The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 21

Blaine’s PoV

We sat in a semi awkward silence for a while after that, just watching a now happy JJ playing with his toys as he continued to munch down on his teething ring, that thing really was a gods send... or goddess send I should say. I hated the fact that we were feeling slightly awkward around each other now, like neither of us know what to say, after we had been doing so well with communication lately, but I kind of understood it. We would now be living together, after only a few short days of tolerating each other, and we both didn’t really know where to go from here. This was completely new territory for me, I can only hope that we can make this work.

“Are you hungry?” Xavier suddenly asked me, breaking the silence as he looked over at me expectantly, obviously hoping for something to do.

If I was honest I wasn’t overly hungry, I was more tired than anything as it was nearly ten thirty at night. I didn’t want to upset him though so I just nodded as I stood up “sure I could eat, maybe a sandwich? Just something light and easy works for me” I smiled as I limped over and picked up JJ.

“You start on the food and I’ll start on getting this little one to bed, it is definitely way past his bedtime” I said as I smiled down at the sleepy baby in my arms.

“Okay cool, I still have to get the cot out of the attic though so just get him ready and when I’ve finished up in the kitchen I’ll go and get it down for you”.

He and I both knew that we were being overly polite to each other, but neither of us acknowledged it and just went about doing our respective jobs. Hopefully, with time, we can act more ourselves around each other.

I quickly went about getting JJ ready for bed, including changing his nappy which was not a fun experience I have to say, and before long he was all dressed in his pyjamas and ready for bed.

When I brought him back into the kitchen Xavier was putting the finishing touches to some omelettes he had made for us, sprinkling something green on top before he plated them up and placed them on the already made up table. It looked like he had really made an effort with the place settings, using mats and napkins as well as the usual cutlery and drinks. I did like this new side to him, the one that cared for me and wanted to impresses me with simple things like an omelette, but on the other hand I missed the old him. I missed what he was like when I was in hospital, the way he would banter with me and make me laugh about random things, things that were so funny I would choke on my water.

“You know you don’t have to do all this Xav right?” I asked as I gestured to the table, “I’ve lived as a rogue all my life so I don’t need fancy things to keep me happy, just a roof over my head and I’m set” I explained to him as I rocked back and forth. JJ was definitely asleep in my arms and the last thing I wanted to do was wake the little guy up.

Xavier just shrugged as he looked down at the food with a smile “I know I don’t have to, but I want to” he explained. “The fact that you’ve grown up as a rogue just makes me want to do stuff like this ten times more.”

I smiled up at him and that’s when I realised how close we had gotten to each other. Somehow, within the space of our conversation, we had moved closer and closer together and I was now standing directly in front of him, so close that I could reach out and touch him if I wanted to.

My breath hitched as I stared up into his chocolate brown eyes and as I continued to stare the world around me just seemed to evaporate, I suddenly couldn’t remember where I was or what I was supposed to be doing. Wasn’t there something I needed to do?

As I continued to gaze up I realised that Xavier’s eyes started to change colour, they were still the chocolate brown colour that I was starting to love but there was also a gold glimmer to them that wasn’t there earlier. I smiled coyly as I looked up at him and I instantly knew that my eyes were doing the same thing from the look he was giving me.


The mate bond was suddenly at the forefront of my mind and our wolves were so present that we didn’t have much say in what happened next, both him and myself more wolf than human right now. A low humming growl escaped Xavier lips, telling me he liked what he saw, but before I could reciprocate I felt something wiggle and whine in my arms and I looked down to find a now awake JJ wriggling and trying to get out of my grasp.

I sighed as I looked back up at Xavier and noticed that the gold swirl was gone from his eyes and he was now staring down at the baby with a frown. I knew exactly what was running through his head and I couldn’t help but laugh, this was now the second time he had butted in.

“Why don’t you go and get the cot down and then we can put this wriggle pot down for the night” I said as I continued to hold onto JJ, if I let him down now he’d probably start crawling all over the place and wake himself back up even further.

Xavier sighed again as he rubbed the back of his neck, “sure I’ll be two seconds, feel free to start without me” he said as he gestured to the now cool food on the table.

I shook my head as I readjusted JJ “I don’t mind waiting, just hurry up because I don’t know how much longer I can hold onto this little guy” I laughed.

I watched Xavier leave the room and once I was sure he was out of ear short I turn down to JJ and sighed as I kissed him on the forehead. “You really know how to ruin the mood don’t you little man”.

We were now sitting at the table in silence as we ate our cold omelettes, thankfully JJ went down pretty easy and it wasn’t long before he was passed out asleep with all of his soft toys and blankets surrounding him.

It seems like we had reverted back to our awkward silence state and I sighed as the quiet filled the room.

“So what was Jax doing here earlier?” I asked, hoping the question would lead to a conversation.

“Oh you know” he shrugged as he shovelled another mouth full of food in his mouth “pack stuff”.

I sighed as again silence fell and I put my fork down, hoping that if I seemed interested he would elaborate... he did not. “What kind of pack stuff?”

“Oh you know” he shrugged “... stuff”.

Why was he being so cryptic? Was the meeting some massive secret? I mean I know I wasn’t pack yet but Xavier has asked me to move in with him, surely that meant he was interested in me becoming pack and eventually the Beta female?

“What kind of stuff?” I repeated, asking more out of curious now than just asking to start a conversation.

Another one up! Sorry it’s taken me so long guys, for those who don’t follow me on Instagram I am currently on holiday in Thailand and then Vietnam next week so I need to find time and WiFi to write!

I’m starting the next chapter now though as we’re chilling by the pool today so hopefully won’t be to long before another one comes up 😊

I hope you enjoyed it!!

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