The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Three | Angry Beaver

The boiling hot water soothed her muscles as she stood under the liquid and allowed it to rain down on her like a waterfall. Her heart was still aching, but her relief in knowing the truth overtook her hurt.

She knew she had overreacted; she knew that his explanation had made sense, but at that moment, she did not care, and now she regrets her decision. She had just met her own mother, he had kept that from her for her own safety and would tell her once he knew the full story, which was his job, but it still stung.

After everything, after all of this time convincing him that she was ready for it all, he was still hesitant. It took her far too long to get him to kiss her on his own or even hold her hand, and now she had to wrap her head around the fact that there was a possibility that he did not think that she was ready enough for her own truth. Bella knew that she was far from being over-ready. She was ready for it all.

She was ready to become the female Beta, she was ready for him to mark her, and she was ready for them to mate, but convincing Harvey has been more of a struggle than anything else she has had to deal with.

And it was not like he had no feelings for her. She knew he did. He had whispered that he loves her many times when he thought that she had been asleep, but she did wonder why he could not just tell her to her face while she was awake.

Love was a strange topic to her, but she did understand it. After all of this time, all the moments that they have shared, it was impossible for either of them to have no feelings at all. She knew her own. She knew him, so why was he so hesitant? Why was he so scared of intimacy when she would allow him to teach her everything?

Sighing, she hung the towel back up on the towel rack after getting dressed and ran her fingers through her tangled, wet hair. She found it fascinating that her white locks could turn black just from getting wet. It was as if she borrowed one of Christy’s hair dyes and played with the colour.

Brushing her hair before tying it up, she made her way out of the bathroom. Her eyes instantly landed on the white piece of paper that sat on her bed as she frowned and walked towards it. The note only told her to go to her tree with nothing else on it.

With a deep frown of confusion, she placed it down and made her way out of her room and down the stairs. The Packhouse was empty as everyone was visiting their parents to give them the ‘talk’. Bella felt a little guilty that they were kept away from her for so long, and she broke that by approaching them herself, but she did not understand why they were getting told off for her own actions. She likes them more than their own children, no offence to them.

Even Christy was out with Liam to meet Xenia and Vincent for the first time. Christy has gotten so comfortable with the idea of the supernatural world that she has now been marked and mated. Bella envied her just a little for that, but she also understood Harvey’s reasons. He was just as scared as she was.

People were everywhere as she had become used to having so many strangers around her now. The fear of the unknown does not scare her anymore, and she has even become acquainted with a few of the pack members.

The small gravel path that leads out of the Packhouse connected with where she was going as she came closer to her tree, her eyes squinting in disbelief as Harvey was waiting for her. He had a weird instrument in his hands, and he looked nervous.

His hands shook as he began to play it, the loud noise making her flinch back and block her ears as she felt herself laugh in amusement. As much as it was loud, stretchy, and badly played, she still found it highly amusing.

“What are you doing!?” She cried out over the noise. “You do not have to play that! What is that?”

Harvey paused; his breathing had become ragged as he had been blowing into it to the point where his face had turned red. “Bagpipes!” He breathed out with a sheepish grin. “One of the most romantic instruments created.”

Her eyebrows raised. “Sounds like it.”

The sarcasm in her voice caused him to pout. Placing it down, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I fucked up bad-”

“-I overreacted.” She cut in. “I know why you kept my mother from me, and as much as I hate it, I get it.”

His face fell in relief before he ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her body. “I am so sorry, Bels. I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out, but the deeper we dug, the more we found that could have potentially hurt you. That man could come back and hurt you.”

“But he has come back.” She muttered as she stared up into his eyes. “Neil is out there and planning something.”

He tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear before kissing her forehead. “Whatever his plans are, he will never win. I love you way too much to allow him to do anything to you.”

She felt her heart skip, her breath stalling while her lips pulled into a wide grin. Harvey’s cheeks turned red from his words. “You finally admit it!”

Harvey pouted. “That is not the normal answer to someone accidentally confessing their love for another person.”

Her smile turned into a giggle as she leaned up from her tiptoes and grabbed his face. “I love you, my Harvey.”

His eyes darkened, their lips hovering over each other as she teased him. “Just kiss me already!”

“As you wish.”

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