The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 18

Xaviers POV

After Jax had gone back to his it was just myself and Blaine again, I don’t know how she would feel about us looking after JJ but if she didn’t want to I could always just take him to a different part of the house. Jax and Anna have done so much for me over the years and I wanted to repay them in some way, even if it was just looking after their kid for the night.

“So I offered to take JJ for the night, I hope that’s okay with you?” I asked as we both sat back in the living room, watching some mindless TV program .

Blaine shrugged as she looked over at me “why wouldn’t I be okay with it?”

“I don’t know, I just wanted to make sure I guess” I shrugged, this living with another person thing was going to take some getting used to I thought as I linked both Anna and Jax that they could bring him over whenever they were ready.

“Are you sure you’re okay with looking after him Xavier? We don’t mind cancelling our reservations” Anna responded, sounding a little nervous about leaving him for the night. “Or I could always just ask mine or Jax’s parents if they wouldn’t mind?”

“Don’t worry about us Anna, just go and enjoy yourself” I reassured her, I don’t know why they were so nervous, that boy was a poster child.

“Okay we’ll be around in a minute then to drop him off” she said before she cut the link.

“They’ll be here in bit” I told Blaine as we focused back on the television. If Anna told me they would be two minutes they would more than likely be twenty, she wasn’t very good at time management.

Just as predicted, twenty five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Blaine went to pause the TV so that I could go and answer the door without missing anything.

“Hi guys, we have to run because we’re late for our reservations but here is everything that you’re going to need for him this evening” Anna said as she burst through the front door, looking more dressed up then I have seen her in a long time. “He’s had his evening feed so there’s no need to do that but I have packed some bits and pieces for him in case he does get hungry. There are plenty of nappies and clothes in there for when he needs changing, his blanket is in the back pocket of that bag, make sure you don’t loose it as he will not sleep without it. He usually falls asleep around-”

“I’ve got it Anna” I laughed as I interrupted her babbling, “you are aware that I have looked after him before right?”

“Yes I know that” she said with an eye roll “but this is the first time you or anyone will be taking him overnight and I just want to make sure that everything is in order before I leave you with him” she explained as she kissed the top of her baby’s head.

“We will be fine Anna” I promised as I took both the baby bag and JJ from her outstretched hands. “We’re all just going to have a quiet night in watching movies and sleeping. Now go and have a well deserved evening with your mate and we will be right here when you come and pick him up tomorrow” I reassured her as I looked down at JJ who had gotten himself comfy and snuggled into my arms.

I smiled down at him as Anna turned to leave but just as she was about to shut the door behind her she swung the door back open with wide eyes.

“A cot! How could I forget something as obvious as a cot!” She exclaimed as she looked around, as if expecting one to magically appear out of thin air right before her very eyes.

“Anna just relax okay? I’ve got a pop up one in the attic that I can bring down and set up in the living room, I think we’re all going to be sleeping down there tonight anyway seeing as Blaine still can’t do stairs very well” I explained as I tried to reassure her that her baby was fine here with us.

“Anna get going already before Jax starts honking the horn, he’ll be fine here with us and you can just link Xavier if you have any questions and we can do the same for you!” Blaine shouted from the living room and I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly.

“Okay, okay I’m going” she shouted back with her hands outstretched in surrender. “Like Blaine said if you need anything at all just link me” Anna said one last time. She kissed her son on the head before smiling at me and then ran to the car where Jax had been patiently waiting for her.

“I sure do love that girl but she doesn’t half know how to fuss” I laughed as I sat the both of us back down in the living room.

“She has a right to be nervous” Blaine shrugged as she looked over at me with a cheeky grin “I’d be worried if I was leaving my kid here with you all night as well” she laughed as she leant over and played with JJ’s feet. I just rolled my eyes at her before settling back into the sofa with a nearly asleep JJ in my lap.

“Are you going to press play or what?” I asked as I stroked JJ’s back, hoping that it’ll keep him calm and get him fully off to sleep.

“Sure” Blaine laughed before she turned back around and hit the play button. Unfortunately for us at that exact moment the TV show decided to play a fire alarm sound effect, effectively waking JJ up and causing him to scream the house down.

“Crap” I muttered at the exact same moment Baine muttered “and let the fun begin”.

You lot REALLY wanted Blaine and Xavier to babysit little JJ didn’t you 😂 It obviously wasn’t going to be smooth sailing for them though was it because where’s the fun in that?

Anyway I hope you like it! Now wish me luck because I am about to go to the doctors to get my jabs before I go on holiday in two weeks 😣😫

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