The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Family Reunion

“I will fight for my family,

until my last breath.”

The Sea Nymphs resided in a complex of underwater caves on the eastern borders of the kingdom of Atlantis. It was difficult to perceive that they inhabited such a place -externally it looked like a huge rock with small fissures leading into its interior. It seemed completely abandoned and empty, but then again just because we don’t see something, it doesn’t mean it isn’t real.

Once they entered the caves, Aileen was shocked by the beauty that greeted her. The walls were sculpted into intrigued designs and the whole place was filled with merpeople. The colors of their mesmerizing tails made her almost dizzy as she watched them swim unhurriedly around and talk with one another. A strange light was illuminating the deep waters for which she was thankful –its source unknown.

“Welcome, mea Regina”, Osmond smiled at her, “to the Eastern Caves.”

“It’s…”, she was deemed speechless as she took in everything around her.

“Beautiful?”, Havelock nagged her shoulder gently.

“Yes”, she whispered, “And so different from what I had imagined.”

Osmond let a laugh at her words –his head shaking slightly. A blush started from her cheeks and spread to her neck at his laughter. She was still shy around them, feeling weird to be surrounded by so many people –merpeople, she corrected herself. With Havelock it was different –he was the man she had fallen in love with. But the others…she barely knew them. She still didn’t know what they would think of her. Would they accept her as one of their own? Perhaps, she’ll never fit in –she was a human after all.

“Did you believe that we live in dark underwater caves, lurking in their blackness as we wait for our next victim?”, Osmond teased her lightly.

“No! Of course not!”, her eyes widened at his words, “I didn’t mean to offend you! I just truly didn’t know what to expect! Oh my! I am an idiot, aren’t I-”

“Calm down, Meum Arcanum”, Havelock chuckled as Amias held an amused expression beside him, “No one was offended. Osmond is just a jerk.”

The blonde merman gasped dramatically, his hand placed on his chest as if his heart was stabbed. He shook his head in disappointment before he raised a thick eyebrow accusingly at his King.

“How dare you speak to your best friend in that way!”, he feigned to be hurt, “After everything we’ve been through is that polite?”

“I was polite when I stopped my father from punching you in the face, when he found out his only daughter is mated to you”, Have reminded him briefly.

“You didn’t stop him from chasing me throughout the whole city, though”, Osmond folded his hands on top of his chest.

“Eh”, the King shrugged his shoulders, “You were fast enough.”

Aileen couldn’t keep her laughter for much longer. The sound of her giggles alerted them of her amusement as her stomach started to hurt. She had figured out that Osmond was taking his role as Havelock’s second in command very seriously, being very solemn and restrained when it came to it. Although, he seemed to relax and to be more carefree as they spend more time together, it was difficult to picture the broad general swimming frantically away from an old man with an expression of terror on his face.

“He was chasing me with a freaking trident, for Thalassa’s name!”, the purple tailed merman responded to his friend.

Aileen couldn’t breathe –her cheeks had turned red as she desperately tried to stop laughing. A chuckle made her turn to the royal guard beside her. Amias’s amber eyes had a strange orange glow in them, matching the emerald scales of his tail. He was wearing a strange armor that was covering mostly his shoulders and arms and partly his muscular chest and broad back.

“Now now, mea Regina”, he said to her amused, “That was a sight to behold!”

“Why didn’t you help him?”, she asked breathing heavily.

“Because we didn’t have a death wish”, he shrugged his shoulders, “Isn’t that right, Evander?”

“Hmm?”, the guard asked.

Aileen observed the man, taking in the form of her best friend’s soulmate. He had a powerful emerald tail that was moving slowly, keeping up with their pace. His figure was muscled and huge –he had the body of a well-trained warrior as it was expected of him. His brunette locks were placed in a bun with the help of seaweed –it was something common for the soldiers to do, so that their hair wasn’t a disadvantage during a battle –Amias had explained it to her.

But his eyes. His purple orbs were glowing brightly as different emotions passed through them. He was troubled –angry with himself and sad at his mate’s reactions. How had he managed to fuck everything up was beyond him. He was lost in his own thoughts as they traveled to their destination –his mind on a certain brunette with warm eyes. He hadn’t been paying attention to them –he hadn’t uttered a word. His body was with them, but his soul was on land.

“Evander!”, Amias shook him slightly, “Don’t you remember? King Neptune didn’t stop chasing him until princess Thekla got in between.”

“You are both acting like children”, Osmond made an impression of his mate before rolling his eyes, “No, honey! I’m trying to save my life from your father. There’s a big difference!”

Havelock shook his head in amusement as they swam through the busy crowd. Many eyes were attracted to them already at the sight of their new King. They were whispering among them, making way for them to pass. They bowed their heads at his arrival, greeting him with warm smiles and excitement.

Aileen felt her cheeks blushing in embarrassment as they observed her figure. She was someone they were seeing for the first time; it was natural to be curious about someone you don’t know. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel insecure about her new body and her heritage. She was a human mated to their future King. They adored and admired Havelock, which led them to want the best for him. She wanted to be that; the best for him. Yet, the doubts were clouding her mind as a brand new world was opening in front of her.

