The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Fall of Arrogance

“One thing about them tables,

They turn.”

She didn’t know what love was –she hadn’t experienced it before. She had only heard stories about how it made your stomach fill with butterflies and your mind wild with thoughts. Your behavior changed –you become distracted and travel in a world of your own. Various scenarios run through your mind about your loved one –how would his lips feel against yours? How would it be like to be with him? What about a family of your own?

She knew that she had fallen deeply for the man in front of her. He made her lips curve into a glorious smile just by seeing his form. Her cheeks turned scarlet and her heart beat faster every time she was by his side. An overwhelming excitement was filling her whole being at the mere sound of his name –her mind was constantly filled with thoughts of her merman.

She didn’t know what love was but she knew this felt right. It felt right to be by his side –to follow him wherever he goes. He was her merman and she was his human mate –two souls from different worlds that fitted together better than a puzzle. Their differences were many –the obstacles in their way even more.

But when you love something so much, you don’t just let it go. You fight for it with tooth and nail. Even if you fail, you’ll know that at least, you tried. That you didn’t give up so easily –that you tried to do something. And sometimes, that is better than nothing. Sometimes it is more than enough.

As she gazed at him, she felt complete. The wind was caressing her fiery locks, making them seem like dancing flames in the morning light. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness as she gazed upon him. They were standing by the side of the cliff, ready to start their new life together. She placed her palm into his, closing her eyes in delight when her merman gave her a loving kiss on her forehead.

“Let’s go, meum Arcanum”, Havelock whispered in her ear.

She let him guide them to the sculpted staircase. She took a deep breath, watching the calm ocean below them. It was like he was waiting for their arrival –as if he was welcoming them. She took the first step.

“Did you think it would be that easy?”

The voice startled them, making them both turn around. Havelock pulled Aileen away from the cliff and closer to his body. He gazed at the man in front of them, narrowing his eyes as he felt his mate trembling.

“Alastor”, she whispered shocked.

The merman let a snarl escape his mouth at the discovery. So, this was the man that had kept his mate captive. The man that had tormented her for years. The man that had thrown her of a cliff. The man that had tried to kill her. It would be an underestimate to say he was pissed.

The man had moved through the flowery meadows silently –without making any noise. Havelock cocked his head to the side in confusion. How could a human do that? And most importantly, why hadn’t he taken notice of his scent before? He inhaled deeply but he still couldn’t find any distinctive smell. His eyes widen in realization.

“You covered your scent”, the prince said, “There is only one creature that can do that.”

Alastor smirked at his words but did not deny them. The circle of red in his eyes became brighter at his words. Havelock would recognize anywhere this kind of magic. Sethelious was controlling this human –trying to harm his mate on land to get to him.

“I’ll have to admit you’re smart”, the man laughed, “But too slow.”

Aileen hugged Havelock tighter, not knowing what was going on.

“Since when are the Sea Nymphs helping my uncle?”

“Since he became the new King of Atlantis”, Alastor smirked.

“That’s impossible”, the merman stated firmly, “The Nymphs have sworn their loyalty to the true King of Atlantis. We all know Sethelious is just a usurper –the throne does not belong to him.”

“He is the one wearing the crown”, Alastor shrugged his shoulders, “They don’t have much of a choice.”

Havelock’s breathing became labored as panic overwhelmed his being. No. This couldn’t be happening. It would mean that…

“Did you really believe Sethelious didn’t know where all the survivors of Atlantis are? Did you truly think they were safe in those caves?”, he let a humorless laugh, “The Nymphs informed him the minute the Atlanteans arrived.”

“Then, why did he let them be?”, Aileen yelled at him, “Judging from his actions, he is not a merciful one, is he?”

“Sethelious enjoys mind games”, Alastor’s eyes flashed, “He let them believe they were safe, just to crush their hopes when they least expect it.”

“I’ve got to go back”, Havelock muttered, “I have to find them before it is too late.”

“Of course, you should!”, Alastor smiled maliciously.

“But the lady is staying here.”

Aileen gasped at his words, burring herself further in her merman’s side. Havelock’s arms tightened around her as his eyes darkened in fury. He gazed at the human in front of him –at a man thinking he was above everyone and everything. He hated his arrogance and confidence. He had hurt his mate once. There wouldn’t be a second time.

“I’ve heard a lot about you”, the prince said through clenched teeth, “None of them good.”

“I don’t care about being good or bad”, Alastor smirked, “Just being on the winning side.”

“You tormented my mate her whole life”, Havelock stated firmly, “You insulted her, hit her, laughed at her.”

The man didn’t answer. Just put his hands in his pockets as he gazed at the couple standing in front of him.

