The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Eight | A Bad Fox

The warm touch of the morning sun woke her up the next morning as she felt Harvey trailing kisses up her back and to her exposed neck. A small groan made itself known as she felt her core pulsate again for him.

She was exhausted, only feeling like she had slept an hour as they had fucked themselves to sleep. It was a long time coming, but she did not realise how much energy it took to do the things they continued to do last night.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He hummed in her ear, feeling his smile as he kissed down towards her mark. “How did you sleep?”

“I only just got to sleep.” She laughed, rolling over so that she could look up at him. His hair was all over the place, and his face was flushed, but he still looked so handsome that she wondered how horrible she looked at this moment. “I am hungry, though.”

He raised an eyebrow, kissing down from her chest to her stomach and travelling further down as he spoke. “So am I.”


She jumped, Harvey lifting his head while his eyes went blank. “Bels, get dressed, there are only thirty rogues, but we can never be sure.”

She nodded, getting out of bed and putting on some clothes that she had packed while Harvey did the same. Looking out the window, she saw wolves and humans everywhere, her heart picking up speed from her panic as she wanted to run out there and help.

She had trained hard for this moment, but at the same time, terror had set into her system, and she wanted to crawl back into bed and pretend this was not happening at all.

“What can I do?” She questioned, taking her eyes from the window and following him into the living room. “They need help.”

“I need you to stay here until I get back.” He responded, kissing her forehead as she went to protest, but he spoke again. “Jesse picked up Neil’s scent amongst the rogues. He did this on purpose.”

She opened her mouth to speak but could not find any words, so she slowly nodded. Harvey kissed her one last time with a long look before he left. She wanted to follow, she wanted to go out there and fight, but she also wanted to please Harvey and not worry him. If he were worried, he could make a mistake and possibly get himself killed and thinking about that made her tear up.

Leaning against the door, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Bella was talked through the drill of a lockdown if she was ever left alone and needed to keep hidden. Opening her eyes, she locked the door and went to each window to make sure that they were also locked.

There were five bedrooms in total and two bathrooms. The main open living area and a back door. Her eyes shot open in realisation as her heart dropped. Running to the back door, she locked it and made sure it was locked as she sighed and placed her head on it. She had to keep her mind clear and steady. Bella knew that at any given time, anything could happen.

And then it did.

A door being slammed closed made her jump with fright as she turned and tried to pick up a scent to find it, but she could only pick up all the scents around her. There were so many mixes that finding a defined scent was hard, especially when the scent she is trying to find is hidden under her own and Harvey’s.

Her eyes tossed around the area before she slowly moved from the door and made her way into the living area, where she knew that knives were kept in the small kitchen. The cabin did not feel safe anymore, and the longer she waited to hear something again, the more she wondered if the sound of the slamming door was all in her head.

Sitting down on the floor, she peeked around the corner to find nobody. ′Harvey.′

There was no response for a while, her heart feeling like it was in her throat before he finally responded. ′Are you hurt? What happened!? Are you okay?!′

‘I am fine!’ She softly laughed with a shaky breath. ′I think somebody is in the cabin with me. I heard a door slam.′

She heard him growl, not knowing if it was towards a rogue or to what she had said. ‘The girls are on their way, Bels. I am too far away to get to you in time.’

‘Thank you.’

‘Please be careful.’ He whimpered to her before their link was cut off.

She knew he was busy; she knew that she should not have contacted him, but she could not help it. The fear was taking over her rationality before she realised something else.

She never actually went to see where the sound came from.

Sighing and mentally cursing to herself, she stood and slowly made her way down the hall. Every door she checked was wide open until she came to the last one, the room she had been in all night with Harvey; a disgusted shiver ran down her spine.

Then fear came back in full force again as she knew she had to check. She knew that opening that door could either be the end of her life or prove that she was more paranoid than she originally thought as she took a deep breath and held the knife harder than needed.

Her hand reached out for the handle just as a burning pain struck the back of her head. Her vision went blurry in seconds before everything went black.

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