The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 17

Xavier pov

I stirred awake to the sound of a door slamming, who the hell could that be and why the hell were they making so much noise?

“Is this a bad time?” I suddenly heard a voice ask, obvious humour laced in the voice.

I looked up to see Jax standing in the doorway to my living room with his arms folded and a smirk on his face, what was he laughing at anyway? This wasn’t the first time he had caught me having a nap on my sofa. “What do you want Jax?” I grumbled, not in the best mood from being woken up before I was ready.

“I just came by to make sure that you two hadn’t ended up killing each other, but I can see that you two have more than worked things out” he laughed with his hands in the air in a surrender pose.

“What are you talking about” I continued to groan, the sleep that laced my voice still audible. I went to sit up, finding it weird to be lying down with someone else in the room but stalled in my movements when I felt an arm tighten around my waist, what the-.

“I have to say, I didn’t peg you as being the little spoon kind of guy but if it’s comfy I’m not judging” Jax laughed as he went off into the kitchen, most likely in search of food or a beer or something.

I sighed as I looked behind me and took in Blaine’s sleeping appearance. She looked different when she sleeps, without the constant presence of her slight frown she always carries in between her eyebrows she almost looks content, peaceful even. She had always looked beautiful before, with her out of control red hair and freckles that covered her complection, but without her fiery personality and her I can do anything I want attitude I felt like I was seeing a different side to her. A more personal side that was just as beautiful but more her, as if the person I had gotten to know over the last few weeks was just a facade, a way of pushing people away. Looking at her face now I was excited about getting to know the real her.

“Once you’ve finished creeping on your mate in there I have some news” Jax yelled from the kitchen and I cringed at the volume he spoke. I looked behind me again, in fear that his yelling had woken Blaine up but when I took in her sleeping state I relaxed slightly. It turns out Blaine was a heavy sleeper.

I moved her arm from around my stomach and slowly got up, not wanting to disturb her. She hadn’t gotten much sleep during her weeks stay at the hospital, she says it was because the smell of it all was keeping her up but I just think she doesn’t like hospitals.

I walked into the kitchen once I was sure Blaine was still sound asleep and found Jax with half a beer in his hand as he leant against the counter.

“So whats up?” I yawned as I took a seat on the dining room table, accepting the unopened beer he held out to me.

“Annabelle has been warned about another pack of rogues planning to attack us and try and kidnap her” Jax sighed as he ran his hand along the back of his neck, “the Goddess hasn’t said to much about them but I don’t think they’re to much of a threat. Apparently they have already attack a few of our neighbouring packs, it seems all they do is take a warrior or two from each pack and then retreat.”

I frowned in confusion at the information, why would they infiltrate a pack and risk their lives just to take a warrior? “So why are they not a threat of they still manage to trespass and capture pack members?” I asked.

“We’re a lot stronger than most of the other packs out there, since Annabelle has arrived we spend longer training and more members have been voluterally recruited than ever, everyone wants to be able to protect our Luna and the Goddess’ messenger” he shrugged, seeming unfazed with the threat. “I’ve called a pack meeting tomorrow to make sure everyone is aware of the threat and are ready for when they arrive” Jax continued as he took another sip of his beer.

I hadn’t noticed it before but he looked tired, more so than he usually did. I knew that he had been stressed lately, with the baby arriving and then us getting attacked left right and centre for their chance at getting to Annabelle he couldn’t of been getting much sleep.

“When was the last time you slept man?” I asked, worried for my friend, but he just shrugged me off as he drained the rest of his beer.

“I sleep enough” was all he said as he went to get a glass of water, having finished his beer and needing something to do.

I sighed as I looked him over, Jax was the most stubborn man I’d ever met and being an Alpha you kind of had to be, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t allowed a break every now and then.

“Why don’t you let me have JJ tonight? You could take Anna out on a fancy date and just spend time with her, when was the last time you were able to have a quiet meal just the two of you?” I asked.

Jax stayed silent as he looked off into the distance.

“Think of it as a thank you, for letting me have the week off to make sure Blaine was doing okay in the hospital”.

Jax smiled as he shook his head slightly “you are so whipped for her and you don’t even know it yet” he laughed.

“Oh I’m the one whos whipped? Lest we forget the time you met your mate? You were so love sick you couldn’t be away from her for ten minutes without freaking out about her” I laughed.

Jax just rolled his eyes as he chuckled along, not having a leg to stand on in his defence “yeah whatever” he laughed “just you wait”.

I was about to come up with another response when a voice from the doorway stopped me in my tracks “hey Jax”.

I looked over and saw Blaine leaning against the frame of the door, still looking half asleep and I scowled as I took her in. “What are you doing up? You shouldn’t be walking around yet” I scolded her as I walked over to her, wanting to be nearby just in case she lost her balance.

“Chill Xavier, I just came in for a glass of water” she laughed as she rolled her eyes at my overprotectiveness.

“Well why don’t you let me get it for you and you go back into the living room and sit back down” I said as I watched her roll her eyes again before making her way back into the living room.

“Yeah and I’m the one who’s whipped” Jax laughed as I went to get the glass of water she wanted.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed it :)

POLL: Should Blaine and Xavier look after JJ? Answer on my instagram :)

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