiding them into the unknown.

“Come on, meum Arcanum”, he urged her gently, “We shall meet the others at the beach.”

She followed his lead, trying to learn how to move her tail properly. It was a bit tiring in the beginning, but she soon got the hold of it. Her eyes admired the new world surrounding her –her improved vision taking in the smallest of details as they moved. She could see the pink starfish that were stuck on the bottom of the sea. And the way those orange anemones were dancing elegantly at the tides of the ocean. And those small fishes that were swimming quickly by their side –their yellow and black strides capturing her attention.

She didn’t know for how long they were swimming, but the light had started to disappear and the waters became darker. The more they swam, the further the bottom of the sea seemed to her. The waters became deeper as they moved away from land, heading to the other side of the island and to their safe haven. She discovered that fins were unlike anything else –moving fast and silently, leaving behind only a faint trail of bubbles.

Soon enough, they found themselves in familiar waters. Swimming through sharp rocks and underwater caves before making it to the surface. Aileen couldn’t help but admire the beach she had visit so many times –the different perspective giving a new beauty on the familiar scenery. A figure was waiting for them at the beach –the slight breeze moving her brunette locks away from her face.

“Aide?“, Aileen called out tearfully.

The other girl smiled at the sight of her friend, walking in the shallow waters to be closer to her. She didn’t care that her clothes became wet –that the water reached her waist. She just watched as her friend swam towards her form –Havelock staying behind to give them some space. Her arms wrapped around her petite figure as soon as she was close to her.

“Hey, Ail”, she gave her a bright smile, “Or should I say, Little Mermaid?”

Aileen laughed at her words, hugging her tighter. When she pulled away, her eyes filled with tears. She took hold of Aide’s palm, squeezing it gently.

“Thank you”, Aileen said, “If it wasn’t for you and nana, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“You are like a sister to me, Ail”, Aide shook her head, “I promised to you that I’ll always have your back. It is a promise I hold dear to my heart –one I intend to keep.”

Aileen nodded before wiping a treacherous tear away. Her emerald eyes filled with worry as she gazed at her friend.

“Will you and nana be in trouble for saving me?“, she asked her anxiously, “Have they done something to you? Will you be alright?”

Stress filled her heart at the thought of her friend having to pay for her actions. She didn’t want to bring any kind of harm to her. Aide had been there for her ever since they were children, having her back through thick and thin. Aileen didn’t want her to pay the price for her own happiness.

“Don’t worry about it”, Aide assured her, “After your escape, they did ask us some questions. But since they all saw us arguing outside the police station, they know we couldn’t possibly set you free.”

“But nana’s apple pie...didn’t they suspect anything?“, Aileen raised an eyebrow.

“Of course they did”, the corner of her lips pulled up, “But you know Alexandra, she is a hell of a good actress. She became very believable when she started to cry, saying that she probably put expired ingredients or something. Apparently, an old woman like her has trouble reading small letters with her presbyopia.”

Aileen couldn’t help but laugh at nana’s antics. Alexandra was many things, but powerless and helpless weren’t included in that list. She would miss the old lady –her childish ways and her precious advice. She was like a mother to her –a person she held dear in her heart.

“I’ll miss her”, she whispered to her friend, “I’ll miss you.”

Aide’s chocolate eyes softened as Aileen barely held in her tears. She hugged her tightly one last time, seeing four figures approaching them slowly. Her arms dropped from her figure, stepping away from the water.

“I’ll miss you too, Ail”, she muttered hoarsely, “So much.”

An arm wrapped around Aileen’s waist, bringing her attention back to her merman. Havelock kissed her forehead, before nodding at Aide knowingly. He had promised her that he would keep her safe and happy. And he intended to keep that promise till he drew his last breath.

“Meum Arcanum”, he said to her softly, “This is Osmond, my general and a very close friend.”

Aileen smiled at the blonde merman, who bowed his head at his new Queen. Her cheeks flushed red at the action, not used to this kind of behavior.

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, mea Regina”, his yellow eyes were warm and welcoming.

“I’ve heard a lot about you”, she said shyly.

“All good I hope”, he raised an eyebrow at Havelock, who just rolled his eyes at his words.

“And these are Amias and Evander”, her merman introduced the other men, “They are part of the royal guard.”

“Mea Regina”, they both bowed their heads just like Osmond had done just moments ago.

“H-Hello”, she said nervously, “It is nice meeting you all.”

“And this is Aide Clayton”, Havelock introduced her friend to his men, “She is Aileen’s close friend and she helped me while I was on land.”

Aide was playing nervously with her fingers, her attention pinned in the dark waters surrounding her feet. This was getting a bit too much for her –she didn’t feel comfortable being the center of their attention. Their gazes burned their skin, taking in her figure and probably, focusing on her pair of legs. She took a deep breath to calm herself, before finally gazing upon them.

“Nice to meet y-”

Her breathing stopped as her eyes fell upon a pair of familiar purple ones. A pair that had haunted her dreams for many years now. A pair that she had concluded that belonged only to her imagination. He hadn’t changed one bit –not even after all these years had passed. She had buried his memory deep in her soul, keeping his existence a secret that appeared only in her dreams.


Her legs were trembling as those purple eyes haunted her. He seemed to be as shocked as she was –his eyes pinned on her figure as if she would disappear. He swam towards her slowly, not wanting to scare her further.

“No”, she said.

He stopped moving as she took a few steps towards the land.

“This can’t be”, she whispered to herself.

Her thoughts were running wild. She felt that she was turning crazy. She had to leave –she had to get out of there. She needed space –she needed to think about everything. It was too much. She couldn’t handle it.

“Wait”, he asked her hoarsely.

She had already turned around, running towards the sculpted staircase.


The merman’s scream went answered.

She had already left.


End of chapter 43!!

Latin translations:

1) Mea Regina= My Queen

Author’s Note:

Some of you have read a few chapters of a previous book I had posted, named “The Heart of the Ocean”. I have taken down this story because it felt like something was missing -it needed a lot of editing. I decided that this book will be posted back up with a lot of changes. It will be the book of Aide’s story.

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