The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 23

Xaviers POV

And keep up she did. It had been two weeks since Blaine had moved in with me and since then she has shown both myself and the pack that she was a fine Beta. It was only a few days after she had moved in with me that her leg had completely healed and since then she has done everything she could to help both me and the Alpha out. It mainly consisted of taking training lessons to free us up to plan our defence for the oncoming attack but she would also take a few voluntary shifts at the hospital, answering phones and filing paperwork, and also helping Anna with the day to day runnings of the pack.

I was amazed by her and the fact that she had settled into both the pack life and the position of power so easily. Not everyone is able to do it, but she acted as if she was born for the role, which I guess she kind of was.

“So what’s on the agenda for you today then?” I asked as I handed her a fried egg sandwich. After Blaine’s first encounter with my kitchen we both had decided early on that I would be the one to cook our food. She had tried her hardest but after she had destroyed several of my pans with burnt on food she was banned from cooking anything in our kitchen. Not that I minded, I enjoyed cooking and it also meant I could look after my mate, she was so independent that I often felt useless around her and that I couldn’t take care of her, but knowing that I was feeding her was enough for me.

“Jax has asked me to head down to the training grounds again, he wants to make sure that the warriors are fully trained before the invasion. He says that because I was a rogue I had an insight into the attackers mindset meaning I can guess their favoured moves or something like that” she shrugged as she tucked into her food.

I nodded as I sat across from her, digging into my own fried egg sandwich “he’s not wrong you know, a pack wolfs mindset is completely different to a rogues. With us it’s all about the others around us and making sure that we have each others backs, with rogues it’s nearly always about themselves and if they have to throw someone under the bus to protect themselves they will” I explained. We were lucky to now have Blaine on our side and giving us insight as to how the rouges fought out of a wolf’s territory. It has given us a definite tactical advantage and we had learnt stuff from her that we had never even thought of.

“Yeah I guess” she nodded with a shrug before taking a sip of her coffee, having finished with her breakfast. “I’ve got to get going anyway, I’m running late and the last thing I need is Jax breathing down my neck for not taking it seriously” she chuckled. It was true that Jax had been a bit on edge the last two weeks with everyone but I guess it was understandable with the threat that loomed over his mate and family.

“If you can wait two seconds I’ll come with you” I said as I too got up and put my dirty plate in the dishwasher. “I don’t have that much going on today so it’ll be good for me to actually get some training in” I explained. I quickly ran up the stairs to change into my workout gear, not waiting to hear a response from her as I knew she would wait for me.

After lacing up my trainers I ran back down the stairs where I found Blaine by the front door tying up her hair into a high ponytail, making sure it was nice and out of the way for today’s activities. I would never admit it but I secretly loved my mates hair, it perfectly represented her. It looked fiery and out of control from a distance but when you got closer you can feel how soft it was and see the uniformed ringlets that it held, it was just perfect.

“You ready to go?” She asked as she caught my eye in the mirror.

“You know it” I nodded before I grabbed my front door keys and opened the front door, ushering Blaine out in front of me. “So what have you got planned for us today then teacher?” I teased as we walked side by side towards the training ground.

Blaine laughed as she shook her head, before she fiddled with the ends of her ponytail “I honestly have no idea, I mean Jax could have given me a little more warning, now I have to stand in front of a pack of warriors all staring at me expectantly whilst I just stand there like a stuttering idiot” she muttered, rolling her eyes.

I smirked at her nervousness before taking her hand in mine and pulled her to a stop. “There is no need to be nervous about today alright? You know these guys, you’ve trained these guys and I know that you are going to smash today. Don’t let the fear of who’s in the audience stop you from giving an amazing kickass lesson”. My hand was still holding onto hers tightly and I stared down at her with a soft smile on my face, hoping the mate bond would calm her nerves down in some way.

I was standing so close to her, her scent was the only thing I could smell. I loved the fact that she didn’t smell all fruity like most shewolfs did, it gave her more personality and told everyone around her that she was not someone that should be messed with. I was standing so close to her that I could see the slight spatter of freckles that dotted across her face, I could see the different colours of red and blond streaking through her hair and I could see the gold swirl in her eyes as her wolf started to make itself know.

This time we had no JJ and no injuries to distract us, we had nothing to stop us as we slowly leant in towards each other. With my one hand still grasping Blaines my other made its way towards her cheek, where it rested as I took in her features. She was the most gorgeous creature to grace this planet and I could not believe that she was all mine.

Her breath hitched as I took a small step forward, closing what little distance we had between each other and I growled as I felt her body become flush with mine. This girl was driving me crazy and we hadn’t even done anything yet.

I looked into her eyes one last time, looking for any sign that she wanted me to stop, but when I found nothing but want swirling in her eyes I closed what little distance we had between us and pressed my lips firmly against hers.

They kissed! Finally right?

Hey everyone, thank you for being so patient with me whilst I was on holiday, I had the most amazing time and experienced the most incredible sights. I’m back now though and I’ll be updating as frequently as I possibly can :)

I actually currently have a poll on the go regarding updates on my instagram, about whether you lot would prefer updates to be little and often or less frequent and longer. It’s exactly 50/50 at the moment so if you could all go and give me your opinion it would be greatly appreciated.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the update and I look forward to hearing from you all.

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