The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 16

Blaine’s POV

“They aren’t here” he replied as he leant forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his easy demeanor from earlier seemingly out the window.

“I kind of guessed that” I shrugged as I fidgeted with the end of my top, “That’s why I asked where they were”. Was he really not going to tell me anything about him?

“I just...” he started before sighing and ran his fingers through his hair “I don’t like talking about my family, it’s a sensitive subject for me, that’s all”.

I nodded my head in understanding “I get it, if anyone understands a complicated home life it’s me” I sympathised.

“I can imagine” he nodded “being made a rogue would put a serious strain on any relationship”.

I sighed, well it was now or never right? “I wasn’t actually made a rogue” I explained, not looking him in the eye for fear of what I was going to see.

He frowned as he looked over at me in confusion “did you willingly leave your pack or something? I mean it’s rare for a wolf to willingly leave the safety of a pack but I guess if anyone could survive the life of a rogue it would be you” he smiled.

“Thanks?” I laughed as I looked back up at him, not really knowing if it was meant to be a compliment but deciding to take it as one. “But no I didn’t willingly leave either, I was actually born a rogue. I lived with my parents, older brother and younger sister” I explained.

He started at me for a second, confused as to how to react to that. I could understand his confusion through, it was hard living the life of a rogue when it was just you to look after, let alone when you had to fend for yourself and a young family. I had heard of a few other rogues who had tried to start families but unfortunately it was very rare that the baby survived the lifestyle.

“But how...?”

“My Mum had a brother that used to help us out any way that he could, when he took over for her father and became Alpha of his pack he set up a bank account for us and put small amounts of money in there any time that he could. He obviously couldn’t lift his father’s ban and allow us back into the pack but he did what he could without getting found out” I shrugged.

“I... Blaine I’m...” he stuttered but couldn’t quite find the right words for what he wanted to say.

I shrugged, knowing what he was trying to get across “no apologies needed Xavier, I mean something must’ve happened in your life for you to hate my kind so much, I just hope that one day you’ll trust me enough to tell me” I smiled.

We were silent for a moment, the both of us taking in what the other had said. It was nice, having Xavier know a bit about my past and it was even nicer getting some form of apology from him.

“So... where are they now?” He suddenly asked, breaking the silence between us.

I looked up to see him looking at me, a mixture of sadness and sympathy on his face and I sighed as the memory of my family was brought up. “I honestly don’t know, my siblings just disappeared one day, my parents decided to go and find where they were but they never came back. I waited for a few months for them to return but after a while I kind of had to face the fact that they weren’t coming back, I had to face the fact that I was now alone” I shrugged.

I hated bringing up the memory of my family, even though we didn’t have the safest or most secure childhood out there it was still my childhood and they were still my family and I was still going to miss them, deeply.

“They died” Xavier suddenly said as he looked down at his intertwined hands, “my family I mean, they were killed in a rogue attack a few years ago” he sighed.

“I-I’m sorry”, I stuttered as I stared at him in shock “no one should have to go through something like that”.

He shrugged but otherwise didn’t respond.

“You make a whole lot more sense now though” I chuckled quietly “why you hated me so much when we first met and why you couldn’t get over the fact that I was a rogue, I’d hate me to if that had happened to me”.

Xavier smiled at me in gratitude with a slight nod “don’t take it to personally, I wasn’t a fan of Anna when she first stumbled onto our territory either, in fact if it wasn’t for Jax I’m not sure what would’ve happened” he sighed as he shook his head. “Jax was so mad at me for yelling at her when we found her I thought he was going to kill me” he laughed.

I frowned as I took in the new information “Anna isn’t from this pack?”

“No” he shook his head as he leant back in his seat, obviously feeling easier since the change in subject. “She’s from a few towns over actually, she hasn’t had the best life... but I think I should let her tell you all about that when she’s ready, it’s not my story to tell”.

I just nodded my head in understanding as we fell once again into a comfortable silence. We sat like this for a while, both of us just sitting on his sofa and enjoying each others company. After the conversation we’d just had I somehow felt more close to him than ever, as if opening ourselves up to the other allowed us to be more comfortable with the others presence.

I smiled as I rested my head on the back of the sofa, perfectly content in the moment, and before I knew it we were both slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hey everyone, sorry it’s been a while since I last updated but my new little puppy is taking up a lot of my free time at the moment (if you’ve had a puppy in the past you’ll know!) I’m still updating as often as I can though :)

Anyway what did you think? I enjoyed writing this chapter, letting Blaine and Xavier get to know each other better :)

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