The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Four | Breakfast With Mother Nature

Intense pain woke her up the next morning as she gasped and sat up. Her abdomen was burning, and cold sweat was starting to form around her body. She knew what she had to do.

Bathroom visits at this time of the month were not her favourite back when she was still living in the woods. She had to wear old shirts and would have to wash them in the river. Sometimes the smell of her blood would attract predators, but they were never anything that she could not handle. Her period was a pain in the ass, all periods were, but this one was different. This meant that in the end, she is going to deal with worse pain than a few cramps and back pain.

Exiting the bathroom, she threw on one of Harvey’s shirts and kept her pyjama shorts on before going downstairs. She wanted to throw up, she wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep it all away as she rubbed her tired eyes, but she could not do that. If she did anything that she wanted, she would feel a million times worse.

The girls were talking as she walked in. Christy gushed over the idea of being a werewolf if she had the choice while the boys had already left to do their jobs. Only Harvey stayed in the kitchen to clean up like he always does after meals.

The cold surface of the table made her silently sign while she rested her arms and head on the table and held her eyes closed. The coolness of the timber soothed her a little, but she knew that her actions would cause the girls to pause from their conversation and stare at her.

“Did you get any sleep?” Grace questioned; Bella could feel her eyebrow raise as she asked. “You look like you got run over by a truck!”

“She does not!” Sherry defended. “She just looks tired.”

Bella opened her eyes, another sigh leaving her lips as she lazily stared at the three girls. She was already sick of them; she was already sick of people, and it was only half seven in the morning. “I have my period.”

Their eyes widened, mouths dropping as Christy had dropped her fort full of scrambled eggs. It was not that big of a deal; it was just a period but then the thought of heat also crossed her mind a million times, and she preferred just to ignore it altogether.

Too bad that she can never get her own way with these three.





“What are you three screaming about?!” Harvey questioned, coming into the dining room with a dishtowel in his hands. “Bels, are you good?”

Her tired eyes moved to stare into his own. The three of them were still freaking out while she shrugged and yawned. “They are just freaking out because I have my-”

“Girl! You cannot be casual about this!” Sherry interrupted. “In a good seven to nine days’ time, you are going to be in heat!”

Bella bit her lip, slightly shrugging as she opened her mouth and shocked them again. “I actually have three-day periods.”




She closed her eyes, her ears ringing from their loud voices while Harvey conveniently had fallen quiet. “It is not that big of a deal, so if I go into heat in three days, I will be fine.”

“B... Bels?” Harvey’s concerned voice cracked. “Are you sure you are ready for this?”

“I have to be.” She replied while pulling her lips into a thin line. “We have no other choice.”

He stared for a few minutes; the girls were finally quiet as they watched the two figure out something that was enviable. “We could mark each other. Marking is part of the mating process and helps lessen the pain.”

“Finally!” Grace sighed, throwing her hands up in the air. “It is about time you two do that!”

“I think we should talk privately,” Bella mumbled, standing up as Harvey nodded and followed behind after throwing the cloth back into the kitchen.

The loud groans and complaints slowly drifted away as she grinned in satisfaction. They were annoying altogether. Individually, they were perfect, calm and individually themselves, but together they were loud and obnoxious and everything Bella has learnt to hate.

Stepping back into their room, she threw herself back onto the bed and curled a pillow around her body for comfort. Harvey crouched down beside her as he removed some strands of hair away from her face and drew soft patterns on her cheek. “Do you need anything?”

“For this pain to go away.” She groaned. “I know that it will be worse after, but it has to be better than this.”

He shook his head. “It is not. My mother told me all about it, how she tried so hard to stay away from my father just for him to beg her to let him into the room. Once our heat starts, I am going to stay with them for twenty-four hours while we go through it. Hopefully, I can stay away for that time frame.”

“What if I can’t?” She questioned, sitting up so that her thighs were around his waist. “What if I leave this room and find you myself?”

His hands cupped her face, their noses touching while a slight growl rumbled from his throat. “Do not think about it.”

She went to answer but was cut off by his lips meeting hers. A slight moan escaped her chest as her hands landed on his chest. No matter how many times she kissed him, her body still reacted the same way. The burning desire to get closer, the burning sensation of feeling every inch of him, kept increasing the longer they made out.

She felt his lips leave hers and travel down her neck as the burning increased, her lower half pulsating with desire as he found her sweet spot. He had to mark her, they both needed to, and from her silent submission, he knew he had permission to do so as his k-9s sunk into her skin.

A silent cry broke the silence of the room as she felt her skin tear apart. A sudden jolt of electricity shot through her body as she felt herself change in seconds. The Beta title is now placed upon her as well as officially being Harvey’s mate and life partner.

It felt like forever before he pulled his teeth out so that she could do the same to him. His hold on her tightened before she pulled away and placed her forehead onto his with a ragged breath.

“Promise me that you will stay away, Bels.”

She stared into his eyes for a long time, her lips still slightly apart from cleaning his wound. “I cannot promise you, but I will try.”

“That is good enough for me.”

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