The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 22

Xavier’s PoV

It was nice to see Blaine taking an interest in our pack life, I had been slightly worried that she wouldn’t want to be involved with anything to do with the pack after being a rogue all her life. As a Beta I had responsibilities and when Blaine eventually became Beta female it would be no different for her. I honestly wouldn’t know what to do if Blaine didn’t want to be Beta female, by pack law there had to be one, that would mean that I had to either hand in my title to someone else to be able to be with Blaine or reject Blaine to keep my title. It would have been an impossible situation and a decision I know I couldn’t make.

The reason I was being so reluctant about giving up the information to her wasn’t because I didn’t trust her, which I knew that’s what she was thinking, but it was more about what the meeting was about.

Rogues and Anna.

I knew Blaine wasn’t to fussed about us needing to kill rogues if we needed to, heck I even know she kill one herself on the first day we met, but what if part of the rogue pack was her family? I know she would hesitate, anyone sane person would, but I couldn’t have her hesitate with my packs lives on the line.

Then there was Anna, I definitely couldn’t just tell Blaine about her, not without Anna’s permission anyway. Yes there were a few people, rogues and pack wolves alike, that know about Anna but the whereabouts of her were virtually unknown.

It got out that there was a messenger walking among us when the pack that kidnapped Anna came out of the spell they had been put under, we thought we were safe from them but little did we know they could remember everything. Thankfully they had no idea what pack Anna had come from as Matthew and all of his followers had all vanished with the witch. It was our little silver lining and we only had to worry about her once or twice a year when a wandering rogue bumped into our pack and recognised her wolf. She was pretty hard not to recognise with her moonstone eyes and golden coat.

“So?” Blaine pressed, her food forgotten about as she folded her hands in front of her on the table.

I sighed as I looked down at my food, I had promised to be more open with her. “Jax said he’d heard rumours about a rogue attack on our pack, we aren’t quite sure on the timing of it but he wanted to inform me so that we can get prepared. I didn’t tell you because-”

“You were worried about how I would take it” Blaine suddenly jumped in and I looked up at her. She hadn’t said it as a question, more like a statement.

I nodded and I played with the leftover food on my plate, “yeah”.

I looked back up at her to see her shrugging her shoulders, “I honestly don’t care what you do to them, they aren’t my people. They shouldn’t have been stupid enough to come onto your land” she said with finality as she took another bite of food.

I sighed, I know why I was so reluctant about telling her, and I am still worried about the possibility of her family being involved, but now that I had told her and she knew what was going on, well partially anyway, I felt so much better.

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help” she smiled at me after she had finished a mouthful of cheese and chorizo omelette with spring onion. Thank god Anna had taught me how to do basic cooking.

I nodded “thanks, we’re actually pretty set for things like this but if you wanted to come along and see our training fields with me tomorrow you’re more than welcome to” I smiled. Even if she didn’t understand the gesture I had just offered I knew the pack would. It was almost unheard of for outsiders to be invited into the packs training fields and even more uncommon for that outsider to watch whilst training was in progress. Us packs are private and how we defend our pack was no different, if someone knew all of our moves and defence strategies we were basically sunk, an easy target for someone to come in and take our land.

Me bringing Blaine to the defence training would show the pack who she is to me and what she is, or will become, to the pack. The Beta.

She smiled up at me from across the table as she put her knife and fork together, finished with her food. “I’d really like that thanks” she nodded as she got up to put her plate in the dishwasher.

I jumped up after her and quickly took the plate from her, the last thing I need is her stumbling and falling into a broken plate. A bit excessive no know but still. “Why don’t I do that and you go and get ready for bed, you know where the downstairs bathroom is. Once I’ve put this all away I’ll pull out the sofa bed for you so you don’t have to do the stairs.”

She smiled and muttered a quick “thanks” before turning around and exiting the kitchen. Her leg seemed so much better now, she was walking better than I had ever seen, but I didn’t want to risk her walking up the stair and making it worse again.

As I put our plates and the frying pan into the dishwasher I thought about everything we had been through these past two weeks. We had gone through so much, from both of us hating each other to nearly kissing twice in the span of one night, but there was so much more to come and I don’t know how she was going to take it all.

She had been alone with her family for most of her life and I knew that living with a pack would be an adjustment for her, I just hoped it was something she could deal with. Being a Beta came with responsibilities, and a lot of them would be doing things the Alphas wouldn’t have time to do, I just hope she can keep up.

As promised another chapter! I hope you like 😘

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