The Call Of Thalassa

Chapter A Saving Grace

“One day I will leave

And never come back.”

Alexandra’s footsteps echoed around the empty corridor as she made her way outside where all the commotion was happening. Pushing through the group of people that had gathered around, she finally managed to stand in the front and take in the scene that was unfolding in front of her.

She gasped at the sight of the familiar black car of her granddaughter. Smoke was coming out of the engine and the bonnet had been folded in two as Aide’s car had crashed into a service vehicle. She watched as the door was opened slowly and a shaking Aide came out of it. Even though they had planned this, the elder couldn’t help but sigh in relief as she realized her granddaughter was fine.

“I’m so sorry”, the girl managed to say with a trembling voice, “I-I don’t know what happened! One minute I was driving and the next I just crashed!”

Nana snickered inwardly at her words, feeling proud of her acting skills. Damn, her granddaughter had taken all the good genes from her! Her chest was filled with pride before she realized that it was her turn to act.

“Aide Marina Clayton!“, nana’s voice turned stern, “What is the meaning of this?”

“Nana, I can explain”, the girl raised her hands in surrender.

“Oh! You better can, young lady!, the elder narrowed her eyes, “Look at this mess! You crushed into a police car, Aide! Who is going to pay for all this damage?”

As Alexandra and Aide were fighting in the courtyard, their fight had piqued the interest of the police officers. They didn’t have the chance to see something like this every day; a fiery grandmother scolding her poor granddaughter and not accepting any excuses from her. The sight was hilarious, to say the least -the elder wouldn’t back down and the girl was becoming angrier by the minute.

Many were those who were amused at the sight, snickering as their fight became louder and louder. Others could only feel pity as the poor girl tried to explain her misfortune only for it to fall on deaf ears. However, all of them had come out of the building and focused on the arguing women, unaware of the figure that had entered from the back door.

“Where was your freaking mind?“, Alexandra shouted angrily, ” Your focus must be solely on the road! I told you not to daydream while you’re driving!”

“I wasn’t daydre-”

“I bet you’ve been thinking about that boy! What was his name again?“, nana clicked her fingers in thought, “Oh yes! Lucas!”

“Nana!“, Aide yelled at her as her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed red.

“No! That wasn’t it...“, nana furrowed her eyebrows, “Liam?”

Aide let a heavy sigh escape her before hiding her blushing face in her hands.

“Is that really the time to discuss this?“, she pointed to the people watching them.

“Luke!“, Alexandra shouted in victory, “Ha! His name is Luke!”

Havelock ran through the corridor, following his mate’s familiar scent. Nana’s voice could be heard around the empty building, assuring him that everyone was still outside. He finally reached the cell he had been looking for.

“Aileen?“, he whispered at her.

Her head snapped up in surprise –a shocked gasp escaping her at the sight of him. She gazed at the blue eyes she loved so much, feeling her heart pounding against her chest. She took in his features, feeling a wave of relief when she realized that her merman was indeed in front of her. She didn’t even realize when she had stood up and run to the bars that separated them.

“Have?“, her voice was filled with hope, “You came for me?”

“I’ll always come for you, meum Arcanum”, he kissed her hand through the bars, “Even if we’re worlds apart, I’ll always find you.”

Much as he wished to admire his beloved who he had missed terribly these previous days, they had no time for delays. They had to act quickly before the spectacle of nana Alexandra scolding a red-faced Aide became a dull parody. Later, when they would be safe and away from all this, they would have time to admire each other and talk for as long as they wanted.

“We must hurry”, he said before taking hold of the lock and pulling it forcefully.

The metal could not withstand the pressure and soon enough, it broke into two pieces. The strength of a merman was too much for it to handle, especially when he was set on getting his beloved out of there as soon as possible. The door of the cell opened with a small creaking sound and Aileen found herself running through the corridors with her mate’s arm pushing her back slightly and urging her to speed up.

“You have legs!“, she whispered in astonishment, looking at the side of his face, “How?”

“It’s a long story, meum Arcanum”, he gave her a small smile, “I’ll explain everything later.”

Havelock guided Aileen to the back door of the building, just as Nana let a shocked gasp. The elder started to inspect the damage from a closer view, shaking her head in denial. Her eyes turned into two orbs of fury as she turned to her granddaughter. Her hands were placed on her hips as she was tapping her foot angrily on the floor.

“How did you even manage this?“, the elder yelled in annoyance.