They swam through the curious crowd, taking a sharp turn and disappearing from the public eye. Soon, they arrived in front of a smaller cave, standing at its entrance. The two guards bowed before them, before turning to leave. They had accomplished their role; they had guided them safely to the Eastern Caves.

“Evander”, Aileen grabbed his arm.

His purple eyes found her emerald ones.

“If you need anyone to talk to…”, she bit the inside of her cheek nervously.

The merman didn’t say anything, but his eyes spoke volumes. His emotions were a powerful storm, kept in the confines of his troubled mind. He gave her a curt nod, before swimming away and disappearing in the complex of the caves. A sigh made her turn towards Amias –his amber eyes were warm and soft.

“Excuse his manners, mea Regina”, the merman shook his head slightly, “He’s been through a lot. He just needs some time and space.”

Aileen nodded in agreement, before sighing deeply.

“You seem to know him well”, she said to the guard.

He chuckled slightly, before giving her a small smile.

“Like all siblings know their brothers.”

She was shocked, to say the least. She could only watch with widened eyes as the guard swam away from them slowly, finding great amusement at her astonished expression. Havelock took hold of her waist, bringing her closer to his body. He kissed her forehead gently before guiding them in the interior of the cave.

The walls of the small cave were narrow –the interior filled with darkness. She followed her merman through the blackness, feeling uncomfortable being alone in such a small place. But as they swam through the narrow passage, the walls started to open and a faint light appeared. The hall led to a small chamber –a bedroom she realized as a big coral lay in front of her. A few pink anemones were scattered around the room, giving color and character in the room. Although, it still felt empty and neutral –the merpeople were mere guests here after all. This wasn’t their home.

A woman was seated on the coral, a sleeping child laying in her arms. Its purple tail was circled around his mother’s arm and a small pout was decorating his flawless face. Osmond’s eyes softened at the sight of his soulmate holding his son –his heart fluttered in his chest at the beautiful encounter. He swam silently towards them, hugging his mate tightly and placing his chin on her shoulder. He gazed at his child lovingly, kissing his Thea on her neck as a thank you for this priceless gift.

Thekla’s gaze fell upon her brother –a grateful smile appearing on her beautiful face. She knew he was alive, but it was another thing to know and another to see with your own eyes. A wave of relief overwhelmed her, bringing tears of happiness in her blue eyes. When a glimpse of red scales appeared in her vision, her smile widened. Her brother was finally happy –he had his mate by his side after so many years of waiting for her.

She stood up slowly, rocking the baby in her hands softly. Havelock held Aileen’s hand gently, giving a kiss on the back of her palm and giving her a small glance. He couldn’t wait for them to have a family on their own –he couldn’t imagine how it would feel like; returning home to his mate singing their child to sleep. He wanted it so much –but all in due time. For the time being, his heart was beating wildly as he finally got to meet his nephew.

“Mur meet your uncle, Have”, Osmond said softly as he caressed his small head, “Havelock meet your nephew, Murdoch.”

As Havelock took his nephew in his arms, the small child opened his eyes. Aileen chuckled in amusement as bright blue orbs met identical ones. It must run in the family, was all she could think. She caressed his chubby cheek softly, her heart melting at his sweet giggles.

“He’s so precious”, she mumbled softly.

Thekla gave her a small smile.

“He is”, she sighed dreamily, watching her son pulling his uncle’s hair as she let herself sink into her mate’s embrace.

Osmond laughed as Murdoch pulled harshly on his friend’s long locks. Havelock narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes widening at his nephew’s strength. He gave the small child back to his mother, watching as he immediately buried his head in her neck.

“He is a strong one”, he patted Osmond’s back encouragingly.

“He is”, his yellow eyes softened.

The new father couldn’t contain his smile. His whole face was glowing with joy –his pride in his boy’s accomplishments overwhelming his whole being. He didn’t think he could ever love someone so much –his Thea had taken every part of his heart, owning his soul. But this –this was something he hadn’t expected. A feeling he couldn’t explain. This boy was a part of him –he had a piece of his soul and heart within him. He was a blessing –a life that he and his soulmate had created together.

“Come on, pater”, Havelock chuckled getting a hold of him, “We have a meeting to attend to.”

Osmond sighed in disappointment but nodded nonetheless. They had a lot to do –a battle to prepare for. His mate and son were his lifeline –he would do everything to protect them. And as long as Sethelious was alive, Thea would never be safe –her royal blood painting a constant target on her back. He placed a kiss on his child’s head before giving another to his mate. Aileen blushed at the sight, turning away only to find Havelock already staring at her.

His arms wrapped around her –his forehead resting against her own. She sighed in delight when his lips touched her own. Her emerald gems closing in delight as he gave her a slow and gentle kiss. He pulled away too quickly for her liking, leaving her lips burning for more.

“Meum Arcanum”, he whispered.

Then, they left. The two women were alone in the chamber, watching their retreating forms with worried eyes. Both Thea and Aileen knew the duty their men had to their people –they understood they had too many things to do at the moment. But when you love someone so deeply, you never cease to worry. You just accept their duties and try to share their burden, suffering silently.

The two women looked at each other in desperation.

Their eyes hiding the same pain.

At least, they had one another.

They weren’t alone.


End of chapter 44!!

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