The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Seven | When The Fox Meets The Moon

Warning: Failed attempt at porn ahead

The heat of the sun caused her to take in a deep breath with her eyes closed while she smiled to herself. The sunset was her favourite as the warmth always felt different, peaceful almost, while she waited for Harvey to come out and join her.

They had been at the cabin for a little over an hour, and she already did not want to leave. It was so small but also so comfortable and warm, the place was laid out so that it would feel more like a home than a house, and she loved it. The swinging chair that she sat on looked out towards the river and mountains in the distance. She wondered what it was like to be out there. There were many packs, and some were up in those mountains, but to actually go there and look down at the world would be amazing.

The swing dipped and swung a little as she turned her head to find a cup of hot chocolate being handed to her. Taking it, she felt the steam rise towards her face as she took a deep sniff of the chocolate drink before taking a sip. Harvey sat down next to her, and they both sat in silence. Neither needed to talk as the sounds of nature filled in the peacefulness.

The pack was always so loud and active, and as much as she had gotten accustomed to that form of environment, she did miss living alone in her silence. Being in her own mind all the time was not the greatest part about living in silence but being able to hear the bugs and the birds, being able to listen to the wind blowing the trees and the ruffle of the leaves was the best part about it all, and she missed it.

“What game did you want to try and play first?” Harvey questioned with a smile. “I saw you eyeing the game room when I showed you around.”

Bella pretended to take a moment to think about it while she tucked her legs up towards her chest as comfort. “I liked the idea of the dartboard. Reminds me of archery.”

“We can do that.” He agreed, looking out towards the water with a slight sigh and a weird grin. “Do you want to run away with me and live wild!”

The way he spoke caused her to laugh as she felt her face hurt from her giant grin. “Harvey, we cannot do that! Kyra will track us down.”

“That is true.” He sighed in defeat. “A man has got to try, though.”

She rolled her eyes and stood. “I want to play now.”

His eyebrows rose, but he still stood anyway, mugs in hand, as they both walked inside and made their way into the game room. It was a decent size as it held a pool table and a few couches. A TV set up with gaming systems and controllers as well as the dartboard that she was eyeing up. There was a mini fridge with drinks with an attached mini snack bar for when you feel hungry. The whole room was one giant man cave, but she felt like she liked it more than Harvey did.

“Okay, I will not tell you how to play yet. I just want you to get a feel of throwing the darts.” He spoke as he stood behind her after placing their mugs down. Gently holding her throwing arm while she held a dart. “Just aim and throw.”

Bella nodded, slightly feeling get distracted by his touch as she threw the dart and had it land on the board. “Again!”

Harvey chuckled, handing her another one as she felt him stand behind her again. His closeness was clogging her mind while she could feel the heat of his body on her back, but yet, she still looked forward, too scared to tilt her face to look at him while he stared down at her.

Biting her lip, she threw the second one, hitting the board again just as she felt her hair being tucked behind her ear to show off her mark.

For a few seconds, she felt his fingers trace it. The sparks that had ignited were ten times stronger than skin-to-skin contact as she felt her breath hitch. “Harvey?”

“Mhm.” He responded, her eyes finally looking into his as she noticed his brown was also a mix of black.

She felt herself gulp, not being able to look away as she saw his wolf fighting for control. She knew it was time. Her body burned for it more than anything else as she turned her body around to face him, cupping his cheeks with her hands so that he would listen to her. “Show me.”

Those words were all it took before his eyes fully turned black, his lips aggressively connecting with hers as she gasped. A loud moan followed while she felt his hands grip her thighs and pick her up.

Her arms wrapped around his neck for support before she felt herself get placed on the pool table, her legs wrapped around his waist while he explored her mouth. By instinct, she followed his every lead, allowing his hands to wander up from her thighs to her stomach where her shirt had risen, the contact making her shiver, causing him to growl lowly before his lips finally left hers.

Gasping for air, she did not get time to catch her breath before she felt her eyes roll and another loud moan passing her lips. His tongue played with her mark as a burning fire of pleasure struck her core. She was almost afraid that she was being too loud while he tortured her with his mouth, trailing kisses down from her mark to her chest before he growled again and pulled her shirt off, her chest heaving as she felt a bubble of nerves hitting her stomach.

But that soon went away as well as he kept trailing wet kisses along her breasts, her bra in his way, but that did not seem to bother him as he ran his tongue down and then back up her stomach again, a hard shiver shaking her whole body before he kissed her again.

Feeling her hands tug at his shirt before he pulled away and threw it off, his muscles on full display for her fingers to touch as she felt his wolf purring at her soft fingers against his skin. She did not know what game he was playing, why he seemed to want to torture her so much while she tugged at his hair, feeling his hands finally leave her body and undo her shorts before those were soon pulled off as well.

Bella did not realise that her underwear was taken off as well until she felt his fingers start to rub her, her eyes rolling back yet again as a different moan left her lips, his trailed kisses teasing her neck as she pulled his hair even tighter.

His fingers had hit the right place while she felt her hips jerk up for more, his motions getting faster as her moaning had gotten louder, her body shaking for release, but he did not give her that. Pulling his fingers away, she felt herself whine in protest.

His face hovered over hers before she saw him place his fingers in his mouth, her body reacting yet again to his actions before he unhooked her bra and attacked one of her nipples, a small smile forming on her face as she felt his hands cup her ass, his lips trailing down her stomach again before he did the unexpected.

His tongue rotated on her core as a shocked gasp-like moan shook out of her. Her eyes closed while her body began to move to his motions. His hands never left her hips and ass, and she had to use one hand to keep herself upright as the other dug deeper and deeper into his hair.

The harder he sucked, the stronger she felt a sudden build-up inside of her as she felt her moaning holt, her breath hitching, and her body jolting yet again as a strong surge of pleasure washed over her. Her breath was now ragged as she lazily opened her eyes to find that he had already stripped completely and was putting on a condom before he attacked her lips again.

Feeling his shaft rubbing up against her already over-sensitive core before she felt him enter, a gasp of shock and groan of pain made him pause, but she soon encouraged him to go further as the pain slowly washed away.

His nose against hers as she tried to hold back her moaning to no use, every inch of him making her go crazy as she had been craving him for weeks. Every wet dream, every wet thought, had finally washed away while he thrust into her, his own moaning being music to her ears as he pulled her closer to him.

She leaned further back on the table before she was completely lying down. Her feet were up around his neck as his pace had gotten faster, her hips still keeping up with him as she felt another wave hit her.

Her eyes rolled back as she felt herself cover him with her own juices, his own groan of satisfaction finally hitting before he pulled her back up and started to kiss her again.

His hands lifted her yet again before she felt him carry her somewhere else. He was not finished with her, and she did not want him to stop, either.

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