“You threatened her”, the merman continued angrily, “You imprisoned her and tried to force her to marry you.”

“Aileen Steel”, the man sighed deeply, “Doesn’t it sound wonderful?”

Havelock tightened his hands into fists until his knuckles turned white. There was a fire running through his veins as he observed the man in front of him. He had an intense need to punch him in the face until it was the same color with the bright circle around his eyes.

“You’re a murderer”, Havelock’s form was shaking in wrath, “You threw her off the cliff!”

“Watch your tongue, prince”, his eyes darkened in anger –he didn’t like the accusation, “I only did what was necessary.”

“Necessary?”, the prince muttered in fury, “For what?”

“To protect myself, of course”, Alastor rolled his eyes, “Our honor is very important around here. If something bad is said about you once, they’ll point a finger at you for the rest of your life. In a small community, there is no place for such things.”

Havelock didn’t speak –he just gazed at his mate. He didn’t like how terrified she looked –how labored her breathing was because of the presence of this man. Before he knew it, he had already made his decision. He kissed her hair softly before placing her protectively behind him.

Alastor watched as the merman took two steps towards him. Havelock’s expression was emotionless, but his eyes hid the wrath of the oceans inside them. The prince was calm –his movements steady. When he spoke, his voice was strong and loud.

“You’ll have to forgive me”, he finally said.

“For what?”, Alastor raised a dark eyebrow.

A sudden pain began from his nose, before intensifying and making his whole face burn. A river of scarlet made its appearance as the fist of the merman made contact with his nose. Before Alastor could understand what had happened, Havelock had already started to drag him on the edge of the cliff.

“What are you doing?”, the man mumbled dizzily, “You can’t do this! You can’t!”

His weak attempts to escape from the hands holding him down were in vain. Havelock had taken hold of both his wrists, effectively keeping him immobile. No matter how much he was struggling, Alastor couldn’t escape the merman’s powerful hold.

He tried to bury his feet in the ground, but they weren’t in the meadows anymore. The ground was rocky like the cliffs stretching below them. His dark gaze fell on a figure observing them from the sidelines –her emerald eyes taking in everything that was happening in front of her.

“Aileen!”, the man screamed when he realized the merman wasn’t joking, “Aileen!”

The girl shook her head negatively –she would offer him no help. Seeing her man guiding her tormentor on the edge of the cliff brought a feeling of relief to her. She knew she had to feel something else –pity or horror at her merman’s actions, perhaps? But she couldn’t help her emotions. This man had forced her to look over her shoulder her whole life –his presence brought a constant fear to her soul.

Not anymore.

“Do you know who I fucking am?”, Alastor started to yell, “I am the mayor’s son! If you kill me, my father will look for me! You’ll be on a whole new level of trouble!”

Havelock just smirked at his threats, forcing him to look at the infinite blue that was stretching in front of them. Alastor’s eyes widened as he realized something important; he had no power –the situation was out of his hands. All his life he thrived in it; in the power to control people and have anything he ever wanted at his feet. And now, he lost it all.

“Aileen, please!”, his voice was loud and hoarse, “I’m sorry! So so sorry! Please forgive me!”

Aileen had never seen him like this before. His eyes were wide and filled with terror. His form was shaking in fear as he stood on the edge of the cliff. His voice was almost a wail as he begged for her forgiveness. He was apologizing for something he never felt sorry about until his life was threatened.

“I forgive you”, she said.

In the midst of the chaos, she realized that she would never go on without dealing with the ghosts of her past first. She wanted to forget all those who wronged and pained her and move on in a brighter future with the man she loved. She had to make peace with her nightmares, even if they let scars on her soul that would never faint. She would forgive, but she wouldn’t forget.

Alastor seemed to relax at her words –a sigh of relief escaping his lips. That was a close call, he thought. At least, he made it out just on time. He smirked inwardly.

“I don’t”, Havelock growled through clenched teeth.

“Do you know why?”, the merman asked the shaking man.

“Why?”, Alastor’s voice trembled.

“Because I have to do what is necessary.”

He leaned forward making the man gulp loudly. His lips brushed against his ear before he whispered to him.

“I have to protect my mate.”

He didn’t realize when he pushed him over the cliff. The wind surrounded his whole form, trapping the scream in his throat. His hands stretched before him as if he was trying to catch something that would prevent his fall. He could only watch in horror as the cliff stretched above him –the figure on top becoming smaller and smaller.

He didn’t realize how the roles had been reversed –how fate had turned the tables around. Oh, what an irony! The same cliff he was once standing on top and watching as Aileen was falling down, had become his very own tragedy. Because-unlike her, he didn’t fall in the freezing waters of the ocean.

His blood painted scarlet the rocks below.


End of chapter 42!!

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