“I just confused the pedals and pressed the throttle instead of the break!“, Aide explained for the millionth time, “And at the last minute, I turned the steering wheel to not fall on the wall!”

“And you fell on a police car instead!”

“Which is the reason why I don’t have a single scratch!“, Aide insisted, “Do you imagine what would have happened if I fell on the damn wall?”

“No, but I can imagine a kid driving far better than you!“, Alexandra answered her.

“It was an accident!”

“When they gave you your driving license!“, Nana nodded in agreement, “We are on the same side on this.”


“Do not “nana” me, young lady!“, Alexandra pointed a finger to her, “What would have happened if there was someone in the other car? We would grieve victims because of your incapacity!”

Her voice grew more and more distant as Havelock and Aileen run away from the police station. The building was standing a bit further from the rest of the village, but they forced their legs to speed up. Very soon, the familiar roads of Seaworth appeared before them, making their footsteps echo on the stone as they ran.

Aileen guided them through the familiar alleys, taking the correct turns whenever it was needed. She had spent her whole life in this village and had grown to know it better than the palm of her hand. She couldn’t get lost in these streets even if she tried.

As they moved fast and silently through the village’s stony paths, they could hear the melodious chants that filled this eventful morning. The beautiful hymns were carried by the wind as the graceful notes filled the church. The service had at least one more hour before it was finished –the villagers were gathered in the building like every other Sunday. Nobody saw the two figures running through the streets –no one noticed their escape.

Aileen couldn’t help but smile. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins, giving wings to her tired legs and urging her to continue. She felt as if she was a bird that had finally escaped its cage and was tasting freedom after a very long time. She couldn’t be happier –her merman was there, by her side. He had freed her from her prison and was guiding her to safety.

As the buildings around them became scarce and the flowered meadows appeared in front of them, she was encouraged to run faster. They were almost there –the cliffs were only a few minutes away. She felt a wave of relief washing over her –a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Alastor’s threats had kept her awake the previous nights –creating various scenarios in her mind. She did not want to give in –she did not want to call “husband” the person who had made her life hell. But she didn’t have much choice –she would either agree to marry him or he would reveal the photo to everyone. And fear makes people do stupid things to protect their own.

Now that she had run away, she wouldn’t be forced into this dilemma –she wouldn’t be forced to choose. Although, this didn’t mean that Alastor couldn’t reveal the photograph out of revenge, causing terror in the hearts of the villagers and turning them against her.

Aileen wasn’t safe in Seaworth anymore.

She would never be again.

If she stayed in the village, she would live under constant fear –worrying about when Alastor would threaten her again. He would use the photograph to continually manipulate her, knowing that she could not refuse. And if she did find the strength to refuse him he would just reveal the photo to the world –people would rise up and hunt her down. She had no choice anymore –she had to leave. And it was uncertain whether she could ever be able to return back home.

She gazed at the man beside her –her very own knight in shining armor. Well, more like her scaly prince –but still her savior nonetheless. He had gone as far as to walk on land in order to save her, even if this was going against his own nature. He had a kingdom on his shoulders –thousands of souls to take care of. And yet, her merman was holding her hand, guiding her to her own freedom.

Wherever he went, she would follow.

Her place was beside her merman.

Beside the man she had fallen in love with.

She wouldn’t miss Seaworth, she decided. She would miss certain people that had made it feel like home. She would miss Nana Alexandra –her sassy personality and her kind heart. She would miss her friends –both of them. Even though the officers had told her that Petra had left the island and started a new life in a big city. They didn’t have a happy ending but it didn’t mean she only had bad memories of her –they had heartwarming and joyful moments together and she would remember her by reminiscing them. And Aide -how could she ever forget Aide? She stood by her side like a rock through thick and thin.

They were not sisters by blood.

They were sisters by choice.

And perhaps, in another world, they would find each other again.

She wiped away a tear that had escaped her without her permission. They slowed down as they finally reached their destination –the magnificent cliffs. She turned around, giving a last glance at the village behind her. The stone buildings seeming small and too far away from them, making a sad smile to appear on her face. This was the last image she would have from her home.

She sighed deeply before gazing the infinity blue stretching in front of her.

Havelock offered his hand to her, looking at her with sparkling eyes.

She placed her palm into his and followed him to the unknown.

For the ones who dream of stranger worlds,

In the end, are the ones who find them.


End of chapter 41!!

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