The Beta and his Mate

Chapter 15

Blaine’s PoV

It had been a week since I had been admitted into hospital and thankfully I had managed to make a near full recovery pretty quickly. Dr Tessler had decided to do a thorough examination of my thigh wound after my fever had broken and I was feeling a little better and found a small grain of dirt that had been imbedded under my skin, causing the infection. After that had been removed I started to make a pretty rapid recovery, just in time to because I don’t think I could deal with another day of hospital food. Anna was right, that stuff was awful.

When I had been released I was ushered into a wheelchair by one of the nurses so that Xavier could push me out of the hospital and back to my room. True to his word he has been very caring to my needs and had barely left my side.

When I was released I had expected to be heading straight back to my old room in the pack house but when we started going in the complete opposite direction I had to question where I we were going.

“Umm... Xavier the pack house is that way” I said as I pointed to somewhere behind me.

I heard him chuckle behind me as he carried on pushing me across the well worn path that lead to where the individual houses were situated “Do you really think I would let you stay all the way over there when you’re still in no fit state to look after yourself?”

“I umm... okay so am I staying in Anna and Jax’s house then?” I questioned, after all we were heading in that direction.

Xavier was quiet for a second, so quiet I had to question whether or not he had actually heard me, eventually though he answered me.

“No, you’ll actually be staying with me in my house” he stated, saying it more as a statement than a request.

My initial reaction was to object, I mean did he really think that after everything he had said to me that I would just role over and let him dictate where I would be staying? But just when I was about to make my thoughts clear to him I thought it over. He had done everything he possibly could to make sure that I was happy and comfortable this past week, making sure nobody over crowded me or overstayed their welcome, the least I could do was try a little bit to make things better between us.

“Okay” I shrugged, looking in the distance at where we were going, hoping to catch a glimpse of Xaviers house.

“Wait really? You aren’t going to fight me on this?” He asked, bewildered at my response.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction “yes really, you’ve done a lot for me over the past week, making sure that I had everything I needed. I would just be a hypocrite if I just threw all of that back in your face and acted like a complete ass to you in return” I explained.

“Well that’s very... big of you” he replied and I couldn’t help but smile, was it just me or had we made some progress just there.

I relaxed into my wheelchair for the rest of the journey and it wasn’t long before we were passing the house I knew Anna and Jax lived in. “Is it common for all packs to have their Alpha and Beta houses living so close together?” I asked, wanting to fill the silence. It wasn’t that it was awkward or anything but I always felt comfortable when someone was talking, whether it was me or somebody else.

“Fairly yeah” he said as he pushed me past their house “This is me”.

We had stopped in front of a modest looking house, a little smaller than the Alphas, but nonetheless impressive. I was never really into the picket white fence look, but looking at Xaviers house I could definitely say that I could get used to it, “it’s nice” I nodded.

“I’m glad you like it” he said in a matter of fact voice, but I could tell that underneath all of that he was happy that I liked it.

He pushed me up the brick walkway and through the front door, which was thankfully all on one level. My head was all over the place at the moment with my current situation and I don’t think it could deal with Xavier touching me and picking me up to get me into his house.

The layout was very similar to Anna and Jax’s, with a short corridor leading to the living room on the left and the kitchen/diner on the right. The only difference was where the Alphas house ended in the living room the Beta house had a conservatory that extended from the living room, making the whole place seem more open and light. I wonder if Anna had ever thought of doing the same to her house, it obviously worked and gave them another living space to use.

“So this is it” he muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck, obviously feeling a little apprehensive about the whole situation with me and him under the same roof, alone, in his house. “Unfortunately all of the bedrooms are upstairs but if you feel like you can’t manage the stairs then one of the sofas is a pull out and I’m more than happy to set it up for you” he explained.

I smiled at how awkward he was being before shaking my head at his kind offer “I’m sure I can manage, thank you though”.

“Okay well I’m going to make us some chicken soup, I’m fed up of that hospital food and it’s light enough on your stomach that you shouldn’t feel too sick after” he said as he gestured towards the kitchen.

“You know how to make chicken soup?” I asked with raised eyebrows, a little surprised. He doesn’t strike me as the cook type.

“Well... Anna may have made it in bulk and sent me home with a bunch of it to freeze in case of emergencies” he muttered, a sheepish look clear on his face.

I chuckled, that sounded more likely. “Well if it was made by Anna then I’ll definitely have some please” I smiled.

He just smiled back with a nod before disappearing into the kitchen to heat up some soup. As he was in the kitchen I decided to explore the place where I would be living for the foreseeable future.

I wheeled my way into the living room and got myself comfy of the sofa after I had given myself a quick tour of the place. It was weird, on the one hand this whole place was like a shrine, with photos and knick knacks scattered all over the place of him with whom I’m guessing are his family. On the other hand it was like this place was empty, there was very little of Xavier in the house and I had to wonder how long he had actually lived here for because it definity wasn’t clear.

“Here we go, homemade chicken soup” he announced as he entered the room with two bowls of steaming soup with sliced up bread resting on the side, ready to be dunked in.

I smiled as I reached up to relieve him of one of his bowls “thanks”.

We ate in silence for a bit, both of us too engrossed in the food to carry on a decent conversation.

Xavier had finished first and quickly set his bowl aside onto the nearby side table but didn’t make a move to get up, content with just sitting here and enjoying each others company.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked in between sips of soup from my spoon.

“Shoot” he said, an easy smile on his face.

“Who actually lives here? I mean I know you do, but who else?”

He frowned at me slightly, confused at my question. “No one, just me... why?”

“Oh, well I was just wondering because there’s all these family photos around and I was just curious as to where they all were thats all” I shrugged.

Xaviers easy demeanor rapidly shifted and his shoulders set in a ridged position with his fists clenched and his jaw set. Wherever they were, and what ever happened to them, it definitely wasn’t good.

Phew! It has taken me over three hours to write this and my eyes are shattered 😂 Do any of you guys ever get that where you’ve been on the screens all days and they start to get all grainy and blurry? Thats me right now!

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