The Beta and His Runaway Werefox / ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Five | The Pain Of Being A Fox

Harvey jolted, burning heat causing through his body as a loud cry left his lips. If it were not for his door being bolted shut, he would have already said fuck it! And broke his promises to Bella.

The thought of her going through this same pain angered him while he stood over the sink full of ice-cold water. His face was dripping with the mix of sweat and the very said water he kept dunking his head in.

The pain was unbearable, a burn like no other, as he could feel every organ in his body pumping away and working as it should. At this point, he wanted to open his stomach and pull out everything that caused him pain as he growled and dunked his head again. The bath did not work, and the water in the sink is not working, but this pain was better than being with Bella and having her do things for which she is not ready.

Stop convincing yourself that she is not ready, you fucking half-brained twit!′

Harvey groaned. ′I do not have time for this, Fernis!′

‘You have all the time in the world fuckhole!’ Fernis fought back. ‘That girl is far from ready! That girl had to force our first kiss to tell you that she is ready, so stop being a fucking pussy!’

The lowest of warning growls came out of him as he hated how right his own wolf was. He was a pussy; he was so terrified of disappointing her that he was too scared to be intimate. Even kissing her, he was fearful just in case he did it wrong, although Bella had never complained.

She loved him, he knew that, and so did everyone else, but his fear took over, and now they are both in this mess that could have been prevented if he had grown some balls and talked to her about it.

He could not blame his behaviour on having Vincent’s genes either. Xenia was hard, she was blunt, and she was fair, so his hesitation and embarrassment about the idea of sex should be non-existent.

“Honey, I am going to go check on Bels,” Xenia called through the door. “Just twenty more hours.”

“Great.” He mumbled, running his fingers through his wet hair as he slowly stood and left the bathroom.

Laying down on the cool floor with another wave of pain, he wondered how much more he could take before this kills him. It was impossible, but he still wanted to die at this moment.

Curled up in a sweaty ball as a few tears streamed down his face. “Oh, Bels, you better be doing better than me.”

Her screams echoed through the packhouse as she begged and cried for relief. The pain was too much as she had taken all of her clothes off and clung to the bath as if her life depended on it.

She wanted someone to knock her out so she would not have to go through this. She wanted someone to bash her over the head so that the pain would go away, and she wanted Harvey to come in here and take the pain away for her.

Stripping down to nothing has not worked, almost drowning herself in cold water has not helped either, as she cried freely. She just wanted it all to go away. She just wanted to be held and told that everything will be okay as she slowly stood and stepped out of the bath.

Her mark caught her eye as she leaned against the counter, the mirror almost mocking her as she stared at her tired self. The dark circles around her eyes indicated how exhausted she really was before she paid attention to her mark. She loved it. She loved every single curve and inch of it as she found herself smiling through her tear-filled pain.

She wondered how he was doing. She wondered if he was in just as much pain as she was as she pushed herself off of the counter and decided to lie down on the tiled floor.

The cold helped a little as she closed her eyes, the waves of heat hitting her none stop as her breathing became ragged, dizziness setting in before darkness too over her subconscious.

However, it did not take long as she felt something being wrapped around her. Her eyes slowly opened to find Xenia crouched over her with a sad expression on her face.

Groaning, she sat up, the pain was not as bad as before, but she still felt every muscle in her body nagging at her. “How long was I out?” She questioned with a groggy throat.

“Twenty hours,” Xenia replied. “I had to leave you alone until the time had passed before covering you up.”

Bella blinked, hugging the blanket closer to her body in disbelief. “I passed out for twenty hours!?”

Xenia nodded. “Congratulations, you made it through your first heat.”

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